To the inquisitive Mr. Emander Tyris

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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To the inquisitive Mr. Emander Tyris

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Dear Emander Tyris,

I’m not very good at writing stories but I figured that I would try since you took an interest in how I take care of my creatures during summer time at the Keep. I have many creatures and each new creature that I get I make sure that I take very good care of them. Out of all my many creatures, my favorite ones are my Kitsunes.

I remember when I first got Blake, my first Kitsune. I saw his egg floating in the stream and knew right then that I had to have it since foxes are one of my favorite creatures. I warmed his egg and kept taking care of it until it finally hatched into a cute, fluffy male fox kit. He was very easy to take care of at first since he was very curious and always wandering off from my sight to chase Celestial Butterflies and Lunestre Dragons because he liked things with very bright colors.

Then later on, he became easier to take care and enjoyed playing with sticks and the other creatures that the other magi had that were also staying around the Keep. When he got bigger, he reminded me a lot of a dog with how he acted as he played along with his size. After he grew up and became an adult, I decided that I wanted more because they were so fun to take care of so I got another one that turned out to be a girl and I named that one Aislinn. On and on it went until had six Kitsunes, all of them stream born; then I decided to get another type of Kitsune, the Arkenian Kitsune, and I got my first one from the Trading Post shop.

Now I have four of those and I breed them occasionally in order to give their eggs to friends or other magi around Christmas time as gifts or also occasional gifts for Halloween. I like to share my creatures with others, including new users, so that they can enjoy taking care of their own creatures if they don’t already have some. I also adopt new creatures from the stream, take care of them, and then share them as well with others when I can. This may not be as interesting as you might have hoped but this is my culture and I bet many other magi do what I do in taking care of their creatures and sharing them with others.

Hope you still enjoyed reading this little story, anyway.


Isra Simone
number of words: 427
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