Vipor's mini mall

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Vipor's mini mall

Post by vipor »

Greetings and welcome to my little corner in the Mercado.
Here my gang and I sell several pets.
I take care of selling and streamcatching. Member of the darkbrotherhood
Norfindala does minor breeding and streamcatching. Member of the tritent guild.
Lucina is a main breeder. Member of the herbalist guild.
Dunstan is a main breeder.

If you wish to gendertrade my stock, feel free to sent a pm.
To me it does not matter if I'm selling a male or a female. The offered critter must be unnamed, unfrozen, hatchling and same gen as the ones I have.

There are some coal wyrms and penguins that have been bred, these have this noted. Everything else is unbred.

We offer quality and easy reconision of parent creatures. Allowing you to breed first gens for offspring without accidental inbreeding grandparent wise.

Now most of the time I don't really care what you do with the creatures you buy.
However I do not want people to buy a creature from here just to help the ones on my black list. If I do see it happening, your on there aswell.

The people in this list will not be allowed to buy, rent or gender trade anything in my shop.

Streamborn stock
Bred stock
Event borns
Event born special dates
Parentless hybrids, pond, shop
Donation creatures

Creatures to pay with
As gold seems to be low when it is needed due to the big amount of pets to buy, I also take alternate means of payment.
Basically you can use pets to buy your pets.
Offered creatures must be parentless, unnamed, unfrozen and Unbred.
Any new event creature (during the event.)

dark temple rhinoceros (max 20)
Kitsune, tenabre (max 20)

40K/shard, new doni's

Alvean wasp, pearlen (max 5)
Capricorn, ruby ( max 3)
Capricorn, amethyst (max 1)
capricorn, meridian ( max 7)
Chimera (max 1)
Curkuba, white ( max 9)
nandi bear, albino ( max 2)
Pearl wyrm, golden ( max 15)
Pegasus, pinto ( max 6)
golden pheasant simurgh (max 19)
husky simurgh ( Max 17)
phoenix simurgh ( max 18)

Namista's spider, shadowspinner ( max 11)
Namista's spider, sunweaver ( max 5)
Rose imp, black ( max 11)
Rose imp, pink( max 3)
Rose imp, red( max 6)
Rose imp, white ( max 6)
Rose imp, yellow( max 6)
Sonerus dragon, bronze ( max 3)
Whale, aurora ( max 13)
Wyvern, emerald ( max 11)

Reindeer, calidaes ( max 14)
Reindeer, frigaes ( max 17)
Pteira crystalwing, golden ( max 3)
Pteira crystalwing, purple ( max 19)

Cat, wikken ( max 23)
Wyrm, prasinis (max 10)

And trust me, ctrl+F is your friend.
Last edited by vipor on August 27th, 2024, 11:27:57 am, edited 240 times in total.
Low prices high quality.
Vipor's mini mall
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MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood Member of Artificer's Association Member of Preservationists Association An icon depicting the element Void
Posts: 5394
Joined: November 4th, 2009, 8:11:58 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Somewhere in the 9th circle of hell.


Post by vipor »

Here is the current stock of pets which can be found in the stream.

Be warned that all my normal stock are adults.

On occasion the numbers can be off. I do try to keep this to a minimum.
Stream born males
Stream born females
0% eggs

Frozen eggs
5G for streamborn
50G for questborn
100G for event born
  • 300g/creature
  • --------laska M 3 : F 4
  • --------liefde M 0 : F 3
  • --------Etainian M 1 : F 0
  • --------Savannah M 3 : F 1
  • --------tan leopard
  • --------tan lion
  • --------white leopard M 0 : F 1
  • --------white lion M 1 : F 0
    Anaconda, tetzcotal
    Anaugi M 2 : F 1
    Ashevor M 0 : F 1
    Astridae, ruin
  • --------brown
  • --------red M 0 : F 2
    Axolotl M 1 : F 0

    Baku M 0 : F 1
  • --------ambula
  • --------Kericalla
  • --------livian M 1 : F 1
  • --------nandi
  • --------xand M 1 : F 2
  • --------laetolis
  • --------latifra
    Beetle, taijitu M 0 : F 3
    Borean wolf
  • --------black
  • --------common
  • --------faded
  • --------spotted
  • --------white
    Brocc, taxus
  • --------Chikumba
  • --------Mafupa M 0 : F 2
  • --------Nyama
    Brujine, Mtima M 2 : F 1
    Bumblebat, sibiran M 1 : F 1
    Bunny, anacita
    Butterfly fish, monarch

    Capellin M 1 : F 1
    Celestial butterfly
  • --------blue M 1 : F 1
  • --------green M 1 : F 3
  • --------purple
    Cerapicta, tropical M 15 : F 5
    Charubi M 2 : F 2
    Coati M 0 : F 2
  • --------beach
  • --------ocean
    Courshound, desert
    Crab, viridis
  • --------day M 0 : F 1
  • --------night
  • --------danaus M 1 : F 2
  • --------peleides

    Deer, cervinus
  • --------southern M 3 : F 3
  • --------western M 5 : F 3
    Deshkivari, Swallowtail M 0 : F 1
    Dragonfly, wooden M 2 : F 1
    Dragon turtle
  • --------chlorophyte M 1 : F 1
  • --------Phaeophyte M 1 : F 0
  • --------rhodophyte
    Drake, feather

    Eagle, guardian M 2 : F 0
    Eel, moray
  • --------mohlaris
  • --------ruby kordaetis M 1 : F 0
  • --------sapphire kordaetis
    Elona, rone M 0 : F 2
    Engull M 2 : F 2

  • --------green
  • --------hazel M 1 : F 1
  • --------carithas M 1 : F 0
  • --------demon M 0 : F 2
    Flea, onapae
    Fly, sryllian M 1 : F 0
    Fox, tenebra M 2 : F 2
    Frog, abeoth M 4 : F 2

    Gemfrog, karst M 0 : F 1
    Gemstone kirin
  • --------diamond
  • --------opal
    Grotesque, ardulen
  • --------ash M 2 : F 0
  • --------gold M 0 : F 1
  • --------onyx M 2 : F 3
  • --------sand M 5 : F 2

    Hare, snow
    Hedgehog, fiorellan M 0 : F 1
  • --------coral M 2 : F 4
  • --------kelp M 0 : F 1
  • --------trench
    Honeybat, florina M 0 : F 1
    Hummingbirds M 0 : F 1
  • --------Inferno M 6 : F 1
  • --------Tainted
    Hyalus rana
  • --------Aer
  • --------Aqua M 2 : F 2
  • --------Terra
  • --------balance
  • --------fire
  • --------storm
  • --------water
  • --------wind M 2 : F 2
  • --------dawn M 0 : F 2
  • --------dusk M 1 : F 0

    Ilikatal M - : F 1
    Ixsu, tiexos M 3 : F 2

  • --------cupric M 1 : F 0
  • --------indigo
  • --------tumeric

  • --------lakiran M 1 : F 2
  • --------razan M 1 : F 0
  • --------red eye M 1 : F 0
    Keeatl M 3 : F 6
    Kelung, maa
    Kitsune M 2 : F 0
  • --------old stream
  • --------ouranian
    Koppis, gilded
    Kraken M 9 : F 2
  • --------alasre
  • --------etainian
  • --------razan
  • --------silvan M 0 : F 1
  • --------voltarian

  • --------forest M 2 : F 0
  • --------trench M 2 : F 4
  • --------tropical M 0 : F 1
    Lizard, ruin
    Lunestre dragon
  • --------monarch
  • --------swallowtail

    Mantis, isolex
    Me'chuan Bengolo
  • --------northern
  • --------southern M 0 : F 2
  • --------alba M 1 : F 0
  • --------tenebricosa
  • --------dark
  • --------light
  • --------razan M 0 : F 1
  • --------silvan
  • --------blue nareau
  • --------green nareau M 2 : F 0
    Mouse, amberspice M 0 : F 1
  • --------Forest M 1 : F 5
  • --------Jungle M 2 : F 0

  • --------etainian M 2 : F 0
  • --------ixan M 1 : F 0
  • --------borean M 0 : F 1
  • --------silvan M 1 : F 0
    Narwal, dark M 3 : F 2

    Onchopristis M 1 : F 2
    Orchid, razan
    Oriental scorpion
  • --------southern
  • --------western
    Osath M 1 : F 0
    Otter, silvan M 1 : F 0

    Panther, telvanian M 4 : F 3
  • --------ankh M 1 : F 1
  • --------wadjet
    Pearl wyrm
  • --------black
  • --------copper
  • --------grey
  • --------dark M 2 : F 2
  • --------light M 3 : F 2
    Pesadelo, Medonho M 0 : F 2
  • --------cardinal
  • --------fire M 2 : F 4
  • --------gamilara M 0 : F 2
  • --------naricasa M 5 : F 9
  • --------silcia M 2 : F 1
    Platypus, lakiran
  • --------normal
  • --------cardinal
  • --------nightshade
  • --------sweet M 1 : F 0
    Prism fox
  • --------Air
  • --------Earth
  • --------Fire
  • --------Life
  • --------Light
  • --------Void
  • --------water
    Psittarx dragon, emerald
    Puvia M 3 : F 2
    Python, mottled

  • --------corax M 3 : F 7
  • --------yatagarasu M 1 : F 0
    Raza cobra
  • --------northern
  • --------southern
  • --------forest
  • --------mountian
    Rose snail
  • --------blazing M 1 : F 0
  • --------lady's lace M 1 : F 1
  • --------nocturne M 0 : F 1

    Sarvain M - : F 1
    Scarab, sacred
  • --------lakiran M 1 : F 2
  • --------Reef M 1 : F 2
  • --------trench
    Sea unicorn
  • --------black pearl
  • --------gold horned M 0 : F 1
  • --------pearl
  • --------zebra
    Seal, korez
    Sea leopard, arkenian M 1 : F 0
  • --------mottled M 1 : F 0
  • --------Silt
    Serpaen, savannah
    Shark, Karcharos M 2 : F 2
    Snail, moss
  • --------ruby
  • --------sapphire M 1 : F 0
  • --------Peacock
  • --------rederan M 0 : F 2
    Squilla, royal
    Stalker, mist M 0 : F 3
    Synaran aericorn, malachite

    Tarsier, tropical
    Talvar, Sunrise M 0 : F 2
    Thunderbird M 1 : F 2
    Torveus dragon
  • --------green
  • --------gold
    Triak, tropical

    Weiroatl M 4 : F 1
    Winged cat
  • --------black M 3 : F 1
  • --------white M 4 : F 4
    Wyrm, topo

    Vasant beetle
  • --------green M 0 : F 1
  • --------red
    Vevex ray
  • --------storm
  • --------sun
  • --------fulgens
  • --------tamias
  • --------uncia M 2 : F 1
  • --------jareen
  • --------sayos


  • --------hill
  • --------mountian M 1 : F 0

  • --------azure M 3 : F 2
  • --------rufous M 2 : F 0
  • --------virescent
    ziraafa M 1 : F 0
Last edited by vipor on August 27th, 2024, 11:38:57 am, edited 771 times in total.
Low prices high quality.
Vipor's mini mall
User avatar
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood Member of Artificer's Association Member of Preservationists Association An icon depicting the element Void
Posts: 5394
Joined: November 4th, 2009, 8:11:58 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Somewhere in the 9th circle of hell.

Bred stock

Post by vipor »

Here is the current stock of pets that we have.
On occasion the numbers can be off. I do try to keep this to a minimum.

Female donec hatchlings for potions. These have mixed parents.
300G each
33 females

Bred males
Bred females
Pygmy crystalwings

These creatures are first gen event/quest/shop and lowest gen hybrids. Hybrids can have crashborn parents.
  • 300 G/creature
    Adunatonsus M 18 : F 16
  • --------Armastus M 2 : F 1
  • --------carriad M 1 : F 1
  • --------cinta
  • --------Dragoste M 0 : F 1
  • --------rakkaus M 3 : F 3
    Ahuizotl M 3 : F 2
    Alasre alpaca
  • --------southern M 1 : F 0
  • --------western M 1 : F 2
  • --------Bronze M 1 : F 2
  • --------Cobalt M 0 : F 1
  • --------rose gold M 3 : F 1
    Alphyn, silvian M 1 : F 5
    Alvean wasp
  • --------pearlen
  • --------theia M 5 : F 2
  • --------triathe M 2 : F 2
  • --------ocellata M 8 : F 7
  • --------quail M 3 : F 2
  • --------mist M 0 : F 5
  • --------telvian M 2 : F 0
    Arachnid, Osseo M 1 : F 4
    athenanas M 5 : F 3
    Arkenian goose
  • --------golden M 3 : F 0
  • --------normal M 4 : F 14
    Ayoti, candle

    Basjune M 5 : F 10
    Batcoon, candy corn M 3 : F 1
  • --------albino nandi
  • --------Spotted nivalis M 0 : F 2
    Beest, krampen M 2 : F 3
    Bird, lucinus M 3 : F 0
    Boar, cehaul M 0 : F 2
    Borean rhino, Lowenarc's
  • --------Meles M 0 : F 5
  • --------Mellivore M 2 : F 7
    Bunny, dusk M 7 : F 2
    Butterfly, seer M 5 : F 3
    Butterfly fish
  • --------swallowtail (first gen) M 21 : F 30
  • --------ulysses (second gen) M 1 : F 9

  • --------amethyst
  • --------hallow
  • --------meridian
  • --------ruby
  • --------tidal
    Cat, wikken M 2 : F 0
    Cervinus deer,
  • --------Black
  • --------Piebald
  • --------White
    Charubi, blushing M 1 : F 1
    Cheminna M 8 : F 18
    Chimera M 12 : F 7
  • --------Original M 14 : F 16
  • --------ember
    Chupareno M 2 : F 3
  • --------Flint M 1 : F 7
  • --------Oaxacan M 0 : F 6
    Cockatrice M 12 : F 13
    Copei, swamp
  • --------normal M 4 : F 7
  • --------heartbreak
  • --------moraz M 1 : F 1
  • --------yecu M 3 : F 3
    Crab, chocolate viridis
  • --------blue M 0 : F 1
  • --------green M 3 : F 1
  • --------purple M 2 : F 1
  • --------red M 5 : F 7
  • --------Accipito
  • --------Akvo
  • --------Black cypheles
  • --------Clostra M 0 : F 1
  • --------Cypheles
  • --------Dionych M 1 : F 1
  • --------Dark lapis M 2 : F 1
  • --------Fluorowing M 1 : F 3
  • --------Gerbera
  • --------Hadros
  • --------Hexapo
  • --------Iwan
  • --------Jinglong M 0 : F 1
  • --------Kitanchosa
  • --------Kobaldibar
  • --------Komainu M 1 : F 0
  • --------Kuanos
  • --------Lesloni
  • --------Light lapis
  • --------Lilias
  • --------Moroi M 4 : F 5
  • --------Onuchia
  • --------Osayin M 2 : F 2
  • --------Rauna
  • --------Sacris M 2 : F 1
  • --------Sacer
  • --------Searulis
  • --------Spectrum M 2 : F 0
  • --------Teiro
  • --------Varja
  • --------Venox M 3 : F 1
  • --------Vilodaes M 1 : F 2
    Cukurba, white
    Cyan pistsittarx, western M 4 : F 2
    Cytrinae M 4 : F 2

    Dandylion M 2 : F 3
    Deshkivari, somni M 1 : F 0
  • --------albino M 0 : F 3
  • --------normal M 4 : F 4
  • --------Albino
  • --------normal M 8 : F 13
    Dog, tenera M 0 : F 1
    Dove, Philia M 1 : F 5
    Dracul, sanguine M 2 : F 4
  • --------calidis M 4 : F 1
  • --------eldritch M 1 : F 2
  • --------Golden sonerus
  • --------Jaktus
  • --------rewin
    Drakeling, settian M 4 : F 3
  • --------chinchilla
  • --------dutch
  • --------lop
  • --------pekin
  • --------mallard
  • --------rex
  • --------Abyssal
  • --------Bathyal M 1 : F 0
  • --------Euphotic
  • --------Berry
  • --------brindle
  • --------molten

    Earwing, chocolate
  • --------niveus
  • --------noctis
  • --------tevera
  • --------albino M 0 : F 1
  • --------Black M 5 : F 0
  • --------heartthrob M 9 : F 14
  • --------red M 3 : F 0
  • --------Daius M 2 : F 1
  • --------noctis

    Falconerifas, tandon's M 0 : F 1
  • --------yellow (first gen) M 2 : F 3
  • --------golden (second gen)
  • --------orange (third gen)
    Fenrir, white M 0 : F 2
    Fly, lash M 2 : F 3
    Foenaran hipponox
  • --------Buckskin
  • --------Grulla
    Fortis beetle
  • --------imperial
  • --------serf
    Foxfire sulk
  • --------normal M 2 : F 2
  • --------gilded M 6 : F 7

    Garm M 2 : F 1
    Gemstone kirin
  • --------alexandrite M 1 : F 0
  • --------aquamarine
  • --------citrine M 0 : F 3
  • --------ruby M 2 : F 0
  • --------peridot
  • --------tanzanite M 3 : F 5
    Glesvaeris, regal
    Globefish, aurean M 1 : F 1
  • --------caramel M 2 : F 5
  • --------fire M 11 : F 6
  • --------Heartfire M 2 : F 2
  • --------ice M 7 : F 10

    Hattema, guron's M 2 : F 0
    hearthhound, nightshade M 1 : F 4
    Hellhound M 4 : F 0
    Hind, constellation
  • --------eagle harphy M 1 : F 5
  • --------eagle tetzcotal M 2 : F 2
  • --------normal M 0 : F 3
  • --------lunar M 2 : F 2
  • --------solar

    Ikantan, glacier M 7 : F 3
    Iteiri, maza M 2 : F 1

  • --------aetus
  • --------angora M 3 : F 4
  • --------antelope hare M 1 : F 4
  • --------flos M 2 : F 2
  • --------kursim
  • --------medeor
  • --------spotted holly
  • --------snow shoe M 4 : F 4
    Jax M 5 : F 0

    Kelffy, saltwater M 1 : F 1
  • --------agu
  • --------eira
  • --------etal
  • --------fogo
  • --------Arkenian M 2 : F 2
  • --------ice
  • --------glacial
  • --------lunar M 0 : F 3
  • --------solar M 7 : F 4
    Kollinus M 4 : F 4
    Kraken, ice M 2 : F 3

    Lanoura M 5 : F 1
  • --------atoll
  • --------ocean M 1 : F 4
  • --------silt M 1 : F 0
  • --------storm
  • --------reef M 2 : F 4
    Lichenthrope, stipica M 1 : F 2
    Lossus, alvean
    Lunarcalia M 2 : F 3
    Luparies M 2 : F 2
    Luteus owl, borean M 2 : F 2
    Lutrinae, cornu M 2 : F 3
    Lynx, svetku M 12 : F 6

  • --------nizari
  • --------stromeri
  • --------blite
  • --------pinue
  • --------yeen M 0 : F 1
    Me'chuan, rewana
    Minirrell, Arkenian
    Mizu, shika M 6 : F 4
    Monkey, calaveras M 1 : F 0
    Mohlaris elephant, pink
    Muris, house

    Narasad, equilibrus M 2 : F 2
  • --------gold horned M 2 : F 2
  • --------light M 0 : F 2
    Nimikoolah M 1 : F 5
  • --------pine
  • --------tundra M 1 : F 0
    Numbul M 4 : F 1

    octopus, ice
  • --------elapsoides
  • --------getula
  • --------pyromelana
    Orcae, asenina M 0 : F 2

    Pearl wyrm, golden
  • --------pennant-winged M 10 : F 7
  • --------pinto
    Peryton, alasre M 11 : F 6
    Pesadelo, temeroso M 2 : F 2
    Phoenix, ice M 4 : F 3
    Puca, fia M 1 : F 1
    Pygmy crystalwing 1.5 gen
  • --------Accipito
  • --------Akvo
  • --------Black cypheles M 5 : F 2
  • --------Clostra M 2 : F 3
  • --------Cypheles M 2 : F 6
  • --------Dionych M 0 : F 9
  • --------Dark lapis M 3 : F 0
  • --------Fluorowing M 3 : F 3
  • --------Gerbera M 1 : F 0
  • --------Hadros M 0 : F 1
  • --------Hexapo
  • --------Iwan M 3 : F 0
  • --------Jinglong M 3 : F 0
  • --------Kitanchosa M 1 : F 0
  • --------Kobaldibar
  • --------Komainu M 0 : F 6
  • --------Kuanos M 1 : F 3
  • --------Lesoni M 2 : F 2
  • --------Light lapis M 2 : F 3
  • --------Lilias M 2 : F 0
  • --------Moroi M 0 : F 1
  • --------Onuchsia M 1 : F 0
  • --------Osayin M 3 : F 0
  • --------Rauna M 2 : F 3
  • --------Sacris M 0 : F 2
  • --------Sacer M 1 : F 5
  • --------Searulis M 0 : F 2
  • --------Spectrum M 1 : F 1
  • --------Teiro M 4 : F 1
  • --------Varja M 1 : F 2
  • --------venox
  • --------Vilodaes M 2 : F 0
    Pygmy gemdragon
  • --------Accipito
  • --------Akvo
  • --------Black cypheles
  • --------Blue
  • --------Bronze
  • --------Clostra
  • --------Cypheles
  • --------Dionych
  • --------Dark lapis
  • --------Fluorowing
  • --------Gerberra
  • --------Golden
  • --------Green
  • --------Hadros
  • --------Hexapo
  • --------Iwan
  • --------Jinglong
  • --------Kitanchosa
  • --------Kobaldibar
  • --------Komainu
  • --------Kuanos
  • --------Lesoni
  • --------Light lapis
  • --------Lilias
  • --------Moroi
  • --------Onuchsia
  • --------Osayin
  • --------Purple
  • --------Rauna
  • --------Sacris
  • --------Sacer
  • --------Searulis
  • --------Spectrum
  • --------Teiro
  • --------Varja
  • --------venox
  • --------Vilodaes
    Pygmy graga
  • --------alpine
  • --------coastal
  • --------field
  • --------forest
    Pyrix M 11 : F 9
    Puvia, aurora

  • --------etainian M 0 : F 1
  • --------nareun M 1 : F 0
  • --------raza

  • --------red brown M 6 : F 4
  • --------red white
  • --------white purple M 5 : F 7
  • --------white blue
    Raven, os M 12 : F 9
    Reindeer, Frigaes M 3 : F 0
    Rekantum, desert M 7 : F 4

    Roc M 0 : F 6
    Rosa dove
  • --------Pink M 3 : F 1
  • --------red M 2 : F 4
  • --------yellow M 1 : F 2
  • --------white
    rose snail, fairy M 5 : F 5

    Saevym M 2 : F 2
    Sakeira, arkenian M 1 : F 8
    Sarvain, black M 1 : F 0
    Satura M 2 : F 2
  • --------flecked
  • --------painted M 4 : F 5
    Sea star, celestial M 2 : F 0
  • --------Abyssal
  • --------volcanic M 1 : F 2
  • --------Praluven
  • --------raiti M 1 : F 0
  • --------dark M 0 : F 2
  • --------earth
  • --------water M 0 : F 1
  • --------arcanum
  • --------arkenian
  • --------etainian
  • --------silvian
    Skjoeldus, ona's
    Shark, ebbene
  • --------golden pheasant M 4 : F 4
  • --------husky M 2 : F 3
  • --------phoenix M 5 : F 2
    Sintervos M 1 : F 3
    Snowchin, icy M 2 : F 2
  • --------aestus M 2 : F 3
  • --------alius M 1 : F 6
  • --------aevum
    sunbeast, arkenian
    Squirrel, bell M 8 : F 4
    sunbeast, arkenian M 0 : F 3
    Synaren aericorn
  • --------laborite
  • --------opaline M 1 : F 2

    Talvar, sunset M 0 : F 1
    Thelyph, giant M 1 : F 1
    Thornweb spider, alvean
    Tsaanguir M 7 : F 3
    Tulips snail
  • --------gebruind M 2 : F 1
  • --------nachtkoningin M 2 : F 4
    Tundra tylluan
  • --------black M 1 : F 2
  • --------white M 3 : F 1

    Umagum M 1 : F 1

    Valembat M 3 : F 2
    Vahti M 5 : F 12
    Vesperbat M 3 : F 6
    Vestus M 2 : F 1
    Vevex ray
  • --------fog
  • --------snow
    Vosmari M 2 : F 0

  • --------darkfrost M 1 : F 1
  • --------normal M 2 : F 1
  • --------winterlight M 1 : F 2
    White elk
  • --------bell
  • --------chain M 2 : F 3
    Winged cat
  • --------Kaibigan M 0 : F 2
  • --------swirled M 1 : F 1
  • --------albino
  • --------normal M 13 : F 7
    Wolphyn M 1 : F 1
    Wootootoo M 1 : F 2
    Wraithe, tidal M 0 : F 1
    Wyvren, emerald

    yale, alpine M 2 : F 1
10 K/creature
These are unbred.

Ornamental penguin, blue M 0 : F 2
Ornamental penguin, rockhopper M 3 : F 4

Special bred
The following coal wyrms go per pair.
Each pair has 3 kids and they have clean lines. No inbreeding.
100K per pair

First gen coal wyrms
Niobe Beryl and Achan Cole

Itzal Charna and Ciar Seneca Fihr

Second gen coal wyrms
Eve dorcas and Gideon Elon

Abital Abishag and Baruch Asaph

Lita Nakato and Dunstan Mason

Third gen coal wyrm
Jemima Helah and Kenan Lael
Last edited by vipor on September 4th, 2024, 10:36:07 am, edited 462 times in total.
Low prices high quality.
Vipor's mini mall
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Event born creatures

Post by vipor »

  • Normal event stock

    The critters are hiding here, the tabs are full and protected.
    Female hatchlings
    Male hatchlings

    Amounts between ( ) are hatchlings, numbers without are adults.
    • 500G Hollowjack, M 19 : F 15 (M 1861 : F 1431)

      Thornweb spider, alvean M 415 : F 417
      5K Amagnae
    • --------Ocellata ( M 0 : F 8)
    • --------Otrovian (M 18 : F 13)
    • --------aurora (M 12 : F 18)
    • --------pale (M 0 : F 3)
    • --------pastel ( M 22 : F 14)
    • --------striped (M 83 : F 87)
    • --------fire (M 0 : F 1)

    • --------aurean (M 12 : F 13)
    • --------azraq (M 10 : F 7)
    • --------bouba (M 13 : F 10)
    • --------firoza (M 13 : F 11)
    • --------nila (M 13 : F 11)
    • --------royal (M 7 : F 10)

      Crystalcoatl, (M 102 : F 84)
      Cukurba, giant (M 8 : F 5)

      Decessus (M 1 : F 2)

      Fly, lash (M 6 : F 12)

      Gecko, ilex (M 56 : F 73)
      Goose, arkenian (M 4 : F 0)

      Jackalope, flos (M 0 : F 13)

      Krill (M 9 : F 0)

      Mortifelis, decaying (M 2 : F 0)
      Mortifelis, living (M 0 : F 1)
      mouse, savis M 15 : F 0 (M 7 : F 0)

      Nhirudo, red (M 8 : F 4)

      Pumpkin, giant (M 16 : F 21)
      pygmy phoenix
    • --------lavender M 19 : F 2
    • --------green M 13 : F 3
    • --------peach M 5 : F 7
    • --------purple M 12 : F 10
    • --------tan M 8 : F 8
    • --------yellow M 6 : F 8
      Pyrix (M 79 : F 67)

      Snopal (M 1 : F 0)

      Tandean gryphons
    • --------green (M 6 : F 6)
    • --------red (M 9 : F 5)
      Thelyph, giant (M 9 : F 13)

      Uhyz, (M 6 : F 5)

      Vesperbat M 1 : F 0 (M 4 : F 6)
      10K Arkenian goose, roasted M 0 : F 1
    • --------dulce (M 15 : F 15)

      Batcoon, candy corn ( M 37 : F 53)
      Basjune (M 32 : F 12)

    • --------Caramel ( M 14 : F 30)
    • --------chocolate ( M 18 : F 11)
    • --------Cream ( M 16 : F 1)
    • --------Icing ( M 25 : F 28)
    • --------Milky ( M 15 : F 17)
      Carapopricorn ( M 39 : F 35)
      Confara Pegasus
    • --------wreath M 18 : F 10
    • --------Sleighbell, M 17 : F 23
      Corazin M 1 : F 0 (M 10 : F 14)
    • --------accipito M 2 : F 1 (M 55 : F 39)
    • --------Autumnal ( M 40 : F 60
    • --------cypheles M 43 : F 46
    • --------dionych (M 24 : F 38)
    • --------ferrofluid (M 10 : F 3)[on hold]
    • --------fluorowing (M 60 : F 48)
    • --------gallium (M 8 : F 8)[ on hold]
    • --------gerbera (M 18 : F 18)
    • --------hadros (M 49 : F 46)
    • --------hexapo M 0 : F 1 (M 55 : F 51)
    • --------iwan (M 32 : F 43)
    • --------jinglong (M 32 : F 52)
    • --------kitanchosa (M 20 : F 24)
    • --------Kobaldibar (M 52 : F 43)
    • --------Kuanos (M 62 : F 63)
    • --------lesoni (M 33 : F 24)
    • --------Light lapis M 1 : F 0 (M 16 : F 3)
    • --------lilias (M 18 : F 18)
    • --------marinevra (M 11 : F 14) [on hold]
    • --------onuchsia (M 25 : F 31)
    • --------osayin (M 43 : F 27)
    • --------plushie (M 16 : F 20)[on hold]
    • --------porcelain (M 8 : F 6)[on hold]
    • --------rauna (M 25 : F 30)
    • --------sacer (M 42 : F 45)
    • --------sacris (M 17 : F 13)
    • --------Sommar ( M 43 : F 54)
    • --------spectrum M 0 : F 1 (M 63 : F 78)
    • --------venox (M 36 : F 22)
    • --------Vernal ( M 41 : F 51)
    • --------Vetur ( M 62 : F 53)
    • --------vilodaes (M 17 : F 20)

      Dandylion ( M 18 : F 30)
      Dotenell (M 9 : F 11)
      Dove, philia ( M 8 : F 12)
      drakeling, glyceris (M 54 : F 44)

      Kleffy, saltwater ( M 23 : F 41)

      narasad, Equilibrus M 0 : F 1
      Noelino ( M 37 : F 31)
      Nikollus (M 8 : F 15)

      Pygmy graga
    • --------alpine (M 4 : F 3)
    • --------field (M 5 : F 0)
      Pygmy wolpertinger
    • --------Blueberry (M 13 : F 17)
    • --------Pistachio (M 21 : F 8)
    • --------Plum (M 11 : F 18)
    • --------Vanilla (M 17 : F 13)

      rock, Pet M 12 : F 12

      Satura, M 1 : F 0 (M 13 : F 13)
      sceap, painted (M 0 : F 1)
      Snowchin, icy ( M 35 : F 36)
      sulk, foxfire (M 7 : F 4)
      Sylph, ornate ( M 31 : F 37)

      Thornweb spider, alvean blue M 0 : F 2
      Trufwolf, dire ( M 41 : F 37)
      Trycorys ( M 38 : F 35)

      Umagum, M 1 : F 0 (M 1 : F 0)
      Unicorn, forgotten
    • --------rotating M 2 : F 2
    • --------not rotating, full rot M 1 : F 0

      Wallatrice, (M 0 : F 4)
      Winged cat, kaibigan ( M 17 : F 7)
      Wolpertinger (M 7 : F 7)
      wolphyn M 5 : F 5 (M 26 : F 31)
      Wootootoo (M 20 : F 10)
    • --------Candle ( M 18 : F 13)
    • --------Gourd ( M 23 : F 39)
    • --------Iridium fae ( M 24 : F 27)
      15K Aculeus, white M 15 : F 22

      Esplendit, daius (M 1 : F 0)

      Pandorum ( M 1 : F 0)

      Quetzalcoatl, Red-Capped (M 7 : F 4)
      25K gryphon, caramel M 0 : F 1

      Winged cat, swirled M 0 : F 2
Last edited by vipor on August 27th, 2024, 11:30:43 am, edited 439 times in total.
Low prices high quality.
Vipor's mini mall
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Event born special dates

Post by vipor »

The critters in the special tabs.

Event alts
Release dates
Holiday alts
Special dates

Unfrozen unless mentioned, can be frozen on request.
  • 5K
    Amberspice mouse (M10 : F 13)

    Hallowjack (M 263 : F 260)

    Osseo arachnid (M 9 : F 12)
    15K cerverid (M 0 : F 3, halloween born)
  • --------Akvo (M 49 : F 57)
  • --------Cypheles (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Dionych (M 1 : F 4)
  • --------Fluorowing (M 0 : F 1)
  • --------Hadros (M 2 : F 5)
  • --------Hexapo (M 2 : F 2)
  • --------Iwan, (M 1 : F 4)
  • --------Jinglong (M 2 : F 3)
  • --------Kobaldibar (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Komaniu (M 2 : F 1)
  • --------Kuanos (M 1 : F 3)
  • --------Lesoni (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Moroi (M 2 : F 4)
  • --------Osayin (M 0 : F 1)
  • --------Rauna (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Sacer (M 4 : F 3)
  • --------Sacris (M 0 : F 2)
  • --------Spectrum (M 3 : F 0)
  • --------Varja (M 70 : F 60 )

    Thornweb spider, alvean ( 60 males 76 females) 1 male frozen

    Corazin (1 female) Frozen 0.00%/50.00%

    Holiday date alts
    These are listed at their respective holidays

    Alt colors, random dates
    Tornweb spider, alvean M 49 : F 41

    Hollowjack, blue ( M 75 : F 89)
    20K Wyrm, Gourd (M 13 : F 19)
    Release date 1K Arkai, pastel EGG 3
    Dove, philia EGG 3
    Dandylion EGG 4
    5K anaconda, Tetzcotal M 0 : F 4

    Bengolo, Me'chuan (M 52 : F 36)
    Bunny, dust (M 22 : F 28)

    Clyraffe M 4 : F 4

    Eagle, guardian (M 20 : F 10)
    Elona, rone (M 35 : F 28)

    keeatl (M 6 : F 0)
    Koi, ouranian (M 15 : F 20)

    Lizard, ruin (M 9 : F 11)

  • --------northern (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------southern (M 1 : F 0)

    Oriental scorpion
  • --------southern M 8 : F 4
  • --------western M 6 : F 11

    Ratumbidae M 14 : F 6
    Ruin astridae
  • --------blue (M 5 : F 10 )
  • --------green (M 7 : F 5)
  • --------purple (M 12 : F 7)

    Sea unicorn
  • --------black pearl (M 0 : F 2)
  • --------Gold horned (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Pearl (M 0 : F 4)
    Snopal (M 7 : F 6)

  • --------fulgens (M 8 : F 5)
  • --------Uncia (M 4 : F 3)

    Weiroatl (M 0: F 2)
    10K arachnid, osseo (M 31 : F 48)
    Arkai, pastel (M 3 : F 16)

    Batcoon, candy corn (M 12 : F 11)
  • --------aurean (M 10 : F 13)
  • --------azraq (M 9 : F 9)
  • --------bouba (M 8 : F 9)
  • --------firoza (M 2 : F 12)
  • --------nila (M 13 : F 7)
  • --------royal (M 14 : F 9)

    Carapopricorn (M 16 : F 13)

    Gecko, ilex (M 25 : F 18)

    Kleffy, Saltwater (M 17 : F 17)

    Mouse, Amberspice (M 7 : F 4)

    Noelino (M 14 : F 11)

    Pygmy wolpertinger, pistaccio (M 1 : F 0)
    Pyrix (M 37 : F 24)

    Hollojack (black) (M 0 : F 1)

    Snowchin, icy (M 23 : F 20)
    Sylph, ornate (M 13 : F 28)

    Trufwolf, dire (M 17 : F 18)
    Trycorys (M 15 : F 14)

    Winged cat, Kaibigan (M 16 : F 13)
    15K Athenanas (M 13 : F 27)
  • --------Ocellata (M 11 : F 2)
    Aurean Globefish (M 3 : F 2)

  • --------moraz (M 4 : F 12)
  • --------Yecu (M 16 : F 7 )
  • --------Autumnal (M 2 : F 3)
  • --------cypheles M 36 : F 27
  • --------dionches M 0 : F 4 (M 25 : F 17)
  • --------Iwan 1 male (M 25 : F 20)
  • --------komainu (M 14 : F 16)
  • --------Lesoni M 1 : F 0 (M 15 : F 18)
  • --------sacer (M 26 : F 27)
  • --------Sommar ( M 3 : F 2)
  • --------Vernal (M 0 : F 3)
  • --------Vetur (M 1 : F 3)

    Dandylion (M 31 : F 34)
    Dotenell (M 6 : F 13)
    Dove, philia (M 14 : F 17)

    Hare, snow (M 17 : F18)

    Lanoura (M 28 : F 34)
    Lynx, svetku (M 2 : F 3)

    Pygmy graga
  • --------alpine (M 8 : F 11)
  • --------coastal (M 9 : F 6)
  • --------field (M 10 : F 9)
  • --------forest (M 15 : F 11)

    Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl (M 0 : F 1)

    Satura (M 1 : F 0)
    Sulk, foxfire normal (M 19 : F 25)

  • --------darkfrost (M 1 : F 0)
  • --------winterlight (M 3 : F 0)
    Wolphyn (M 52 : F 60)
    20K Foxfire, red (M : F 1 )

    Krill (M 3 : F 8)
    35K Pegasus, pendant-winged (M 4 : F 1)
    New years
  • --------aurora (M 15 : F 20)
  • --------Comet (M 0 : F 10)
  • --------corona (M 7 : F 11)
  • --------Phoenix (M 40 : F 40)
  • --------striped M 4 : F 5 (M 5 : F 10)
  • --------terracotta (M 25 : F 27)

    15K Arkai
  • --------glacial (M 13 : F 7)
  • --------pale M 0 : F 5 (M 0 : F 1 )
  • --------umber M 5 : F 1

    Chiolin (M 4 : F 10 females)

  • --------Meles ( M 12 : F 18)
  • --------Mellivore (M 12 : F 11)
    15K Brocc, Taxus (M 22 : F 17)

    Corazin M 32 : F 36

    Dotenell (M 16 : F 20)
    20K Charubi, blushing (M 10 : F 3)
    April fools
    Adunatonsus (M 42 : F 38)

    Rock, pet M 9 : F 8

    Unhz m 8 : F 7 (m 10 : F 19 )

    Wolpertinger (M 2 : F 2 )
    Magistream birthday
    Crystalcoatl, M 1 : F 0(M 29 : F 16)
  • --------accipito M 1 : F 0 (M 18 : F 26)
  • --------cypheles M 32 : F 29
  • --------dionych (M 0 : F 10)
  • --------ferrofluid (M 12: F 8) on hold
  • --------fluorowing (M 17 : F 15)
  • --------gallium (M 21 : F 6) on hold
  • --------Gerbera (M 16 : F 14)
  • --------hexaco M 0 : F 1 (M 19 : F 15)
  • --------iwan (M 1 : F 11)
  • --------jinglong (M 9 : F 9)
  • --------Kitanchosa (M 12 : F 8)
  • --------kobaldibar M 3 : F 0 (M 1 : F 0)
  • --------Kuanos (M 2 : F 0)
  • --------Lesoni (M 1 : F 8)
  • --------Lilias (M 13 : F 13)
  • --------marinevra (M 5 : F 10) on hold
  • --------Moroi (M 4 : F 6)
  • --------Onuchsia (M 15 : F 11)
  • --------Osanyin (M 6 : F 10)
  • --------plushie (M 11 : F 6)on hold
  • --------porcelain (M 8 : F 10) on hold
  • --------Rauna (M 3 : F 8)
  • --------sacer (M 5 : F 2)
  • --------sacris M 0 : F 1 (M 0 : F 1)
  • --------spectrum (M 11 : F 15)
  • --------Vernox (M 13 : F 8)
  • --------Vilodaes (M 13 : F 19)

    Halloween born
  • --------Ambula M 4 : F 6 females (M 0 : F 2)
  • --------Kericalla (M 9 : F 7)
  • --------livian (M 23 : F 16)

    Decessus (2012) (M 1 : F 0)
    Mouse, Amberspice (M 310 : F 350)
    4K Mouse, amberspice 0.00% (M 35 : F 48)
    8K arachnid, osseo (M 43 : F 40)

    Decessus (2010) M 0 : F 1 female (M 3 : F 2)

    Hollowjack (black) (M 555 : F 484)

    Thornweb spider, alvean (292 males 232 females)
    10K Cukurba, giant (M 2 : F 5)

    Fly, lash (M 11 : F 1)

    Hollowjack (black) 0.00% (M 32 : F 37)

    Thelyp, giant (M 3 : F 4)
    Thornweb spider, alvean 0.00% (M 32 : F 25)
    15K Batcoon, candy corn (M 2 : F 0)

    Carapooricorn (M 1 : F 0)
    cerverid (M 18 : F 23 )

    Mortifelis (M 3 : F 4 )

    Noelino (M 5 : F 6)
    Nhirudo (M 1 : F 0)

    Pumpkin, giant (M 10 : F 6)

    Snowchin, icy (M 2 : F 4)
    Sylph, ornate (M 5 : F 8)

    Trufwolf, dire (M 1 : F 3)
    Trycorys (M 1 : F 1)

    Umagum (M 1 : F 3)
    Unicorn, forgotten (M 26 : F 30 ) rotating sprites

    Vesperbat (M 3 : F 8)
    20K Hallowjack (blue) (M 46 : F 42)

    Mortifelis, decaying (2015) M 0 : F 1

    Thornweb spider, alvean (blue) M 9 : F 9
    Bengolo, me'chuan (M 5 : F 2 )

    Hare, snow (M 5 : F 2)

    Snopal (M 4 : F 0)
    10K Gecko, ilex (M 13 : F 11)
    Goose, arkenian (M 9 : F 2)

    Pyrix ( 12 : F 19)

    Wolphyn ( 5 : F 6)
    20K Baublebee
  • --------Aurean (M 9 : F 6)
  • --------Azraq (M 4 : F 3)
  • --------Bouba (M 2 : F 3)
  • --------Firoza (M 4 : F 0)
  • --------Nila (M 5 : F 2)
  • --------Royal (M 2 : F 5)

    Chupareno (M 1 : F 0)

    drakeling, glyceris (M 0 : F 1 )

    Sulk, Foxfire (M 13 : F 19)

    Holly jackalope, white M 1 : F 0

    Nikollus (M 1 : F 0)

    Taedan gryphon
  • --------green (M 1 : F 1)
  • --------red (M 1 : F 0)
    35K Pegasus, pennant-winged (M 0 : F 3)
Last edited by vipor on March 19th, 2024, 2:26:58 pm, edited 269 times in total.
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Parentless hybrid, quest, pond, shop

Post by vipor »

  • The following are parentless creatures.
    The creatures are hiding out in the following tabs.
    All the shopborns and pondborns
    All the questborns and parentless hybrids
    All prices are per creature.
    Pondborns Charaen ( M 4 : F 4) 1K

    Fabari M 1 : F 0 ( M 8 : F 5) 500G

    Globefish M 1 : F 0 ( M 2 : F 1) 3K
    Goldfish ( M 7 : F 7 ) 2K

  • --------amethyst, ( M 3 : F 4 ) 3K
  • --------dragon ( M 7 : F 5 ) 2K
  • --------lunar ( M 1 : F 2) 5K
  • --------Ruby ( M 2 : F 10 3K
  • --------solar ( M 3 : F 0) 5K

    Itemborn Koi, glacial M 1 : F 1 ( M 4 : F 6 ) 5K

    Latifra Beast, white M 1 : F 1 5K

    Nulorn, tundra (M 2 : F 0) 5K

    plush krakens, M 21 : F 29 3K
    Phoenix, erebine M 3 : F 2 3K
    Puvia, aurora M 2 : F 1 ( M 5 : F 5 ) 5K

    Rabbitsune 1K
  • --------red brown ( M 2 : F 2 )
  • --------white purple ( M 0 : F 1)

    Winged cat, swirled M 0 : F 1 10K
    Foenaran hipponox, Buckskin M 1 : F 0
    Foenaran nimbi
  • --------Normal M 6 : F 0 ( M 13 : F 9 )
  • --------king. M 5 : F 7 ( M 3 : F 3 )
    Fortis beetle
  • --------imperial. M 4 : F 13 ( M 1 : F 14 )
  • --------serf. M 2 : F 4 ( M 17 : F 9 )

    Maraegian Nizari ( M 1 : F 0 )

    Nicori M0 : F 1 ( M 1 : F 1 )

    Ophidian, Elapsoides M 1 : F 0

    Ornyx ( M 0 : F 1 )
    30K Quetzalcoatl
  • --------Nareaun ( M 1 : F 1 )
  • --------raza ( M 1 : F 0)
    500K Candle ayoti ( M 0 : F 2 )

    Shopborns Ahuizotl M 1 : F 1, 8.2K

    Bear, plushie M 1 : F 0, 8K

    Cytrinae ( M 1 : F 0) 5.1K

    Enox, noctis ( M 1 : F 0) 7.7K

    Hearthhound, nightshade ( M 2 : F 8) 20K

    Iteri, maza ( M 1 : F 0) 5.3K

    Makou, jade ( M 1 : F 0) 4.8K

    Lichenthrope, stiptica M 0 : F 4, 2.1K

    Pumpkin wyrm 15K
  • --------Bronze ( M 4 : F 9)
  • --------Gold ( M 2 : F 11)
  • --------Silver ( M 3 : F 8)

    Serpaen, arkanian ( M 1 : F 0) 8.5K
    Snail, elephant M 3 : F 0 1.3K

    Parentless hybrids
    Kraken, ice M 0 : F 4
    30K/creature Alvean Wasp
  • --------Triathe ( M 1 : F 1)
  • --------Theia ( M 0 : F 2)

  • --------Amethyst ( M 1 : F 0)
  • --------Hallow ( M 1 : F 0)
  • --------tidal M 1 : F 2 ( M 2 : F 0)

    drakeling, settian ( M 0 : F 3)

    Eagle hippogryph, harpy ( M 0 : F 1)

    Kraken, ice M 1 : F 0

    Vevex ray, fog M 1 : F 3
    50K/ creature Enox, tevera ( M 3 : F 0)

    Gift born
    white elk, chain ( M 2 : F 0)
Last edited by vipor on February 25th, 2024, 2:27:10 am, edited 265 times in total.
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Donation creatures

Post by vipor »

Donies for sale
nyctophage, 1 male 1 female
thulta'marn anthosuchus, 1 male 1 female
taggian crystalfin, 2 female
fjallaugar, 1 male 1 female
paxir istiora, 1 male 1 female
nkoe, 2 male
riluo fenghuang, 1 male 1 female
tigershark, 1 male 1 female
jord jormangandr, 2 female
avi crystalwing, 2 male
myrmeco, 2 female
aphotic leviathan, 2 male
tumalon gangurru, 2 male

Caul vaether, 1 male
Hylephage, 1 male 1 female
Alasrean cipetir, 1 male 1 female
lianhua anthosuchus, 1 male
Stream crystalfin, 1 male 1 female
lakireldar, 1 male 1 female
arabo kabomani tapirucorn, 1 female
kajiki istiora, 1 male 1 female
tau, 2 male
riguang fenghuang, 2 female
opaline xhimrau, 2 male
leocampus, 2 female
aegyr jormungandr, 1 male 1 female
iluntz crystalwing, 2 male
verlinga, 1 male 1 female
coronate leviathan, 2 female
karera gangurru, 2 male

Aulon Tanglewyrm 1 male 1 female ( male 11715310 is release date)
Aethershark, 3 male 1 female ( 12193006 is release date)
ather coatl, 1 male 1 female
assassin bird, 1 female
tulguc, 1 male 1 female
tetzcotal sea terror, 1 male 1 female
alcelon, 1 male 1 female
sakulata, 1 male 1 female
taiyang, 2 male
temple trickster, 1 female
pesrat, 1 male
DArk aura whale, 1 male
Void laika, 1 male

Nacreous Tanglewyrm, 1 male ( release date)
Voidshark, 1 male

If you wish to rent my doni's, there are a few rules.
  • Don't (re)name them
    Don't start a lineage with them
    Return them after breeding

Renting an single pet costs 10K.

Please take a look in my doni tab for breed able pairs.
Breeding pairs
Last edited by vipor on February 24th, 2024, 1:19:11 pm, edited 120 times in total.
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Re: Vipor's mini mall

Post by HiddenMystic »

This arkenian for 3k please and thank you. :t-:)

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Re: Vipor's mini mall

Post by vipor »

HiddenMystic wrote:This arkenian for 3k please and thank you. :t-:)

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Re: Vipor's mini mall

Post by Alchemist »

One of each please:
Minicorn, light M
Minicorn, dark F

Koi M 1, F 1

That's 1000g total.

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