Wind - Delcaiir

Earth and Wind creature design contest
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Wind - Delcaiir

Post by sarahjazz »

It moves its long fingers in intricate patterns, propelling it through the air with the grace of a master ribbon twirler. The larger wings move sedately, keeping it balanced in the air while the smaller wings are held up delicately, tucked in so the long fingers can swirl and perform with ease. It is said that these complicated patterns can hypnotize spirits who have lost their way, who will then follow in the wake of the Delcaiir as they lead them to their rightful resting place. Magi have also hypothesized that these complicated twirls are a form of communication between each other, and have tried to interpret their meaning; However this was soon proven to be nearly impossible, as the constant swirling and rippling will cause an almost soporific effect, leaving people in a trance-like state that can last for hours, and in rare cases even years.

A Delcaiir's call is long and mournful, a cross between a wolfs howl with whale song undertones, ending in a wind-like hiss, said to call any spirits in the area towards it. It is not uncommon to see one of these creatures flying at the head of what appears to be a rippling mass similar to a heat wave, despite their being no heat. However at night it is easy to see the thousands of ghostly wraiths, collected in such mass numbers it looks as if northern lights have lit up the night, turning the sky into a rippling sea of blue light. Many go in search of these delicate guides to know if their lost loved ones have at last found peace.

link to image (updated) ... sp=sharing

phew, finally finished it. :hooray: Had to sacrifice a bit of my birthday party time to get it up, but even if I don't win, it is so TOTALLY worth it. :D This is practically the longest time I have ever worked on something- no wait, correction, it IS the longest time I've worked on something. Good thing I did some practice art on photoshop once before, or I wouldn't know one end of a virtual brush from the other! :P
<3 xoxo-comel! <3
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Re: Wind - Delcaiir

Post by Reima »

It looks neat :3 The wings are a bit hard to separate and such, but still neat~
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
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Re: Wind - Delcaiir

Post by MysticDawn »

It is very detailed! <3 Lovely. :D
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Re: Wind - Delcaiir

Post by Lisbels »

I declair this one is my absolute favourite!!! <3 <3 :D
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Re: Wind - Delcaiir

Post by sarahjazz »

Yay <3! thank you! This is the first time I've ever entered any of my art into a competition, so that really means a lot to me!

The wings are a little hard to see individually, you're right. Haven't really have much experience with this wing design before, but I'll get better. :)
The idea is that the wings are see- through, based on a squids rippled fins. An idea which came to me when the description said "propelled". And squids do appear to be propelled by their fins through the water, and I think it's such a pretty idea <3

Thank you all so much! :D
<3 xoxo-comel! <3
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