~Shifting Ideals OOC~

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~Shifting Ideals OOC~

Post by Foleo »

Hello, and welcome to the OOC thread for a roleplay that will, in its time, become a legend among magi, a testament to the skill of five seasoned roleplayers...






Finally, the actual roleplaying section! We all know forms are the epitome of roleplay basics...but does anyone really want to read a plotless wall of description? Booooooring! Wouldn't you rather discover the character's personality through the storyline, using those fantastic reading comprehension skills that elementary teachers have drilled into your skull since all eternity?

No? Bah, you boring person. D<

Code: Select all

[b]Alliance:[/b] (Keep or Baddies?)
[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Pictures are great!  Pictures are cool!  Pictures are an amazing writing tool!)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional.  A few words would certainly help, though. (Example: Easy to anger, snarky, and self-righteous)
[b]Magic Type/Area of Study:[/b]
[b]Creatures:[/b] (Please no more than 3 with you at a time.  More gets too confusing.  Having more creatures in your keep is okay!)
You may rearrange, add, or remove parts of the form if you like, though some obviously should be kept.

Just so we're all using the same terms, some magi-specific language. Feel free to correct me if I'm using it wrong, I'm no expert myself! More will be added in time.

Mage: wizard (singular)
Magi: wizards (plural)
Keep: with lowercase "k", a mage's place of residence, the place where their creatures reside. With capital "K", the castle as run by the High Archmage Thane, a place of learning.[/center]
Last edited by Foleo on April 12th, 2015, 12:23:48 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Foleo »


Shifting Ideals Main thread, much seriousness such wow
Shifting Ideals Spin-off: SnuggleMuffins and his Magi Pals AU, backstory, and headcanon thread!


Name: Tyrone
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description:
ImageHe also has strange, red-ish oval tattoos on his hands, shoulders, feet, and hips. There is a larger one over his heart, and on his forehead (there's a reason he wears his bangs long). At the base of his back, there is a triad of the red ovals.
Personality: Tyrone is a shy and timid person. When he first meets someone he tends to be a little awkward for the first few minutes, but soon adjusts. He makes friends and trusts easily, which has gotten him into several potentially dangerous situations. He isn't very strong, and can't resist most people if they attack him. He gets along very well with Crystalwings and other inhabitants of the Caves of Nareau- almost like they can talk to each other...
Magic Type/Area of Study: Earth: Gems/Metal/Creation (creating items through magic)
Creatures: Maya, his Female Dark Gemhog, Locket, his Female Voro Manticore, and Lapuli, his Female Saerulis Crystalwing
Other: Tyrone is a student, so he's still learning to control his magic. He's good friends with Lorelei. Lorelei likes to joke that he's training to be a hermit. He actually wants to be a jeweler.

Name: Lorelei
Age: 23-24
Gender: Female
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description:
Personality: Lorelei is loud and rambunctious. She speaks before she thinks and leaps before she looks. She has a habit of sticking her nose places it doesn't belong, and, of course, she often gets in trouble for it. Like most fire magi, she has a quick temper and reacts to situations violently. She's also a bit of a flirt.
Magic Type/Area of Study: Fire: Healing/Enchanting
Creatures: SnuggleMuffins, her Male Nandi Bear, Coricopat her Male Calico Tienko, and Discordia, her Female Black Tienko
Other: Lorelei was raised by one of the Professors in the Keep. She also wears a valuable necklace called 'The Song of the Siren' that allows her to understand her creatures... and only her creatures. It contains no other magical properties.

Name: Miltiades
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Alliance: Baddies
Physical Description:
He has the same markings as Tyrone, though his seem to be actual gemstones and are purple. He makes no effort to hide them.
Personality: Cruel, Tricky, Sadistic.
Magic Type/Area of Study: Earth- Movement/Growth
Creatures: Noctis Enox, Light Basilisk, Fen Bongo
Other: Miltiades seems to be searching for someone- or something... he refuses to elaborate, even to his own comrades...[/quote]

Name: Lachesis
Age: 26
Gender: F
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description: Munin is awesome, I wish she would come back
Usually not in such fancy clothes, though, preferring (predominantly purple) tunics or robes accented with black and/or tan.
Personality: Calm, friendly, a little bit shy
Magic Type/Area of Study: Fire, potions
Creatures: a Dusk Cinersi named Calida, an Amarth Alagos named Muninn, and a Coria Alagos named Huginn. Lots of birds - especially phoenixes of every type - reside at her keep.
Other: Understands birds. Graduated from the Keep years ago and built herself a residence she named Swallow Point, near the center of the triangle formed by Synara, the Alasre Mountains, and Arkene. Curiously for a fire magi, she prefers cold over hot climates. Returned to the Keep about two years ago to do more studies and get a higher title, so she mainly resides at the Keep currently but sometimes goes to take care of business, etc. at Swallow Point.

Name: Verdandi
Age: 26
Gender: F
Alliance: Evil
Physical Description:
Clothes are always immaculate. Uses magic to keep her hair that color.
Personality: Cold, quiet, extremely calm
Magic Type/Area of Study: Air with a specialty in lightning, scrying
Creatures: Female Verikan
Other: Knows how to use a sword. Something of a loner even in the group of evil magi, though she keeps something of a protective eye on the ice mage. The light mage holds a strange influence over her; she's very loyal to him but doesn't seem particularly happy about it. She's reasonably powerful, but isn't very good at using her magic.

Name: Tsura
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Alliance: Baddies
Physical Description:Tsura She usually wears a dark leather dress, lined with soft, white fur against the cold that constantly surrounds her. She also dons similar boots, with white leggings underneath.
Personality: Timid, easily brought to tears, afraid of being alone
Magic Type/Area of Study: Ice
Creatures: None
Other: Contrary to a usual ice mage, Tsura catches cold easily, hence the warm apparel. She is, physically, extremely weak, but her magic rivals that of her fellows.

Name: Karzar'ill
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description: 6,5" with short dark brown almost black hair and tanned skin with well developed muscles and a scaly tail that tend to reflect his current mood. Various scars cover his body but only a few are visible as most are covered up by his clothes, the most visible ones are the ones on his face, a horizontal one under his left eye and a fairly large scar that starts at his left ear opening and runs down the left cheek and down to the jaw. He wears practical clothes that are able to withstand harsh weather varying depending in where his currently traveling to.
Personality: Shall be part of the fun for you all to discover. Sounds fun huh?
Magic Type/Area of Study: Fire/Lightning - Studies Dragon
Creatures: Kepesk - Black Ice Dragon, Flamia - Phoenix, Mantira - Maticore, various other dragons from time to time that lives in his keep and may have Casira, a small emerald wyvern tagging along sometimes.
Other: Have a sad background story (I seem to be a master at making those for some reason). He prefers not to take about his past, his family' name (which he don't even give to anyone), exactly how he got his tail. Have messed with dark magic before so he have knowledge of it and can use some himself although that is something he only does if he have to.

Name: Ariel
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description: Ariel is slim and stands at about 5'7". She is not very strong or muscular. Her hair is straight and black, and reaches the bottom of her back. She also has sideswept bangs, and wears her hair down or frequently clips half of it up. She has large, warm, light brown eyes, arched eyebrows. Her lips are full and pigmented, and her nose is straight. She wears a dark blue tunic and dark charcoal leggings, as well as knee-high boots. Her accessories include a pair of crystal stud earrings, a band around her upper arm, and a silver trinity/rolling ring on her left pointer finger.
Personality: Ariel is a new student in the Keep that shows affinity towards both water and air magic. She is much more comfortable with animals and magical creatures, which tends to make her shy and soft-spoken. She is sweet and self-conscious, but will warm up to others over time. She is easily impressed, and is extremely eager to learn as much as she possibly can. Though smart, she has a tendency to procrastinate. She does work hard, however, but is more book smart than street smart. She is loyal and dislikes conflict amongst her companions. She is also rather non-confrontational. Slightly idealistic/romantic, she likes to believe in the best in all people. Ariel can be a bit of a worrier, and to deal with the stress this causes her, she always likes to be overly prepared. Not extremely active recreationally, she instead prefers the joys of eating and sleeping, or perhaps even curling up with a good book. Overall, Ariel is a gentle and caring person.
Magic Type/Area of Study: Primarily water but also shows proficiency with air.
Creatures: The creatures at her side most often would be a direcore, a light raiju, and an akhlut (all male, names unknown at the moment -sorry!).
Other: I don't really have a detailed back story hashed out yet, just a vague idea of her being raised by/alongside a gryphon near/on the streets of Synara City or something (so she's not a feral child hahaha). She is supposed to be a fairly new student at the Keep (and a late magic bloomer at that, I suppose, since she is 18) so I'm not sure if that's okay in this specific RP? I'm not sure she'd get recruited to join this epic group since she's not necessarily as experienced? hahaha let me know and I can tweak it :)

Name: Kieran
Age: 19
Gender: Male (OR IS HE)
Alliance: Baddies
Personality: Flamboyant, carefree, inflated ego, thinks he's a lady's man
Magic Type/Area of Study: Shadow Magic
Creatures: None
Other: Has an obsessive crush on Verdandi. Who cares that she's 7 years older than me? I'm not going to hit on Miltiades anytime soon, the flashy bastard, and Lucifer's out of the question--what is he, 200 years old? And no, I'm not a pedophile--so Tsura's not a choice either.

DISCLAIMER: Everything in italics does not necessarily represent the opinions of Applemint Enteprises

Name: Donavan
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Alliance: baddies
Physical Description: No pictures while I'm on my tablet, sorry. He's blindingly pale, shockingly blond, average height, average to slightly scrawny build. Very smug looking grin, even though he's not actually all that smug of a person.
Personality: Easygoing, not too talkative but not quiet either. Speaks somewhat slowly and languidly. Stick around him enough and you find that he has a pretty good sense of humor.
Magic Type/Area of Study: Fire, also likes to build things. Specializes in creating small flying machines.
Creatures: Always has 3 pygmy phoenixes on him at all times. No one can tell them apart, and no one is convinced he can either. They often test out his flying machines for him and seem to enjoy doing so.
Other: Pygmy phoenixes are adorable.
Edit: he and Kieran are constantly trying to one up each other, but it's k, they've got each other's backs when it matters.
Last edited by Foleo on May 15th, 2017, 1:44:11 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Faleep »

Last edited by Faleep on July 29th, 2014, 9:43:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
creatures for sale in my sale tabs! Pm for prices
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Foleo »


Name: Faleep (Fal)
Age: uh, 24,25ish? Never really had a set age. XD
Gender: Female
Alliance: Keep.
Physical Description: Fal
Personality: prone to playing pranks.
Magic Type/Area of Study: Water/Ice magic, Studies Ammits
Creatures: Fire Gryphon named Keeper, White spotted Ammit hatchling named Muerte, light Raiju named Raiden
Other: may have small Ammit hatchling clinging to clothing/accompanying her.

Hai, Fal! *evil vampire voice* VELCOME TO THE CHAOS.

Are there any evil magi you'd want to roleplay? Out of the 6 elements, 3 are taken/NPC.


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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Faleep »

I wanna be the fire person!
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Foleo »

Faleep wrote:Oooo!
I wanna be the fire person!
Sure! Just remember to add the traumatic past and tragic backstory... Mwahahha

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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Faleep »

Applemint wrote:
Faleep wrote:Oooo!
I wanna be the fire person!
Sure! Just remember to add the traumatic past and tragic backstory... Mwahahha
But what if I want my guy to have a completely normal backstory? He's just evil cause he wants to be evil. :roll:
Besides, Fal already has the traumatic backstory. :D and she turned out...
Ok, can't say fine. The gal works with Ammits. But she's..... Not evil?
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Kestrad »

Name: Lachesis
Age: 26
Gender: F
Alliance: Keep
Physical Description: Munin is awesome, I wish she would come back
Usually not in such fancy clothes, though, preferring (predominantly purple) tunics or robes accented with black and/or tan.
Personality: Calm, friendly, a little bit shy
Magic Type/Area of Study: Fire, potions
Creatures: a Dusk Cinersi named Calida, an Amarth Alagos named Muninn, and a Coria Alagos named Huginn. Lots of birds - especially phoenixes of every type - reside at her keep.
Other: Understands birds. Graduated from the Keep years ago and built herself a residence she named Swallow Point, near the center of the triangle formed by Synara, the Alasre Mountains, and Arkene. Curiously for a fire magi, she prefers cold over hot climates. Returned to the Keep about two years ago to do more studies and get a higher title, so she mainly resides at the Keep currently but sometimes goes to take care of business, etc. at Swallow Point.

Also, I'll take the air/lightning evil mage if no one has claimed them yet, please.

Name: Verdandi
Age: 26
Gender: F
Alliance: Evil
Physical Description:
Clothes are always immaculate. Uses magic to keep her hair that color.
Personality: Cold, quiet, extremely calm
Magic Type/Area of Study: Air with a specialty in lightning, scrying
Creatures: Female Verikan
Other: Knows how to use a sword. Something of a loner even in the group of evil magi, though she keeps something of a protective eye on the ice mage. The light mage holds a strange influence over her; she's very loyal to him but doesn't seem particularly happy about it. She's reasonably powerful, but isn't very good at using her magic.
Last edited by Kestrad on July 20th, 2014, 5:22:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Foleo »

@Fal: I kinda wanted every baddie to have a marvelously anime flashback right after the goodies beat them. XD But it can be a happy flashback, or maybe how he met the Light Mage and joined his team.

@Kestrad: Hai! Sure, you can have the air/lightning. (It doesn't have to be both; it can be just one if you like)

Do you guys think that every baddie should have studied Rune Magic? I think it'd be a nice theme to work around; the Light Mage could've been a master and he taught them. Of course, the baddies would have other attacks, but the runes could be their secondary attack.

Also, for plot. What if...

Thane leads the Good Magi, as an attack team to go stop the Evil Magi. The rest of the Keep remains as a defense to hold off the hordes of chimera. When the EM (evil magi) begin their encroach on the Keep, the GM (good magi) chase them. But before the GM can reach the EM, the Light Mage commands one of the EM to stay behind and hold them off. Similarly, when the GM reach the EM left behind, they leave one of the GM and continue tracking the EM. Basically, both groups continue to thin until the only two people left, the Light Mage and Thane. [We would decide before hand in the OOC thread, by voting or random, who would fight who. No fighting your own character!]

The two, possibly the most powerful magi in the world, face off in the ultimate battle. The Light Mage reveals some of his tragic past with Thane (best friends? teammates? lovers?) and then proceeds to use a self-destruct rune on himself, planning on taking Thane with him. The last thing he sees before he blacks out is

a) the memory of a blood swear between him and Thane, as children. (Possibly, "If we die, we die together.)

b) a memory of Thane smiling, as a child

c) *insert heartfelt mushiness* :P

Afterwards, all the EM wake up in the Keep Infirmary. They're asked if they wish to join the Keep, and some accept.


Blargh. Yeah. Feel free to change it, that's just my ramblings. :derp:

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Re: ~Magistream Roleplay OOC~

Post by Kestrad »

The mushy gushy sap in me is having all the feels about that story you suggested, and we haven't even started playing yet.

(In other words, so much yes!)
Kestrad has been eaten by life. She'll probably pop back in occasionally.
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