Twisted Remake OoC

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Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »


I'm bonkers, absolutely bonkers :evil:
Last edited by Padfootsmistress777 on September 20th, 2015, 9:38:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Woo! I might make a dreamer (and by might I mean most likely) if I have the time to.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sihn has spiky black hair that looks very unkept and has a few dark grey streaks running through it. He has multiple scars on his face and normal sized lips. He has long pointed ears and wolf like fangs in his mouth, a larger pair of sharp canines on his top jaw and pair of smaller and more subtle ones on the lower jaw. His eyes are silver with specks of gold-amber. Both his arms, chest, back and some of his neck are covered in one large tattoo of what he called Dread, the serpentine-dragon shadow creature that he considers his companion to make up with his lack of people he is normally around.

He mostly wears dark colors with a black overcoat that looks almost like a kind of trench coat. The ring he wears around his neck is rusted and old, with a look of decay on it. He wears dark jeans with chains hooked next to pockets and rarely any shoes. His toes and fingers are more pointed than round and clawed, with the look of black crawling up through the skin. He also has a long black prehensile tail covered in short back fur with a tuft of thicker fur at the tip.
Personality: Sihn is quite a smug guy who likes riddles. He usually presents himself to others as annoyed and hateful, not liking anyone, which is true most of the time. Other times he likes running people around in circles and messing with them, most often being new Dreamers who manage to find themselves in the forest that he inhabits right outside one of the major towns. Even though he does all this, he can make a deal once in a while, usually for food or for said person to actually see him again. All in all, he's honestly quite lonely which is why he does what he does.
Food: Feeds off of fear, mainly from Dreamers, but sometimes he sends Dread after random animals, mostly if he's extremely hungry.
Powers: He has enhanced agility from moving around the trees and can sense peoples emotions to an extent. Love comes as a confusing thing to him mainly because he really just doesn't understand it.

The other thing he can do is summon his "pet" serpentine-dragon shadow creature that he affectionally named Dread from the tattoo covering most of his body. When the creature is out in the world, the tattoo is missing from Sihn's body and when he is on the Nightmare's skin, he sometimes twitches or moves around. Dread listens and follows through with all the commands his master gives him and rarely the ones of other Nightmares. He acts like a big puppy if offered something that he likes, such as lots of affection and he really likes to be around Joker. Otherwise, he's sly and likes to make people paranoid.
Other: How Dread thinks hugs work are that he coils himself around said person or creature and squeezes like a boa constrictor. Sihn is friends with Joker and likes to be around him, no matter how much he denies it when asked.
Last edited by GriffinHeart101 on September 18th, 2015, 7:35:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

He's accepted, I'll add him tomorrow x3
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Thanks! Let's hope some other people join as well.
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Yeah x3 I've been toying with this idea for a while and I just finally got it written out the way I like XD
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by FridayWolf13 »

FridayWolf13: Emerson Xael Weylyn
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: Emerson is a smaller young woman, barely standing at 5 feet, 3 inches, and weighing in at a mere 123 lbs. She has a fair, barely tan complexion, and a few dots of freckles over her shoulders. Her hair is long and brown- and she only knows (or prefers) a few select hair styles. Her eyes are pale green, and sometimes change or carry different hues and flecks of color. Her fingers are long but thin, "violin fingers", and she has long legs and a slim torso. She has a very wide variety of fashion and tastes, but in this new world she's picked up a few new ideas and has been adapting to the new weather conditions, and so her clothes are constantly changing (as much is allowed, of course. Which quite limits things).
Personality: Emerson is a rather quiet, observant, timid soul. She gets anxious and nervous easily, and has a bit of an addict's personality. She adores learning, especially books, and when she joins a fandom, she "fans" hard. She's normally quiet or almost irritatingly mocking and sarcastic, and also happens to be a bit unsociable. If you manage to attract her or intrigue her, she's overly curious, but loyal and consistent to the core. Em is also very possessive and protective over those she cares for (and what's hers), and is fierce when threatened. She's very easily made jealous, and normally keeps a very small, tight circle of friends around her. Sometimes she'll need to be alone, but in all honesty, she's searching for someone to fill in the empty space that's been left by all those she's lost. She's a lonely person (thought not one that shows it), and she has a bright imagination and a high ambitious drive.
History: Emerson had a lovely life back on Earth; she lived in her own apartment and attended a four-year University (majoring in English & Landscape Architecture), and even had her own cat. She'd been dreaming of a alternate universe, though hazy, for some time before she finally saw the door. It was almost propped up against a tree- in the forest, in her dreams- and it was brown. Natural looking. And when she opened it, unable to stop herself, she was suddenly hurtled into Twisted.
Ability: Emerson- having been stuck in Twisted for (what she thinks) is four days- has discovered that when close to the ground, she can hear and feel the earth, humming below her. The trees seem to lean towards her as she walks by, and nothing has killed her, yet. She can feel the presence of the earth and the spirits of the plants and animals like nothing she's ever experienced before. [Her powers will form into higher-level-of-experience stuff later, of course.]
Other: As a Dreamer, she's found that not only could she change her clothes by will in a Twisted, but at least at first, she could also conjured material items. It's become increasingly hard to will anything into being, and she theorizes that it's because she's becoming a permanent fixture there. (Before the "power" became increasingly hard and energy-requiring, she managed to "conjure" a sturdy bag, and plenty of clothes and other necessities that she'd needed. However, she doesn't know the currency of the world she's in, so she hasn't tried to bring up any money. Though it won't be much use by the time she does know, because she hasn't been able to conjure something in over eight hours.)
Last edited by FridayWolf13 on February 10th, 2015, 2:53:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

:wave: Hi! Just a question, is Emerson supposed to have been in Twisted a little while? :3 Her powers seem a little more fleshed out than a new entrant would be. When a Dreamer first enters Twisted their powers would tend to be very sporadic and uncontrolled, like a sudden gust of wind if someone with air-based abilities got angry, but hard, or even impossible to control willfully ^-^ I'm also a little wary about the animal thing, especially since the animals of Twisted are far from friendly, though if Emerson has been there for a while (I'd say a year or two?) she might have a stronger affinity for animals, but they would leave more likely than stay. The animals and Twisted, like I said, might look similar to our real life animals in basic shape, but much like the Nightmares are very different :lol:

Also I just realized I should write a more detailed list of the powers that everyone can have, I don't think I want twenty characters with earth based abilities :lol: Or worse light/shadow based abilities D: :lol: Especially since there are so many subcategories! (Powerlistings is going to be the death of me x3)
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Aneira »

Ah, it's probably an awful idea to get involved with another RP...but this one looks like it'll be incredibly enjoyable and it gives me a chance to make something of my new favorite character! x]

Hope you don't mind me joining ~ I'll probably be making a Dreamer and a Nightmare. ^^
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

:wave: It'd be lovely to have you! :3 I'm going to try and make a more detailed list of possible powers for Dreamers, it's various elements and I don't know that I want more than one or two characters with the same elemental abilities and we have two earth-related characters.

Nightmares are pretty easy, I'll put up a couple of links if you're (general) stuck for an idea. But it's all basic space manipulation, illusions (physical, mental, whatever) and basic mind-reading abilities like empathy (though outright control is prohibited unless permission is granted :yarly:)

As a general rule the longer one is in Twisted, the more powerful they are, so Nightmares will be inherently more powerful than Dreamers. And the longer a Dreamer has been in Twisted, the more powerful they are compared to newcomers.

I'm also including the no more than two characters can have the same element. (And, as a general rule, one element per Dreamer, there can be a little leeway for those who have been around a little longer, but still).
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Re: Twisted OoC

Post by Aneira »

I'll admit I'm a bit conflicted with what to have for my Dreamer as an ability. I was kind of thinking toxic/poison, or maybe ice, but I think I'll take a look at your list once you get it up. Maybe then I can think of something a bit more unique. ^^

As for my Nightmare, I'm still debating his ability but I'm thinking shadow animation - since he'll be a Nightmare that feeds on life, I like the idea of him contradicting his life-taking with his ability, at least kind of. I'm planning on having him be a Dreamer-turned-Nightmare. It gives me a bit more history to think of but keep hush-hush until some point during the RP. If someone can get him to actually talk, that is. :lol:
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