Lodrelhai's Submissions - Mist Stalker/Coconut Crab

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Lodrelhai's Submissions - Mist Stalker/Coconut Crab

Post by Myrin »

First submission, mist stalkers. I can't draw to save my life, so the descriptions for each stage are in italics underneath the text for that stage.


General: Legend says if you can see a mist stalker, it's already too late. These jungle cats are masters of stealth, traveling through both heavy brush and vine-laden treetops with ease. Their greenish-grey coats and dark spots blend perfectly with their habitat, making them difficult to spot even when moving. But their greatest skill is the ability to dissolve into mist at will, allowing them to approach prey or escape danger undetected. While they cannot maintain the mist form for long, it guarantees they always have the upper hand.

Egg: A mist surrounds this egg, making it difficult to see.

Description: Should be indistinct, a darker outline of an egg within a pale fog.

Hatchling: Things have been lively since this cub broke shell. No matter how tightly a place is locked, it always finds a way in (much to the dismay of the Keep's kitchen staff). Anything that moves is fair game for pouncing, and you're almost used to having your feet attacked by now. When startled, it instantly vanishes into mist that drifts behind you, where the cub feels safe enough to reform.

Description: A cub with a pale greenish-grey coat, heavily spotted, and with bits of fog coming off its paws. The cub itself should be bulkier than regular kittens, more like the cubs of big cats like tigers.

Adult: It's hard to believe your scampering cub has grown into the majestic beast beside you now. Fully grown, the mist stalker is as big as a tiger and even more powerful. Fortunately, it is also very friendly and complacent, having been raised among people and other magical creatures. You're pretty sure you wouldn't want to meet one in the jungle, though. Even tamed, your companion still plays at stalking you from time to time, and a wild mist stalker wouldn't be playing.

Description: A large cat, similar to a jaguar or leopard - heavy boned and spotted. The coat itself should be a pale greenish-grey. Either mist should surround the cat, or it's paws/hind quarters can be dissolved into mist.


Second Submission: Coconut Crab


General: The coconut crab is the largest land crab known. Unable to swim, they instead spends their time climbing coconut trees looking for their namesake food. They are also very curious, and will investigate anything left unattended too long. A particular fondness for shiny things has also earned them the nickname robber crabs, and wild ones can be very destructive when trying to get to something they want. However, when raised and trained properly by magi, coconut crabs are very sweet and helpful, willing to get hard-to-find reagents and gems for their human friends.

Egg: Is this even an egg? It looks like a coconut, but it feels too light. There's something moving inside...

Description: A coconut, maybe with two long antenna sticking out? Reference image from howtoopenacoconut.com:


Hatchling: So it really was an egg! The hatchling crab is small and has a very soft shell, so it hides under the remains of its egg. You don't think it'll need that protection for much longer though - the claws sticking out are huge!

Description: Part of a coconut shell on top of the crab - should only see the antenna and maybe the face (very lobster-like) between two really, really big claws.

Adult: It's hard to believe this heavily-armored crab once had to hide under an eggshell for protection. It's impressively large, and you've seen it crush rocks in those massive claws. Despite its strength and daunting appearance, the coconut crab is actually very gentle with people and other creatures. It sometimes brings you shiny things it finds, and loves to be tickled on its soft belly.

Description: A coconut crab. This image is all over the net, I can't find the original accreditation anywhere. In addition to this mottled tan/orange look, they come in shades of blue, purple, dark brown, and orange-red, as well as various mixes of those shades:


Edit: concept art for the coconut crab by virusq:
Last edited by Myrin on September 16th, 2009, 10:18:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by ChrysalisWolfHero »

I love the fact that you made them cats, instead of big furry, twoleg-walking, werewolf thingy! (even though I'm more of a dog fan than a cat fan) Ithink this would be an awesome creature. This could definetley be a winner! (Well all of these CAN, but I'm not sure if it's my place to say 'should')

I also love your vivid descriptions! I didn't do descriptions for mine (well, mine was a real animal anyway, and I DID include a painting...)

Anyway, good luck with this! It was awesome! :woo:
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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Dr Starchild »

Whatever you might say, i think this should win. Green tigers! :wee:
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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Black Storm »

I love it! I didn't do detailed descriptions of what mine should look like, but I love yours. Good Luck!
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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Steamgear »

This is a winning entry. I really love the description!

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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Fuukayama »

moonwings wrote:This is a winning entry. I really love the description!
I agree...I hope mine is good enough to join yours!
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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Myrin »

*blushes and glomps the lot of you* Thank you! I'm glad you like it!


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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Finlandia »

That creature is so win, I really want one *makes grabby motions*
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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Refion »

I love this one! O.o
The descriptions are kick ass!

*Thinking of the awesomeness of the mist stalker*


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Re: Lodrelhai's Submission - Mist Stalker

Post by Myrin »

*hugs ref and fin* Thank you both!


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