The Long Road- an MS story

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The Long Road- an MS story

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

As I finish Avalon Keep I had another idea- this one is actually set AFTER Avalon is finished- but won't contain any of the main characters and no spoilers to the ending.

Karn looked down at the rejection letter on his desk in front of him, running a hand through his blond hair with a frustrated groan. He stared at the large hand written letters on the parchment, trying to see if perhaps he had read it wrong... only to be angered again at the blunt wording.

'Rejected on lack of field experience'.

Field experience indeed! He was a scholar, what need was there for field experience for a man of his calibre in arcane magic? He had read dozens of books on advanced earth magic spells, had mastered the most complex runes to bring forth certain plants and animals from organic materials... what more did they want?

He ground his teeth in anger and stood up, crumpling the paper in his hand as he stormed out of his study, striding through the halls toward his mentor's office. He impatiently knocked on the man's door twice before opening it without an answer. The elder man sitting at the desk looked up in surprise, but the expression vanished at the sight of Karn with the rumpled paper.

“Rejected again. Hmm? I assume it's the same reason as the last three letters.” The elder man continued his work as if nothing was amiss.

Karn walked over to his desk and dropped the paper down as if it had offended him. “I don't understand it Master Tam! I've had top marks in all classes, mastered the most complex spells, read numerous books on theory and-”

“On theory Karn, that's your issue.” Master Tam looked up with a critical eye to the younger mage. “You've mastered many spells and while that is most impressive for someone of your age, you have no experience with magic outside of these walls.” He motioned to the room around him. “Have you even left the academy since you came here, aside from going home for holidays?”

Karn's face twisted into a rueful grimace. “I went to the city to go shopping for a few things... once or twice.”

Tam put a hand on his face and shook his head in dismay. “You can't expect to master earth magic when you haven't even seen it in action. The crystal caves to the north for example. It's theorized that there are ancient souls trapped in those stones, yet you'd never know unless you went there, correct?”

Karn nodded slowly, not liking where this was going.

“If you want me to help you Karn, you have to help yourself. I'll make a deal with you. I'll give you a task to do, and if you complete it I'll send a letter of reccomendation to the Archmage himself to let you into the Tower.”

Karn smiled happily, knowing that a letter from Master Tam would assuredly get him admittance into the Tower, the group of the top mages in the country. He had worked all his life to be among the best of the best. It was only appropriate, given his aptitude for magic.

“I'll take that as a yes.” Tam chuckled and wrote a note on a parchment and handed it to Tam. “Give this to the hawk master on the way out. I'll make arrangements for you to have a guide as you travel. I want you to go to the Gladess caves and bring back one color of every crystal you find. After you've brought them back and analyzed them for magic properties or lack thereof, I will write my letter.” He handed Karn the small parchment.

Karn took it and nodded, feeling a bit nervous at this expedition. He had no experience with wilderness or travel, but many magi traveled all the time... so it must not be too difficult.

“Go to Synara and see Connitor. He'll give you a mount and will direct you to the proper guide.” Tam looked back down at his work, obviously expecting Karn to leave. When he didn't, the elder man looked back up and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “There's only so much time until winter comes lad, I suggest you get going.”

Karn nodded quickly, leaving the room and looking down at the parchment in his hands as he made his way to the hawk master. This was the key to his future- the guide would help him in his travels, and he would finally be on his way to the Tower after this fool's errand was finished.

He beamed happily as he passed the note to the rugged man in charge of the hawks, packed the few belongings he needed for his trip and hiked the pack up on his shoulder before walking out the door of the Keep on his way to Synara. He glanced over his shoulder at the large stone walls, feeling nervous about leaving its protection... He would be fine, after all he was a magi! What's the worst that could happen?

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