the burning creature, love. By: Jeannie6032

Anti-Love Poem
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the burning creature, love. By: Jeannie6032

Post by jeannie6032 »

love, what a vicious thing
pain, and sorrow it can bring
it is may seem sweet at first sight
but later on, it will bite
it can put out, a fiery flame
oh love, its a painful thing

i fell in to this trance
what a fiery song did i dance
love, was the lead singer,
and near it, did i linger
claws like a temple cat
evil like a nighttime Savantis Bat
sly like a darkness rat
Last edited by jeannie6032 on February 20th, 2015, 9:08:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: the burning creature, love. By: Jeannie6032

Post by Roseshine12 »

I quite enjoyed reading this poem. I could feel the emotion and I also love how you incorporated some MagiStream creatures into the poem. Pretty well done. :D
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
~Lorewalker Cho from World of Warcraft

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