Crismon Messege to Emander Tyris

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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Crismon Messege to Emander Tyris

Post by AssassinsCreed »

Aruanna usually didnt get any letters. Her graying darkblue postbox was slowly wittering like a flower without water. The sun was once again burning everything and everyone without any remorse making the air into a heavy and hot soup that was barely breathable.
Aruanna stroke her long hair away from her dark eyes looked over the very happy handwriting that created this interesting letter to magi students. Her surprise slowly changed into excitement when she finished reading the letter.
Making her way back to her place - a cave made out of sand the entry blocked by doors made out of stone - she ignored her firegriffon Cascade landed by her side shaking her head with grace and waiting to be praised for her extraordinary air acrobatic she was training the entire morning.

When she reached her open and comfy room she took out empty scroll of pargament and took the burning feather she usually wrote with.Her favorite, the feather with blue fire was perfect for this hot day... it gave a slight coolness to the person who was writing at the moment. It helped her keep her mind clean while she wrote reports of her latest experiments.
Slowly she started to write a letter back to Emander Tyris with the precious crimson sparkly ink:

" Emander Tyris

I have never heard of you but considering you send your letters out out here to the Etian Desert near the volcanic area you must be as lonley as I am. Dont get me wrong I have 2 wonderful companions by my side!
My little hellhound Ogien and my firegriffin Cascade. Both of them have been my companions since they was very small pups. We have been living in this hellish desert ever since I found Cascades egg with other words- several long years. Most people would probably leave this place as soon they came close to this area but not me. You see... I never have been accepted by the society. Or more correctly my ideas wasn't accepted by the society. Therefore I had to find a place where I could start my experiments without any interruptions from those brainwashed people.

My experiments you ask? They are fascinating. Im happy you asked. This is mostly what I do at summer time when its hot and when critters are more...willing to cooperate. When they are happy and full of life.
Since I was little I was fascinated by how the nature was making sure every single species of our amazing creatures to survive. Imps,griffons,hellhounds, Raijus, Enoxes.... you get my point. They sometimes are rare,sometimes more common depending on the time of the year and season. What made me wonder was why every species besides very few ones never reached out to each other.Why isnt there any fireenoxes out there a cross maybe between firetype creature and a enox? A fireenox you know?

I have had a dream once. That my future companions would mix and have a egg... a egg from "forbidden magic" as some people said to me when I spoke loudly about it. A hellhound griffin. Can you imagine? A griffin and hellhound mix? The fire it would hold,the power,the grace! I cant wait until the day Cascade finally fullfill my dream of a hellfire griffin...

Oh no.Dont get me wrong. Cascade and Ogien agreed on this. I gave them all the time in the world to think about it...both of them are very close. Who knows.Maybe it works. THe nature have suprised us many times in the past im sure it will do it again! Right now its summer. Plenty of sun - not that there isnt any sun any other season or year in this empty place- and plenty of room for thinking and games. I will walk around and watch over my companions carefully. You never know what can happen.Someone could try to hurt them... or take them away from me. It have happend before. I have learned to set up traps around this place just in case someone desided to try their luck. Ogien will set anyone who comes too close on fire... or as I call it "set them on the grill". Too bad nothing are left of them when the fire dies out...I wonder what they think about when they stand there burning up slowly with skin melting and... excuse me.I got carried away.
I didnt mean to put in so much detail in this letter but to be fair Im not used to keep quiet or hold back the details. How disturbing they may be.

Hellfire griffin... the darkness...the magic... oh help me heavens. I cannot wait until the day we dominate the Etain Desert with fire and darkness together.... me and my firey third companion. We would spread nightmares around this place. Make children cry and adults shout out of fear.... screams of terror can be really delicious if you know how to get them out. They are like honey...the sweetest candy in the world.And those who didnt belive in the possibilitys of the darkest nightmares to become reality shall think again when they stand eye to eye with my glorious beast of the inferno itself.One day I say.... that will become reality. For some a cruel reality.

THis is what I do.I study creatures. Every summer when most of the species are out.I learn their habits,I learn what they love and hate. And then I use it to my experiments... I try to make them consider to help me create this new and beutiful world where there are no wrong or right kind of colour or mix between critters.Where every simple crossbreed or not is accepted... and those who oppose it and still are in denayal are banished from the desert into the deepest hell in existence. Summer exists here all year long, all day long. The nights are bright even when the sun goes down. And no matter what the heat always is the same. After a while you get used to it. And so does the critters around here. The few ones that can stand the heat and the sun here. Maybe I find a new species. something we never saw or heard of before. A beast or a kittycat dosent matter. New species. New possibilitys. New... companions.

I have never heard of chinchillas... but they sound adorable. How big are they? What species family are they related to? Maybe manticores and chinchilla cross would be something to consider to...I would have to think about that one tough.Hellfire griffin is my priority.

So my dear Emander Tyris concider coming over here into nowhere to my sandcave. We would drink some sweet water and check out that chinchilla of yours.Maybe it would give a idea how to make that hellfire griffin cross possible.Who knows? Maybe we both could start working on finding the right pair for the beast of the inferno itself. Maybe I already missed something.So many years and still not even close to the answer.

Your hidden friend from the desert


Aruanna sent the messege to the adressant with her lettercarrier phoenix. Her red flames flamed up the sky when she rised toward the blue sky, slowly disapearing in the distance after a few minutes. When she was gone Aruanna went back inside her cave to re-read her reports from the past to refresh her memory.

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