'The Unsung Hero' {Shadie069's Story}

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'The Unsung Hero' {Shadie069's Story}

Post by Shadie069 »

Just an outside note, I've never really put any of my stories over the internet before. I would love corrections to make this story better, but please be gentle about it. :sweat: but otherwise, I hope you enjoy, "The Unsung Hero" :bounce:

The Unsung Hero

Years before the recording of time, they say a young man walked this realm. He was a magus to the citizens of the realm; but, to his peers, he was little more than a child. His name has long been lost to us, but the man, they say, wanted nothing more than to learn how to become a Magister like the famed mentors of old.
One day whilst exploring along a mountainous range, the young man came upon a strangely glistening river, as he watched the water changed colors before his eyes. This surprised the apprentice; as such an occurrence was only read of in books and scrolls. A shadow formed in the river’s colors, a creature approaching the shore. The apprentice watched cautiously as the beast drew nearer before a small Purple Koi Fish emerged from the water’s edge.
“Greetings young one” the elder fish told him, baffled at the small talking creature the apprentice gawked at him a moment before stumbling on his response.
“H-hello” he stammered.
“You have come to my rainbow river, young magus, finding it was surely no easy feat, and so I shall reward you with a single wish.” The fish said gracefully, his fins drifting ever so lightly against the rushing waters.
“A wish?” the Apprentice asked “I can wish for…anything I want?” he asked the fish quietly.
“Ah, you can indeed.” The Koi responded “But beware, you may only wish once” he tells the magus again.
The apprentice hesitated, he didn't know what to say, this could be his one chance to change the way his peers and mentors saw him! He moved to speak, but just as he did a mighty mist stalker leaped between him and the water, snatching the old fish away before the apprentice could blink. As he gathered what had happened, the great cat leaped away, down the mountains and into a bog. The apprentice gave chase, this was his only chance, and he wasn't going to let it be taken away by a feline!
After many hours, the apprentice found the stalker’s lair, he dared to go inside and confront the great cat. The stalker was busy trying to keep the old fish still; the slippery wet scales not making it easy for the cat eat him.
“Stop! Let him go!” said the apprentice. The great cat looked at him with a sneer and got up, leaving the old fish to his fate on land.
“The boy magus.” The Stalker laughed “Come to join me for dinner?”
“Have your dinner elsewhere, cat. He belongs in the river, not on your plate.” The apprentice sneers back. This angered the cat, who lunged at this boy, this man beast who dared tell HIM what to do, much less in HIS swamp!
The boy was startled as the great cat neared him, but he soon got an idea and sent a fiery ball passed the cat, seeming to miss.
The stalker laughed loudly as he stopped a moment to watch the flame hit the wall of his cave. “What was that, boy?! Was that supposed to worry ME?”
“It should” the apprentice mused back as tiny rocks fell from the cave ceiling “Because I hit always hit my mark.”
The mist stalker panicked, before he was soon crushed beneath the cavern’s roof that had caved in. After the shaking had ended the apprentice moved to the old fish and knelt before him.
“You….still…have your…wish” the old fish gasps his life slipping from him.
He hesitated again… his only chance to change how they saw him… but the old fish was dying. It only took a moment for the apprentice to decide.
“I wish… for a bowl full of water.” He said at last as the fish looked at him. His scales shimmered and shined before the bowl appeared in front of the apprentice as the Koi’s eyes closed. The magus then picked up the old Koi and placed him in the bowl.
Several minutes went by before the fish regained his consciousness. He looked about his location before at the Apprentice who had left the stalker’s cave.
“You…saved me?” it was the Koi’s turn to be confused.
“My reputation isn't worth Someone’s life.” The apprentice said simply as he moved up the mountainous path “I’ll find another way to impress my friends.” The old Koi was baffled, Fish were usually the last creature magi thought about, but this apprentice… had chosen a Koi over how his people looked at him.
The apprentice returned the Elder Koi to the river, and headed home for the evening. He wandered back to the Keep with his head low as it usually had been when he approached his fellow magi, no one knew of his deeds in the mountains; all that was ever said was that the beast that was killing livestock and pets throughout the realm was found in his cave….dead.
So now you know the tale of The Unsung Hero.
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Re: 'The Unsung Hero' {Shadie069's Story}

Post by ElementalNovel »

This was pretty good! The moral of the story was really sweet, which is what made the story so nice. :wave: Good job!
T I M S H E L ImageImageImageBut this- this is a ladder to climb to the stars...
I have a new love for that glittering instrument, the human soul.
It is a lovely and unique thing in the universe.
It is always attacked and never destroyed— because "Thou mayest."
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Re: 'The Unsung Hero' {Shadie069's Story}

Post by Shadie069 »

Thank you :D

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