Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 01/07!)

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Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 01/07!)

Post by Tidebringer »

After a great deal of deliberation, I have decided that I am quitting Magistream semi/permanently. I only log on probably about 4 times a month, whereas I used to log on every day. I have come to the decision that my critters need happier homes. However, I've spent several years on this site and put a lot of money into it, and so after much sorting, I have decided to give my critters to better homes in exchange for some art!

Before I get into what I'm looking for, let me break down how this works for y'all.

First and foremostly, my rules stay the same. This means no stealing art, no tracing art, no doll bases, etc. You also need confirmation from me before starting, bit that's just so two people don't claim the same critter, draw something for it, then leave me to decide who gets the critter both drew art for. So really, that's just out of fairness to you. I will give you confirmation by initiating a trade with you, for those critters. After you finish the art, please PM it to me or post it here. I will then confirm your trade!

Okay, so I have broken up my keep into 7 tabs. They are Sketches, Clean Lineart, Flat Colour, Full Colour, Full Colour Background, Multiple Characters and KEEPING. The only tab that is off limits is the KEEPING tab, those are critters that are special to me or I particularly loved the design. Here is what you get for each tab (I will provide examples of kind of what I'm looking for to give you a better idea.):

10 critters or frozen eggs in any combination for 1 sketch. These are acceptable as 'sketches':

Colour optional, around 700 pixels max size. Usually bust or torso. Something that looks like it took between 30-45 minutes. Not painstaking effort, but effort is clear. Doesn't have to be perfect or neat, just recognizeable.
Clean Lineart
3 critters or frozen eggs in any combination for one clean lineart. These are acceptable as 'clean lineart':

Monocolour/No colour/ black and white or shaded. Torso or full body. Digital or traditional lines. Looks like it took about 1-11/2 hours. Neater than a sketch, and must be lined.
Flat Colour
1 critter of your choice for 1 flat coloured piece. These are acceptable as 'Flat colour':

Flat colour/greyscale with no shading. Torso or fullbody. Digital or Traditional line. Must be lined and flat-coloured.

Full Colour
1 critter of your choice of 1 full colour piece. These are acceptable as 'full colour':

Full colour/greyscale with complete shading. Simple/no background (if none please make BG invisible if you can.), torso/fullbody. Must be lined and coloured/shaded.
Full Colour Background
1 critter of your choice for 1 fully coloured piece with background. These are acceptable as 'full colour with background':

Full colour/greyscale with complete shading and simple/intermediate background. Torso/full body. Must be lined, coloured and shaded with background.
Multiple Characters- (I will also DOUBLE offers from the Sketch, Lined Art, Flat Coloured and Full coloured tabs for multiple character pieces. ex. 20 critters/eggs for a sketch, 6 critters/eggs for lined, etc.)
1 critter of your choice for 1 multiple character piece of 2 or more characters. These are acceptable as 'Multiple character pieces':

2 or more characters, full colour and shading, intermediate/simple background. Torso or fullbody.
Here's what I'm looking for:
HUMANOIDS: Anything and everything that qualifies as looking human.
Bela (Human): Bela has two forms, human and anthro. In human form, Bela is 6'3" and on the lankier side of muscular. He's always dressed sharp (Like a New Yorker in the winter.) and loves scarves and hats. He either combs his hair (which is bleached blonde with brunette streaks) to the side or keeps it in a feauxhawk. He has a very neatly trimmed mustache. (the NOH8 thing isn't a tattoo, nor is it permanently on his face. Unless you want to draw him taking part in the NOH8 campaign.) ... 7f83b0.png ... c.png.html ... e.png.html ... e.png.html

Or he can be drawn with his gender-queer significant other, Bo: Bo also sometimes wears his hair loose. It goes a little past his shoulders, and he has bangs that sort of fade in to the rest of his hair- See his anthro reference.)

Or Bo can be drawn alone: ... 944f47.png ... 5.jpg.html

Ashford "Ash" Danstone:
Ashford (And if you're lookin' to shorten it, Ford ain't the way to go.) is a collaboration between my significant other and I. He is a middle aged Manx Familiar who spends his days in the Navy as an Infantry MP. Despite his large and imposing figure, he's actually not a very hard person to make friends with- that is, if you're not intimidated at first glance by angry looking Navy Police. He's very interested in Bo (Who is interested back. Draw them together. Bela is also acceptable there.), and likes to hang out with Hadley (Not because he enjoys it. Because it's his gosh darn job.)

Hadley O'Reilley: Hadley, like Ashford, is in the Navy. Hadley is younger, and a higher ranking officer than Ashford. His Familiar is an asian small clawed otter, and like most of those slinky-cat-looking critters, he's very squirrel-y. Hadley has a knack for getting himself into the kind of trouble that Ash usually has to pull him out of and fix, but he's not without his uses. He is an expert in hand to hand combat, a decent mechanic, and a fairly good sniper. Additionally, before having a change of heart and enrolling in the police academy, he had previously been attending a school for art and graphic design.

Bailey: Bailey is aware of his name and he hates it. Not because people tend to find the name Bailey cute, but because he doesn't appreciate the humor his parents saw in giving him the middle name "Wilkes". Bailey is a 'tough-guy' lookin' High School student from Philadelphia. He's quiet, and good at being invisible, mostly because he's a mutant with reptile inclinations. Bailey has a split tongue, pointed canines, an extra set of (clear) eyelids, and extremely tough skin. He doesn't do well in cold temperatures, and later in his life will develop the ability to breathe fire. He also has slitted pupils. Bailey is very fond of cats and being in high places. He also has a three year old named Kaylee.

Coulter: Coulter is an odd mix. He's half Syrian, half Irish, and he comes from Boston. He spends his time in New Orleans working as a police officer. He's cynical and has a temper problem, but he generally means well. Coulter is the introverted kind of nerd, and prefers to keep to himself, but is friendly enough that he'll hold a conversation with genuine interest if approached with one. He's mostly a good cop (though he's a crooked one, on account of blackmail.), and has a fair and level sense of judgement. He is very seldom seen not wearing gloves. ... yfpwpo.png ... n.png.html ... xb8lef.png

Voodoo: An ironically, if not blatantly obviously named witch doctor who prefers to spend most of his time in solitude- and for good reason. The scar above his right eye comes from a car accident, which is both the reason he no longer drives and the reason he can't see out of his right eye. He prefers to keep himself isolated from people, and makes very few exceptions (including Coulter.) He specializes in protection wards and dream reading. Attire varies from Victorian Gothic to modern formal and modern casual, though he most often dresses formally. He hangs out with Coulter a lot. ... j.png.html ... xb8lef.png

Eiden Von Keller: Eiden is an aristocratic Austrian descent from a long line of Austrian nobility. His primary language is German, and he is a 313 year old Vampire. He was born in 1699, and blinded in 1923. He makes a living as an organist, and is deeply fascinated with civil wars and foreign art. He claims to be able to prophesy the future, which no one believes. ... a.png.html ... 3.png.html ... dcbad0.png ... 2f80cc.png ... 21db03.png

(Yes, he does have a beauty mark/mole under his right eye.)

Sir Mathias Collins: Simply known as most to Collins, Sir Collins is the brother Vampire to Eiden, and is more than two centuries his elder. Sired in the 1500's in England, Sir Collins was originally a knight of noble disposition. He was sired for his ability to manipulate the actions others. He is kind and patient and slow to anger. He can be drawn in either modern clothing, or for his time period. (roughly the mid 1500's)

Sura/Seba: A set of royal Siamese/Thai twins (Not actual "Siamese" twins. They were born in Thailand in 1743. When it was still Siam. That kind of Siamese.) that have been separated since the Titanic disaster in 1912. Sura is the elder twin by 45 minutes, though he is the weaker twin. In life, Sura suffered from congenital heart disease and epilepsy. These conditions, though no longer a detriment to him (And along with several mental ailments), have left him in a permanently weakened state. Because of his health problems, Sura and his twin Seba were abducted as children and sold into slavery in Burma. The twins were sent to work in a jade mine, then sold to a Burmese spice trader when they were 17. At age 26, Sura contracted tuberculosis shortly before the Trader set sail. In exchange for saving his brother's life (And at the expense of their mortality), Seba agreed to smuggle a stranger aboard the trade ship. As a measure of further gratitude, he took the Twins with him.
Seba is by far the stronger twin. While Sura is shy, anxious and withdrawn; Seba is calm, direct, and calculating. He suffers no physical ailments, though he is less sound mentally. Seba is blind in his right eye due to an injury he received when he was young. He is also the more physically aggressive twin, often being the more protective.
Sura is currently settled in Maryland, while Seba resides in Oregon.



Orsino Feliziano- Orson, or "Sunshine" is one of the newest members of Eiden's family. He was sired by Sir Collins in the 1920's when he was critically injured. He is called Sunshine because he IS the most recent addition to the family, and thought to have a baby face. He is quiet and trusting, and enjoys gothic architecture, nonfiction, and gets along best with Auzwilde and Collins. He mostly dresses formally, and favors waistcoats.

Iri- Iri is the middle brother to Eiden and Collins, and is of Russian descent. He was sired in Moscow in 1719, after he was discharged from the service of the Czar and sentenced to be executed. Because of a curse he received when he was a child, Iri serves as a containment vessel for corrupt souls. His mind is constantly echoing back upon itself with the thoughts and emotions of the souls he contains, rendering him mostly mute as a result. The only time he speaks aloud is in Russian, and the things he says are either disturbingly violent or make little to no sense. He has several scars, mostly concentrated over his chest, back and shoulders. The most prominent is a brand on the right side of his neck- ("сатана") a Cyrillic word for Satan.
Iri presents himself in two forms, the first being an eerily tall (6'10") and muscular male with short black hair and phosphorescent, vacant green eyes. He's a fairly modern/casual dresser.
The second is an eerily large (comparable to the size of a small horse) black cat with the same eyes. He is always partially enshrouded in shadows, which seem to follow him in the consistency of thick black smoke which pools and oozes around his paws. His right ear is chipped and gnarled, and the Cyrillic brand on the right side of his neck is still visible. ... kj7jyw.png ... h.png.html ... qbi0z3.png

Nicodemo Abaroa: Not part of Eiden's family by blood, moreso by association. Has a strong connection (Good or bad is unknown) to several members of said family from several generations ranging from Rebekah to Orson (who has no fondness for and a deep seated suspicion of Nico.) His origins trace back to Spain as early as the 15th century. Popular rumor dictates that Abaroa was a savage and ruthless pirate who traded his soul for the ability to strike fear and panic into the men who crossed him in particularly gruesome ways. Currently, sadistic and sardonic Nico makes his living as a lawyer (Which he has a perfectly normal looking human suit for. I just don't have a reference for it yet. so here's plain ol' Nico.)

Auzwilde Morrigan: Auzwilde is an Irish vampire created by Eiden. He was born in the 1830's in Antrim County, and went to Medical school in Germany, where he met and was sired by Eiden in the 1860's. His grim fascination with death has lead him to pursue a career as a Mortician/Funeral Director, and he has a horrible sense of humor.

References for Auzwilde to come.

Seannan "Maddie" McFarlane: Maddie is a Medium, and also a Police officer. He is slightly faint of heart, and in certain situations, he scares easily. Despite this fact, he rises to the occasion when a challenge that requires his expertise arises, though he may be reluctant when doing so. He has a black cat that is with him at all times named Ipswich, and the two are inseparable. Maddie has a dry, sarcastic personality, and has recently become a member of the Green Lantern Corpse.

(better)References for Maddie to come.

Rebekah Abiram: Rebekah appears to be a soft spoken woman in her mid thirties. She is petite and of small stature but is, in all actuality, an ancient soul. She is a Vampire (Eiden's sire), who states her origin around 1400's France, but is actually one of a handful of survivors from Pompeii. She is also the only person alive that knows that this is the case. Despite her frail appearance, Rebekah isn't as helpless as she seems. She is also very strong willed. She has dirty blonde hair, though her natural colour is darker brown, and brown eyes.: ... 5ikmvv.jpg
ANTHRO/ZOOMORPH: Fuzzy, scaly, hoofed or feathered critters that possess animalistic quialities.
Victor: Victor is a Norwegian Forest Cat. He's quiet and kind of a loner, mostly keeping to himself. This is the only ref I have of him, and his outfit is not concrete. His dressing style is usually graphic tees and blue jeans, and some of his interests include Ghostbusters, motorcycles, pirates, and Sci-fi (such as Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.) ... 792caf.png

Nena: Nena is a hybrid between a Lion, a goat, and a horse. She's a Steampunk character, and her hair is cropped short in the back, but is cut diagonally to be longer in the front. Putting her in another outfit is fine as long as she still appears steampunk. The most correct version of her hair IS IN THE REF SHEET. It is short in the back, and gets longer toward the front. ... a1ea8b.png ... 99e34b.png ... 60ad27.png

Bela (Anthro): Bela is a Lynx with sandcat-type markings. He has two forms; human and anthro. Bela is outgoing and confident. He's been on broadway for more than ten years, an he knows his audience loves him. He is friendly, talkative, and extremely sweet. He often dresses casually, in button down shirts rolled up to the elbow, vests and slacks. I will pay more for pictures of Bela and Bo together. ... c03c84.png ... 7.png.html

Bo (Anthro): Bo is a gender-queer silver fox who is physically male and answers to male pronouns. He is sweet and soft spoken, but often called stupid because of his simple way of living and speaking. He is a singer, and Bela's significant other. He dresses in both male and female clothing. I will pay more for pictures of Bela and Bo together.

FERAL/QUAD: All characters that qualify as having all animalistic qualities and no humanistic qualities.
Ramsay: Ramsay is a Lion/Vanner/Cervid/Dragon hybrid beast. His head comes off, but I have no clean references of that, only bloody ones. If you draw him with his head off, his collar HAS to be off. It is what keeps his head on. He's ALWAYS grinning and his eyes are always wide and vacant. Also, a note. HIS SNOUT IS NOT A WOLF NOSE. He has a dragon snout. I don't know why people keep drawing him with a wolf nose. ... ece9a3.png ... 1071fc.png ... 5aea7f.png ... 2b47ef.png ... 5e317c.png ... ca675c.jpg ... e.png.html

Ashford "Ash" Danstone: Ashford is, again, a character belonging to both myself and my significant other (She gets both excited and angry at me when I throw presents at her, which is why Ash is on the list.) Ash is a black and white (tuxedo) Manx cat, and rather large for a cat due to A) his impressive height as a person and B) the fact that the Manx is his Familiar. He's a bit of a tough guy, while at the same time remaining true to his nature, which is sweet and honest. That doesn't stop him from causing trouble or mayhem, because we can't have him being made fun of for not having a tail. ... lrjt5t.png

(Note: this is the first reference AND a rough reference. He's probably longer and lankier than this. I'd use lynxes for references, or bobcats.)

Bo:- same as anthro and human, this is just his feral form ... a2ef66.png ... 34746b.png ... b4d125.png ... 7.png.html ... f.png.html

Sibyl: Sibyl is a small bat eared fox. She's spunky and full of sass and mischief. Her eyes are a light honey colour, if you can't tell. ... cdee86.png ... d.png.html

Bela:- Bela's quad form. In quad form, he does NOT have the feauxhawk. that's his human/anthro hair. His head/face should look like the SECOND reference, complete with the eye markings. ... fcda91.png ... 1608_n.jpg ... 8.png.html

I WOULD LOVE TO SEE EXAMPLES OF YOUR ART BEFOREHAND. Also, from now on, I'm only going to be giving away Donation pets for higher quality coloured art/multiple pieces. I don't want to seem mean, but they are worth quite a bit, and I'd like to get the worth of them in what I'm getting.

I will NOT take work that is done on doll bases, or traced in any way. The art must be completely done by you, and if I find out that it's been traced, then I will retract payment, and you will be blacklisted. I will accept REFERENCED work, but no part of it may be traced. If I suspect tracing, I WILL do trace tests.

WRITING: Any and all work that is written.
Compensation for writing will work much the same as compensation for drawing. I will accept writing for all three of the drawing categories (Human, anthro and quad). Payment will be allotted as follows (Note: 600 words is about a page, give or take.):

600-1,050 words- 10 critters/eggs from the 'sketch' tab.
1,051- 1,650 words- 3 critters/eggs from the 'clean lineart' tab.
1,651-2,050 words- 1 critter from the 'flat colour' tab.
2,051-2,550 words- 1 critter from the 'full colour' tab.
2,551- 3,050 words- 1 critter from the 'full colour background' tab.
3,051+ words- 1 critter from the 'multiple characters' tab.

Interested in doing a written piece? PM me with any questions about the chosen subjects and I will supply you with any and all information you need about them. Not sure who to choose? Let me know what genres you enjoy writing, and I will help you choose!
I will not hold critters for more than a WEEK tops. If a week has gone by ad you do not update me, I will cancel your trade and let someone else have a go at your critters. I do not take based, traced, edited or stolen artwork and I WILL CHECK.
Last edited by Tidebringer on February 21st, 2017, 5:40:05 pm, edited 146 times in total.
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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by HopingFaith »

Uuuh, can I try? What do I have to do for the Spinetail? ^.^

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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by Tidebringer »

Spinetail I would value at 175-200k. Id take a fullbody piece for it. It doesn't need a background :3
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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by HopingFaith »

Sure, hun. ^.^ You want her fully dressed? :t-blush:

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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by Tidebringer »

yes please :3
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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by HopingFaith »

Here she is! <3
Do you like her? ^.^

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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by Tidebringer »

She's pretty cute! There's only one thing, though. You forgot her horns xD

Other than that, it's adorable!
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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by Tidebringer »

ImageImageImage Looking to trade older critters and donis for art and writing!
Collecting crystalwings to make an army of pygmy dragons
loves spooky critters
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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by HopingFaith »

My mind ain't what it used to be. :crazy: Here she is with her horns: <3

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Re: LTB Arts!

Post by Tidebringer »

Adorable. I'll send over the spinetail <3
ImageImageImage Looking to trade older critters and donis for art and writing!
Collecting crystalwings to make an army of pygmy dragons
loves spooky critters

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