Legend for a story I'm writing

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Legend for a story I'm writing

Post by Leskychuchu »

So I'm writing a story and made a legend for it, and just thought you guys might like it.
Also so you aren't completely lost, the story is about tribes of different types of animals that live in a forest. The birds are in the Tribe of the Skies, the wolves in the Tribe of Night, and so on. There are seven tribes in all. Anyway, here's the legend:

Before the tribes came to the forest, it was a dark and lifeless land. However, all the places around it were filled with powerful beasts who fought over territories, one such beast being the snake. Tired of having to fight for every inch of his territory, a snake, Ivan, came to the land, hoping to find somewhere peaceful to live. All that was to be seen was cold, hard ground, incapable of growing anything or living on, and covered in darkness. However, holding on to the hope it might be a beautiful territory one day, he burrowed through the ground until it was soft, so that it might be able to grow trees and grass to shelter his kind. The land went unnoticed afterwards, until the other beasts started to tire of the constant fighting as well.
An otter, Kaori, came to the land, and dug a path for water to flow, in the hope her kind might be able to live in the water. The next beast to visit the land was a cat named Marwa. She brought young trees and other plants with her, and left them to grow, hoping they wouldn't wither and die in the darkness, but would grow to shelter her kind.
After this, a fox called Tahir came to the land. He saw the small plants trying to grow, and knew they would soon die without light. He fought the darkness with flame, and burned it away, letting light constantly flood the land. The light, water, and shelter attracted beasts from other places, and they soon settled into the land, ending the fights. However, the constant light soon started to wither the plants and burn away the water. It was then a bat, Antun, brought the darkness back. This angered Tahir, and he faced Antun. The two started to fight, bringing the attention of the wolf Silvius.
Silvius begged them not to start fighting again, as they had just ended the constant battles. Grudgingly, Tahir and Antun stopped fighting, though the problem still remained. Tahir argued that they needed light, as they could not live without it. Antun argued that the light was killing their land, and would soon make it dry and lifeless. Eventually they agreed that the land needed both the light and the darkness, and resolved that one would take over the land before the other started to kill it. However, the darkness was still a danger, and proved to make things difficult for the beasts, so Silvius put a smaller light in the darkness.
Even after this, there was little water left, and the land still continued to die. A bird, Zara, took notice of this. She flew in search of the water, and found it in the sky. She quickly gathered the water, and returned it to the land, restoring it. After this, all the beasts were able to enjoy the paradise that was now their territory. However, old problems soon arose, and the beasts soon started fighting over territory again. The final battle was fought in a cave, and many died. Those who died included the seven who gave the land the things that let it live. They realized how much territory was there, and how different places were suited for different beasts. They realized they did not have to fight and kill to keep their territories, and that those still fighting would not realize that any time soon.
So they appeared to those still fighting, and told them to stop. They told them to go to the territories that best suited their kind, to help each other, to stay together when they could. Those still alive listened to the seven, and joined with their kind. They left to the territories that suited them most, and established clearer borders. They no longer fought, and they did their best to help each other when needed. However, those grouped together needed someone to lead them, as they couldn't always agree on actions they needed to take. They needed someone who thought for their kind, and not just for themself. So the seven called all of them to meet where the final battle took place, and there they named a leader for each kind, and established rules for them to follow. And with this, the tribes were born.
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Re: Legend for a story I'm writing

Post by Raneth »

As this is original fiction, I've moved it to the Parlor for you.

Pretty ponies...

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