The Vita Sanctuary (reopened)

This forum is for art threads giving out adoptables

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MagiStream Donor
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The Vita Sanctuary (reopened)

Post by StarShaper »

~The Vita Sanctuary~

  • News
November 25, 2011 - Many new changes have come to the Vita Sanctuary since I came back from my hiatus! First of all, there is a new accessory in the store! The first one yet! It is a feather earring, and comes in all colors. Second of all, the Enfermen breed is retiring. Everyone is sad to see it go, but new breeds are also coming soon! The healing potions have also been taken away, since the Enfermen was the main purpose the healing potions were there. Breeding slots have been opened for a bit, and there's a new event to celebrate 100 Vitas! And there is still more to come!

August 9, 2011 - Heheh. I just opened 4 re-color spots and 2 custom lineart spots in the customs, but I didn't really announce it in a separate post. More like, edited a more recent post. Let's see who get's the notice first. I also updated the Oracle sections, and now Family Trees are available, yay! Since school is coming up, I'm going to open custom spots more frequently and do new batches less. All I want are my happy customers!

July 21, 2011 - A new batch has been posted, consisting of 13 little Vita kits. 10 of them are the new breed, Canvas. 2 of them are Sanars. One of them is the special #50! I have also created a new event to celebrate over 50 Vitas made. Once all of the Vitas in the new batch have been adopted, I will use and it will pick a random number between 2 and 60. Whoever owns the number Vita that rnadomlorg picks, will get a custom lineart.
  • About "Vitas"
"Vita" means "Life" in Latin, and the name explains most of it. Vitas are life-like adoptables. Wondering how they act like real cats? Well, first of all, they can get sick, but it's pretty rare. Especially the Enfermen breed, which comes into your house sick. But don't worry, the sickness isn't contagious!

If your Vita becomes sick, then you can buy some
medicine. Medicine can be bought from the store, and their are three types. 'Simple Medicine' which cures Vitas who have just become sick, 'Complicated Medicine' which cures Vitas who have been forgotten by their owners and have been sick for over a week, and 'Special Medicine' which cures Vitas who have been sick longer than a week. If you have a Sanar your Vita is automatically healed. If you don't have a Sanar, you can also heal your Vita by asking the oracle, Sherri.

Vitas come in all sorts of unique shapes, sizes and colors, so if you see one that looks mysterious or interesting, grab it fast! You never know, it might have something special to do with it.

  • Index

1. Introduction
2. Sanctuary/Adoption
3. Breeding
4. Store/Pharmacy
5. The Oracle
6. Customs
7. Events
8. Owners & Their Vitas
9. FAQ
10. Banners & Other Stuff

Last edited by StarShaper on July 15th, 2012, 10:20:10 am, edited 46 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
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Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
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The Vita Sanctuary - Adoption

Post by StarShaper »

  • Sanctuary
Here is where we keep all of the Vitas that have not been adopted yet. If there are any in the Sanctuary, be sure to grab it fast!
  • Rules
1. You may only adopt up to 2 Vitas at a time. Don't be too selfish.
2. You may not edit your post, or you will be ignored. I was stupid and forgot to add a space for the name and owner, so you many change the name of a Vita at any time and gift the Vita to other people if you would like too.
3. Please don't use this art on other sites.
4. Payment is sent first, then I upload the adults.
5. I will make more rules if I must.
  • Vita Information
Common- 200g
Longhaired Enfermen RETIRED
Shorthaired Enfermen RETIRED
'Enferma' means 'sick' in Spanish, add an 'en' at the end, and you get a sick Vita! When you first buy these poor little creatures, you have to buy a Complicated Medicine (unless you have a Sanar) and the Enfermen will be healed for eternity but they will keep the same form/shape/colors (they always will, unless you get a Mystery Medicine).

Uncommon- 500g
1. Longhaired Canvas
Shorthaired Canvas
These odd Vitas start out white with blue eyes, and their paws and tail drip a transparent blue substance. As they grow, their white pelt starts to change colors, darkening or lightening. When they are fully an adult, Canvases have their full color. Their tail also seems to drip paint the color of their pelt. When a Canvas Vita swipes their tail across a blank canvas or piece of paper, they can create beautiful artwork.

Rare- 1k
1. Longhaired Sanar
Shorthaired Sanar
'Sanar' means 'heal' in Spanish. Sanars never get sick, and have the ability to heal sick Vitas. They are rare to find, but worth the wait and the money.

2. Longhaired Lyria
Shorthaired Lyria
There is nothing more beautiful than watching a Lyria soar across the sky. These feline divas are the star of the show, with their colorful wings and flashy pelts. Lyrias love to show off, and love nothing more then attention. They are not often found, but it's worth the wait in gold when you do finally receive these graceful winged felines.

Lyria kits are born with their wings' feathers soft and white, then as they grow the baby feathers fall off and their feathers' true color begin to grow in. A Lyria's wings are always the color of their eyes.

Special - Only obtained through events/potions/items
1. Longhaired Curavite RETIRED
Shorthaired Curavite RETIRED
This breed is created from the Mystery Medicine. Not much is known about this species, except that it never becomes sick. 'Curavita' means 'healed' in Latin, and these Vitas always seem to have cheerful personalities, because they have been healed from their sickness forever. They also make great helpers for the Sanars because Cutavites can not catch the contagious sicknesses of the Enfermen.

2. Piscium
If you're looking for some fun in the water, it would be great to have this Vita around! Their hind legs are replaced by huge tail and their favorite food are Smacking Salmons. This breed isn't easy to find, especially because there is no known hatchling stage of it. To get a Piscium of your own, you need to buy a Smacking Salmon from the store, but they are often out of stock since owners are constantly feeding their Pisciums salmons.

  • Adoption Center

None right now, sorry!

  • Form

Code: Select all

[center][b]I Want a Vita~![/b]
[b]Number of Vita:[/b]
[b]Name of Vita:[/b]
Last edited by StarShaper on July 13th, 2012, 5:20:35 pm, edited 43 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
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The Vita Sanctuary - Breeding

Post by StarShaper »

  • Breeding

You can breed your Vitas by using a "Love Potion". The maximum amount of kits possible are 4. Love Potions can only be obtained through events, or if you want to breed with one of my Vitas. But please be aware, Vita #1 cannot breed. And don't worry, only one person has to have a Love Potion to breed Vitas.

The amount of kits will be determined by and then I will post the amount of kits on this thread. Aside from events and other things, the kits' design will be determined by me.

The only rule is, that both owners of the breeders MUST agree ON this thread. I like to see proof, sorry. And the owner of the Love Potion is the only one allowed to post the breeding form, so I don't get confused.

  • Form

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Want To Breed Some Vitas!~[/b]
[b]Mother's Number, Name and Owner:[/b]
[b]Father's Number, Name and Owner:[/b][/center]
Once I post the kits, please use this form to name them:

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Am Naming Some Vita Kits!~[/b]
[b]Number of Vita Kit:[/b]
[b]Name of Vita:[/b]
[b]Future Owner of Vita:[/b][/center]
Last edited by StarShaper on July 14th, 2012, 2:35:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 5837
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
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The Vita Sanctuary - Store

Post by StarShaper »

  • The Store/Pharmacy

Here, you can buy medicine for your sick Vitas, or check to see if anything else is in stock. Not a lot of items will be posted, as of Vita bases cannot hold much except the adoptable, their number and the Vita sign.

only obtained through events
Love Potion- A special potion with a magical heart inside it. When the sparkling liquid encasing the heart is drunk, the heart bursts and the Vitas fall in love. Don't worry, it's not by force, the potion awakens feelings hidden deep inside their heart.

not selling anymore
Simple Medicine- This medicine is simple, and heals Vitas who have just become sick. This medicine smells and tastes like grape, yet if you drink it when you are not sick, it will have no effect on you.

not selling anymore
Complicated Medicine- This medicine works on Vitas who have been forgotten by their owners and been sick for over a week. This medicine smells and tastes like blueberries, yet if you drink it when you are not sick, it will have no effect on you.

not selling anymore
Special Medicine- This medicine is special and rare, it glows with power. It only heals Vitas who have been sick for over a week. It tastes like fruit punch, but when you smell it you can faintly smell watermelons and apples. If you drink it when you are not sick, it will have no effect on you.

Image (normal version)
Image (smile version)
out of stock
Solara's Special Salmon Smackers- This could be a tasty snack for your Vitas, or something that they use to smack people with! These are special salmons that are frozen for your convenience and great for smacking people with! Or you could just wait for the salmon to thaw and nibble on it. Please be aware, this salmons will NOT be update onto your Vita, they will just appear in your storage. But they're cute and might have something special to do with them later! You may have a Salmon Smacker in any color preferred.
But they're cute and might have something special to do with them later!
To get a Piscium, you must buy one of these and a Piscium will swim up to you in any colors of your choosing. But sadly, these Salmons are often out of stock since owners need to feed their darling Pisciums.

only obtained through events
Mystery Medicine- This medicine tastes like sweet lemon candy, and sparkles with power. It can cures Vitas of their sickness forever. Only works on Enfermens.

Image Image
Feather Earring- These accessories are fun, flirty and fashionable! They come in all colors, so they can match your Vita's pelt. Order one with your adoption form, and your Vita will grow up with a feather earring the colors of your choice.

  • Form

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Am Buying Something!~[/b]
[b]Use Right Now or Save?[/b][/center]
Last edited by StarShaper on November 25th, 2011, 6:41:17 am, edited 9 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
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The Vita Sanctuary - Oracle

Post by StarShaper »

  • The Oracle


This is the oracle, Sherri. She has been in the Sanctuary for as long as anyone can remember. She is always in a trace-like state, and sometimes babbles something incoherent. Upon her forehead is a headband made of gold, with a light blue gem attached to it. This gem is constantly glowing while Sherri is meditating or in one of her trances.

There are 2 ways she can help you:

1. Healing
2. Family Trees

Please be aware that you can only ask of Sherri once a week per person, unless it is Family Trees. Then Sherri can make two Family Trees per person every week.

  • Healing

If you do not have a Sanar, Sherri can heal your sick Vita for the price of 300g. Her glowing orb and gem on her headband have the strongest healing powers known to man-kind. You can only ask Sherri to heal your Vita once a week.

  • Family Trees

If you come to Sherri with an offering of 1.5k, she will make a Family Tree with her magical powers. Do not be fooled, this is an ACTUAL tree with the faces of all of the members of the family hanging on the branches like leaves. It will be updated when new members of the family are born. You may only ask Sherri for a Family Tree two times a week.

Past Family Trees
Last edited by StarShaper on August 9th, 2011, 7:58:03 am, edited 6 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
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The Vita Sanctuary - Customs

Post by StarShaper »

  • Customs

Customs are fun, aren't they? You can get re-colors, or a whole new lineart, unique to your custom! To get a re-color, you'll have to pay a simple 3k. For a custom lineart, a whopping 8k! You see, since my tablet is broken, I have to draw all of the linearts on paper, scan it, then re-trace the whole thing and re-size. IT IS A LOT OF WORK. So I'd really rather get my gold's worth of it. But the result is always worth the wait!

NEW RULE: Only one custom per opening! Which means you can get 1 custom every time I open the slots! No more slot-hoggers!


Re-Color Slots:
1. Feathersun - Sugar : Finished
2. Littlemagi108 - Princess : Finished
3. Desertstar - Julliet : Finished
4. dogdog414 - Spyder : Finished

Custom Lineart Slots
1. jolley852 - Kuro : Finished
2. Firebird - Minx : Working On
3. Amkorra - Ombrage : Finished

  • Forms

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Want A Re-Color!~[/b]
[b]Name of Vita:[/b]
[b]Breed of Vita Wanted:[/b]

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Want A Custom Lineart!~[/b]
[b]Name of Vita:[/b]
[b]Special Breed Preferred?[/b]
Last edited by StarShaper on August 15th, 2011, 12:55:06 pm, edited 30 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 5837
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
Gender: Female

The Vita Sanctuary - Events

Post by StarShaper »

  • Events

Here, events are hosted and created. The prizes of an event might be a Vita, or a Love Potion. Maybe even a couple Medicines. But either way, Events are always fun, right?

  • Current Events

None right now, sorry!

  • Old Events
Vita #100 Event
StarShaper wrote:Desertstar has won with number 3301!
100 Vitas already! I'm so happy you guys have liked my Vitas enough to actually allow me to make 100! I remember my first attempt at an adoptable shop, it didn't take off as well, and I ended up having to close it.

To celebrate Vita #100, we're having a raffle! Whoever wins the raffle gets to take home Vita #100! The raffle ends December 2nd, 12:00 AM EST. Which means it technically ends on December 1st, but you can continue to keep buying raffle tickets until December 2nd, when the winning ticket will be drawn. Each ticket costs 10g, and there are an unlimited amount, so buy all you want! The way I'll pick the winner is by using

Let's introduce you to Vita #100!
This handsome boy has come to us from a long ways away, has his own special Sanar-like orb, and wants YOU to take him home! Let the raffle ticket buying begin!

Raffle Tickets Bought
0-300 - jolley852
301-801 - Firebird
802-1302 - Zackeline
1303-2303 - Desertstar
2304-2804 - jolley852
2805-3305 - Firebird
3306-4256 - Desertstar

Salmon Smacker Search Event
Autumn is coming, and the salmons are migrating north, toward the Sanctuary, and with them, something else...? Your job is to find the 10 Smacking Salmons hidden THROUGHOUT this thread. Yep, that's it! Simple, yet hard to complete. It's like saying, "Go to the mall" but you have to get into a car, and drive through the traffic to get there.

  • 1 Salmon per person
  • The same Salmon may not be found twice
  • Anyone (which means people without Vitas) may try and find a Salmon too
  • Other than those, have fun! (and don't make me make more rules)
Use this form when you have found a hidden Salmon Smacker.

Code: Select all

[center][b]~I Found A Salmon Smacker!!!~[/b]
(image of Salmon here)
[b]Number of Salmon:[/b]
[b]Page Number You Found It On:[/b][/center]
HINT: Salmons are hidden between pages 1-50

StarShaper wrote: 1. Firebird
2. Desertstar
3. SnowehX3
4. jolley852
5. Feathersun
6. dogdog414
7. dragonegg123
8. Zackeline
9. Littlemagi108
10. Amkorra
Canvas Color Event
I thought this event might be kind of fun, creative and original.

So, you know how in the Canvas' descriptions it says that they like to paint with their tails, which drip with paint the color of their markings and fur? Well, the goal of this event to take any Canvases you have and their colors and pretend that you're a Canvas cat, and paint a picture with their colors. You can use Gimp, MS Paint, Adobe or Paint Tool Sai for this event. I'm only judging on how the colors mix in mingle together. This is just a fun little activity, so you're not required to join. It's also a pre-event Event (lol) because I'm planning a really BIG event for when I get back!

1st place - 1 Love Potion and 2 Mystery Medicines - Feathersun and Dogdog!
2nd place - 1 Love Potion and 1 Mystery Medicine - Desertstar and Zackeline!
3rd place - 1 Mystery Medicine - jolley and Firebird!

The event ends whenever I say it ends/when I get the next event started. And I'm going to let a special surprise. Whoever wins the re-color, can ask for a regular re-color, OR they can have a kit colored the way the winner wants it to be colored.

Entries #50 Drawing Event
I have made over 50 Vitas! Wow! To celebrate this, I will be holding a drawing. Once all of the Vitas in the new batch have been adopted, I will go to and it will pick a number between 2-60. The number that is picked will have a slot in the Custom Linearts when I open them up. Which means there will be 3 re-colors and 3 custom linearts, but one spot will be reserved for the winner. So go adopt those Vitas!


Mix & Match Event
To help you guys settle into the fact that Vitas can breed, I really want to do this event! To participate in this event, all you have to do is have at least one Vita. You will then mix and match some of the Vitas to create "perfect movie" pairs (don't forget, you HAVE to ask the other person if you can use their Vita or not!) and then write a short story about them! X3 I don't care how long the story is, but please don't write a novel, though I do enjoy reading. Whoever has the most dramatic/romantic/sweet/funny/etc story wins!

1ST PLACE 1 Love Potion, 1 Mystery Medicine and 1 re-color HoukaRyuu
2ND PLACE 1 Love Potion and 1 Mystery Medicine Firebird
3RD PLACE 1 Mystery Medicine Feathersun

Special Place - 5 Simple Medicines WolfSpeaker

You can enter up to 3 entries, and it will end on the 19th, Father's Day.
The ending date is now the 25th, with the results being posted on the 26th or the 26th.

Firebird - Hanna x Yakumo : Hanna's Dream Hanna x Yakumo : Hanna's Poem Hanna x Oriel : A Dream Comes True
Desertstar - Lilly x Yakumo : A Season's Fading Sun
HoukaRyuu - Sherri x Hotaru : Not Meant To Be Hikari x Hotaru : Forever Yours
Feathersun - Svet x Sherri : Svet's Heartbreak
WolfSpeaker - Korian x Yakumo : Where the Sun Meets the Earth
Amkorra - Selene x Helios : A Sunrise Love

Opening Event
Because this is the opening, all Vitas will be Sanars! And guess what, all of them are 50% off! Which means you get a Rare Vita for the price of an Uncommon, 500g! There are only 8 available, so you better run and get them fast! And if you get a male and a female pair, you get a free Love Potion! Better hurry fast!

EDIT: Anyone who bought a Vita in the first batch gets a free Love Potion!
Last edited by StarShaper on December 2nd, 2011, 6:37:14 am, edited 41 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 5837
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
Gender: Female

The Vita Sanctuary - Owners

Post by StarShaper »

  • Owners and Their Vitas

These Vitas have found happy homes with their owners.

StarShaper (owner and founder)
Name: Sherri
Gender: Female
Sherri is a sweet, kind and caring Vita, who has magical powers. She was the first Vita in the Sanctuary, the one who discovered it and founded it. Sherri is the Oracle, so she has the ability to heal and comfort other Vitas with a single touch of her paw. But since she is the Oracle, Sherri is forbidden to fall in love.
Name: Nicojiro
Gender: Male
Nicojiro is kind, brave, daring and handsome. He care a lot about his little sister, Karikami, since she is the only family he has ever had. Although they have been becoming farther apart ever since Karikami developed a strange symbol on her left cheek and is always wrapped in a thin veil of mist. Nicojiro's father was killed a few months after he was born, and his mother was attacked by a fox. Ever since then, Nicojiro and Karikami have lived in the forest, before finding the Sanctuary. They are still quite new to it, and often keep to themselves. Nicojiro is often called Nico for short.
Name: Karikami
Gender: Female
Karikami is quick, daring and sassy. She secretly loves her brother, Nicojiro, very much, but would never admit it. Their father was killed before Karikami was born, and their mother was killed one year after Karikami was born. Karikami is quick to attack, yet dependent on her brother. Although ever since she discovered a strange marking on her left cheek, Karikami feels stronger and more powerful, and doesn't depend on Nicojiro as much. She always seems to be wrapped in mist, and is still discovering her new-found powers. Karikami is called Kari for short.
Name: Nicoya
Gender: Male
Parents: Kya (#9, female, owned by Feathersun) & Nicojiro (#37, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Malachi
Gender: Male
Parents: Forrest (#23, female, owned by Desertstar) & Nicoya (#41, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Kaiyana
Gender: Female

Name: Kyoru "God of Thunder"
Gender: Male

Image Image Image Image
Feathersun (first member and fanclub owner)
Name: Twilita
Gender: Female
StarShaper wrote:Vita #2- This Vita was made with you in mind, Feathersun! I can't really define what I was thinking, but I knew that you wanted to get the first Vita, and guess what! You did! xD Anyway, Twilita's base is mostly light purple, with some pink designs.
Name: Svet
Gender: Male

Name: Kya
Gender: Female

Name: Wolfie
Gender: Female

Name: Violeta
Gender: Female

Name: Iceland Cream
Gender: Male
Country: Iceland

Name: Jinyansha
Gender: Female
Parents: Kya (#9, female, owned by Feathersun) & Nicojiro (#37, male, owned by StarShaper)
Jinyansha (Jiny for short) is kind, but she also has a daring and somewhat dark streak through her. She does things that no one else might. Sometimes she is seen jumping from tree branch to tree branch, several feet off the ground. Or balancing on a log that is winding down a river. She has a special bond with her Aunt Karikami, they seem to share a knowledge for something greater and share much of there time together. Although, not all time she spends with Kari is for pleasure. She often trains in battle with her Aunt, or they will meditate together for a while, just listening to the sounds of the world around them. Jiny doesn't spend as much time with her other family as her parents would like her to though, her mother Kya often worries what Kari does with her daughter and always try's to keep a close eye on them.
Name: Kijro
Gender: Male
Parents: Kya (#9, female, owned by Feathersun) & Nicojiro (#37, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Aaron
Gender: Male

Name: Maple Leaf
Gender: Male

Name: Tulip
Gender: Female

Name: Lilac
Gender: Female
Parents: Violeta (#19, female, owned by Feathersun) & Lukas (#44, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Percilla
Gender: Female
Parents: Violeta (#19, female, owned by Feathersun) & Lukas (#44, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Sugar
Gender: Female

Name: Nutmeg
Gender: Female
Parents: Sugar (#74, female, owned by Feathersun) & Ginger (#79, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Rosemary
Gender: Female
Parents: Sugar (#74, female, owned by Feathersun) & Ginger (#79, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Azul
Gender: Male

Gender: Male

Image Imagex2 Image Image
Name: Sunky
Gender: Female

Name: Tangly
Gender: Male

Name: Seria
Gender: Female
Parents: Sunky (#5, female, owned by Sunssstar) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Coco Splash
Gender: Male
Parents: Sunky (#5, female, owned by Sunssstar) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Sventola
Gender: Female
StarShaper wrote:Vita #7- Oh, even though Sventola has a simple design, I think she's one of my favorites. She was based off of my kitten, Onyx (who we call Onie for short), who likes to lay down on the cat pillow underneath the light in the office. While I was creating the Vitas, I looked over and it almost looked like Onie had streaks of orange above her eyes, where her fur was the thinnest and the light was reflecting. Although Sventola is a very simple design, always know she's special to me.
Name: Helios
Gender: Male

Name: Selene
Gender: Female

Name: Dione
Gender: Female

Name: Oriel
Gender: Male
Country: Denmark

Name: Ophira
Gender: Female
Parents: Dione (#15, female, owned by Amkorra) & Oliver (#31, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Sunrise
Gender: Male

Name: Undine
Gender: Female

Name: Jeanny
Gender: Female
Parents: Ophira (female, #45, owned by Amkorra) & S'mores (male, #65, owned by Desertstar)

Name: Ombrage
Gender: Male

Gender: Male

Name: Eloa
Gender: Female

Image Image
Name: Hotaru
Gender: Male

Name: Aozora
Gender: Male

Name: Hikari
Gender: Female

Name: Yakumo
Gender: Male

Image x2 Image ONE RE-COLOR
Name: Dexter
Gender: Male

Name: Hanna
Gender: Female

Name: Oliver
Gender: Male
Country: Sweden

Name: Ski
Gender: Male
Country: Norway

Name: Felix
Gender: Male
Parents: Dione (#15, female, owned by Amkorra) & Oliver (#31, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Lukas
Gender: Male
Parents: Dione (#15, female, owned by Amkorra) & Oliver (#31, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Gatien
Gender: Male
Parents: Violeta (#15, female, owned by Feathersun) & Lukas (#44, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Maxwell
Gender: Male
Parents: Violeta (#15, female, owned by Feathersun) & Lukas (#44, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Cynthia
Gender: Female
Parents: Hanna (#11, female, owned by Firebird) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Nyx
Gender: Male
Parents: Hanna (#11, female, owned by Firebird) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Summer
Gender: Female
Parents: Hanna (#11, female, owned by Firebird) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Name: Rissa
Gemder: Female

Name: Trinity
Gender: Female

Name: Dylan
Gender: Male

Name: Angel
Gender: Female

Image Image Image Image Image Image
Name: Purr-ple
Gender: Male

Name: Monaco-ville
Gender: Female
Country: Monaco

Name: Berlin
Gender: Male
Country: Prussia

Name: Ankara
Gender: Male
Country: Turkey

Name: Curly
Gender: Female

Name: Harmony
Gender: Male

Name: Monica
Gender: Female

Name: Princess
Gender: Female

Name: Lark
Gender: Female
Parents: Princess (#75, female, owned by Littlemagi108) & Ankara (#36, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Ginger
Gender: Male
Parents: Princess (#75, female, owned by Littlemagi108) & Ankara (#36, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Juna
Gender: Female
Parents: Princess (#75, female, owned by Littlemagi108) & Ankara (#36, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Cream
Gender: Male
Parents: Sugar (#74, female, owned by Feathersun) & Ginger (#79, male, owned by Littlemagi108)

Name: Jalia
Gender: Male

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Name: Kali
Gender: Female

Name: Drizen
Gender: Male

Image ImageImage
Name: Calypso
Gender: Female

Name: Korian
Gender: Male

Name: Hungary
Gender: Female
Country: Hungary

Name: Austin
Gender: Male
Parents: Hanna (#11, female, owned by Firebird) & Maxwell (#64, male, owned by Firebird)

Image ImageImage Image x5
Name: Forrest
Gender: Female

Name: Lilly
Gender: Female

Name: S'mores
Gender: Male
Parents: Forrest (#23, female, owned by Desertstar) & Nicoya (#41, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Marshi
Gender: Male
Parents: Ophira (female, #45, owned by Amkorra) & S'mores (male, #65, owned by Desertstar)

Name: Melly
Gender: Female
Parents: Ophira (female, #45, owned by Amkorra) & S'mores (male, #65, owned by Desertstar)

Name: Juillet
Gender: Female

Name: Indigo
Gender: Female

Name: Enpe
Gender: Male

Name: Midnight
Gender: Male

Name: Twilight
Gender: Female
Parents: Julliet (female, #76, owned by Desertstar) & Midnight (male, #102, owned by Desertstar)

Name: Keskiyo
Gender: Male
Parents: Julliet (female, #76, owned by Desertstar) & Midnight (male, #102, owned by Desertstar)

Name: Julight
Gender: Female
Parents: Julliet (female, #76, owned by Desertstar) & Midnight (male, #102, owned by Desertstar)

Image Image Image x4 Image Image Image Image
Name: Smog
Gender: Male
Country: Finland

Name: Shiki
Gender: Male
Country: Spain

Name: Max
Gender: Male
Country: Greece

Name: Viridi
Gender: Male

Name: Katrina
Gender: Female

Name: Ambrow
Gender: Male

Name: Gatto
Gender: Male

Imagex2 ImageImage x2 Image
Name: Kyajiro
Gender: Female
Parents: Kya (#9, female, owned by Feathersun) & Nicojiro (#37, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Koru
Gender: Male

Gender: Male

Image Image
Name: Pearl
Gender: Female

Name: Pangur Ban
Gender: Male

Name: Fever Crumb
Gender: Female
Parents: Pearl (female, #49, owned by pearlevil) & Pangur Ban (male, #101, owned by pearlevil)

Name: Fern
Gender: Female
Parents: Pearl (female, #49, owned by pearlevil) & Pangur Ban (male, #101, owned by pearlevil)

Name: Chocrates
Gender: Male
Parents: Pearl (female, #49, owned by pearlevil) & Pangur Ban (male, #101, owned by pearlevil)

Name: Ruan
Gender: Male
Parents: Pearl (female, #49, owned by pearlevil) & Pangur Ban (male, #101, owned by pearlevil)
Name: Enna
Gender: Female

Name: Sunburst
Gender: Male

Name: Kuro
Gender: Male

Name: Katie
Gender: Female

Name: Bryony
Gender: Female
Parents: Enna (#50, female, owned by jolley852) & Kuro (#88, male, owned by jolley852)

Name: Oruk
Gender: Male
Parents: Enna (#50, female, owned by jolley852) & Kuro (#88, male, owned by jolley852)

Name: Elyss
Gender: Female
Parents: Enna (#50, female, owned by jolley852) & Kuro (#88, male, owned by jolley852)

Name: Ghost
Gender: Male
Parents: Enna (#50, female, owned by jolley852) & Kuro (#88, male, owned by jolley852)

Name: Akocha
Gender: Male
Parents: Bryony (#108, female, owned by jolley852) & Kyoru (#120, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Dysis
Gender: Female
Parents: Bryony (#108, female, owned by jolley852) & Kyoru (#120, male, owned by StarShaper)

Image Image Image
Name: Leaf
Gender: Female
Parents: Forrest (#23, female, owned by Desertstar) & Nicoya (#41, male, owned by StarShaper)

Name: Spyder
Gender: Male

Name: Ceatha
Gender: Female

Imagex2 Imagex2 Image
Name: Sunmint
Gender: Female

Last edited by StarShaper on July 28th, 2012, 9:28:20 pm, edited 87 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 5837
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
Gender: Female

The Vita Sanctuary - FAQ

Post by StarShaper »

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are these adoptables called 'vitas'?
A: Well, I wanted something that meant 'life' or 'life-like' in a different language. And all of the other languages where either hard to pronounce, or just plain stupid. But when I tried Latin, which is one of my favorite languages, it turned out to be 'vita' which is catchy and quite nice to say.

Q: What program do you use?
A: I use Adobe Photoshop 8.0. Well, I draw the actual linearts on paper, scan them, then re-trace them on Adobe with the mouse. My tablet is broken, so I've become quite handy with the mouse lately. And without Adobe Photoshop, I'd still be stuck with Paint! And we all know how sucky that program is...

Q: What timezone do you live in?
A: EST, same as the site. I'm normally up around 6:00 AM and on the computer from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, but the time varies, depending on the day, and what afer-school activites I have.

Q: How do you get your ideas?
A: Just free-stylin'. I love drawing random cats on paper, and if they come out good, I normally scan them and re-draw them on the computer. I also love creating ideas out of different Latin or Spanish words, and listening to music helps too. I really enjoy pop, but some upbeat country is acceptable too.

Q: Why did you make this shop?
A: Because almost every day I get ideas for adoptable shops! I know, it's pretty lame, but I thought this one might take off better than the others. Besides, who wouldn't want an adoptable to act like a real life animal? But don't worry, they can't die.

Q: Are you going to make any other animals than cats?
A: Well, the only animal I'm actually good at drawing are cats, and I have quite a couple ideas that involve cats in them. But you might want to look around for some surprise animals I might post. I already made an adoptable for a winged snake...

Q: Is it possible for me to gift or rename my Vitas?
Why yes it is. Since I was stupid and kind of rushed to make these adoptables, I forgot a name, owner and gender spot. So it is possible to gift and rename Vitas. Although, it is not possible to change the gender. That's just wrong.

Q: What are the fonts that you use?
For the word 'Vita' I use "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" and for the numbers next to the adoptables I use "Myriad Web Pro". This is actually more of a reminder to myself, since I know most of you probably don't care about what font I use.
Last edited by StarShaper on June 2nd, 2011, 7:29:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 5837
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 7:09:34 pm
Gender: Female

The Vita Sanctuary - Banners & Other Junk

Post by StarShaper »

  • Banners

Graciously made by Feathersun

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Last edited by StarShaper on August 12th, 2011, 6:03:35 am, edited 3 times in total.

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