Breed Changing potion

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Breed Changing potion

Post by TymyWymy »

I don't think the title would make much sense,so here's the description:
You hold in your hand a small vial filled with a golden liquid that constantly swirls around of it's own accord. If you listen closely you can hear the faint sound of laughter coming from it.

The idea of this is to give people a chance to get albino creatures (which can be hard to breed) or shop creatures(which they would might not be able to afford), eg:
Albino example:-
Direwolf -Albino Direwolf
Shop example:-
Medonho Pesadelo- Temeroso Pesadelo

Or any stream fish into a pond one:
Koi- Amethyst Koi or something else

You cannot get a parentless Albino Direwolf if you use it on a Shopborn Direwolf though. I didn't want to make getting parentless creatures too easy :sweat:
You can not change the breed of QB Rose Imps, Quetzalcoatls and Lycanthrope Allies

It has a very low chance of not working (might edit this later).

Obtained by exchanging 2 female Donec hatchlings with Lady Alua (if this is allowed)
So basically,yes,this IS in a way a breed changing potion,and I may edit it later for the effects on questborn creatures and a picture of it.
I don't want this to affect donis,please don't ask
I did not choose to exchange female donec hatchlings because I have a lot of them. I only want the hatchlings for my army and I also thought that female hatchies should have their uses too T_T

I tried :t-xD:
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