What is the EXACT date we can open our presents?

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What is the EXACT date we can open our presents?

Post by Malavekafaerie »

Please tell me, I really, really, really, really want to know. Also, if we miss it can we open our presents later?
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Re: What is the EXACT date we can open our presents?

Post by KooshyKoKo »

Some of us thought it would be today(or yesterday now), based on the info box on the front page, which gives the launch date as a few hours over 2 years ago.

And if you miss it, the presents stay in the system until Tristan deletes them.
Which should be just before the next gifting event, so you'll probably have until December to open your presents.

As for when, it should be soon.
Sorry I don't know exactly, but the only one to know for sure would be Tristan, maybe another admin would know though.
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