Xanora, Somnian, Mazkui and Soukon

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Xanora, Somnian, Mazkui and Soukon

Post by SunsetGuardian »

My entry:

Feel free to comment, I like knowing what people think.
I'm not that great when it comes to spriting original stuff, so, if they look bad, please forgive me.




A metallic black tail made it's way through the similarly colored shell of the egg and curled around it protectively



A small, snake-like creature with wings slithered from the egg. The wings are too big for the newly born creature, and it has some trouble keeping off its side. The hatchling, once it's gained control of the weighty wings, loves trying to fly. Though it never succeeds, it's constantly slithering up, and shooting off of tables, chairs, even counters and stairs, to try to take to flight. It's black, metallic coloration sometimes makes it difficult to spot during the night, making the mice around the keep easy prey.



Camouflaged with the night sky, Xanora are able to fly anywhere they choose, rarely being spotted. With a large yet reasonably light body, and larger wing span, these creatures are capable of flight for hours on end without tire, and able to transport magi, and in some, very rare cases, even other creatures, to different locations. Landings, when they do land, are quite rough for the fact they they don't have any legs, unless they land in water, of course. These large creatures tend to stay in they sky as much as possible, rarely being on the ground. They hunt other flying creatures for meals, most creatures being easy prey from falling victim to it's deadly poisonous fangs.


Those capable of obtaining an egg from a Xenora are extremely lucky, for they need to be pure of heart, and without ill intention. Xenora are the perfect guards, when they're tamed properly, which is a difficult task, and must be done from the time they hatch. All Xenora, wild or time, keep to their natural instict, which is to claim and protect territory. Once they claim their territory, they live there until they die, and they protect everything within its borders. Any poacher, thief, or magi with an ill intention need to beware of areas with these powerful creatures, because even the other creatures that live in its territory are protected from any and all harm.

Well, that's my creature. I made it about 5 years ago, and now it can serve a use: being in a contest, win or lose.

I give thanks to the contest for the fact that I never had any motivation to transfer it from a sketch to a computerized pixel creature. (Even though it turned out different, possible better, than my sketch)


Dream Egg:


This egg has several shades of blue, and when it's held, there's never a bad moment

Dream Hatchling:


From the egg came what seems to be a type of caterpillar. It's a nice, solemn shade of blue, and slightly fuzzy. This hatchling has a tendency to go up onto the wall, and sometimes the ceiling, and just relax there. It's larger than a normal caterpillar by about 5 times, but it manages to stay where it gets up to. Just being in the same room with this creature takes away all problems and frustrations.

Dream Adult:


The caterpillar that once roamed around has become a gorgeous light blue butterfly type of creature. Just like it's past form, it's quite large to be a normal butterfly. It tends to fly to its owners shoulder or head whenever they get back to the keep, and cheer them up. There's just no such thing as a bad day with this little... well, big... butterfly is around.


The Dream Somnian has the form of a rather large, blue butterfly. It doesn't fight, but it does enjoy being around magi and other creatures. It flutters about, carefree, and eases the emotions of those around it. It settles raging emotions so well, that its magi sometimes has a hard time staying awake while it's fluttering about.

Fortune Egg:


This egg has several shades of a greenish nature, and when it's being held, good luck seems to come around

Fortune Hatchling:


From the egg came what seems to be a type of caterpillar. It's a mysterious, yet calm, shade of blue. This hatchling has a tendency to go up onto the wall, and sometimes the ceiling, and just relax there. It's larger than a normal caterpillar by about 3 times, but it manages to stay where it gets up to. Just being in the same room with this creature seems to give enough good luck to last a lifetime of joy.

Fortune Adult:


The caterpillar that once roamed around has become a type of butterfly, with a mysterious, yet lavish combination of colors including green and blue with a little purple. Just like it's past form, it's quite large to be a normal butterfly. It tends to flutter around its owners head whenever they get back to the keep. For some reason, eggs and gold seem to show up rather easily when this creature is around.


The Fortune Somnian has the form of a rather large, mysterious butterfly. It avoids fights, but it does enjoy being around magi and other creatures. It flutters about, carefree, and brings good fortune to those around it. Whoever has one of these creatures will have a hard time staying poor.

And there's my next creature entry. I sort of came up with it on the spot, but I still tried to make it good. I noticed that there aren't many harmless creatures being entered, so, yeah. Please let me know what you think. ^-^




This egg has several shades of light blue, making it nearly impossible to find in the snow



A light blue fox has emerged from the egg. It's shading makes it seem like it's meant for snowy regions, but it handles the higher temperatures with no problems. This little one loves to play, but it's extremely shy and cautious at first. After its shyness stage, it also has a tendency to wonder off, chasing butterflies wherever they may go.



When the Mazkui grew into an adult, it lost what little dark features it had. The light blue fur also got ever so slightly lighter, revealing a ghostly quality about it. If it chooses to do so, it can vanish whenever it chooses, as if it were actually a spirit. It always pops up again a few minutes after doing so, though.


The Mazkui has the slyness of any other fox, but better. The only problem is that it's too playful for its own good. Sneaking into an area poses no problem whatsoever, but getting out, on the other hand, is difficult. It ends up revealing itself by chasing a butterfly, and tackling whatever's nearby. Also, this fox has two nicknames: Demon Fox, and Spirit Fox. The reasons behind the nicknames are its powers. Each tail holds a different one. The three powers are 'Wild,' which can create a spirit-like flame that lashes out to ward off enemies, 'Flight,' which creates wings from the ghostly flame, enabling the Mazkui to fly for short periods of time, and 'Containment,' which can trap its foe in a type of cage, that is also created from its unique flame.

Alright, that's my last creature entry. I hope. I don't know why, but I keep getting urges to create more... :t-sweat:
Also, don't ask where I get the names from. They just come to me.




This egg is nearly impossible to spot during the night, and when it's held, it's cold rather than warm.



The hatchling that came from the egg is a nearly pitch-black wolf. From afar, it seems quite cute, but up close, it gives off an eerie feeling and it's eyes seem to pierce straight through the soul. It's eyes are rather sensitive to the light. A feeling of paranoia is constant when near this black wolf.



Once it grew, this creature also grew wings and is constantly surrounded by a small fog. Because of the fog only surrounding its body, the wings are the most vivid part of it. Not much is known about this creature besides the fact that it can't stand to be in the light, and hates well-lit areas. Also, it seems to only be found walking amongst graves, may they be in a graveyard, or a self-buried creature that passed on.


Soukon only show themselves clearly during the night. Though they have wings, they are incapable of flight. It's said that the wings on its back are only used to scare those who enter their territory, places with graves. This creature is hard to obtain, seeing as how is scares most everyone away. The name it has was given to it by the first magi that happened upon an egg and raised it. Scar, is what the name means. From what's known, it was given the name meaning 'Scar' because of its constant mourning over the dead, a scar of the heart. Once tamed, it still grieves and protects graves, but it becomes rather friendly if trained the right way.

Alright, that's my fourth, and last entry. Hope it's liked, and I'm thankful that my 'creature creation urge' is gone.

Please comment and tell me what you think of all the creatures I've made, and entered. Thank you.
Last edited by SunsetGuardian on September 16th, 2009, 2:50:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Xanora

Post by Charla »

Whoa, great idea. I love snakes, and you made a giant flying snake creature thing! Good name for the creature to. Very original. I like the descriptions you put for them! And who says you're bad at spriting??? I couldn't do that if I tried!!!
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Re: Xanora

Post by Airasyraye »

This is the second winged snake I've seen today. Unfortunately, now I can't choose. Very nicely done, I like it a lot. There's something sinister about it, but also graceful.
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Re: Xanora

Post by treguld »

Nice job indeed. I'd like one of these lovelies myself. ^_^
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Re: Xanora

Post by Souleater »

Its very nice!!! :D
I would like a army of them!! :srs:
flying snake!!!Great!! :t-swoon:
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Re: Xanora

Post by 6Yukisan6 »

Wonderful! Another beautiful back/onyx egg! I love how this is skinny not like the animals we have now. O.o
May you please click them too?^_^
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Re: Xanora

Post by SunsetGuardian »

Thanks everyone that commented ^-^ I was close to thinking that my creature would be completely denied, maybe even hated. Thanks for proving me wrong :D
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Re: Xanora

Post by cyberus151 »

Bravo, your creature is wonderful
Hey, I'm an ancient user. Ignore my profile and such, too tired to update, haha.
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Re: Xanora and Somnian

Post by Souleater »

Amazing butterflies!!! :yey:
I want one!! D:
They are so cute!! :angel:
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Re: Xanora and Somnian

Post by Soundwave »

Would these creatures have an effect 'in game'- as in, more rare eggs appear in the stream if you have one, or more gold per post? That would be interesting... :omg:
I like the idea of a butterfly, what do think of mine? (The link is in my siggy.)
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