As different as night and day (OOC thread)

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When should I remake this RP?

Poll ended at September 6th, 2014, 10:32:25 pm

When the battle has finished
Before the battle is finished. Then start the new RP right where we left off
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I don't really care either way, but I do agree it needs to be remade
I don't want this to be remade
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As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Post your forms, ask questions and chat here.

Original thread:
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Last edited by SheWolfWarrior on August 22nd, 2014, 10:32:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Aneira »

This certainly looks like an interesting RP. I've been waiting for a Lycanthrope RP to pop up. ^.^

I'm not entirely sure if you're accepting reservations for character's yet, but I was wondering if I could possibly reserve the position of Alpha female in the Shadow Pack, or rather the loner that would be playing the part. Although I'd rather her be a spy posing as a loner. And if I could, she would have been born under the Blue Moon, correct?
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Hello Aneira, nice to see you again. :)

Yes, you can very well reserve the Alpha female of the Shadow Pack. She can also be a spy of the Luminos Pack without actually taking up a spy spot. Since she's going to spend most of her time in the Shadow Pack. And actually, only Alpha males are Blue Moons, Alpha females are usually Blood Moons or Full Moons. Although Nocturne would only allow a Blood Moon Lycan as his Alpha female.

And I was actually going to open in a few minutes, I was just too tired to completely finish the Lycan facts last night.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Aneira »

Username: Aneira
Name: Avera
Title: Tempest
Gender: Female
Age: 28
-Beast- Standing at a height of 6'2", Avera has a lean figure, bright amber eyes, and a pelt mixed with various colors. The top of her muzzle is a cinnamon brown that fades into a greyish-brown near her eyes, which can be seen to the middle of her tail. Her mane is greyish-brown near the middle, which then fades into a cinnamon brown, and finally to a very light off-white near the ends. Her ears, top of her tail, thighs, and shoulders are also cinnamon brown, which blend into white fur near her knees and forearm. She has a white underbelly, except for the bright red marking that adorns her chest. Often times she may be found with feathers placed in her mane - most often that of hawks or ospreys, though she has proven to be quite fond of the more vibrant cardinal feathers.
-Human- Avera, like every Lycan, is considerably smaller in her human form, though she somehow manages to keep her powerful and prideful appearance through the way she moves. Her skin is lightly tanned, and rimmed with dark eyelashes are the same intense amber eyes that she has in her beast form. Her hair is similar to that of her mane, though the greyish-brown is even more so tinted brown, with lighter rusty brown highlights, and it is naturally wavy. Even in her human form she may be found with feathers in her hair.
Personality: Having been trained as a child to cover her emotions, Avera is perhaps one of the best actresses within her pack. Even when she is secretly beaming with joy, or when she is flooded with anger, she is capable of concealing those emotions and putting on an entirely different mask of emotion, and she is an excellent liar. Her self control is also something to be admired. She is a very confident figure, so much so that it may show in the way she moves, and is certainly not afraid to take on a challenge. Despite the fact that she may seem to be a bit on the cocky side, she is actually fairly kindhearted deep down - though this often conflicts with the mask of emotion she often puts on. Though she is quick to think and quite flexible, she is also very stubborn.
Her views on life may often lead others to have a negative view of her. She believes that sacrifices must and will be made if she is to achieve her goal and aid her pack, and will potentially allow a few lives to become disoriented if it comes down to it. However, she personally sees this as an act of loyalty to her pack, and won't allow others to change her mind.
Ranking: Alpha
Pack: Shadow
Weapon: Dual blades, named Echo and Silence. Echo's hilt has a golden pommel and cross guard with a white leather grip, while Silence's hilt has a dark silver pommel and cross guard with a black leather grip.
History: Avera was born to two Lycans that were born under the Full Moon, her mother originally being a hunter, and her father a spy. However, shortly after she was born, her weak and already ill mother had passed away, leaving her father distressed and heartbroken. Blaming his newborn child, he turned his back on her and simply continued his training, paying no attention to his daughter. Because of this she ended up being raised by her uncle and older brother.
Well aware of who her father was, she became determined to prove her worth to him so that he might accept her. In a desperate attempt to make him proud, she began having her uncle help her gain the traits of a spy - and eventually she did prove to be an excellent actress and liar. And, with a bit of extra training from the brother in which she generally stuck close to, she became a decent hunter and skilled fighter. For a long while she eagerly awaited for the return of her father. However, one day word came about that he had been killed, likely from being found out about, or perhaps during a hunt.
Despite not having her father around any more, she continued to work to improve herself. Eventually she was given the title as a spy.
Other: She serves as a spy for the Luminos pack. Younger sister of Leif. Children of the Moon.

Username: Aneira
Name: Leif
Title: N/a
Gender: Male
Age: 3
-Beast- Leif has a height of exactly seven feet and has pale yellow eyes. His coloration is similar to that of an average gray wolf's, with grey fur with lighter off-white and dark grey streaks covering his back. He has a black mane and a white underbelly, along with the black paw print that marks his chest. He has a scar that reaches from the bottom of his eyes and stretches across his muzzle.
-Human- Standing at six feet, Leif could still be considered tall and keeps his lean but muscular build. His skin is more on the tan side, and is adorned by several small scars, the most noticeable being a scar that stretches from the bottom of his left eye, across the bridge of his nose, and ending on the bottom of his right cheek. He has dark hair that reaches to the bottom of his ears near the front, curves towards the back of his head, and extends to just above the bottom of his neck near the back. His eyes are pale yellow.
Personality: Leif is more on the mature side, though that certainly doesn't mean he doesn't goof around occasionally. He simply knows when it's the appropriate time to be serious. Despite having a bit of a sarcastic personality, he is genuinely kindhearted, and has proven to be quite the gentleman at times. However, he is also a bit of a flirt, and it isn't uncommon for him to attempt to attract the attention of another through various ways. One may find that his temper is a bit on the short side, and when he does manage to get angry he will certainly won't hesitate to show it. Grudges are long kept, and if one manages to get and stay on his bad side, he will outwardly show his dislike towards them through constant arguing or harsh insults. Though he may be seen as one of the lower-ranked pack members, he is actually quite the skilled fighter, and will often try to prove his worth.
Ranking: Hunter
Pack: Luminos
Weapon: Somnio - A two-handed sword with a silver hilt, adorned with a small dreamcatcher that's carved into the top of the hilt. Hanging from the bottom of the carving are small feathers that dangle from string that is held in place by dark leather wrap.
History: Leif's parents were two respected members of the pack, though they were both born under the Full Moon. And, while their son was destined to live his life as one of the lower ranks, they still loved him dearly. His mother had wished to train him early so that he may avoid becoming a lowly Omega once he was no longer a pup, but when she became pregnant with her second child, she passed the request to Leif's uncle and her brother.
After the death of his parents, his father seemed to turn his back on his newborn sister, but still spent much time with him. Leif still trained with his uncle, and occasionally his father, and before long he had gained the necessary skill to become a Hunter. After his father left for his duties, Leif helped his uncle take care of his younger sister, whom he had become quite protective of. He had even helped her in learning fighting techniques, with the hope that his father would one day accept her, and they could be a family once again.
The death of his father was devastating news for him, but he quickly learned to cope with the fact. When Avera became a spy, he completely disapproved of the idea, though it was out of fear. He has found it difficult to speak with her without getting angry ever since, often mentioning that she was foolish and would likely end up dead before long.
Other: Older brother of Avera. Children of the Moon.

Woops, must have missed the Alpha-male only part when I read it this morning.

Anyways, I tried to complete what I could, but I still feel like there's something I'm missing. I'm also kinda holding off on the history. I have it planned out in my head, just couldn't get it all into words quite yet. Heck, I couldn't even describe Avera the way I was planning to. xD
If anything's missing I'll edit it later, but I'm kinda sorta dead tired right now. ~ ~
Last edited by Aneira on May 8th, 2014, 7:22:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

They look fine to me, but I can wait for you to fully finish them before I add them to the page. I'm patient. :) And actually, you didn't read over that part last night. I added it this morning, LOL. There's a reason I didn't open until this morning. I hadn't fully finished everything. Even still, I added some stuff and will probably add even more.

Anyways, I'll look over them again, but I'll only add them to the list once you are happy with their forms. :)
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Wishtobeawolf »

Username: Wishtobeawolf
Name: Kurusaki shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Demon
Appearance: Image ((He also has a wolf tail and black dragon wings))
Personality: he can be thought of as insane and something to avoid at all costs but he is also loyal
History: Will be rped
Lives in the realm or visitor? Definitely a visitor
Other: He carries around a long scythe that looks like this Image
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Silvereil »

Ooh! This looks exciting! Mind you, I've not done a public RP in a while, so I might be a bit rusty. Still, may I reserve the alpha male in the Luminous pack (if it's still available) and an outsider? If not, let me know. I'll figure something out.

Also, I'll have my forms up in this post as soon as possible.

EDIT: Here are my forms
  • Lycan
    Username: Silvereil
    Name: Sarin
    Title: Kirahn (Pronounced 'Keer-ahn' )
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    • -Beast- In his beast form, Sarin is a 6 foot tall lycan with brown fur of mixed shades, ranging from light brown to dark brown. He has a mane the same color as the rest of his body. His eyes are an amber color with flecks of silvery-grey mixed in, and his mark is blue(?). Sarin has a build for strength, and though he is fast, he is better suited to contests of strength rather than speed, for he is not as speedy as some of the other leaner lycans.
      -Human- In his human form, Sarin is tall and still retains the muscular build of his beast form. He is built for strength rather than speed. Light brown, slightly messy hair with a few darker brown streaks cover his head. As with his lycan form, his eyes are amber-colored with flecks of silvery-grey, but they aren't as bright as they are when he is in his beast form. Occasionally, light stubble might adorn his face, though he prefers to go with a clean shave. Sarin still reaches to about 6 feet in height and his skin is slightly tanned. His mark is, of course, still visible.

    Personality: Despite his rather fierce, perhaps even terrifying, looks (sometimes), Sarin is quite nice. He has a steady, open mind and is always willing to listen to what others have to say. He enjoys the company of others and prefers to see everyone happy as possible. Yes, he does understand that everyone, even him, has their down days. When Sarin is angry, he does not get violent and actually does his best not to let anyone else know. Only those closest can tell when he is angry, the way he becomes quiet and steadily lets it out through emotional steam. He may go on a walk by himself when he is angry, so as to not hurt anyone else or affect anyone else.
    Sarin is a hard worker, also very trustworthy and loyal. Give him a job to do or ask him a favor and he'll do it so long as it is not something outrageous or something he is not comfortable doing. Have a secret that you need to share? Come to him, since he will keep it forever to himself. He's quiet, but talkative enough to be quite approachable and comfortable to be around. At times, Sarin will even show a small bit of his sense of humor.

    Ranking: Alpha Male
    Pack: Luminos
    Weapon: Curoc (Sword)
    History: On the night of a Blue Moon, a pup was born. It was a little male, born to lycans Kona and Sheratan, younger sibling of Evelyn. This pup was Sarin, a natural-born leader destined for greatness. From an early age, he was taught how to fight and survive on his own, also how to hide his emotions. Basically all this training was preparing him for when the time came for him to become alpha of the pack. Despite all his training for alpha, though Sarin didn't know what it was at the time, he was just as friendly as ever. He made many friends and also often spent a great amount of time with his older sister. Around when Sarin was one year old, his world was shaken up. He was one year old and his sister five when the Shadow pack attacked theirs. In the fight, Sarin's parents were killed. He and Evelyn were then raised by a family friend, a fellow Hunter. Sarin was too young to remember the day he lost his parents, but he does know that he grew up never knowing them. He became a hunter for the Luminos pack and held that position until he became Alpha Male.
    Other: Younger brother of Evelyn
    N/A Children of the Moon

    Code: Select all

    [b]Username:[/b] [color=#404040]Silvereil[/color]
        [b]Name:[/b] [color=#404040]Sarin[/color]
        [b]Title:[/b] [color=#404040]Kirahn (Pronounced 'Keer-ahn' )[/color]
        [b]Gender:[/b] [color=#404040]Male[/color]
        [b]Age:[/b] [color=#404040]27[/color]
        [list][b]-Beast-[/b] [color=#404040]In his beast form, Sarin is a 6 foot tall lycan with brown fur of mixed shades, ranging from light brown to dark brown. He has a mane the same color as the rest of his body. His eyes are an amber color with flecks of silvery-grey mixed in, and his mark is blue(?). Sarin has a build for strength, and though he is fast, he is better suited to contests of strength rather than speed, for he is not as speedy as some of the other leaner lycans.[/color]
        [b]-Human-[/b] [color=#404040]In his human form, Sarin is tall and still retains the muscular build of his beast form. He is built for strength rather than speed. Light brown, slightly messy hair with a few darker brown streaks cover his head. As with his lycan form, his eyes are amber-colored with flecks of silvery-grey, but they aren't as bright as they are when he is in his beast form. Occasionally, light stubble might adorn his face, though he prefers to go with a clean shave. Sarin still reaches to about 6 feet in height and his skin is slightly tanned. His mark is, of course, still visible.[/color][/list]
        [b]Personality:[/b] [color=#404040]Despite his rather fierce, perhaps even terrifying, looks (sometimes), Sarin is quite nice. He has a steady, open mind and is always willing to listen to what others have to say. He enjoys the company of others and prefers to see everyone happy as possible. Yes, he does understand that everyone, even him, has their down days. When Sarin is angry, he does not get violent and actually does his best not to let anyone else know. Only those closest can tell when he is angry, the way he becomes quiet and steadily lets it out through emotional steam. He may go on a walk by himself when he is angry, so as to not hurt anyone else or affect anyone else.
    Sarin is a hard worker, also very trustworthy and loyal. Give him a job to do or ask him a favor and he'll do it so long as it is not something outrageous or something he is not comfortable doing. Have a secret that you need to share? Come to him, since he will keep it forever to himself. He's quiet, but talkative enough to be quite approachable and comfortable to be around. At times, Sarin will even show a small bit of his sense of humor.[/color]
        [b]Ranking:[/b] [color=#404040]Alpha Male[/color]
        [b]Pack:[/b] [color=#404040]Luminos[/color]
        [b]Weapon:[/b] [color=#404040][url=]Curoc[/url] (Sword)[/color]
        [b]History:[/b] [color=#404040]On the night of a Blue Moon, a pup was born. It was a little male, born to lycans Kona and Sheratan, younger sibling of Evelyn. This pup was Sarin, a natural-born leader destined for greatness. From an early age, he was taught how to fight and survive on his own, also how to hide his emotions. Basically all this training was preparing him for when the time came for him to become alpha of the pack. Despite all his training for alpha, though Sarin didn't know what it was at the time, he was just as friendly as ever. He made many friends and also often spent a great amount of time with his older sister. Around when Sarin was one year old, his world was shaken up. He was one year old and his sister five when the Shadow pack attacked theirs. In the fight, Sarin's parents were killed. He and Evelyn were then raised by a family friend, a fellow Hunter. Sarin was too young to remember the day he lost his parents, but he does know that he grew up never knowing them. He became a hunter for the Luminos pack and held that position until he became Alpha Male.[/color]
        [b]Other:[/b] [color=#404040]Younger brother of Evelyn[/color][/size] [color=#404040]N/A [size=50]Children of the Moon[/size][/color]
    Username: Silvereil
    Name: Arreya
    Gender: Female
    Age: A little younger than Luna
    Species: Arcaean Charger (Winged Horse; Pegasus)
    Appearance: Arreya is a beautiful, large white mare. She is not as large as some other winged horses of her species, actually on the smaller side, but she is very large compared to normal horses. Her wings are pure white, almost never dirty. They stretch to a total length of 12 feet, wingtip to wingtip, a rather large wingspan for a Charger her size. However, they help her speed in flight as well as her relatively light weight.
    Reference Picture(s): X

    Personality: Arreya is kind and quiet. She may seem shy, but she is a wonderful friend to have and a powerful ally as well. Disliking violence, Arreya does her best to stay neutral. Those who have seen her sometimes call her the "Star Queen", for she is often seen flying among the stars at night, her favorite time to fly. She enjoys the moonlight and peaceful quiet, perhaps shared with a friend or two. Being rather shy, it is a bit difficult to befriend Arreya, but having her trust is very valuable. Do not underestimate her abilities, however. As said before, this mare is a powerful ally to have. She may not have too many special powers, but for one, she can fly. For another, she knows how to fight, though she'd rather avoid it.
    History: Not many think about it, but Luna and Arreya have quite a history. Luna was the oldest child of the two original deities, the two that basically started and created the world. They set Luna as the moon deity. However, after some time, a second child appeared. Unlike Luna, this one had wings rather than a horn, yet she was still brilliantly white with extraordinary powers. This was Arreya, younger sister to the moon deity.
    She was not immortal like her sister, and Luna had seen it as her duty to care for her younger sister. However, Arreya, wanting to be so much like her sister, had pushed her away and tried to be as independent and powerful as she was, except on the mortal world. She lived her own, solitary lifestyle down on the earth while her older sister watched. More to be added later, maybe...

    Lives in the realm or visitor? Lives in the Realm
    N/A Children of the Moon

    Code: Select all

    [b]Username:[/b] [color=#404040]Silvereil[/color]
        [b]Name:[/b] [color=#404040]Arreya [/color]
        [b]Gender:[/b] [color=#404040]Female[/color]
        [b]Age:[/b] [color=#404040]A little younger than Luna[/color]
        [b]Species:[/b] [color=#404040]Arcaean Charger (Winged Horse; Pegasus)[/color]
        [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=#404040]Arreya is a beautiful, large white mare. She is not as large as some other winged horses of her species, actually on the smaller side, but she is very large compared to normal horses. Her wings are pure white, almost never dirty. They stretch to a total length of 12 feet, wingtip to wingtip, a rather large wingspan for a Charger her size. However, they help her speed in flight as well as her relatively light weight.
    Reference Picture(s): [url=]X[/url] [/color]
        [b]Personality:[/b] [color=#404040]Arreya is kind and quiet. She may seem shy, but she is a wonderful friend to have and a powerful ally as well. Disliking violence, Arreya does her best to stay neutral. Those who have seen her sometimes call her the "Star Queen", for she is often seen flying among the stars at night, her favorite time to fly. She enjoys the moonlight and peaceful quiet, perhaps shared with a friend or two. Being rather shy, it is a bit difficult to befriend Arreya, but having her trust is very valuable. Do not underestimate her abilities, however. As said before, this mare is a powerful ally to have. She may not have too many special powers, but for one, she can fly. For another, she knows how to fight, though she'd rather avoid it.[/color]
        [b]History:[/b] [color=#404040]Not many think about it, but Luna and Arreya have quite a history. Luna was the oldest child of the two original deities, the two that basically started and created the world. They set Luna as the moon deity. However, after some time, a second child appeared. Unlike Luna, this one had wings rather than a horn, yet she was still brilliantly white with extraordinary powers. This was Arreya, younger sister to the moon deity.
    She was not immortal like her sister, and Luna had seen it as her duty to care for her younger sister. However, Arreya, wanting to be so much like her sister, had pushed her away and tried to be as independent and powerful as she was, except on the mortal world. She lived her own, solitary lifestyle down on the earth while her older sister watched. [i]More to be added later, maybe...[/i][/color]
        [b]Lives in the realm or visitor?[/b] [color=#404040]Lives in the Realm[/color]
        [b]Other:[/b][/size] [color=#404040]N/A [size=50]Children of the Moon[/size][/color]
Last edited by Silvereil on July 14th, 2014, 1:16:48 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

You're accepted, Wishtobeawolf! Welcome to my RP. :)

Hello there, Silveriel. Yes, you can reserve both of those characters. And I will be waiting for your form. :)
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by Aneira »

Heya Silvereil~

I think I'm just gonna settle with the forms now, if they look alright to you. I wanted to get them done today, and I did manage to get the history finished. I've been busy as heck the past few days, and I just had an AP test today (AND a French test), so I'm pretty brain dead right now. Dx

Summer needs to hurry up and get here. . _.;
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Re: As different as night and day (OOC thread)

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Alrighty then, I'll put them up. But if you ever want them to be edited, just PM me the edited forms and I'll copy them over the old ones. :)

Edit: Uh, actually, I noticed that you may have typoed Leif's age. I'll go ahead and put it up, and you can just tell me what you meant it to be. Once your brain isn't so muddled with school. :)
Kinda on hiatus here. If you'd still wish to chat and RP with me, follow this little spider to my CS account.
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