The Pride Alliance

The place to converse with other members of a guild or club.
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The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

The Magistream
Pride Alliance
Formerly known as the Gay-Straight Alliance, very first guild est. by Penumbra; the second by BlackParadox

Exactly what it sounds like -- a place for everyone, GBLT or not, to hang out, talk, make friends and relax.


~~If you're here to harass anyone, no matter what it's about, leave now.
--This includes pestering anyone about their orientation. No one has to say.
~~Nothing explicit, as well as all other site rules.
--You don't have to stay on topic, but if something important does come up, please try not to drown it out.

June 26, 2015 - United States Supreme Court rules same sex marriages are legal in all fifty states

Membership Form:

Code: Select all

[color=#BF00BF]I Want To Be On The Member List![/color]
Mini Bio/Anything You Want To Tell Us?:
Last edited by PhantomRider on June 27th, 2015, 10:19:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

+ = Love
+ = Is
+ = Love

Code: Select all

[center][size=150][color=#8000FF]♂[/color] + [color=#FF00BF]♀[/color] = [color=#800000]♥[/color] Love
[color=#FF00BF]♀[/color] + [color=#FF00BF]♀[/color] = [color=#800000]♥[/color] Is
[color=#8000FF]♂[/color] + [color=#8000FF]♂[/color] = [color=#800000]♥[/color] Love[/size][/center]

PhantomRider - The Eli
HiddenMystic - The Resident Old Biddy (more like 'Awesomesauce')
StarPainter - Banner Maker of Awesome (as named by the Ei)
HaltingTime - Prisoner Zero
SynthDetective - 23 bats in a tench coat
Starcatcher - The Penguin Lord
Elvamire - Elva
Lex -Bun Bun Queen
Cyrelijean - The Master
Easysimoleons - Riley
AmazingAlex - Alex
Sad Ghost
Last edited by PhantomRider on January 15th, 2022, 1:59:04 am, edited 45 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »


If you have a lineage that you would like placed on this, please PM PhantomRider with the family page link.

Tolerance - Owned by Eli
Unique - Owned by Eli
Love Wins - Owned by Eli

If you would like the offspring of one of these lineages, please PM the lineage owner! You can post in the thread, but we can't assure you we'll see it!


Simply post the image to be linked as a banner in the thread, you can link it to the thread yourself if you wish to.

-- In progress of making new banners as the old ones appear to have broken :omg:
Last edited by PhantomRider on December 22nd, 2020, 10:37:12 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Links to offsite, and maybe a bit of on-site, information, articles, stories, and anything else relevant for anyone who's curious. Anyone who has information to add, or would like another section added (I know more gender identities exist, but can't find information on them) let me know.

I'm not going to link to hate sites, articles that are hateful/condescending/otherwise against, or inaccurate information. I'll also try to warn about things that might refer to hate crimes/hate in general, or anything potentially graphic, but I can't guarantee I'll always know.

Also, please note that not all information linked to is guaranteed to be accurate. I don't know everything, and Wikipedia in particular can be and is changed every day, so if something seems glaringly inaccurate or condescending, there's a good chance it is. Similarly, if a link seems offensive to you, please let me know.

Support Groups/Blogs & Resources
From MothballMilkshake
Support Blog
GBLT National Help Center. Lots of ways to get suppe who are depressed and need cheering up. Check out the distractions tag!
Anything and everything about transitioning to the male gender.
The transgender hotspot. Has a pretty cool forum, lots of links to click on.
Talk to strangers about, well, just about whatever's on your mind.
Covers gender more than my spilled milk covered my homework. And it covered pretty much everything. :(
This is nearly everything you need to know about sexuality, and even has tips on how to come out of the closet (it gets cramped in there).
Support for those who aren't exactly the way gender norms tell them to be. More trans stuff.
Binder haven. For the transguys, or for really anyone who wants to say, "Does this make me look flat?"
For the transladies, but useful for everyone.
A LGBTQIA+ based safe haven where you can chat with other members about gay rights and all that fun stuff.
For the allies! The website itself is great, but here's a section just for those who aren't part of the LGBT spectrum, but totally support it.
AVEN is for all you aces out there. The forum section is great, and the entire website is super informative. I definitely recommend taking a look at it.
Self-explanatory. This website, summed up in one word, is FABULOUS. Check it out.
You can ask them a question based on your orientation or gender identity and they'll get back to you. You don't even have to sign up!
Definition of bisexuality according to bi organisations, activists, etc
Some support blogs for non binary people!
Support for allosexual aromantic people
And a list of resources of bi/pan people who are religious

Sexuality in General
Gay & Lesbian/Homosexuality
In very simplified terms, demisexuality is when a person doesn't find another attractive at first, but may find them attractive once they know the second person well/have an emotional connection to them.
-philic Sexuality:
The -philic model of sexuality describes sexuality according to which sex a person is attracted to, with no information on the person's own sex or gender. I know of gynephilic (women-loving/female-loving) and androphilic (men-loving/male-loving), and presume there are also biphilic, panphilic, and aphilic or equivalents, but don't really know any more than what I've just said.[/center]
  • Sexual Orientation (Wikipedia) this article doesn't focus on androphilia or gynephilia, but does have a section on it. I found Wikipedia's main article less relevant than this section, but it links to it as well.

Gender Identity Someone please give me information on this that isn't from Wikipedia.

Stories for Activism
Mostly because this didn't quite fit into information.
  • It Could Happen To You (youtube) Warning: this is depressing. On the other hand, the motivation for activism of any kind is always depressing. Includes death, among other things.
  • To This Day Project (youtube) Warning: I haven't seen this myself, but given it's activism it's probably depressing. Link from Crazyflight

Some Terms & Definitions
From MothballMilkshake
afab: assigned female at birth
allosexual: someone who experiences sexual attraction; someone who is not on the asexual spectrum
allosexism: the structural privileging of allosexual identities and behaviors; the institutionalized oppression of asexuals and aromantics.
alloromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction; someone who is not on the aromantic spectrum
amab: assigned male at birth
asexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction; sometimes abbreviated as ace
asexophobia / acephobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards asexual and aromantic people.
aromantic: does not experience romantic attraction; sometimes abbreviated as “aro”
bisexual: the (sexual) attraction to two or more genders. sometimes defined as the attraction to same + different genders; however, this is not true of all bisexuals.
biromantic: the romantic attraction to two or more genders.
biphobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards bisexuals and other MAS spectrum people; distinct from homophobia
cisgender: a person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth.
cissexism: the structural privileging of cisgender people and identities; the institutionalized oppression of trans people.
demisexual: sexual attraction only after bonding emotionally. note: not the same thing as only wanting to have sex with a person after bonding emotionally.
demiromantic: feeling romantic attraction only after bonding emotionally.
dyadic: someone who is not intersex; their collective biological attributes fit into socially constructed ideas of ‘male’ and ‘female’ biology
gray-asexual: rarely experiences sexual attraction, or only experiences it under certain circumstances; sometimes abbreviated as “gray ace”.
gray-aromantic: rarely experiences romantic attraction, or only experiences it under certain circumstances.
heteropatriarchy: the social culmination of values, morals, behaviors, etc. that make heterosexuality and maleness the ideal. sometimes extended to cisheteropatriarchy, to emphasize the role that cissexism plays in this construction
heterosexual: (sexual) attraction to a different gender. colloquially used to refer to a woman who is attracted to men or a man who is attracted to women.
heterosexism: the structural privileging of heterosexual identities and behaviors; the oppression of non-heterosexuals and non-heteroromantics.
heteroromantic: romantic attraction to a different gender. colloquially used to refer to a woman who is attracted to men or a man who is attracted to women.
homosexual: (sexual) attraction to the same gender.
homoromantic: romantic attraction to the same gender.
homophobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards people attracted to the same gender; may affect bisexual and biromantic people as well as homosexual and homoromantic people
intersex: someone whose collective biological attributes do not fit into socially constructed ideas of ‘male’ and ‘female’ biology
lesbophobia: the intersection of misogyny with homophobia, used to describe the unique oppression of non-heterosexual women because of both their gender and their sexual orientation.
lithsexual: experiences sexual attraction, but does not feel a desire for it to be reciprocated. while this is the most commonly used term to describe this type of attraction, there is a discussion in the lgbtqiap+ community about it being appropriate of stone culture among lesbian and MAS women. lesbian and mas spectrum people who experience sexual attraction in this manner may use lithsexual; akoinsexual exists as an alternative descriptor.
lithromantic: experiences romantic attraction, but does not feel a desire for it to be reciprocated. see comments under lithsexual on the appropriation of stone culture among lesbian and mas spectrum women. akoinromantic exists as an alternative descriptor.
MAS: mutli-attraction spectrum; someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender; their attraction may vary in strength or form from gender to gender. see also MGA, multisexual.
MGA: multiple gender attraction; someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender; their attraction may vary in strength or form from gender to gender. see also MAS, multisexual.
mogai: marginalized orientations, gender alignments, and intersex. basically a less bulky way of saying lgbtqiap+
monosexual: attracted to one gender. includes straight people as well as homosexual people. someone who is neither multisexual

Romantic orientations:
From ShadyPaws
Aromantic: lack of romantic attraction towards anyone.
Biromantic (also ambiromantic): romantic attraction towards a same and a different sex/gender, not necessarily at the same time.
Heteroromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of a different sex/gender – the romantic aspect of heterosexuality.
Homoromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the same sex/gender – the romantic aspect of homosexuality.
Panromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of every sex/gender – the romantic aspect of pansexuality.
Polyromantic: romantic attraction towards multiple, but not all, sexes/genders. The romantic aspect of polysexuality.
Sapioromantic: romantic attraction towards a persons intelligence. Often used together with other sexualities/romantic orientations (sapioromantic heteroromantic, sapiosexual pansexual etc) The romantic aspect of sapiosexuality.
Andromantic, gyneromantic, and ambiromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) expressing masculinity or femininity or intersex/third gender-mixing (respectively) without implying the gender of the individual experiencing the attraction; often used by asexuals with a non-binary gender identity. The romantic aspect of androphilia, gynephilia, and ambiphilia.
demiromantic or demisexual: a person who may identify as "grey romantic" or a "grey asexual", respectively, because they may feel romantic attraction or sexual attraction once a reasonably stable or large emotional connection has been created.
Sexual orientations:
Binary Sex: a traditional and outdated view of sex, limiting possibilities to only “female” or “male”.
Fluid: generally with another term attached, like gender-fluid or fluid-sexuality, fluid(ity) describes an identity that is a fluctuating mix of the options available.
Queer: historically, this was a derogatory slang term used to identify LGBTQ+ people; (2) a term that has been embraced and reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ community as a symbol of pride, representing all individuals who fall out of the gender and sexuality "norms”.
Questioning: the process of exploring one’s own sexual orientation, investigating influences that may come from their family, religious upbringing, and internal motivations.

Hetrosexual ( aka straight ): Sexually attracted to those of a different sex/gender.
Cishet (see cis under genders): Cisgender heterosexual.
Bisexual ( aka Bi ): sexually attracted to those of a same sex/gender and those of a different sex/gender.
Homosexual ( aka gay ): sexually attracted to those of the same sex/gender.
Asexual (aka Ace): has no sexual attraction for any sex/gender.
Pansexual ( aka Pan ): sexually attracted to people regardless of sex/gender.
Demi-sexual: Someone who doesn’t feel sexual attraction until they have a strong emotional connection.
Lesbian: someone who identifies as female who is sexually attracted to people who identify as female.
Gray-A: someone who rarely experiences sexual attraction.
Polysexual: someone who is attracted to more than one gender or sex. It should not be confused with polyamory, the ability to be romantically involved with more than one person at once.
Pomosexual: someone who avoids sexual orientation labels.
Sapiosexual: sexual attraction towards a persons intelligence. Often used together with other sexualities/romantic orientations (sapioromantic heteroromantic, sapiosexual pansexual etc).
Homoflexible: Describes someone attracted primarily to members of the same sex (homosexual), but occasionally is attracted to members of the opposite sex AND/OR is able to derive pleasure from romantic encounters with members of the opposite sex. Homoflexibility is related to, but different from bisexuality in that homoflexible persons most often identify as gay or lesbian, despite occasional relations with members of the opposite sex. The term may sometimes be re-appropriated as a synonym for bi-curious, where the individual in question is primarily homosexual.
Heteroflexible: Describes someone attracted primarily to members of the opposites sex (heterosexual), but occasionally is attracted to members of the same sex AND/OR is able to derive pleasure from romantic encounters with members of the same sex. Heteroflexibility is related to, but different from, bisexuality in that heteroflexible persons most often identify as straight, despite occasional relations with members of the same sex. The term may be used synonomously for bi-curious, where the individual question for primarily heterosexual.

Everything you need to know about Gender

Gender is one’s perception of oneself. Sex is, in this case, anatomical genitals. Usually people have the same gender as their assigned sex, but when that isn’t the case, they are somewhere under the transgender umbrella (the T in LGBT).

Gender dysphoria: Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a person feels that there is a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This mismatch can cause feelings of discomfort that are called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a recognized condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It is not a mental illness. The condition is also sometimes known as gender identity disorder, gender incongruence or transgenderism.
Some people with gender dysphoria have a strong and persistent desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex. These people are sometimes called transsexual people, or trans people. Some trans people undergo treatment so that their physical appearance is more consistent with their gender identity.
More here

Genderfluid: A gender identity that is a mix of two or more genders, that change over time. For example, some days a genderfluid person might feel more like a female, while other days more agender, male, bigender etc.
Cis: cisgender, the opposite of transgender. A person whose sex is the same as their gender. Often used together with male/female (cismale, cisfemale).
Bigender: Identifies with two genders.
Pangender: Identifies as ALL OF THE GENDERS.
Agender: Identifies with no gender.
Polygender: Identifies with multiple but not all genders.
Cross-Dress(ing): Cross-Dressing is when someone of one gender wears clothing of another gender (eg: a man wearing clothes designed for women, or vice versa).
(In the) Closet: Keeping your gender identity a secret.
Coming out (of the closet): Disclosing your gender identity.
DRAG Queen/King: A person who presents stereotypical and larger-than-life images of the opposite gender for entertainment. The term Drag is reputed to originated from DRAAG – Dressed as a Girl, but that is disputed. DRAG is a highly stylised form of cross-dressing. Some trans people in the entertainment business do DRAG. A DRAG queen is a male who dresses as a very feminized woman and vice versa for a DRAG king. **Usually, they do not identify as the gender they are presenting as.
FTM– Female to Male: Describes someone who presents or plans to present a male gender but was assigned a female gender at birth.
Gender: Gender is the social concept put in place to define masculinity and femininity. Not everyone, however, fits within the gender binary of male and female.
Gender Identity: An inner sense of self that defines the gender in which a person identifies with, and it may
or may not align with the gender assigned at birth on the basis of genitalia.
Gender-Queer: Coined by Riki Wilkins to describe anyone who transgresses the boundaries of the gender binary.
Gender Role: Another social invention fueled by gender stereotypes. An example is that women work in the kitchen and men work in the garage. In some places of the world, nobody bats an eye if a woman wears pants, but she risks being killed or worse in other places if she so much bares her ankles.
GIC – Gender Identity Clinic: A place one can go to for help based on their gender identity. One example is the GIC of CAMH, in Toronto (with transphobic specialists)
GRS/SRS: Genital/Sex Reconstructive Surgery. Also referred to as “bottom surgery.” This is the surgery that magically changes female genitals into male genitals or vice versa.
Outed: To have one’s gender identity or sexual orientation publicised to the world by someone else or the media. Within the LGBT community outing someone is considered to be totally unacceptable behaviour. An example is my mother saying “Oh, sorry she’s going in the men’s room, she’s transgender.” Gosh darn it, mom.
Pass(ing): To present as the gender one identifies with, and someone who sees them acknowledging as said gender. The first time someone passes is often something to be celebrated over.
Real Life Experience (Test) (RLE): The requirement under the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care that a candidate for genital reconstruction surgery should demonstrate their ability to live in the gender opposite to their birth gender for at least a year.
Shemale: A derogative term created by the pornography business to describe a transwoman with breasts and everything feminine, but chooses to keep her male genitals.
Stealth: Having transitioned, living in an acquired gender without disclosing one’s past gender identity. (Living in Stealth).
Trans: The preferred umbrella term used to describe anyone whose gender identity does not fit with society’s fixed binary view of natal gender.
Trans Community: The big ol’ group of transpeople. We’re awesome and some of us even give out FREE HUGS!
Transvestite/TV: Similar to “shemale.” Some find it offensive, some don’t, but it’s best to be on the safe side and just use transgender.
Transgender: An umbrella term for people who do not identify with their assigned gender.
Transwoman/transgirl: A woman who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female.
Transman/transguy: Same as above but vice-versa.
Transsexual – Pre-operative: Someone who does not identify as their assigned sex and has not had surgery to correct this.
Transsexual – Post-operative: Someone who has had surgery to match their sex with their gender.
Last edited by PhantomRider on December 22nd, 2020, 10:38:23 pm, edited 11 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Stories for Awareness
*Please note that some of these stories are alarming/depressing

Leelah Alcorn's story - Leelah Alcorn was a transgender teenager who killed herself because her parents wouldn't accept the fact that she was transgender. (link provided by ShadyPaws)

Ryan/Ria's story - Bigender story with a sweet ending (link provided by ShadyPaws)
Last edited by PhantomRider on February 6th, 2021, 12:08:23 am, edited 5 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Members Gallery!
This is a collection of images posted by our members who were willing.
Last edited by PhantomRider on December 22nd, 2020, 10:39:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Last edited by PhantomRider on December 13th, 2014, 11:40:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

Last edited by PhantomRider on December 13th, 2014, 11:39:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Location: Don't hassle me, man.

Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by PhantomRider »

I Want To Be On The Member List!
Username: PhantomRider
Mini Bio/Anything You Want To Tell Us?: I'm a photographer, graduating college in May 2015. I'm demisexual and genderfluid, and act like a cactus but I'm a lot nicer when you get to know me (I think). Let's see.... I adore reading, art (all forms, despite not being much good at anything but photography), hiking, animals, anime/manga, and collecting odd things. I'm open to talk about pretty much anything, and if you ever need a listening ear, toss me a PM. If you want, PM me and I'll be willing to give you my FB page, skype name, and/or cell phone number if you'd like.

The guild is now open, though it's not as pretty as I want it to be. I'm working on it! Welcome to the new guild, everyone! (And please use the member form anyway, more for my sanity than anything).

Hate left below, the dark stray dog of war
There's no dreams in the waves, only monsters... and the monsters are my only friends.

--- Wishlist is on my profile ---


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MagiStream Donor
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Re: The Pride Alliance

Post by HiddenMystic »

I Want To Be On The Member List!
Username: HiddenMystic
Mini Bio/Anything You Want To Tell Us?: Just call me the resident old biddy :lol: heterosexual, best friend of almost 40 years is gay and have a daughter that has had both girlfriends and boyfriends. In my book it does not matter what a person's sexual preference is - that is their business...what matters to me is how I am treated by other people. :t-hugme:
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