Earth- Guardgoyle (Picture is now up.)

Earth and Wind creature design contest
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Earth- Guardgoyle (Picture is now up.)

Post by ShadowVixen »

These ugly brutes are often spotted around old forest and jungle ruins. They are said to have been created by powerful mages in the past to guard places of importance. The only time they leave the posts they guard is in the fall when they seek a mate. These creatures are mostly bipedal though they have been rarely known to be seen on all fours. Not many dare get to close to them for these creature when set to guard something will until a command is given for them to stop. If one is lucky enough to find one of these eggs and raises a hatchling carefully they will be reward with one of the best guard creatures. The creatures themselves eat stones and have no need of water and when guarding will stay in the same spot for years. Vines grow on them becoming a part of the creature and cracks appear over time.

Edit: Okay picture up though if I get the time I may replace it or make a gender difference closer to what I wanted. I do plan to make an egg at the very least if I can.
Last edited by ShadowVixen on October 10th, 2014, 3:36:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Earth- Guardgoyle (Pic soon to come)

Post by jmilana »

I LOVE this idea! I have been waiting for a gargoyle on Magistream forever! I can't wait to see the picture!
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Re: Earth- Guardgoyle (Pic soon to come)

Post by ShadowVixen »

jmilana wrote:I LOVE this idea! I have been waiting for a gargoyle on Magistream forever! I can't wait to see the picture!

This is just a changed and water down idea of what I wanted to draw. My first idea was of a creature roaring angrily. It would of been a frontal view and it would be extending its right leg forward. The leafs I had intended to go along the neck and back like a horse or zebra mane.

But due to my limitations I was unable to draw that so instead the design changed more then I would have liked. I doubt this creature was really worth the wait for you. I wish I had been able to draw the first design I had. But I agree we do need Gargoyles.

I had the idea for moss around the time I started doing the leafs. If that idea hadn't popped into my head there would of been more leafs on its back. The body was suppose to come out more catish I'm worried that the creature looks too close to a dragon. =/
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Re: Earth- Guardgoyle (Picture is now up.)

Post by jmilana »

Trust me, it was worth the wait. I really like the texture of the skin, and it's cool how the vines are wrapped around the creature's front legs. Also, the muted color of the skin and the underbelly contrasts nicely with the vibrant autumn leaves. Don't worry about your drawing skills. I'd say they're pretty good. I can't even draw a circle.

Story time! :woo: I took a figure drawing course in high school, and on the first day, the teacher wanted to know our skill levels before she started teaching, so she asked us all to draw a person (not like a detailed drawing or anything, just a charcoal sketch). Anyway, I drew a stick figure. :derp: Then I looked over at the canvases of the people on either side of me, and their drawings were amazing! I was like, "Why are you guys even taking this class?" :wtf: But when I think back on it, maybe they were unsure of their drawing skills, too. I guess the moral of the story is that everyone, including really talented artists, have the tendency to doubt their own art, but other people can see it more objectively and appreciate the art's quality. Okay, I'm done now. :yarly:

Anyway, I like the picture. Nice work!
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Re: Earth- Guardgoyle (Picture is now up.)

Post by ShadowVixen »

Well I am a bit proud with what I did with the texture on the claws. The whole Texture idea was an experiment that I wasn't sure would work. To get that coloring just right it took a few layers. As for the colors? I did a bit of research to see what colors granite seem to come in naturally.There was also some texture on the vines and leafs but now that I look at it they must of gotten blurred out. Gimp likes to do that to me. Or it was during the shading process. But I started on this creature the day after I posted my Flying creature. SO theres a few days of work in it.I almost didn't use this sketch, I was near ready to sketch something else up.. My biggest frustration is I wasn't able to draw my first idea.

Oh you aren't alone there I'm not good at drawing people at all. I'm used to being around people whos art skill is on such a higher level then mine. I can't help compare my stuff to them. Because of that this is the first time I've drawn in what most be at the least over a year. At the most two years. But thanks I get what your saying.

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