After the Change OOC

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After the Change OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

The OOC thread for After the Change.
IC thread here: 23-roleplay-stage/204142-after-the-chan ... #p20237953

If you have any questions about the RP, comments, suggestions, concerns, or free cookies, feel free to post them here!

Also, the things in the spoiler aren't hard-fast "rules", and aren't required reading, but I'm putting up anyway as a friendly FYI or something of that nature.
Just to be clear, non-RP related, "oh my gawd I found this image/video and it reminds me of this character look!", random chatting stuff is fine. However, that said, I would also like to avoid pages and pages of aforementioned stuff.
Some chatter is all well and good, but I have, on more than one occasion, gone into an RP's OOC to see if anything relevant was going on and seen like five new pages and thought, "Holy crap, what'd I miss?" Turns out? Nothing. I didn't miss a d*mn thing except someone posting a video and somehow or another, five pages later, they wound up talking about someone's flute lessons or something, and I'm sitting there stewing about having wasted X amount of my time reading/skimming through these bunny posts made throughout the day by the same people that hadn't posted anything IC in like a month because they "didn't have time".

So, in a nutshell, feel free to use the OOC thread, but please don't blow it up with non-RP stuff. :angel:

Also -I've seen this before in the past, too, one example was mentioned above- I get that life happens and all that, but if I see a consistent posting in the OOC from someone but nothing IC for a while, I will call you out on your crap via PM. The minimum post length is three decent sentences, we're not asking for a novel, so that's like, what, ten minutes? If you have can make several posts here, you can make one IC.
Finally, if you ever get writer's block, please please don't just leave everyone hanging. Feel free to post here, where you can get suggestions and whatnot for what you might be able to do next. Or, you can just be like, "My character's just gonna chill and watch for right now" so that way we all know we can progress.

3/7/2016: No more characters are to be sent to the cafe. Any character(s) not already in the cafe must be sent toward other players.
3/20/2016: A mass warning has been issued due to lack of mandatory activity levels by multiple RPers.

Current time of day IC:
Last edited by Kirorokat1132 on March 20th, 2016, 11:38:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Username: Kirorokat1132
Character Name: Bree
Species: Gijinka - Rapidash
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Bree is roughly 5'7" tall with strong, muscular legs. She has the flames and horn characteristic of a Rapidash, as well as they eye shape and color. Also, her nails are grey not because she paints them that color, but because they are actually of similar hoof-like substance as a Rapidash's hooves. However, they aren't nearly as string, but they're definitely far stronger than an average human's. She wears a cream tanks top, black shorts with a white belt, and simple brown leather boots with a small heel. She also carries a backpack for her supplies.
Personality: Bree has a big heart and is fairly gentle and trusting in nature. However, she is certainly no push-over, and will not hesitate to get involved in something if she feels she needs to. She's rather clannish, and can be somewhat protective over her "group". Bree's also a bit of a klutz and is easily embarrassed or flustered when this trait rears it's ugly little head.

Bree has a habit of sometimes being over-considerate of others at her own expense, even if she doesn't see it that way. She has simple taste and desires materialistically and is more about experiencing things than collecting them.

Rest will be RPed.
Occupation: A traveler, somewhat sniffing around for info on the Change.
Bio: Bree has trained for and participated in the League Challenge once before, having started out a Ponyta, but the team dissolved fairly quickly after they passed through the first few gyms. Currently, she's not in a Battle Team, but she's continued her training nonetheless.
Other: Bree's powerful legs get a lot of ability from her Rapidash blood. Her kicks are brutal, leaps and jumps quite impressive, and while she can't run at 100 mph like a Rapidash can, she could probably clock a max at around 45 mph. However, her arm strength is only that of an average human. She's also vegetarian, due to her digestive system being mostly that of an herbivore. Any sort of meat makes her ill, and she can tolerate bread and dairy in moderate amounts.
Last edited by Kirorokat1132 on February 7th, 2016, 7:17:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by xSinder12x »

Username: xSinder12x
Character Name: Kyle
Species: Gijinka- Mightyena
Age: 21
Gender: Male
General facial structure and ear size
Kyle’s measurements from the last time he was in a league challenge clocked him in at around 6’ with maybe just a slight candy coating on the side to really make him feel taller than anyone else around him. He has a mop of thick black hair, equally accented with strands of grey that mold in nicely to the tone of his skin. Jutting forth from this wild mess, which is vigorously attended to without much result, are two large ears that seem just long enough to match his body without looking big enough to be goofy but too small to get made fun of.

He wears darker clothing, claiming he looks much better in it, as well as a pair of fingerless gloves that in turn are a little on the fuzzy side. He likes to think of it as fur, but has yet to be seen actually calling it that or treating it as such. His nails and teeth are naturally sharp, no matter how much he files down his nails they always seem to grow back in the same fashion in at a constant rate that can’t be slowed or quickened. As for his teeth, they are sharper than an average humans- specifically the canines.

Probably the most noticeable things, other than the ears and teeth, are his tail and eyes. Like the pokemon, Kyle’s eyes are a bright red and are brought to intention by a shade of dark triangle-like skin under them. He’s not quite sure where these marks came from, but he was told he had them from birth and were similar to a human’s birth mark. His tail is very animated, unwillingly showing off his personality when he doesn’t need it to. He wears specially made jeans to be comfortable in them and show it off, seeing that some people that he know personally will walk over and tug on it or pet it as well as his hair. While doing so, they often claim how ‘soft’ and ‘dog-like’ it is… something he’s not really sure if is a good thing or not.

Oh! Also for kicks, he wears a chocker that resembles a collar. It’s a thin piece of leather with a bone with his name engraved in it. Sometimes he can be seen amusing kids by letting them drag him along by a makeshift leash if the atmosphere allows it.

Personality: Much better after his evolution, which was rather intense. Kyle still holds a lot of his playful side like when he was a Poochyena Gijnika, but has much better control over himself. In general he’s a kind and extremely loyal person that believes you can never have enough friends, but there is always that one person that is above them all. This person, should he ever find one again, must prove themselves worthy of this pedestal through actions that provide him with undeniable certainty that they are worthy of his devoted time and protection. These can range greatly and has only been achieved once with a fellow battle partner that he had by his side. Said partner is long gone now and Kyle rarely speaks of his closest friend to anyone and instead carries around an item they both once treasured.

Kyle is hardly ever aggressive unless he feels threatened or that someone he cares about does, however sometimes the way he speaks or acts can make it hard to believe. Upon meeting a stranger he goes into complete defense mode out of instinct which in itself is an interesting and quite amusing sight. Should time come for battle or a fight, he will become abnormally quiet and glower at his target as though they are a fresh pile of his favorite meats. He lives by a motto that no one he cares for will be hurt ever again, and he will do all in his power to protect them.

Of course... I’ve already mentioned he can be good with kids. Whether they are human or like him he can be seen rolling around with them and sometimes even howling, which is remarkably loud, just to see them squeal with delight. He has a huge heart when it comes to the little ones and is willing to do anything to see them smile, even if it’s letting them pull on his ears and tail to the extent that it’s painful.. though then he’s typically wishing for someone to save him.
Occupation: Traveler. Simply because he has this nagging feeling to learn as much as he can about anything. He also adores battling those outside of the gym.
Bio: Kyle used to be part of a great team and became very close with a certain group of people. Though he wasn’t leader of the little ‘pack’ he had created, his opinions and thoughts were highly respected and he quickly labeled them as family. Family’s weren’t supposed to fall apart… but he couldn’t keep it together. After a tragic accident in the gym, his closest friend lost his life. The team wanted to continue after a few months of grieving and getting themselves together to find someone else, but Kyle simply couldn’t bare the thought of going back and facing the person who did it. Even if it were a mistake and a risk most were willing to take, he knew if he faced her again that it wouldn’t be the team anymore… it would just be him and her and one more life lost.

So, he travels now though it kills him to not have company. He finds himself sticking to towns and to other people just long enough to remind himself that he hasn’t completely lost it, and to not die from not having the companionship that he so desires.
Other: As far as abilities, Kyle’s main one is that he’s incredibly strong grip. (For the pokemon it’s actually his bite, but I just can’t see him running around biting people. I could change it of course, should you prefer.) He has been known in the ring to rip though many things that other people couldn’t give the right drive to do so. Once in his clutches, it’s almost impossible to escape.

He’s also fairly fast, running quicker than the average human but his stamina is less than impressive. He can only go about a quarter of a mile if he’s pacing himself before he completely falls over with nothing left in him, therefore he uses this speed in bursts rather than full out.
Username: xSinder12x
Character Name: Crystal
Species: Human
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Crystal is very... well, energetic and always has been from a young age. Gleaming with anticipation and curiosity, she doesn't take The Change negatively like most of the people who once owned pokemon did. Instead she thinks of it as a challenge and is always on the run to find hidden clues.

Most will be RP'd.
Occupation: Trainer
Bio: It was at an early age that Crystal was scurrying through her grandparent’s attic during a hide-n-seek game with her older brother. It was there she stumbled upon an old photo album which was overflowing with pictures of her family. A few of the later ones that were from her grandparent’s generation and up she knew, but it was much earlier photos that caught her full attention. Pokemon thrived in the pictures with their trainers, which pegged her curiosity and eventually led her to asking her grandparents about them. It was then she was handed multiple journals and clippings from the trainers that were either her family or friends of the family which told of specific locations that pokemon used to thrive in.

Sadly she wasn’t able to to do much until she hit the age of thirteen and by that point her ambitions had only grown even more. She set out to find what really happened all those generations ago with no real idea of a starting point.

After about a year Crystal met up with two gijinkas who made their living off at sea with humans, both willing to help the young adventurer on her travels from place to place. It was going unexpectedly well up until the ship they were on fell into a remarkably strong storm and was tossed around like a toy. One of the gijinka’s, a water based one, was able to help somewhat but by the time the storm had passed Cyrstal had already been tossed. There was no sign of her anywhere in the water and the crew thought her lost in its depths… till they came close to port for repairs. Half drowned but alive, Crystal appeared being aided by something rather unsuspecting- Dratini. With pokemon being so incredibly rare it was a great thrill and surprise to see the dragon type, and even more so when it didn’t leave the girl’s side even when she recovered. Today Crystal still isn’t too sure why Dratini saved her or stuck by her side instead of taking cover, but she’s ever so grateful.

She still travels though now she has Dratini to keep her company. She's terrified swimming now, however, still visits uninhabited water spots frequently for her companion to keep healthy.
Other: Main Pokemon is her Dratini though she has two others who stay in their pokeballs 'less needed: a Bayleef, and Deerling. Coming across one pokemon is hard enough in the present day, and while Dratini's appearance was a startling and welcoming act of bravery, both Bayleef and Deerling came after much exploring and are both very new to the trainer.
Bayleef- A few months exploring through the Johto region, Crystal stumbled across her Bayleef one afternoon after getting herself stuck in a rather sticky situation. She almost let the Pokemon get away because it was her first real battle ever and excitement and adrenaline got in the way of her thinking about what moves would best take down the rare Bayleef. Thankfully though Dratini knew what it was doing and was able to take down the foe after a minutes of seemingly endless squabbling. Bayleef has yet to get used to having a trainer, often getting away from Crystal if not watched carefully.
Deerling- The newest and probably hardest Pokemon for Crystal to catch. She regrets it, but she actually had to trick the Deerling into coming back after Bayleef heard something during an expedition that required it's help. The Deerling was easily startled and upon realizing that the Bayleef was indeed not alone, it booked it out of there as quickly as possible and even if the purist was swift and quick to respond. Chasing it wasn't going to do anything, and so the trainer designed a plan using Bayleef's remarkable aroma to cover the scent of herself and Dratini to assure the Deerling that the place was safe once more.
Unless there are dire circumstances she won't allow the public to know that she has any other pokemon other than Dratini. The dragon-type refuses to be inside a pokeball being the main reason, but the other is she's scared that someone will see the leaf and season Pokemon and think about the value of them and intend on stealing.
Last edited by xSinder12x on February 19th, 2016, 8:49:39 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Yay! Thanks for joining, SInder, Kyle's character sheet looks awesome!
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by xSinder12x »

Yay~ Thank you! This seems like it'll be loads of fun, can't wait!

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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by Xaphan »

Can you save a spot for me? Got a Whimsicott Gijinka in the works :3
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

No problem :haha:
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Could I reserve a spot as well? I've got two that I'm working on.
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

You can, I'll add them in. :)
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: After the Change OOC

Post by BlueBandit »

Username: BlueBandit
Character Name: Echo
Species: Misdreavus Gijinka (Are we allowed to have shiny Gijinka? I know that some roleplays don't...)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: ( ... s.png.html)
Personality: Will be roleplayed.
Occupation: Wanderer
Bio: Echo used to be in a Battle Team. However, when in battle her teammates were arrogant and overly-confident, thus leading in the downfall of the team. She now wanders around from town to town, every now and then searching for clues about how the Change happened.
Other: She can hover off the ground like a Misdreavus, but she cannot fly.

Username: BlueBandit
Character Name: Trauma
Species: Hydreigon Gijinka (Hope I spelled it right =P)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: ( ... 2zilgr.png)
Personality: Trauma is somewhat of an introvert, but he is mysterious in his own way. He was never part of a Battle Team but he does enjoy fighting, and every now and then, causing pain (he doesn't know why; it's just an instinct). He usually works alone but if he opens up to someone he can be loyal.
Occupation: Traveler, every now and then follows another Gijinka just to see where they go.
Bio: There's nothing really important to it. He is curious about the Change and currently has no partners in his work.
Other: ~~
Last edited by BlueBandit on February 8th, 2016, 8:05:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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