Desine a crecher entary: Dimond peradon

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Desine a crecher entary: Dimond peradon

Post by dizzydino »

Hear is my entry.

Egg: The egg you pick up is incrested whith dimonds and has a small yet promonent crest pokeing out the top. Spriseingly it is lighter than a feather .

Baby: as you wach, the tiny egg wobbles slitely, then stops. the lumanesant dimonds slowly start to drop off makeing a sound like a bell as thay hit the floor. As this happons, a weard little crecher tummbles out swaking in spprise. it is no bigger than a song bird, but has the head of a heron and the body of a Its body, coated in crystal like fir, snuggles agenst you, you know you have a new frend for life.

Adolt: A suddon skrech fills the sky. looking up you see you peradon weling around in the sky aboth. apon hearing you call its name, it swoops down to land in front of you, cooing happaly. bigger than a griffin and farster in the air than a pegasis, the beasts wings glitter whith 1000s of tiny crystals, dasaling all who see it. It is the star of the keep.

Genaral desripson: The dimand peradon is a crecher that has egsisted from the dorn of time. yet it is rear, and is comonly hunted for its dimond incrested skin. Seeing an adalt is rear, but stumbaling across an egg is rearer. when hand reard from the egg the peradon obays its marster and know one else is pmited near it, enless its marster tells it so. so rearing one is a good idear, but you may want to keep reminding it who you frends are...

IT took me ageis to think of this idear, but i carnt get picthers up : T_T BUT I AM STILL TRYING! tell me what you think!! :D. and good luck to all others entaring :t-wave:
Last edited by dizzydino on September 12th, 2009, 8:14:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Desine a crecher entary: Dimond peradon

Post by Zulu »

Hi! First off, I'd like to say that this is a very interesting entry. I for one have never heard of a creature like this, but it definitely sounds interesting. Anyway, I do have one comment to make regarding your entry. Please go through and fix your spelling errors. Because of them, I doubt this entry will be taken very seriously, even if you did spend a lot of time on it, which I'm sure you did just because of how unique the idea is.
Hear is my entry.

Egg: The egg you pick up is incrested whith dimonds and has a small yet promonent crest pokeing out the top. Spriseingly it is ligher then a fether.
The words marked in red are the ones that are either misspelled or are the wrong spelling of a word that sounds the exact same. That series of sentences should look like this:
Here is my entry.

Egg: The egg you pick up is encrusted with diamonds and has a small yet prominent crest poking out of the top. Surprisingly, it is lighter than a feather.
The words in green are the correct spellings and uses of the words from the original submission. The blue words and punctuation are things that needed to be added for the sake of proper grammar. So yeah. Just going through and double-checking your spelling will make this entry much better and much more presentable.
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Re: Desine a crecher entary: Dimond peradon

Post by Arimermaid »

It's a neat idea, but the dramatic spelling errors really turn me off ... >.< :yarly:
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