Olliphylia Falls (Open)

This forum is for art threads giving out adoptables

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Olliphylia Falls (Open)

Post by BexOalen »


"Welcome to Olliphylia Falls," the sign says as you enter the small clearing. You look around and are astounded at what you see. The clearing is surrounded by trees on three sides, and a cliff with a waterfall on the fourth. It is an idyllic setting, and you feel as though you could stay there forever.

That's not why you're here though.

You look around the clearing again, this time taking in the small details. Directly in front of you, in the center of the clearing, there is a large Notice Board. Beyond that is a path that leads up to and behind the waterfall. A small sign says that this is the way to the Hatchery. Along the path there is a small cart, with the words "Item Shop" painted sloppily on the side. Next to the waterfall is a small Cottage, and you wonder what is inside. Perhaps you should check it out? Looking off to the side of the clearing, you see a small path go into the forest, a sign declaring that this leads to Lady Bex's Treetop Office. You should probably go there if you want to adopt anything.
Last edited by BexOalen on June 7th, 2012, 11:43:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Notice Board

Post by BexOalen »

The Notice Board

You walk up to the large notice board set up in the middle of the clearing. Several papers are tacked to it, sheets of all different colors depicting various eggs and creatures. There are also various announcements, as well as a large poster declaring itself to be

The Rules
  • Only place one order at a time.
    Be polite and don't rush me. I'm a very busy person.
    Send me a trade as soon as you submit your order. Everything is cheap, so I won't haggle.
    These may be used off-site.

Having read the rules, you look to see if there are any other important announcements, but currently there are none.
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Post by BexOalen »


As you walk past the waterfall and enter the cave, you are surprised to discover that the room is filled with eggs. A young woman looks up as you walk in. "Might I be able to help ye?" she asks cheerfully, coming over to meet you, "I'm in charge o' the eggs, though ye'll have to go see Miss Bex directly if ye actually want to adopt. I can 'elp ye find whichever ye like though." She leads you to a small table and picks up a small journal, flipping to the most recent page. "'Ere's what we've got now. Anything interest you?"
Last edited by BexOalen on June 30th, 2012, 3:51:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Item Shop

Post by BexOalen »

Item Shop

As you walk up to the small cart along the side of the clearing, a young man looks up at you and smiles.

"I'm afraid we haven't got much of anything in stock right now," he says, "Why don't you check back later?"
Last edited by BexOalen on June 7th, 2012, 11:19:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The Cottage

Post by BexOalen »

The Cottage

Beside the waterfall is a small cottage. Curious, you walk up it and knock on the door. There is silence, and then you hear footsteps echoing around inside. A moment later, the door opens and an angry looking old woman answers the door. "I don't suppose you're here to take care of one of these lost souls? People think they can just adopt 'em and then dispose of 'em when they're done, and where are the poor creatures to go then?"

She gestures inside. "Here's all the creatures that have been abandoned in one way or another," she says, before glancing inside and laughing.

"That's right, we're all empty. I guess people really do love their friends after all!"

Abandoned Pets
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Lady Bex's Treetop Office

Post by BexOalen »

Lady Bex's Treetop Office

You climb the ladder and arrive on the balcony of a tree house. On the door there is a sign that states "Lady Bex's Office, Please knock." However, before you have the chance to do so, the door swings open and a short haired young woman opens the door. "The boards creak, you see," she says, by way of explanation as she drags you into the room.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to adopt? If so, just fill out this form and hand it over to me. Your first adoption is free, and after that we ask a mere 100 gold per egg, except in the case of some of the rarer ones, but those'll be marked specially." She hands you the form and you glance down at it.

Code: Select all

Total Price:[/i]
"Everything's included on there," the woman says before you have a chance to reply, "Egg adoptions, items you'd like to buy, and any... Of the less fortunate creatures who you'd like to help. Just fill those out and write whatever the price ads up to at the bottom. Simple really." She nods at you, and then her eyes widen again.

"Or perhaps you wanted to see who else had adopted already? If you'd like you can look through the ledger over there," she says, gesturing to a book on the windowsill, "I won't stop you."[/center]

Previously Adopted
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Post by BexOalen »

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Post by BexOalen »

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Re: Olliphylia Falls (Open)

Post by Vipersbite »

Name: Darkness Falls
Eggs/Creatures: 1 of each of the eggs.
Items: none :3
Total Price: 400g
*with the 1st adopt free* :3

Do let me know if i did this wrong. :3

Please feed the little one :3

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Re: Olliphylia Falls (Open)

Post by BexOalen »

Nope, that's all good! Sorry I took so long to reply, I was busy with other things. >.<

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