The Lookout

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The Lookout

Post by Reima »

Oh man, this ended up on being so Long xD
I hope you won't fall asleep when reading it, but it was interesting Trying to write something Magistream related, be it the first time or anything~

It was just an ordinary day in lookout. The Frigaes Reindeer were minding their own business as always…
This month was coming to its end. That would mean returning to the village for me. To be exact, I wasn’t sure if I should be happy about being able to see everyone again after a whole moth of just following the reindeer herd. I was actually enjoying the tranquil atmosphere a lot. I had a lot of time for sketching, drawing and writing. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened. No attempts on harming the herd by wild creatures or such. 30 days of this quietude might sound boring, but for someone who had been stressing up over everything for the past three months, this was like a paradise…

Out of nowhere however, there was a sound. I don’t know how to describe it, but at first I thought that it was nothing. I took a look around myself but I didn’t see anything out of ordinary that would have caused the sound. Must have been just some dry branches snapping off the trees behind me. Some overweight bird must have just tried to sit on it and ended up breaking it.
That’s what I thought, until I took a look at the reindeer. They held their heads up, alerted and wide awake. I started to think that the sound might not have been just a branch falling off… The herd hadn’t been as alerted as this for the whole month…

I started to gather my belongings; the herd would decide to dash of at any moment and that wouldn’t do me any good. Santeri, my Chain White Elk that I had brought with me, walked over to me. It had noticed that I was about to leave and stopped to stand next to me, waiting for me to saddle it and get going. Santeri sure was the nicest companion I had ever had with me. He can read the atmosphere so well that it knows what is going on even if I would be completely lost.

As I put the saddle on Santeri, the leader of the reindeer herd decided that it was time for them to leave. Something could be heard coming from the forest.

Santeri gave me a look that asked if I was ready soon. It clearly didn’t want to be the only creature left there when that something would be coming. It started to step around on its place.

“Calm down. I can’t do anything if you’re going to keep doing that while I’m trying to get things done here..!” Lucky me - that was enough to get Santeri to stand still for the time it took me to get the saddle on. I didn’t manage to get on his back quickly enough though, as a pack of some creatures ran out of the forest and headed after the reindeer. They were too fast for me to catch what the creatures were. I didn’t have the time to be all frustrated about it though; I had to go after the herd.

On the edges of the plain there were a lot of big, tall trees; this is the Silva Forest area after all. However, what I was worried about in here was the herd and I don’t think that them going in the forest while panicking would be any good for me. Who knows, they would easily be assaulted there or maybe they would end up getting themselves hurt. I might be underestimating them, but I simply don’t want anything to ruin this lookout. Who knows, maybe they won’t allow me to come here again if I fail or anything goes wrong…

Santeri and I chased after the herd for a while, but they were too fast for us to follow. In the end I decided that it would be better for us to just be smart, stop running around aimlessly and start listening for them instead. It sounded like the strange pack of yet unknown creatures, that had rushed out of the forest, were long gone. The forest was quiet. In fact, it was a little bit too quiet. I couldn’t hear any other sounds but Santeri’s hooves stepping on the leafy ground.

I didn’t like the quietness… It made me to feel uneasy, as if something would lunge at us at any moment. Normally I would have walked alongside Santeri but I decided to sot on its back for some safety. I looked around and tried to see if I could spot any of the reindeer in the shadows. It wasn’t easy. The trees are so tall that the whole forest itself is very dim when it comes to lighting. The only sound of a creature, other than Santeri, that I spotted belonged to something around the size of a rabbit. I couldn’t see it, but it didn’t sound like it would have been anything big. And it definitely wasn’t a reindeer, that’s for sure.

As we reached the edge of the forest and returned to the plain, we were relieved. The herd had returned to the same spot where it had been before the ‘assault’.

“Good boy…” I patted Santeri as I got off of his back. He wasn’t too tired as we had walked for the later part of the search. He needed some rest though; we were still supposed to lead the herd back to the town tomorrow.

I took up my notebook and started to check if all the reindeer were still there with the herd. Most notable thing with this herd was the fact that among all these Frigaes Reindeer, there was this one Calidaes Reindeer. For some reason it had decided to travel and roam around with this specific herd and not the one with its kind.

I tried looking for this Calidaes Reindeer, but I saw no signs of it. Sure it’s slower than the rest of the herd, not because of the breed difference but rather its size. It’s a bit taller than the reindeer usually are and that makes it a bit clumsy. However, as much as I would have liked to blame its absence on its speed, the slowest Frigaes Reindeer of the herd that always spends time with the Calidaes was there with the rest of the herd. It had started to look worried. If I’m not mistaken, that means that something must have happened to it and this made me to feel uneasy again. Other villagers might not care about the Calidaes Reindeer all that much, but for me it was very dear. Might be because I’m the one who looked after it while it was younger and still spent most of its time in The Keep.

I put my notebook back in my bag. Every single other one of the reindeer were there, but not the Calidaes: it was still missing.

“… I should really go look after it… I’m sure it must have just gotten lost… It couldn’t possibly hav-“ As I was still thinking and partly talking to myself, the slowest Frigaes Reindeer nudged me. I looked at it with a surprised expression on my face. These creatures grew up to be rather independent, but they would still be friendly towards humans and would be ready to help humans if they needed it. I really shouldn’t have been all that surprised. This reindeer was also one of those that I myself had helped to raise and look after when they were younger.

“It’s ok… I’ll go look after him, ok?” I petted him and tried to sound bold. I had to trust the herd to take care of itself when I was gone, so I might as well make them think that I would be just fine as well. When I looked at the forest, certain feeling of being unsafe started to build inside me. What if the strange pack was still there? Were those creatures even worth being afraid of though? If the whole herd had survived without getting harmed… … Unless…

I really shouldn’t put too much thought into it. That would only make it worse.

I made my way over to Santeri. It seemed a bit unsure as well, but I think that it knew that we would be forced to go through the forest at one point or another; we still needed to take the herd back home after all. I hopped on his back and we headed back into the forest, leaving the herd looking after us before continuing their usual way of life again…

It had become a bit darker in the forest. It wasn’t night yet, but the brightest point of the day had already passed. I tried to look for anything that could give some light for Santeri and me, but I wasn’t lucky enough. We had to manage with the dim light that we had.
Soon enough we had made our way deep inside the forest and yet again, seen or heard no signs of anything – not even the ‘rabbit’ from earlier. The nothingness lasted for a while, until the sound of something other than Santeri walking reached my ears. I told Santeri to stop. I turned my head to face the direction where the sound had came.


I waited a bit if I would hear a sound again. I waited but heard nothing… However, this was the only sound of something that I had heard in a while. I told Santeri to turn and walk towards the direction where I had heard the sound coming from.

As we made our way through the bushes and between the trees, I started to get weird thoughts in my head. Didn’t help at all that when we were moving forward, the ground started to look more lifeless than it already was. To be exact, the dim light that we had had was almost gone as well…

Eventually, we came to the point of the forest that was pitch black. Santeri stopped. He didn’t want to go any further. I sighed to myself, thinking that I had just wasted our time by asking it to turn and such… I must have just been imagining the whole sound… I guess that’s what your brain does after enough of silence.

Just when I was about to ask Santeri to walk back, I noticed something. A pair of eyes in the darkness. I couldn’t see clearly what was there. I squinted my eyes and hoped to see something. I did see a silhouette of a goat or something similar. It wasn’t like any of those that I’ve seen before though. This one looked like it was starving. Maybe it had gotten lost in the forest and was just looking for its home? I wonder…

There was something eerie about this goat, I’m sure of it. It was just standing there, glaring at us with its green eyes… It somehow managed to send shivers through my spine. Santeri was feeling the same, but it was a bit curious and took a step forward.

That was a mistake.

I don’t even know how I am supposed to be describing the sound that the goat made when it looked at us and let out this ‘scream’ of its. It was surely enough to frighten both, me and Santeri, as I leaned back and asked Santeri to back up. I guess he had stepped on the ‘personal area’ of this black goat and made it angry. The goat took a step after us. Then another and another until it leaped at us. This was clearly enough of ‘standing still’ for Santeri as he turned around and rushed away from the goat. It was his way on saying: “Screw this, I’m outta here!”

I have never ever seen or experienced Santeri running this fast. I could say that it was more scary than it was fun. Sure, riding was fun but with something chasing after you it was just creepy.

I took a quick glance behind. No goat was following us, but instead a black, creepy looking skinny horse! I was sure of it. This creature was surely a Mohrior and it was gaining up on us. I could only hope that Santeri had a plan of some sort. I knew it was already running as fast as it could…

Santeri took a quick left turn. I wasn’t fully prepared for it, so I fell down and landed on the bushes with a bang. Yes, a bang. I hit the tree behind the bushes, but I was lucky for the bushes softening up the landing and I didn’t hit the tree too hard.

I tried to focus. I could hear the galloping noises going further and further away… Maybe the Mohrior was hungry and there for went after Santeri in hopes of a bigger meal? Maybe it hadn’t noticed me falling… I would have been an easy meal for it… Do they even eat humans? I’m not sure…

Soon enough my thoughts were interrupted by a low growing sound and it wasn’t a Direwolf. It sounded too eerie to be one. Without a second thought I climbed up the tree as fast as I could. That is when a wolf like creature dug its fangs right next to the spot where I had just been. It let go of the tree as it pulled back, leaving some marks of its sharp fangs on the bark of the tree. I instantly noted that it looked like it was starving as well. It was black and it had a vicious glow in its eyes. Was this the same Mohrior that was chasing me and Santeri? How often do they change these forms anyway?? Jeez! It was a horse just a moment ago, I swear! I should have studied them more. I only heard of them from the elder of the town once. Man, I regret not reading any books of them when I was still at home… This thing would surely be glad to have a piece of me if it would ever reach me that’s for sure.

Suddenly my attention was drawn to a familiar cry that echoed from a distance. I didn’t need to put much thought into it. It was Santeri, I’m sure of it. I hadn’t had any time to go after it. But the sound meant that this Mohrior wasn’t the one that we had seen. This was a different one. The thought of more than one of these beasts made me shiver. What If they would attack the Reindeer herd? I would be in so much trouble if that would happen.

I whistled, hoping for Santeri to hear me and know that I would be coming to its aid if I would manage to make my way there (not even thinking what I would do after I would get there). I looked around myself, seeking for something to throw at the beast that was still waiting for me under the tree. It still hadn’t given up on trying to climb up after me, but it was getting tired. It was my chance. Right here, right now. I twisted and snapped off the closest and strongest branch of the tree that I possibly could and took a tight grip on it as I looked down at the Mohrior. It was curious of the sound that the branch snapping of had made.

Might have been a stupid idea to start climbing down. I would have surely survived if I would have just stayed in the tree and waited for day to come… Mohriors don’t have a flying form, right? … I don’t want to take my chances. I had to save Santeri.

I looked at the Mohrior as I climbed down. I swear it had the most sinister grin I’ve ever seen. It frightened me. How often do creatures make that face at you? It had something in its mind, no doubt about it.
I couldn’t let it get the better of me. As it opened its mouth, I did the classical thing: I sticked the branch in its mouth so that it wouldn’t be able to close it. It must have known that I would be trying to do something with the stick, but I’m not sure if it had predicted me going in for this stupid strategy. It looked a bit surprised.

I jumped the last two meters down from the tree ad landed with a somersault. Surely the Mohrior was looking after every move that I made. It turned to look at me as it easily snapped its mouth shut, breaking the branch in the progress.

Is I tried to get up and make a run for it, my ankle twisted itself and sent some pain through my whole right leg. This was the worst time for it to happen. Why did it have to do that now of all the possible times? While I was cowardly trying to run away from this creature that would be sure to end my days…
I know I should have just stayed in the tree. It knew I had no chance on fighting it with only a stick as my weapon.

The Mohrior knew it had the upper hand. It looked at me, still having that grin on its face. The grin didn’t disappear even when it leaped at me, with its paws first like the beast it was.
I had nowhere to go…

With my ankle being like this, running would be useless…

I would only be able to amuse the beast with my useless efforts on getting away.

I might as well just stay on my place and look my dead in the eye.

It’s not like someone or something would come in my aid…

I had failed Santeri… I could still hear its cries that it made, trying to ask help from me. I’m such a bad owner… They should have never allowed me to be in lookout…

Just when I thought I was a goner, the Calidaes Reindeer appeared. It clashed with the Mohrior, sending it some meters away from me before it could have reached me with its paws. I could hear the Mohrior letting out a whining sound before it started to growl again. I didn’t have much time to react as the Calidaes Reindeer snatched me up with its horns and dashed away from the Mohrior that had now gotten up and scurried right after us, limbing a bit in the progress tough. Surprisingly enough, we got away from it and it was left howling after us.

As we were making our way towards the herd, I noted that the Calidaes Reindeer had been injured. It had most likely been attacked by something, probably the Mohrior… But that’s when my head started to get foggy… Really foggy…

I was so confused. I didn’t know what I should be thinking. The last hour was a total blackout for me. I only remember making my way back to the herd, ordering it to go around the forest and head back to the village. It was only after some hours when I regained my consciousness fully. Santeri had joined the herd; he wasn’t left unharmed though. I removed its saddle and gave it to the slow Frigaes Reindeer and continued the way back home on it.
We had to make a stop on the house of certain healer magi, however, because I didn’t want the villagers to see any of the reindeer wounded when I returned. I also wanted to know if anyone else had visited the magi because of Mohriors… I seemed to be the only one though… …

I better keep this whole incidence as a secret… It would only cause havoc amongst the villagers…
I was still afraid of Mohriors and I would be afraid of them for a great while… But something in my head wanted to see them again. I wanted to learn more about them… I wanted to do some researches on them… Even if it would end up taking my life… As long as I would gather enough evidence on them so that no such heart beating event would need to take place… Ever…
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
To hatchling only C:
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