A demon's story(short story and character background info?)

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A demon's story(short story and character background info?)

Post by darnerdemons »

[[Note: This story is set within the video game world of Disgaea 1, however the entirety of it will be focused around my original character(surprise surprise), and will contain small spoilers for the story at some points. So, spoiler warning. Also, i would enjoy some creative feedback on how i could better parts of my story writing etc.]]

Cold, the world was so cold at his young age when he lived with his parents. A young demon child known as Hikaru W. Doku was growing up in the cold perpetually frozen land known as Jormungand within netherworld #4520. Today would be the day, that it all began for him. On that cold night, fire broke loose while he slept. Awoken by the sounds of his parents screams, the young demon boy shot out of his bed and ran downstairs to see fire engulfing the living room of their home, and his parents spoke out to him to run and leave them behind.

Tears filling his eyes, the young demon boy grabbed his father's magic coat, and his mother's staff, before running far away from the home just like their parents told them to. "I'm a good boy... i listen to mom and dad always.." he told himself as he ran, not looking back. He knew, he knew what would happen, but he listened to them anyway. It wasn't just his home on fire, the entire village he lived in was burning, smoke filled the air as him and other young demons fled their homes as their parents requested.

He had no idea where he would go, just that he had to. His feet trudged on in the snow, as he was shivering from the bitter cold. "Where to go?.. where to go?.." he told himself as he pushed on through the snowy terrain, looking for sources of light, and occasionally digging through the pockets of his father's cloak to retrieve what small snacks his father always kept.

Days would pass as he continued to walk, before he would finally come across a source of light, a new village. He had depleted what food he had, but now he could eat again! Or so he thought he would be able to eat without worries. When he came to the village, he hadn't learned food wasn't free normally. But, he would never steal. He'd always beg strangers to give him food, and sometimes he was lucky enough to get some.

He grew accustomed to begging for food as years pass, occasionally he'd be able to pick up odd jobs from the villagers as they accepted him into their village. Some times he could pay, most of the times he could not, so he resorted to begging again, just until the next job pay. No job could actively hold him down for awhile, the villagers just couldn't afford it with their small paychecks as it was.

Then, a breakthrough, a new visitor came to the town, a man dressed in magic robes and carrying a magic staff much akin to his own. Being noticed by that visitor, he was scouted out. The man asked Hikaru if he knew magic, the boy of course didn't. So, sensing his potential, the man offered hikaru a job as his apprentice.

Things began to look up for the young demon as he spent years traveling and growing up with the wandering magician, learning all kinds of tricks and techniques, and magics of course. Every day was harsh but fun for the boy, and he never was hungry anymore, he was very kindhearted through every village and ordeal Hikaru faced.

Eventually, Hikaru's talent would be noticed by more than just the magician who took him under wing, and he was scouted out by the magician's boss. The overlord of the netherworld. Excitedly, the magician praised his apprentice and told him he was off to bigger and better things. Hikaru didn't want to go, but he smiled lightly and went anyway, thinking to himself a moderation of when he left his home village. Always listen to your elders Hikaru. Always be kind. Be a good boy for mom and dad.

Finally he had reached the top of his career, working as a vassal under the overlord. Hikaru Doku had became a vassal for the overlord, after the many trials and hardships he faced growing up. He was the kindest demon anyone would know, always helping on the drop of a dime if asked.
I haven't been on in a while, but i enjoy writing short stories and roleplaying. I very much enjoy feedback, so if you ever have any on my stories, i'd love to hear it. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

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