The Regular
The Albino
Size: The Twilight Drakal is a small creature, Its body only the size of a human being with its wing span being double the length of a human's arms.
Gender Differences: The males Drakal are slightly brighter then the females, but there is no difference beyond this.
Cycle: The Drakal are quite shy and the males are usually alone until the autumn months. This is when they return to the colony of females they left behind with food offerings for a potential mate. The females remain in the colony their entire lives, while the males set out after the winter to gather food, nest material, and shiny stones for the chance at a mate come autumn.
When Raised in Captivity: The Drakal is very difficult to have in captivity for the sole fact of the male's being picked at by the grouped up females. However if raised together the male and female will get along just fine. Breeding at any time other then autumn is a major challenge.
Notes for Admins: Yes these are mine, that is my deviant art account. I apologize for the horrid quality I only have a Skype camera to put these on my computer.