Earth Creature: The Granite Treant

Earth and Wind creature design contest
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Earth Creature: The Granite Treant

Post by Shadie069 »

ImageThe male Granite Treant
The rare Granite Treant is an unusual creature being as it looks to be a cross between a tree and a rock. The males of this species will gather leaves that have fallen from real trees and place them on their backs during the autumn months. The more colorful the males make themselves the more likely they are to catch the eyes of the ladies for the winter months.
My coloring is horrible when it comes to stone so heres the actual idea of what I was using.
Around his eye:
His overall body: ... anitt3.JPG His Feet, Head and Shoulder: ... rge-10.jpg
Size: The Granite Treant is a massive being that stands at almost ten feet tall. The granite that covers its body is thick and strong, able to with stand many types of magic or weapons and bright red gems cover its legs chest and forehead.

Gender Differences: The males are larger then the females. The male also wears bright colored leaves all over his body, be it on his head or as a beard and occasionally around the wrists or ankles. The female has her pine needle like leaves all year 'round and is smaller then the male.
I'll put up a picture of her later if requested.
Cycle: The Treant is usually firmly "planted" in the ground until the sparks of the late summer months. Then the males will rise up and being their search for bright colorful leaves to use to impress their potential females. The females usually stay hidden during this time, until the months of late autumn when the ladies finally rise up and search for their lucky male.

When raised in captivity: The Treants' behavior remains the same for the most part, however they remain conscious while 'planted' and occasionally greet their magi with a leafy gift. The females after autumn will leave the keep and plant their egg elsewhere before returning in spring.

Notes for Admins: Yes these are mine, that is my deviant art account. I apologize for the horrid quality I only have a Skype camera to put these on my computer.

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