They Call It Distaste

Anti-Love Poem
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They Call It Distaste

Post by meowhero »

Like a black rose wilted at night
Spilling slow petals of unease
I can't love you and I want nothing of you!
Don't tell me how you feel and don't call me dear
No holding me close and no keeping me safe
I'm fine without you, better than fine without you
And even without kisses there's a bitter taste you leave
I don't want you here- all you bring is fear
Because I don't love you and I hope you never love yourself
'Cause all you are is a bleeding bruised heart
You're the one person I can't stand to see
Leave this place and leave me
Because I don't love you
There's no love here

You should know I only want you gone
Because you only ever make things wrong

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