Smol Drabble

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Joined: May 14th, 2016, 11:01:49 pm
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Location: In Wonderland

Smol Drabble

Post by TwistedAndDark »

You sit on the couch in front of a fire, wrapped up in a fleece blanket as you're slowly drifting to sleep. The howling wind of winter outside almost blocks out the cackling and popping sound of the fire as the elm wood burns bright orange, every now and then sparks flying up. As you drift off to sleep, you can almost see shapes and creatures dancing in the flames as the smell of cinnamon and pinecones fills your nose, slowly letting you become overwhelmed with all the senses. You can still taste the chocolate of your warm cocoa in your mouth and drool and moisture pile up as your eyes burn from the dry air and they feel heavy, like bricks are stapled to your eyelids as you do your best to stay awake. But you are much too comfortable for that. You drift off the sleep, going completely comatose for the next couple of hours, only to dream of sweet wonders and sinful fantasies. Yes.... this winter will be just fine in your small cabin in the woods.

How is it? :devil: :angel:
Image Birthday is July 21st
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