Karma's Hieroglyphics

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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Karma's Hieroglyphics

Post by Karma13 »

I'm just planning on writing extremely short stories here. And most will be random and probably not make any sense what so ever.
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Re: Karma's Hieroglyphics

Post by Karma13 »

"What was that, bobbing in the water?"

"Nothing- you're imagining things."

The two unsuspecting teenagers continued down the rocky shore of a large lake hidden deep within a forest. They were here for a short camping trip, that neither of them had wanted to attend because electronics were forbidden. It's past curfew, but neither seem to care about the 'punishment' they would be dealt if caught. Honestly, cleaning boats was better than playing children games all day long.

"There it is again!" Thomas shouts, jumping up and down while pointing towards the center of the lake.

"Honestly Thomas, you're delusional." Fred waved his hand dismissively at his friend.

Both boys freeze, as a light giggle floats through the breeze towards them.

"Told you." Thomas whispers.

"Shut up." Fred grunts, as they turn out towards the water. There was a hazy fog settling in- making it difficult to see very far.

"I think we should go back." Thomas states, an uneasy feeling settling over him.

"Don't be a pansy." Fred frowned as he squinted in the dark. "Thomas. Look! What is that?"


"Thomas?" Fred barks, turning to where his friend had been standing moments before, finding nothing but a flower on the ground. "What the heck? This isn't funny Thomas- quit being a doofus." Fred rolled his eyes, making a fatal mistake- turning his back towards the lake.

In the morning, all that the camp counselors had found were two Water Lillies, side by side.

"Don't turn your back on the Lake." One of the counselors said, a smug look on her face as she pulled her sleeves down further over her scaly arms.
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Re: Karma's Hieroglyphics

Post by Karma13 »

"Hello, my name is Carly." The young girl chirped.

"Uh, hello Carly. Nice to meet you?" Tristan's voice squeaked. He wasn't used to talking to girls- especially not pretty girls. "Your hair looks real." He blurted, unable to stop the nonsense from falling out of his mouth, causing his face to turn a nice shade of burgundy.

Carly blinked at him a few times.

"Hey, what's wrong with your pupils?" Tristan asked, noticing how they were dilating at strange intervals.

"Uhm, nothing sweety." Carly's voice came out almost robotic this time.

"Whoa. This is like some messed up dream or something. Kind of like something you see out of an alien movie." Tristan mumbled to himself, squinting at her to try and see if he could see the gears moving under her skin.

"ALIEN? Who? What? I'm not an alien- ohhh no." Carly sputtered, looking nervous before vanishing into thin air.

"Yep... I need to stay out of the sun- it's really starting to get to my head." Tristan groaned as he continued his walk towards Walmart.
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Re: Karma's Hieroglyphics

Post by Karma13 »


"Shut up Susan! You know I hate cats" Bethany groaned, covering her ears with her hands. Ever since she was little she had always avoided the evil little creatures.

"Oh come on Bethy, they're only cats." Susan chuckled as she got into her car to head home for the night.

Bethany trudged back up the steps to her warn down home that was too many years old which is why she had gotten it for such a cheap price. Besides, everything still worked- it just didn't have much curb appeal. As she brushed her teeth, she would occasionally glance up at herself in the mirror, doing a double take seeing a Tabby cat sitting in the bathtub. This caused her to whirl around, using her toothbrush as a sword- but finding the tub to be empty. "Hmph." She grunted and went back to brushing.

As she flopped down into bed, she curled up and waited for sleep to take her. Unfortunately she was interrupted by a crashing noise downstairs. "What on earth?" She grunted, pulling herself out of bed and grabbing a flashlight as she headed towards the steps. She tripped over something small and furry that mewled as her foot came into contact with it. She flew through the air, tumbling down a few steps before laying on the cold tile floor.

Death by Cats.
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Re: Karma's Hieroglyphics

Post by Karma13 »

Lila strode down the sidewalk in her business attire, not looking at anyone in particular. She couldn't really be bothered with other people at the moment because at the rate she was going- she was going to be late for the meeting for the fourth time this month. Not that she cared much, they couldn't fire her considering her father owned the company.

"Miss! Miss! Can you help me? My mother is sick and needs help." A young girl cried as she raced up to Lila.

"Sorry brat, I don't have extra money this month to give to charity. Go bother someone else." Lila snapped, not in the mood for beggars as she quickened her pace, reaching the office two minutes faster than usual- not even bothering to send a glance backwards at the child.


After the meeting was over, she went to the lunch room, flirted with a few guys and ate some suspicious yogurt that was in the fridge, marked 'Magic'. Without a care in the world, she left work early as always and headed back down the street. She felt different, a strange feeling bubbling inside of her. She looked at everyone as they passed by and wanted to go out and hug those who looked sad.

Suddenly she saw the young girl from earlier crying on a bench, blood on her shirt. "Oh sweetheart, did you find someone to help your mother?" She asked softly, stroking the girl's hair.

"No... She died a while ago." The young child said sadly.

"Oh I'm so sorry, do you need anything? I could surely help you if you need a place to stay for a while." Lila said, the words coming out of her mouth sounded so kind- they were foreign to her and she wanted to sew her mouth shut but couldn't seem to stop herself.

"There is one thing..." The young girl said, looking up at Lila with glistening eyes.

"What is it? Anything." Lila encouraged.

"I need your soul." With that, the young girl lunged at Lila and drove her hand deep within Lila's chest, clasping her hand around the soul of the young woman and tearing it from her body. "Thanks!" The child giggled and walked away. Leaving Lila's corpse to rot on the ground.
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