You made a typo, Magistream

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You made a typo, Magistream

Post by Morgaln »

Many of you have probably noticed that there are a lot of small (and not so small) typos running around the site, especially the creatures descriptions. We're going to fix that now, and you can help us. Whenever you find a typo, post it here and we'll fix it as soon as we get around to it. Remember that this still might take a few days now and then. Thanks for your help and happy hunting!
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

In the Chocolate Viyasant's adult description you'll find this line: "Male viyasants are black in color, while females have white coats"
Second-to-last sentence in the 1st paragraph.

And of course in this variety, males are dark chocolate in color, while females have lighter caramel coats. No black-and-white for them.

Also in an adult description, this time the Asselis: "are rarely attacked. Sselises have long ears". Be nice to get the vowel back. That one is in the middle of the paragraph. Start of the 9th sentence.
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by PaleoMage »

I LOVE pointing out typos! Everything looks so nice and professional when they're removed.
For starters, in the Wikken cat description the name is spelled Wikkin. ^_^
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by Mathcat »

Tevera enoxes are referred to as "tereva enoxes" throughout their description. There's also a reference to niveus enoxes in the first paragraph that probably shouldn't be there.

Montain and forest tylluans have parts of their adult descriptions switched.

Mountain tylluan - "The males of this species have warm brown coloring, making it easy to blend in among the trees. Females have slightly cooler coloring, though their eyes have a more reddish tint."

Forest tylluan - "The males of this species have light brown coloring, making it easy to blend in among the trees. Females have warmer coloring, more red."

Actually, female mountain tylluans are red and female forest tylluans have the slightly cooler coloring.

Arkenian kitsune - Stealth and quiet -> Stealthy and quiet

Snow dragon - giants piles of snow -> giant piles of snow

Alasrae alpacas - The two types are referred to as lowland/highland in the description, instead of western/southern.

Ariessa - And if sheered still maintains life -> And if sheared still maintains life

Noctis enox - Referred to as "dark enox" in first paragraph of description

Niveus enox - Referred to as "light enox" in first paragraph of description

Pinto pegasus - Alike regular pegasi -> like regular pegasi

Minicorn (both) - Silva Forest also referred to as Sylva Forest

Forest tylluan - References "dark tylluan" in one paragraph

(This is probably more of a pet peeve than a typo, but khatash are described as both small and 10-15 handspans tall. 10-15 handspans tall is tall enough to ride - not exactly small.)

(This is also probably more of a pet peeve, but crystalwings are dragons, not birds, as confirmed elsewhere by the artist.)
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by Syndicate »

In advance, I apologise if any of these are actually correct. American spelling and British English are a bit different in places.

Lore- The Forgotten Race "I have been lenient, and waited for your to prove yourselves."

Lake Lakira "Dry out under the sun afterward on a hot rock, alongside basilisks and the occasional cat, before you trudge back to The Keep on the well worn path." - Well-worn.

the Origin of Manticores"The spirits of plants and animals began to form trees, flowers ,and all the different animals that lived. "
"With the spirit of the jungle within it, it began to speak. compassion and tolerance must be taught [...]"

The Direwolves Secret"[...]still asking a question tho he knew not what it was."
"All he could do was follow as she kept waiting and then backing away, leading him further and further into the forest, until he reached what he now knew was it's heart."
"[...] because they were born and hatched here!, guarded by the silver pack."

Koi Fish General Text - Very last word/sentence is "Test." I'm guessing someone just forgot to remove that?

Arkenian Kitsune General Text - "Its white fur makes it difficult to hide in warmer, but these creatures mostly live in arctic terrain [...]" - Maybe?

Yale General Text - "Then a whole herd of goats will batter at the weak spot until the break out[...]"

Nulorn General Text - "The only a large pack of wolves stand any chance at bringing down a nulorn." (Last sentence)

Noctis Enox General Text - "If seen in tea leaves, a elaborate ceremony is immediately undertaken to ward off evil." - Should that be "an" or am I just....?

Vosmari General Text - "Older vosmari tortoises are very wise and knowledge [...]"

Vosmari Hatchling Text - " [...] exploring the lake and its shores.When ready [...] " - Just missing a space at the beginning of the new sentence.

Donec Fish Adult Text - "While there are other varities of donec fish in the wild [...]"

Dugong General Text - "Little did the hunters know that dugongs can grant powers, but only if willing." - Doesn't really make sense?

White & Black Tundra Adult Text - " Tundra talluans with darker plumage are more aloof [...]"
"Their nests are like those of non magical birds" - Non-magical?

Lunestre Dragon Adult Text - "While nonmagical butterfliess are often devoured by owls and the like [...]"

Decessus General Text - They are referred to as Decessusi twice through out the passage. I'm not sure if that's wrong but it seems it.

"Much superstition surrounds decessusi, and not surprisingly, most fear them . No one knows how [...]"

White Cervinus Deer Adult Text - "It's easy enough to tell what color an an adult cervinus deer will be from their egg [...]"

Pygmy Phoenix Hatchling Text - "Eggs only appear in the stream, and can be found no where in the wild."

Chimera Adult Text - "With the courageousness of a lion, agility and horns of an goat [...]"

Tevera Enox Adult Text - "tereva enoxes are not seen as either good or bad, and are not particularily feared by villagers. They are free to come eand go as they please [...]"

Dark Unicron Adult Text - "[...] make excellent companions for nighttime ventures."

Dark Unicorn General Text - "[...] a place so dangerous only the most brave dared enter." - Bravest fits better.

Celestial & Void Dragon Adult Text - "[...] its prudent not to provoke them."

Basilisk Adult Text - "[...]it's no odd sight to see one wrapped lovingly around it's magi shoulders."

Cobalt Wyvern General Text - "Unable to breath flame or carry a rider [...]"

Temple Dog General Text - "[...] gentle around children, and completely self sufficient." - Self-sufficient.

Baku Adult Text - "Baku are said to have come into this world as mirages, that were once seen only in the Etain desert."

Cestoda General Text - "Cestoada larvae, if applied internally, will cure their hosts of all disease."

Brontotherium General Text - "These heards travel the land to search for vegetation to devour. "

Puvia Adult General Text - "You look forward to the day when more bright colored eggs show up for you to tend to [...]" - Bright-colored
"[...] as these multicoloured creatures do not camouflage well. " - Multi-colored (the writers used my colour instead of your color)

Dragon Turtle General Text - "These companions may chose to live elsewhere if they had the choice, [...]"

Dragon Turtle Adult Text - "[...] more interested in a creature's strength than it's kindness."

Ashevor Adult Text - "Only a small sqauwk lets you know they are not all sleeping [...]"

Ashevor General Text - "[...] most.This animal is so bizaare [...]"

Not really even a big deal but, the second and third prizes in the NA are always called "Price."
Not sure if that's just American English or a typo though.
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by BBkat »

Just found several in the Temple Cat hatchling text(typos in red).
This adorable kitten is a pale cream, but over the days its slowly darkening. Its fur is fine and very short, blending in well with sand.You've never seen a graceful hatchling before, but this little cat has a long, fine-boned look, a result of generations of specialized breeding. A very long, thin tail is usually all to be seen of it, as this kitten threads its way through grass or explores under furniture. Enjoying play, it mock fights and cannot resist a dangling string. More than one magi's cloak has been attacked. This feline has an uncanny way of disappearing and showing up where least expected, almost as if its eavesdropping.
The 'its' need an apostrophe and there needs to be a space between 'sand' and 'you've'
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by sparkyrav »

I have found a typo inside the The Legend Of Archmage Lorien quest when choosing an egg path. When I go to click the link of "Quest - Take a Rose Imp egg from west end of the garden" The confirmation page says "Do you wish to take an egg from the south end of the garden? " It should say WEST not south.
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by BBkat »

A couple more:

From the general text of the Silex Basilisk
However, there is an ability silex basiliks possess
From the Kynrel hatchling text
Despite their friendly natures, kynrels never play with other magical creature.
From the adult Daycrawler description
They are easy to distinguish apart from the males, as they are purple in color, with thin antennae and barbed tails. Males on the other hand are blue in color, and their antennae are plumose.
Those are the Nightcrawler colours, Daycrawlers are green (female) and yellow (male).
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by Skye »

It's thought these companions have some shared past with the lycanthropes [...]
This is from the brown lycanthrope (I'm not sure about the black one) description and can be found in the second paragraph, the fourth sentence. Judging from the rest of the description, I believe "lycanthropes" should be changed to "werewolves" (or some other creature), but judging from the quest text I believe werewolves should be changed to direwolves. Unless lycanthropes were supposed to have some shared history with themselves?
Last edited by Skye on November 23rd, 2013, 4:17:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: You made a typo, Magistream

Post by Herbstblatt »

Pink Mohlaris Elephant Adult, general description:
Their long trunks are most intriguing – gentle enough pluck a flower from the ground, but strong enough to easily tear a branch off a tree.

More an issue with fontencoding, but I don't know where else to put this.

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