Song of the forest(short story)

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Song of the forest(short story)

Post by darnerdemons »

The sounds filled the forestry you was walking around in, knife in hand. Everywhere you turned, the sound of a song filled your ears, a calming song, as if trying to lull you into sleep and tranquility. Though you knew doing so would leave you open to danger, slapping your cheeks quickly to wake yourself back up and out from the song.
Your eyes constantly traveled across the horizon and the ground, looking for signs of other life than the green canvas of foliage all around you. Nothing, not a wink, you concluded while continuing to walk through the forest, occasionally slashing some plants out of your way. The song only seems to get more calming and louder yet soft as you travel deeper into the forest.
You wondered just how you got lost in this forest, and if the song is good or bad. You struggled to remember what you were doing before you came to the forest, why you came to the forest, but you couldn’t dredge up any memories. The soothing sounds of the song sung within the scenery, it’s singer unknown, aided by the cicadas calls adding more to its calm, it beckoned for you to sleep. Why did you come to the forest? You couldn’t remember, but you continued anyway, looking for the source of the song as your only motive for the meanwhile.
The hymns, ebbs, and flows of the voice always lulling you to drift, but eventually a breakthrough. A silhouette of a songstress could be seen through an opening in the canvas of everlasting greens. Within the opening was a clean cerulean color coating the grass as the song finally stopped with you stepping into it. What you saw that day, in that clearing, in the cloudy weather surrounded by a cerulean color and canvas, you would never forget, as you remembered the whole point to the journey into the forest, and went to return, your mission complete.
I haven't been on in a while, but i enjoy writing short stories and roleplaying. I very much enjoy feedback, so if you ever have any on my stories, i'd love to hear it. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
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Re: Song of the forest(short story)

Post by books4life123 »

cool I loved it. can I post here too? im an author myself
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Songs of the forest

Post by darnerdemons »

Sure, you can go ahead and post your stories into this thread as well, i suppose. So long as you keep it related to the title of the thread, and it remains a short story. Otherwise go nuts, let your imagination run wild??
I haven't been on in a while, but i enjoy writing short stories and roleplaying. I very much enjoy feedback, so if you ever have any on my stories, i'd love to hear it. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
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Re: Song of the forest(short story)

Post by books4life123 »

Can I post a story about someone who's friends turned immortal and she didn't?
Give me a pen or a sword. I can be deadly with either.
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Re: Song of the forest(short story)

Post by darnerdemons »

I haven't been on in a while, but i enjoy writing short stories and roleplaying. I very much enjoy feedback, so if you ever have any on my stories, i'd love to hear it. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
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Re: Song of the forest(short story)

Post by books4life123 »

Just One Left To Die

I hate him. I hate her. His brown eyes. Her blonde hair. His funny, bubbly personality. Her uptight seriousness.
We saved them. We killed the monsters. We fought back to back time and time again. Why did they get to live on? Why not the three of us? Why not me?
Is it because I left? I came back. I fought with them to make up for it. Is it because I didn’t take the knife? I wanted to, but I was trapped. She got hurt, but I could have saved her.
How could they think that I wasn’t worthy? I want to stay with them, but I can’t. I’ll be dead while they enjoy staying forever.
Give me a pen or a sword. I can be deadly with either.
I take archery lessons. Do not tick me off.

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