You may be wondering exactly what MagiBrook is...
MagiBrook, or simply the Brook, is a small winding creek/brook that has separated from the main Stream. For some odd reason, certain eggs can only be found in the Brook. That is why I created this shop- here you can obtain all the rare and unusual creatures that can only be found in the Brook. Sometimes you may find eggs for sale here from other obscure places such as the Crystal Cove or the Shadow Wood when I happen to go wandering, but for most part only Brook eggs are available.
Special Events:
The special breeding is being completely overhauled. It would have been much too difficult to keep track of, so I am re-doing it.
Do you enjoy MagiBrook? Help spread it around so others can enjoy it too!
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-Do not use any art from here without my permission
-When you buy anything here, you can use that art however you like as long you do not make a profit (unless it has to do directly with the game) and you must give me credit wherever you use it. If it is on site please link it to this thread. If it is offsite, credit Lazuli of Magistream and MythsAndDreams from deviantart. Thank you!
-I will absolutely not tolerate art theft (claiming my art is yours or making a profit off of it)
-You can suggest a creature to be added here by PMing me with the following form:
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I'd like to suggest a creature!
Reference images: (optional)
This suggestion only applies to MagiBrook, I do NOT want this suggestion considered for MagiStream: Yes/No
Other stuff
-All art here is made by me unless otherwise stated