Writing Prompt Challenge!

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Foleo »

Hello all!

Hungry for a bit of writing? Roleplay partners not responding? Want to break through that horrible writer's block?

Well, I've got the solution for you! Just find the eight fountains of Azgard, defeat the legions of monsters that surround them, and mix the magical fluids in exactly the right proportions to create the elixir of life. (Be careful not to get any dust in the mixture, however-it will explode and incinerate the world.) Then, give the elixir to the hermit that lives on the 1000 Steppes of Pain--

Or, you could just post in this thread.


How it works:

Each person assigns a prompt for the person above them to write. The person who gets a prompt then writes for that prompt.
For example:

Person 1 posts, "Zombie Apocalypse"

Person 2, who posts after person 1 posts the prompt "A story about a dragon that doesn't like pillaging villages."

Person 1 writes "A story about a dragon that doesn't like pillaging villages". They post the prompt for person 2: "Zeke is a boy able to defy gravity".

Person 3 enters the thread and gives a prompt to person 1.

Person 2 writes about "Zeke is a boy able to defy gravity", and gives a prompt to person 3.

And so on and so forth.

1. If you post, you must complete your given prompt before you can post again.
  • HOWEVER, if no creative juices are flowing for a particular prompt, you may post again after 3 days.
2. Pieces can be any length and any genre, from flash fics to epic poems, from humor to horror.
3. You can request a few specific things, such as a horror genre, but the prompter is not required to adhere to your requests.
4. No inappropriate prompts. i.e. keep it PG-13 please!

Thanks to:
Lazuli - for letting me copy her "Creature Mash Challenge" in the Hall of the Arts. Thank you!
Last edited by Foleo on February 25th, 2017, 5:30:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Rewydew »

*posts* :cool:

Do I need to give you something, Applemint?
If so, then, Giant spiders enslaving humanity :lol:

If not, just ignore me.
Pretty much quitting the game, sorry.
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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Foleo »

Since you've been without a prompt for so long, I suppose I'll break the rules this once and give you a prompt. :derp:

The god of winds has disappeared, and no breeze blows anymore.

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by LunaSky »

This looks like fun, and I have been suffering writer's block for a while... So, here we go.

Prompt: Sometimes, people just refuse to stay dead...

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Foleo »

It’s easy to die. Everyone knows that. The staircase to the afterlife—heaven, hell, whatever you call it—isn’t even a staircase. It’s a flowing river.

But going back to life? That river’s working against you. And it’s fast. For every meter you swim, you get pushed back 5 meters. It’s impossible to get anywhere, especially with the pain of your death increasing the closer you get to life.

However, Kazegami is the type of person who challenges the title of impossible.

The rushing water freezing his limbs was stained crimson by the blood pulsing out of his abdomen, spurting from a deep gash. Kazegami was tossed and beaten by the river, which whispered promises of peace and calm at the end. It seemed heavenly, being able to rest as long as he wanted. Kazegami relaxed. What was there to fear?

“Kaze!” A high voice pierced through the fog that enveloped Kazegami’s mind. “Kaze, hang in there!”

Amane? Weakly, Kazegami began to struggle against the current. But to no avail—if anything, the river pressed against him with greater force than before.

“Kazegami, it’s not funny! Stop being an arse and live!” With the voice, the flow of blood began to slow, bringing new strength to his tired body. He struck out with his hands, pulling himself along the current. The river fought back.

“Kaze, you idiotic god! Don’t do this to me. I promise that if you live, I’ll kiss you. You can’t refuse that offer, right?” Amane’s voice wavered.

A wave of water struck Kazegami, piling him under the river in flurry of froth. The breath rushed out of his lungs, replaced with a freezing chill. He smiled sadly, the energy sapped out of his limbs. You’ll do fine without me, Amane…Goodbye…

A black tendril appeared, curling around his arm. Ink blossomed through the water as he was pulled out of the river.

Really, Kazegami, this human form of yours in horrific. Can’t figure out why that girl is so obsessed with you. The voice of Gekigami sounded.

Still, if my student is that infatuated with you, what can I do but help you live? Itegami’s deep voice boomed.

Kazegami, I’ve been practicing, you see. I’m sure I can beat you in a drinking contest when you come back! Kasugami bleated drunkenly.

We wouldn’t let one of our own die, now would we? The Hanagami chirped.

Combined, the gods’ powers lifted Kazegami’s body above the river, and placed him in front of the gate to the living.

We’ll see you soon, Kazegami. The serene voice of Amaterasu called, and the gods disappeared.

Kazegami stood in front of the gate ponderously, then stuck his palm through. The surface shimmered, forming ripples that warped the image beyond. Then, a great pull tugged him through the gate, throwing him violently back into the world of the living.

Every breath was a stab of pain, every movement agony. But he was here. He had bested death.

“Are you going to kiss me now?”
Oh god, it's so bad XD Dun read it.

I used characters from my roleplay with my friend. It's an Okami-based weird thing. :derp: And yes, I've been watching too much Sherlock.

To LunaSky: Besting the Plague

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by LunaSky »

Jace seemed to be the only one who still held on to the hope that she would pull through. The twins didn't even approach the part of the den where she lay fighting for her life, already mourning her as lost, and Shapiro... Well, the bigger feline only skulked around glaring at him, like it was his fault that Letithia was sick.

Never the less, he stayed by her side, refusing to give up. His best friend was one of the strongest persons he had ever met. She had fought her way out of puppeteer magic once, there was no way she was going to let an illness defeat her. That was what he kept telling himself as the seventh and by far worst night since she first became ill approached.

She died in his arms too many times to count that night, and every time her breathing stopped his heart would hurt, and he would cry and call her name in desperation. And, as if by some miracle, she started breathing again every time. He was fairly sure that if this continued on he would get a heart-failure himself.
It wasn't until the morning sun started pouring into the den that her breathing started to even out into regular sleep and he allowed himself to relax slightly. He checked her over, registering as if in a daze that her temperature was slowly lowering. It seemed that the worst had passed. At this realization he slumped down in a boneless heap on the floor and reached for her hand. She had done it, she had beaten it. The only one who mattered was going to be okay.
Sorry about the delay.. Work ate my time xD But here it is :) I changed the plague to another, rather obscure, illness xD

And you can never watch too much Sherlock O.O It's not possible :P

Prompt: Just when you thought nothing else could go wrong...

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by readycupcake »

This looks fun! Here's a prompt: a person with elemental powers. It can be water, fire, earth, wind, plant, you name it. It can be about a group with powers, humanity being born with it, or an alienated person who has to keep their superpower hidden. Good luck!
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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Celery »

updated prompt:

Music has been outlawed, and a strange syndrome has begun to appear in cities. Symptoms have even begun to show in your younger sibling. Although no one will admit it, an underground rumour has reached you. These people need a cure, and it can only come in the form of something illegal. Would you risk it and face the harshest of penalties?

Last edited by Celery on February 15th, 2014, 1:32:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by Foleo »

To Celery:

Just whatever you interpret from that music. :D

I will post my story tomorrow!

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Re: Writing Prompt Challenge!

Post by readycupcake »

((I'm not 100% sure on what you meant in the second part of it but I'll try to write what I understand! I don't know how to do the show/hide button, so here goes:))
It started with a drum beat. With his hands tapping on his binder as if it were a percussion set, the thumping noises filled the silent room with a beat. I looked up at my brother in surprise. He didn't seem to notice his noisiness until he caught my stare. The boy shrugged sheepishly and stopped, but when I got back to reading my book it started up again. I decided to ignore it-- after all, tapping his binder isn't going to kill him. That was until I started to hear small noises around the house. It was never enough to get suspicious of- a short whistle here, a little tapping there, faint peeps from the showers-- this wasn't what was considered "normal", but my parents and I agreed not to bring it up-- the boy knew by now he could not do anything further, he did not need us to watch over him every 5 seconds. After a while, things seemed to go back to normal-- until one day at the dinner table my younger brother Joseph began to hum.
They say that a long time ago, music was everywhere. Playing from the streets, from boomboxes and radio stations. People would dance, snap their fingers, sing to their children. Some would even go into careers about it! The people of those times were always singing and enjoying themselves. Everything was peaceful until they started getting violent. Teenagers turned against their parents, as they filled their ears with rebellious music. Crime rates increased by the thousands day by day. Everyone was slowly growing more and more violent, attack and provoke others, screaming song lyrics into their face. It was chaos until, in 2013, a bill was passed banning music. It stated that all human beings are misophonic, and can not handle prolonged exposure to music. Nowadays, if you even sing a song, you're considered a threat to our country and euthanized.
I saw my parents exchange worried glances. My mother looked at me and raised an eyebrow, signaling for me to say something.
"Joey. What are you doing." I said aloud. His face turned a vivid shade of red when he noticed that the three of us were staring at him.
"I-I um.. I'm... humming," he muttered softly
"Well," I paused. "Well then cut it out. You know what music does to you. Didn't they teach you that in school?"
"Yeah... but music isn't that bad"
Silence filled the room. The two adults mouths were agape as they processed what their son had said
"Wha-What?!" my father finally sputtered
Joseph looked at him, and slowly repeated, "Music... isn't that bad. You know...history classes are awfully biased. You can't seriously believe everything they teach in school"
Another stretch of silence filled the room.
"I don't want to hear it" Our dad said, crossing his arms
"But dad! You don't understand!" My brother cried. "Music--"
"--Is an abomination. You should know that by now, Joseph" our mother stated, standing up to clear the plates
My younger brother gritted his teeth. "No, mom, music is NOT an abomination. Music.. music makes me happy, and I... I want to be a singer"
A plate dropped. My mother whirled around, her eyes as wide as the saucer that fell. "You what?"
"A singer! There, I said it! Don't act like it doesn't exist. There are plenty of underground music carriers, there are plenty of musicians, I can make it!" Joseph stood up and tried to grab my mom's hand,but she pulled away. Angry, he turned to face his father
"It's close minded audiophobes like you that killed your brother!"
"Joseph, GO TO YOUR ROOM!" My father screamed
The boy stood up and sprinted up the stairs. After a moment of hesitation, I decided to follow him. His room was dark, and I could see him fuming and stuffing various items in his bag. A sweater, a jacket, a water bottle. As he pulled it over his shoulder, the bottom of the bag fell apart, spilling out dozens of records and CD tapes.
"Joey... what are these?"
Joey turned around, and before he could stop me I grabbed one.
"No wonder you've been like that! You're listening to music!?" I took a step back
"No! Wait! Don't be afraid... I'm not evil or violent or anything like that. That's all a lie" he said
I stared at him in disbelief
"I.. I need you're help. You're my sister, you know I'm not bad. Just.. hear me out. I'm running away to be a musician. You need to stay here and make sure mom and dad don't try to--"
"I'm coming with you"
My brother blinked. "Well, that's a change of plan. Okay--"
"... coming with you to make sure you go to a mental hospital". As he sighed, I grabbed his arm. "I'm going to go with you, but only so you can be cured. I'm not letting my little brother become a singer"
"You can try to come with me just to stop me, but you know... it's illegal to even associate with a musician. You'll be considered an ally and just as much as a threat as me. You'll be killed too. Are you sure you want to go with me?"
I thought this over. Be killed, or watch my brother turn insane? "One hundred percent"

((Whoops, this turned out a tad bit longer than I had planned ^^"))
((And a prompt: Write about love-- it can be about any two people you want. It can be mushy, heartwrenching, you name it-- but it only has one rule: One of them is blind and the other is deaf. ))
help a bro out

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