Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Post by BlackDdraig »

My first ever contest attempt ^.^ Here we go, any comments are welcome to help improve. I have a connection with the fire element (No, not a pyro XD) So I tend to make my animals fire based. I also love scalies. Anything with scales I draw. Though that doesn't exclude the furries as well XD If I had any talent in spriting I would attempt to do these. I can barely recolor other people's sprites XD Thus, I have attempted to be as descriptive as possible. For the positions of the creatures, the wonderful artists here can decide that. :t-:3:

Creature name: Magma tiger

Egg description: This egg is almost burning hot to the touch, and the surface has the appearance of wrinkled black lava. (With the addition of the panther egg, if this would look to similar then red lines, looking like cracks with glowing lava showing can be added.)

Hatchling description: It is a small tiger cub, but the black on its body is more prominent and the orange almost glows, giving the creature and appearance like it is made of cracked, hardened lava. It radiates intense heat from its body and its eyes glow with a brilliant orange light. Special tools have to be made in order to care for and keep these creatures, or else a Magi can quickly lose more than a few small possessions.

Adult description: A full grown Magma tiger; now the orange and black patterns on its body constantly shift and change, like cracked lava flowing across a surface. Once matured these creatures learn how to regulate the heat emitted from its body, bringing it down to a temperature that allows a Magi to ride given proper gear is used. The benefit to owning one of these magnificent animals is that if properly trained they can travel to their fiery homes and bring back rare, volcano forged gems.

Species bio: Commonly found in the calderas of active volcanoes, Magma Tigers are incredible creatures to behold. They can run swiftly over the crusted over lava surfaces or swim through molten lava as a normal tiger would swim through water. With powerful teeth and their fiery home as protection, these creatures have few natural predators. Even dragons will normally leave these cats alone.

(More details: The baby and adult look like pretty much like normal tigers, as would be the size of this creature if compared to a human. The only difference would be I see more contrast between the black and the orange, the orange having that fiery look to it. The eyes I saw as pupiless, and a pure glowing orange. The black is more prominent than the orange and they don't have just the vertical stripes. It is more of a random patterning, looking like cooled lava that has cracked open to reveal the molten stuff underneath.)
Last edited by BlackDdraig on September 15th, 2009, 4:57:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Ddraig's creature entry

Post by BlackDdraig »

As I have a love of volcanoes, another fire based creature.

Creature name: Ash Viper

Egg description: This egg is an ashy gray. It is warm to the touch and a small forked tongue pokes out of it.

Hatchling description: A small ash gray serpent that loves places that are warm. It can often be found curled up inside the fireplaces of homes. On its back are curling markings that look a bit like the tracings of flames in their designs. When it opens its mouth long fangs can be seen.

Adult description: A full grown serpent, with now bold, flame like markings on its back. Ash vipers enjoy places that constantly have high heat. Though fire is preferred, they will also live around hot springs and mud pots. The bite of one of these creatures is extremely dangerous as they develop a very potent venom as they mature.

General bio: These creatures make surprisingly good pets, when hand raised to reduce the chance of accidental bites. They are loyal to their caretaker, and can with enough patience even be trained as guard animals. The scales of this creature, when shed are slightly gritty. And Magi who collect these scales find that when they are mixed with other ingredients make a pretty good household cleaner.

(More details: These would be a reasonably sized serpent, maybe 8ft total length. The flame patterns would be only outlines of flames, and they would flow from the head of the creature to the tail. In the juvenile they would be more faint, the adult more distinct. The rest of the animal is an ash gray color, the eyes are a deep red.)
Last edited by BlackDdraig on September 14th, 2009, 11:21:42 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ddraig's creature entries (a fire based set)

Post by BlackDdraig »

A third idea. For this one the environment I picture would be something like Greenland or Hawaii. Basically an area that has an active volcano, but also places where there is some greenery and such.

Pyrine (Since this is a horse like creature that lives in a "fire" environment, I simply fused the words for fire (pyro) and horse (equine))

Egg description: This egg is slightly scaled and a dragonish tail pokes out from it. (I was thinking of two color variants for this one, a red and a black.)

Hatchling description: Its basic shape is that of a horse but it has a long dragon like tail, bird like feet and leather wings and its hide is lightly scaled. When the young creature yawns, you can see that it has not just teeth like a normal horse, but long fangs. It can run swiftly and occasionally makes short jumps, testing its wings for flight.

Adult description: Now fully grown, the Pyrine is a very impressive animal. Its powerful wings allow it to stay aloft for many long hours. Surprisingly tame for its fierce appearance, it takes only a slight bit of gentle training to allow it to accept a saddle and bridle. These creatures allow a Magi very swift travel as they are surefooted and quick on the ground and can fly for great distances in the air before needing to rest. In fact the most dangerous things about these creatures is often acquiring their eggs, as they normally retreat to the jagged peaks of dormant volcanoes to breed.

General bio: Pyrine are very odd creatures to behold, and are said to be crosses of dragons and horses of some breed. They live a very transient lifestyle; moving constantly, much like normal horses. They travel to areas that have been cultivated by nature to feed, both on plants and a few small animals. Then they retreat back to the barren wastes of the fresh volcanic plains to rest at night. Their scales give them protection against the heat and their clawed feet allow them to run with more precision on uneven and jagged ground than the hooves of a normal horse. They have a naturally skittish nature and though they posses fangs and do eat some meat, will usually prefer to run or fly from a threat than stand and fight.

(More details: Basically just a horse with bat wings, a lizard like tail and clawed feet. I saw this as having a red and black variant but other colors could be made if the black proves to hard to do details on. I also saw perhaps some detail of the fang poking out from the lip on the head and maybe just a small bit of scale pattern on the body.)
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Re: Ddraig's creature entries (a fire based set)

Post by BlackDdraig »

I happen to love the Pern books. I remember reading them then saying that a small, hawk sized dragon would be the most awesome pet in the world. Thus I give you the next pet. I know it isn't very fiery on first look but gemstones are the product of volcanism. *is a geology major*

Creature name: Gem Drake

Egg description: This egg has an almost crystalline look to it, as if it has been carved out of a solid gemstone rather than laid by a creature. (There could be infinite colors to this creature. But I think the most common colors would be red, blue, purple and green. A rare yellow and/or clear/white could be the result of breeding. The pattern on the egg would be like the oval cut for gemstones.

Hatchling description: A small drake about the size of a kitten. Its scales are not like other dragon like creatures, they look like they are cut flakes of crystal and they even sparkle and shine in the sun. It is a very curious creature but at your call will come and perch on your arm or shoulder. As it matures it learns to use its wings but even from birth it will collect small shiny trinkets and bring them to you. When it finds an object that it thinks is particularly worthy of praise it will sit and trill loudly until patted for its efforts. (I see this creature with the basic dragon body plan, four limbs plus two wings. Its scales should be very angular in their shape. They should look like they are cut from crystal.)

Adult description: An adult drake, about the size of a medium hawk. It is a speedy flier and can catch even fast darting dragonflies with ease. With some training they are adept hunting creatures, used much like a hunting hawk. To ensure loyalty of this creature, as it matures a wise caretaker will provide it with many small baubles to find and bring to its owner. Once it is grown it will continue this, and some even train it to actually find the eggs of its own kind to bring back. (Pretty much a larger form of the hatchling, with the scale plates larger in size.)

General bio: Gem Drakes are very catlike in their mannerisms. The adults take fastidious care of their scales so they maintain their polished look. The young are energetic and enjoy playing. Their fascination with shiny objects is shown in that they can spend hours chasing a shiny shell or polished rock. Some Magi simply collect these creatures because of their varied colors. Those that take them to train use them for a multitude of things. Hunting is the most popular because of their amazing speed. Though some use them as gem finders, searching out precious jewels. Others will train them for performing, taking advantage of their natural playfulness and skill at handling objects. Eggs of these creatures can be found in higher mountain reaches and small colonies of Gem Drakes will nest near the mouths of caves, usually around deposits of gemstones where the eggs blend in.
Last edited by BlackDdraig on September 17th, 2009, 11:55:41 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Post by BlackDdraig »

Just had to make one more XD

Creature name: Hell Hound

Egg description: A slightly furred egg with a few tiny spines sticking out from the top. (I was thinking two color variations on this creature, red and black.)

Hatchling description: A small wolf pup with deep red eyes. (black eyes on the red furred version) Small spines rise from its shoulder and back, much like the spines on a porcupine. The pup is very friendly, just like any juvenile dog. Though, when its play gets to rough, you can see hints of a slightly wilder nature.

Adult description: A large and powerful wolf, the Hell Hound is quite gentle for its fierce appearance. At least that is until it is faced with aggression. When it or its Magi is threatened, the spines on its back and shoulders rise up. Even more frightening, small licks of flame dance over its fur. Usually just this display alone is enough to frighten off an aggressor.

General description: The Hell Hound is much like any of its other canine cousins. They live and hunt in packs and can be trained like a Dire Wolf can. The difference in these creatures is the spines on its shoulders and back. They are very much like those of a porcupine in that they will detach and remain stuck in any creature who tries to take a bite. When more aggressively threatened, small licks of flame will appear and dance along the fur of the Hell Hound. Exactly how this occurs is not known. However it may be that these creatures have some form of fire magic as additional natural protection.

(More info: I see these creatures actually looking a bit like a cross between a Dire Wolf and the Chupucabra. It is a more robust canine, not as graceful and lanky as the Dire Wolf.)
Last edited by BlackDdraig on September 17th, 2009, 11:51:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Post by BlackDdraig »

And now I just have to break from my fiery creatures to present this last little gem that has been bugging me to no end. XD

Creature name: Calico Goldfish

Egg description: This egg is lightly scaled, and is a piebald pattern of white and gold.

Hatchling description: A small goldfish, patterned with white and gold scale patches. Playful and energetic, keepers of these beautiful fish can sit for hours watching them perform underwater acrobatics. Though, being the small babies that they are, they are ever aware of possible danger. The slightest hint of a threat will send them vanishing in a flash, disappearing under the lilies that often populate the surface of the ponds they live in.

Adult description: An adult Calico Goldfish is a very beautiful and graceful creature. It has flowing fins and its gold scales glitter with a metallic sheen. They don't quite move as fast as they did when young but their grace and agility has, if anything, grown. They posses a very calming aura, and Magi who keep these creatures will find that they have their most relaxing moments when sitting on the banks of their pond.

General bio: Calico Goldfish are a very popular pet for Magi who live in the confines of the city. Though they prefer to be kept with many of their own kind, so long as they receive ample attention they will conceit to living alone. These fish actually enjoy being touched and will rub against their keeper's fingers if they place their hand in the water. Because of their calming aura, schools will often keep at least one pond of them on their grounds to provide a relaxing place to study in peace.

(More info: Pretty much as it looks ^.^ A few pictures of real calico goldfish for reference. Most have black on them, that could be included or not.
Last edited by BlackDdraig on September 17th, 2009, 11:47:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Post by DragonflyFae »

Wow! You've put tons of thought into this; well done! Wishing you good luck!

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Re: Ddraig's creatures (a fire based set) Critique please ^.^

Post by BlackDdraig »

DragonflyFae wrote:Wow! You've put tons of thought into this; well done! Wishing you good luck!
Lol, thank you ^.^
Heh, I just kinda let my imagination loose on these. The one, the Gem Drakes I have a particular love for because I adore dragons. The tiger one is the oldest creature I have ever created.
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