Wind-Alasrain Bat or Alastar

Earth and Wind creature design contest
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Wind-Alasrain Bat or Alastar

Post by ShadowVixen »

Although nicknamed the Alasrain Bat because of its location, habits and very loosely on it appearance its true species name is Alastar. This strange creature appears to have the traits of birds bats and a little dragon. Its wings on the back is covered in a soft velvety fur but the underside has crystal like feathers. The feathers themselves are soft but strong while on the Alastar. Once they are shed however they become hard like crystal. Because of these feathers this once beautiful creature is said to have been hunted. Their low numbers also appear to support this fact. The rest of its body is covered in a short fur except for its neck where silky soft and very warm purple fur. It is said its fur adsorbs and retains heat it has also been noted if one is lucky enough to discover a nest they'll see it has been lined with shed purple fur.

The Alastar are most active between dusk and dawn and bed down during the day. Sound is a key thing for the creatures because they not only use their night vision but also echolocation like a bat to get around. They are always found with others of their kind in groups or flocks anywhere between 20 to 100. During nesting season they take turns watching the hatchings and eggs. The nests themselves are built into small caves at the edge of a deep cliffs. To land they use the claw on their upper wings to grip the rock face and use it and their claws to climb up to the nests.

When or if these creatures are separated from their flock they will let out mournful crys as they search for them. This is however very rare because the groups are very protective of their own. Each group having an Alpha pair of the flock. The creatures are also very elusive despite their size, being roughly around 4 feet. Because of this very few people are able to witness many of these creature's behaviors.

Edit: Name added.
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Re: Wind-Alasrain Bat or Alastar

Post by jmilana »

I love this idea! MS definitely needs more bat-like creatures, and having them in the Stream (I assume they're going to be Stream creatures? :orly:) instead of Donis will be great. It'll allow me to hoard them. Also, I really like both the coloring and the large size of your creature. Great job!
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Re: Wind-Alasrain Bat or Alastar

Post by ShadowVixen »

Thank you. I was starting to wonder if no one liked bats.
No idea not even sure if its the winners that have the chance to become real creatures or if any of the entries can. When I was coming up with the creature it looked even better in my head. I loosely based some of the creature traits on Flying Fox bats. (Not completely sure if thats what their official name is.) My favorite bat breed. Oddly enough when I started I never intended to give it the long dragon like neck. It sorta drew itself around the head and neck at least. This was the third and final try at the creature.

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