Dragon131's Entries, Erymanthian Boar and Mesmeric Peacock!

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Dragon131's Entries, Erymanthian Boar and Mesmeric Peacock!

Post by Dragon131 »

Here is my entry, a Erymanthian Boar! It is a giant boar from Greek Mythology that Hercules had to kill. I've been wanting to see this creature, or something like it, on Magistream for a while now. I have some descriptions, but sadly no artwork (I can't draw or sprite for the life of me). Here are the descriptions and I hope you all like it! (If you see any errors, please let me know).

Egg: This egg has a thick tusk sticking out of it.

Hatchling: A cute piglet has hatched from this egg. It’s unusually large for a pig, and it’s already as tall as your waist. The hatchling turns to look at you as you run your hand tough the coarse brown-black fur that covers its body. As the baby boar explores the world around it, you notice two tusks curling out from under its lip. Already the hatchling is trying to sharpen its tusks by rubbing them on the wall. An insect flies past its face, causing the piglet to squeal and chase after insect. Even though the hatchling eventually loses sight of the insect, it keeps running around and doesn’t show signs of stopping soon. Eventually though, it stops running and lays down for a nap.

Adult: All grown up now, your Erymanthian Boar has become a huge creature, standing just as high as you. Its tusks have also grown to massive proportions, and are thicker than your arm. The tusks are also very sharp, and the boar keeps them that way by sharpening them on trees. It uses its gigantic tusks to fight off enemies, making it a very good companion to have around in dangerous places. Your Erymanthian Boar loves to run around, charging after different things it sees, trampling almost anything that gets in its way. It seems to never tire, as it charges around like this for hours non-stop. Sometimes you see two Erymanthian Boars running around chasing each other in what looks something like a game of tag. You can ride on your Erymanthian Boar’s back, but it’s probably not such a good idea considering the way it stampedes around.

General: Erymanthian Boars are massive creatures, and can weigh up to 1 ton. They have thick, sharp tusks to match their size, and they seem to cable of gorging almost anything. Erymanthian Boars are quick to anger, and will charge at almost anything that irritates them. Once a Erymanthian Boar gets angry and starts charging, it is very hard to stop and since they keep running for hours even though they forget what they are chasing. A Erymanthian Boar will also trample anything that gets in its way while stampeding. They live in the Silva Forest and, despite their immense size, can be difficult to find. Erymanthian Boars hide their eggs even better than themselves in the forest, keeping them hidden in the deepest parts of the forest.
Last edited by Dragon131 on September 16th, 2009, 9:19:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dragon131's Entry, the Eurystheus Boar!

Post by Dragon131 »

And now, here is my second entry, a Mesmeric Peacock! Have all the descriptions done now. Also have a pic of it I made in a game. Had certain limits though when making it, so it didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped. I'll try sketching it later.

Egg: This egg as an odd pattern on it that slightly resembles an eye. Looking at it makes you feel slightly dizzy and tiered.

Hatchling: You watch intently as your egg starts to crack open, wondering what will emerge. The egg cracks some more, and then, finally, a little bird hatches out of the egg. Glossy blue-green feathers coat its small body and seem to almost shine in the light. The small bird’s tail feathers are extremely long, and have strange eye like patterns all over them. You watch curiously as the chick looks around at its new world. You take a step closer, and accidentally startle the chick causing it to face you and unfurl its long tail feathers. The eye patterns on the tail feathers seem to stare at you, making you dizzy and very tiered. The baby bird relaxes when it realizes that you are not a threat and folds up its tail feathers back down, making the odd feeling go away. Perplexed by the strange feeling, you watch the chick lay down for a nap.

Adult: Your now mature Mesmeric Peacock has become quite a sight to behold! It is covered in blue-green feathers that shine in the light. A few small feathers stick up at the top of its head making it look like it has a little crest on its head. Small wings used for flying short distances are folded up by its sides. Long tail feathers with eye like patterns all over are either folded down dragging on the ground, or raised up with the stunning eyes displayed. You often find yourself marveling at one of these beautiful creatures. But while they are beautiful, you know that looking at the eye patterns on the tail feathers when they are up will put you into a deep trance. But thankfully you don’t have to worry about that too much since the Mesmeric Peacocks at the keep have been trained to keep their tail feathers down while around magi so that the magi don’t get put into a trance.

General: Mesmeric Peacocks are stunningly beautiful creatures. They are covered in glossy feathers, and their tail feathers have patterns on them that resemble eyes. But don’t be deceived by their harmless appearance. When one of these Peacocks spreads its tail feathers up, if you look at the eyes they will put you into a deep trance. Being in this trance for to long can be dangerous as many people have gone crazy from it. The tail feathers aren’t only used to put people in trances though, male Mesmeric Peacocks also use their tail feathers to attract mates. Mesmeric Peacocks shed a tail feather every now and then to replace it with a bigger tail feather, and when one of these feathers falls of a peacock, it loses its ability to transfix someone. These shed feathers are very rare and are often sought by people wanting to sell them. Mesmeric Peacocks’ eggs also have an eye like pattern on them, which is capable of making a person looking at the egg feel tiered and dizzy. This can make Mesmeric Peacock eggs hard to get.
Last edited by Dragon131 on September 16th, 2009, 9:16:29 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Dragon131's Entry, the Eurystheus Boar!

Post by SunsetVWF026 »

Only thing is that I think its the Erymanthian Boar, not the Eurystheus Boar...
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Re: Dragon131's Entries, Eurystheus Boar and Peacock!

Post by Dragon131 »

Whoops, your right. I'll fix that right now.
Last edited by Dragon131 on September 16th, 2009, 9:18:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dragon131's Entries, Eurystheus Boar and Mesmeric Peacock!

Post by Dragon131 »

Well, any critique, advice, reviews, or comments?
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