The Storytelling Shack

This section is for any writing set in a world not of your own making, whether it is the Magistream world or any other.

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The Storytelling Shack

Post by Pok »

3-11-15: Hey there :wave: Welcome to the storytelling shack! There might be an awesome title image sometime in the future, but for now I'll stick to a message, hm? Basically, this is where I'll post some of my work, past and future, in one place. Comments, suggestions and discussion allowed here. (For the latter, not too much of it!)

Channeling Your Inner Nimbii
Started: 31-10-15
Chapters: 1 2
CYIN is about a magical girl, in a familiar but foreign world. I will attempt to update this regularly, but for now rest assured that yes, I will write this. Edit: Yep, it's set in Magistream.
Last edited by Pok on November 9th, 2015, 12:04:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Channeling Your Inner Nimbii (1/?)

Post by Pok »

The first time she fell off the roof of her house, the only damage done was to seven-year-old Audrey's pride.

The second time it happened, her parents did not fail to notice how an eight-year old survived a fall that would have severely injured even adults.

And the third time, the whole town was abuzz with discussion of "the girl who could fly". After all, despite the widespread knowledge and usage of magic, not one of the known abilities displayed outright defied physics!

And this was why, at ten, Audrey moved out at the crack of dawn, with a satchel of coins and the clothes on her back. She also had a little loaf of bread, wrapped in her grandmother's (former) favorite handkerchief. The blue cloth, faded with time, had been her last gift, and now, it was the only thing she had left to remember her by. It still smelled like sunlight. Her grandma once told her, "leave your cloth out in the sun, and they will smell like the sun."

She could not help but giggle at the memory. In life, her grandmother had never been one for reminescencing, instead firmly believing in seizing the day. (She had no idea how the saying went anyways, her grandmother's whispery voice was rather hard to listen to in her later years.) Heaving her bag onto her thin frame, Audrey faced the sun and started walking, leaving the sleep town of Pyros behind for good.

Hours later, she was tired, hungry, lost and no closer to her goal, it seemed. Audrey sighed and sat down on a rock. The midday sun was now blazing with the vengeance of an angry god, or a flame summoned by the magic-users of Pyros.

She recalled walking up to the intimidating statue within the town square, running her fingers over the bronze plaque on its base, mouthing out the inscribed words in wonder.

"And it was upon this very land that fire mage Drake stood, as he surveyed the land. And it was upon this land that he founded our Kingdom." Traditionally, anybody in Pyros found to have magical abilities would be a fire mage. She herself seemed to possess only as much power as a koi, often leaving tutors stumped for some reason. Or at least, that's what she knew.

Audrey had always envied the accomplished mages. Her own brother, Aedan, was one such mage. Her face would always light up as she watched him open up his palm, flame flickering comfortably where it was nestled within his cupped hand. That was years ago, and he was now studying somewhere. Probably off on some noble adventure.

Audrey started tracing lines in the sand with a dried twig. Five symbols were formed with deft motions, clear on the ground. Fire, Water, Thunder, Earth, Nature, in a circle. She lifted the stick and stared at it, cross eyed and brows furrowed in concentration. And for the umpteenth time, not even a spark appeared. With a sigh, the wood was discarded. A failure. A gust of wind blew away the diagram, as she closed her eyes.

Suddenly, the surroundings felt much, much cooler. Startled, Audrey opened her eyes, and looked up. A pair of unblinking red eyes stared back, before disappearing.

"Wait! Don't go!" She didn't know if it understood her, but it paused, pupils blinking back into existence. Whatever it was, it seemed harmless. Audrey looked down and realized that she was sitting in a round shadow.

"Th-thank you..." Audrey reached out with trembling fingers outstretched. It was now or never.

Her efforts were rewarded, as seconds later, tiny prickling claws came into contact with her forearm, and a chilly wet tongue brushed itself across her face.

"Ew, hey, that tickles!" She laughed, falling silent as she leaned in.

Whatever it was, it had fallen asleep on her arm. It greatly resembled a lizard-shaped cloud, or really fluffy cotton candy. Each breath ghosted gently against her chest, and she couldn't bring herself to rouse the creature. Quietly, she said, "I know we're going to get along just fine."

After her new friend woke up, Audrey split up her loaf, taking a bite out of the smaller half. Taking care of a familiar was a novel experience for her, as Aedan was adamant about keeping her away from his dragon. Ah, yes, Valant, his pride and joy. Valant was what he called a "Fire Gryphon" but to her it looked much like a birdlike dragon. She could almost hear Aedan in the back of her mind, repeating, "Valant's a gryphon, not dragon!" Boys could be so funny about their pets sometimes.

"I'll name you Regn. Can I name you Regn?" She muttered as she scratched its back. Twin rubies looked back at her, glittering with what looked like amusement. "I'll take that as a yes. Catch!" Without warning, Audrey lobbed a chunk of bread over Regn's head.

Regn shot out towards it, mouth opened... and promptly crashed headfirst into the sand, bread making a crater where it landed behind it.

Audrey watched, tense, as Regn lay prone on the sand, only relaxing when she heard a tiny sneeze. Before her eyes, Regn flipped over gracefully, and trotted over to the bread. Her fears allayed, Audrey focused on her own bread, half-expecting to hear the munching signaling the devouring of the bread by her familiar. The only sound that greeted her, however, was silence.

"What's wrong, Regn?"

Regn was standing over the bread on its legs like a dog over a chunk of meat, gnawing at it. Audrey soon realized its problem, because where Regn's snout touched the bread, it passed through it, dissipating into a fine mist.

Bread was not an option, it seemed.

"C'mere, Regn." Audrey lowered her shoulder for Regn to climb onto, absently scratching its head with a finger. Straightening up, she continued her trek in the same direction.

After the rest, she felt energized, and her legs no longer moved as if cast with lead. The heat was also more bearable by this time. Maybe the angry god was appeased. However, knowing her luck, it was more likely that he was waiting  around the corner, weapon in hand, to smite any unsuspecting mortal passers-by.

Thankfully, for the rest of the day she saw no such gods. She did see a number of desert-hounds (what they called them back home), fires blazing in their eyes and sharp fangs glinting. Regn started growling, but to her it sounded much like a pathetic mewl. Somehow the desert just didn't seem as scorching and unbearable as the other children had made it out to be.

It was nearly dark when she saw the shadows of trees in the distance. She decided to stop just outside the forest, because who knew what was hiding in there? At least in a clearing she could spot creatures before they got to her.

"If anything happens, wake me up." She told Regn, before sitting down by a tree stump and dozing off. All the while, she had ignored the prickling sensation that indicated someone watching her.

Upon awaking, Audrey felt something was amiss. And on second inspection, she concluded that it had something to do with how she was now floating off the ground. Regn was lying supine, cold weight resting comfortably on her chest.

"Put me down!" Her request was hurriedly screeched out.

Regn cracked open an eye and looked down. Following its gaze, Audrey turned her head, eyes widening in shock. There and then, she summed up her thoughts with one hastily muttered expletive, the kind her parents usually shielded her from. If only they knew.

"Wait! Don't put me down!"

The panther below her cracked open an eye, before lazily rolling over and trotting away. Audrey watched it with horrid fascination.

Regn, on the other hand, had decided it was safe, and lowered her gently. She looked in the direction to which the panther had disappeared.

In the day, the trees now looked less menacing, and she could see several colored birds flittering through, their plumage standing out from the green.

"Let's go, Regn." And so began the second day of this odd duo's travels.
Last edited by Pok on November 9th, 2015, 12:01:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Storytelling Shack

Post by Raneth »

As this appears to be a fanfiction, I've moved it to the den for you.

Pretty ponies...
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Re: The Storytelling Shack

Post by Pok »

As she walked further into the trees, Audrey caught sight of a flash of red. Her interest piqued, she followed it. If she was to get lost, she might as well go all the way. Only a squawk as a warning from Regn reminded her to not sprint, even if it was tempting.

Far off, she could hear singing, amidst the constant buzz of countless insects. Subconsciously, she followed the sound. It seemed to come from the very heart of the jungle itself, luring her deeper and deeper into the trees.

Soon, the dense undergrowth opened up into a clearing, and Audrey saw the source of the melody. It jumped as it spotted her, then backed up.

"Who are you, and how did you get here?" She heard the person speak. She sounded like a female, but there was a thick mask obscuring her face, and that combined with the hooded cloak made it hard to tell for sure.

"W-Wait! I don't want to be eaten!" Audrey stammered out.

The person just put her hands on her hips and giggled. Yep, a female. "Hey, I'm not a monster." She then peered closer at Audrey.

"You're not one of the Xoctol, are you? Your skin color may be the same as ours, but your clothes are different. That, and you seem lost."

"Actually, I'm from Pyros." Audrey puffed out her chest, before remembering that she was technically not living there as she'd run away. "...But not anymore."

"Mhmm. Well, I'm not letting a kid run around on her own. You're staying with us. Call me Casey." Casey was removing her mask and pulling down her hood now. Wavy dark hair framed a diamond-shaped face, and green eyes met Audrey's. At first glance she appeared teenaged, but the crow's feet around her eyes betrayed her true age. In many ways Casey reminded Audrey of her own mother, and she felt a pang of homesickness and guilt.

Shaking these feelings off, Audrey took Casey's offered hand. What could go wrong?

As they walked down the worn dirt path, Casey chatting with Audrey, a black bird suddenly swooped down, narrowly missing Audrey. She screamed and ducked for cover behind Casey, who just laughed before extending an arm out. The bird landed gracefully, and Casey moved it onto her own shoulder before scratching it.

"Relax, Audrey, she won't bite. Well, not unless you try to pluck her feathers or tease her too much."

Now much less nervous, Audrey edged closer to the bird. It swung its head around to stare at her, and ruffled its purple feathers.

"So, what is she anyway?" Audrey asked Casey.

"Nocs here is an alagos. They're intelligent birds and make great companions if trained well." Casey winced, before hurriedly correcting herself. "Only if trained well."

Regn chose this moment to peek out of the back of Audrey's shirt, and Casey noticed it immediately.

"That's a cute nimbii you have there. Where'd you find him?"

"Uh." Audrey paused for a moment. "Came to me, actually. In the desert. You said he was male?"

"It's the correct color, yes. Nimbii only approach magi that are quite powerful, as far as I know. He might be a desert nimbii, which would make you one lucky girl." Casey smiled at Audrey kindly.

"So they're rare? Wow. Hey, Regn, Casey here says you're rare!" Audrey smiled toothily at Regn, causing Casey to chuckle.

"Anyway, Audrey, if you're staying, I may as well show you around. Unless you would rather explore our little settlement for yourself." Casey barely moved as Nocs suddenly launched herself into the air like a dark feathered missile, hurtling straight at Regn.

As the bird flew away, both heard cawing that sounded suspiciously like cackling laughter. Audrey quickly called out to Regn, who rematerialised a couple of seconds later. He looked unnerved, but none the worse for wear.

"Sorry about that." Casey sounded genuinely apologetic.

"Nah. What do I tell people I meet?" Audrey was already skipping towards the houses.

"Anything, so long as it's not that I'm not taking good enough care of you!" Casey disappeared into the shadows of the trees beside the path.

Audrey just stared long and hard at the spot where she was last seen. A voice beside her ear made her jump.

"And we're introducing you proper tonight, so get to my house before it's too late. It's the one with the red door."

As Audrey wandered around, she caught sight of a grizzled old man sitting outside on a bench.

"Hi, who are you?" She ventured.

He just smiled in response. "Young 'uns oughta have better manners. In my time..."

"I'm sorry sir, did I bother you?"

"Naw, it's okay. Here, have a seat." The man dusted off the bench and offered the newly clean space to her. Audrey sat down, grateful for the relief it brought her legs. "You can call me Pa, Pops, or Old Man. What brings you here?"

Audrey looked at him in mock surprise. "I walked here, of course."

"Pah. Your clothes look like those of the desert folk, and nobody your age can possibly walk all the way here. Pyros, if I am not mistaken."

"Wait, how did you know?"

The man tapped his temple. "These eyes see a lot, but they're not what they used to be."

"Why are you talking to me?"

"My, you're awfully inquisitive. It wasn't just a coincidence that Casey-gal brought you here. Only certain people can see this village." He twiddled his thumbs. "Is that an etanian nimbii?"

"I don't know." Audrey answered this honestly.

"What's your name?"

"Oh!" Audrey got to her feet. "My name's Audrey!"

"Well, then, Audrey, how would you like to see my library?"


Hours later, Audrey was still within Pa's house, marveling at the books. She'd found out that Regn was indeed an etainian nimbii from one of the dusty journals. She'd also met Pa's zalon (which was a cream-colored dog with wings) and played with him. Eventually, however, she grew increasingly restless.

"Pa, why are there so few people in here?"

"The others are out hunting or training. You'll see them later." Pa, as she decided to call him, walked in with a sandwich and offered it to her. "I think you should get moving, it's nearly dark out." Audrey waved a good-bye before looking for Casey's house. Even though she had only been here for less than a day, the entire place had a homely feel to it.

Finding the red door (in the fading sunlight, it looked more of a deep maroon, she thought) Audrey pushed it open. Casey was busying herself preparing something, but looked up at her visitor. "Audrey, there you are! I was starting to fear that you got lost."

"Naw. I did meet the man called Pa. He's a nice person."

Casey picked up a tunic that was draped over a chair. "Here, you can change into this. Bathroom's the last door there."

Audrey thanked her, and shook it out. The tunic was in her size, and looked relatively plain. The light brown on top faded to darker olive towards the hem, which ended in a row of red diamonds. She ran a finger over the cloth, which felt smooth. Cautiously, Audrey edged towards the room to put it on, eyes not leaving the pattern.

Slipping it over her head, she found that the heavy cloth was lighter than it looked, and fell to around her knees. She kept her pants on, but rolled them up. Turning around, she left the room to look for Casey.

Casey was already standing by the door, hand against the door frame. Audrey noticed that she was again wearing her cloak and mask. She beckoned to Audrey, before slipping out into the night.

The air was cold against Audrey's face, and she could barely make out moving objects. She followed closely behind Casey, hearing the crunching and crackling of dry leaves below their feet. At roughly around where she saw Pa first, they encountered him again. Pa was wearing a white cloak, and holding up a glowing jar. They continued their trek in silence, only stopping when Pa put up his hand.

By the dim light, she could see a rock face in front of them, covered in a spidery script. Pa breathed in, flexed his muscles, concentrated on the stone surface and moved his hands too fast for Audrey to follow. What followed next amazed her.

The writing on the wall rearranged itself, words drifting towards the center to form a vertical line, which cracked open. They watched as the stone shrank back away from the center, forming a doorway barely tall enough for Pa.

Casey walked through after him, and Audrey dashed through without looking back.

They were in an even larger clearing with more houses, and there were several people milling about. Most were wearing cloaks of some color, but not as many had masks on. A few smiled at her, but most just moved out of the way of the party.

Suddenly, everyone started talking, and Audrey could see the crowd parting. Soon, the couple that caused this was standing in front of the trio. Casey pulled at Audrey's arm and hissed, "Bow!"

Audrey was caught off guard, and wound up performing a rather undignified curtsy. Beside her, Casey was doing the same, but with much more grace. Pa nodded stiffly to the male. "Jokul. Hey there, Lucia."

Jokul-the male, clapped Pa on the back. "Hey, Pa, who is this girl? I don't believe I've seen her before."

Pa smiled. "Audrey here turned up today at the edge of the forest, where Casey here found her."

Jokul positively beamed. He crouched so that he was at Audrey's level, and extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, Audrey. It's great to see new faces among those here." Audrey took it, and pumped it up and down vigorously.

"Oh, right, it's starting." Jokul stood up, and left while Lucia stayed behind with Audrey. When she spoke, it startled her. "My husband has been worrying about us not having enough people around. Do you have a familiar yet?"

"Oh, you mean Regn?" At her command, Regn appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Very good. Now, just do as you're told later, and don't worry about the others. You'll probably meet them in due course."

Pa put a hand on her shoulder, and steered her away from the others.

"Well, that's my girl. Later, when I tell you to do so, walk over to Casey and stand on the white stone."

"What does it do?"

"That, Audrey, can tell you what element you are the most attuned to. You'll see."

From her standing place, she could see Jokul greeting the crowd in a booming voice, but he could not be heard over the cheers. As he put up both hands, the noise died back down.

"And now, we may have a new addition to our number. Her name is Audrey, so you may address her as such."

Regn slid back into Audrey's tunic, causing her to instinctively grab her back with both hands. Pa either didn't notice or didn't bother, instead he nodded to her and then at the platform. Inhaling deeply, Audrey walked onto the white stone. As soon as she did so, she could feel magic in the air, but the sensation was gone as fast as it had come. There was, however, a symbol floating over her head.

"So air it is. Would you like to say anything, Audrey?" Jokul was now looking at her, along with everyone else. In the eerie silence, she shivered, causing Regn to claw his way out of her clothing. She could hear quiet muttering.

"Sorry about that. Hi, I'm Audrey, and this is Regn. I'm just happy to be here."

There was a pause, and then the whole place erupted in cheering and whooping. Jokul flashed her a grin and motioned for her to join the others.
No, it's not a Keep story. But close. :srsly:

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