Entry #1 - Silva Forest

Crossing Worlds
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Entry #1 - Silva Forest

Post by AuraDragoness »

A dark forest beckons you to enter, shadows looking cool in the heat of the day. You give a sigh of relief at escaping the hot sun, blinking in the sudden lack of light. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust, and you stand still while they do, listening to the sounds of wildlife. You can smell crisp leafs and dirt, the musty scent of something decomposing. Your eyes fly open as the birds fall silent. Standing before you is a wolf larger than any normal animal of it's kind would be. You know direwolves - The Keep is full of them - but you've never seen a wild one, and you're suddenly aware of the danger it poses. This isn't a sweet, tamed creature you wrestle with; its eyes meet you with nothing but aggression. You wait breathless until it passes you, its hair raised and teeth exposed.

These trees are the most massive in the world; several people holding hands can not reach around them. These trees have been here for as long as anyone can remember, and no one has ever dared to cut one down. A beautiful red, they host wide varieties of creatures; foxes, squirrels, birds - all of these animals and more live within these cool woods. It is said that at the very center, there is something deeply magical and powerful to be found.

(Location: The Redwoods of Northern CA)
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