Whodunnit story

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Joined: December 25th, 2015, 5:05:12 am
Gender: Kraken

Whodunnit story

Post by myultimateanswer »

For the past five minutes or so I'd heard the quiet shuffling of tiny paws running around my room, but, just as I was about to get up the shuffling and leaping stopped. Ah sweet peace. It was not long however before I smelt it, strangely sweet and musky.
My curiosity ignited I had to finally open my eyes and see what the kerfuffle was. It was not log before I found the origin a tiny house sparrow, dead, upon my floor.
Now when one lives on a farm it is only logical to have a cat, or in our case two, to catch the multitude of mice and rats but birds are not part of that. So in order to properly discipline the cat I must first find out who it was that did it!
Please feel free to PM me about anime, manga and fanfiction. I wanna chat! :3
Dream pet!: Fire kitsune (If you have one PM me and i'll try to get enough!!!!)

Posts: 100
Joined: December 25th, 2015, 5:05:12 am
Gender: Kraken

Re: Whodunnit story

Post by myultimateanswer »

The first steps of an investigation, as Sherlock teaches us, is to inspect the crime scene. The bird is mostly unruffled, not decapitated in the way Artemis usually leaves her victims... but dead unlike Kuro's usual prey. Plus none of the plaintive caterwauling that would tell me whose this is. With no more evidence to be found I moved backwards to the scene of the crime to inspect the rout they must have passed- the cat flap! Light muddy paw prints cover the entrance and so our perp is found. Like Cinderella I must match the foot to the shoe. For Artemis I must stalk and capture her but I just walk up to and stroke Kuro and he's fine to be picked up. Now the interrogation must begin. I compare all four of their paws to the prints and find no matches! So who left my feathery gift?
Please feel free to PM me about anime, manga and fanfiction. I wanna chat! :3
Dream pet!: Fire kitsune (If you have one PM me and i'll try to get enough!!!!)

Posts: 100
Joined: December 25th, 2015, 5:05:12 am
Gender: Kraken

Re: Whodunnit story

Post by myultimateanswer »

Walking in the garden later that evening I had a epiphany. Our fluffballs are not the only cats on the farm! There is 'the stray' not much is known about the feline but his appearances around the farm are hardly occasional. He must have snuck into the house past the cats and left me my gift. Was it an attempt at a truce? A warning? We will never know. What we do know is that a bird killer is on the loose.
Please feel free to PM me about anime, manga and fanfiction. I wanna chat! :3
Dream pet!: Fire kitsune (If you have one PM me and i'll try to get enough!!!!)


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