Arcanum Hellhound

A Damaged Beastiary
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Arcanum Hellhound

Post by Greirat »

Arcanum Serpaen x Hellhound = Arcanum Hellhound

This dark egg seems to move away from you when you go near it.

Arcanum Hellhounds hatchlings are rambunctious creatures, clawing and gnawing at anything they can get at, including yourself. While the hatchlings seem to want nothing more then to tear through the keep destroying everything in their path, on the rare occasion you may catch them itching fiercely at their smooth skin, as if they have a terrible itch. Though when they notice your presence, they go back to terrorizing the keep. Aracnum Hellhound hatchlings refuse to play with any other creatures other then themselves, even playing with it's own kind is out of the question. Hatchlings will become quite ill if they are near anything cold. If they accidentally step on something cold they let out a shriek, often sending the nearest magi running to see what such a howl could be about.

Although it looks like fur, it is actually tiny scales that cover the body of the Adult Arcanum Hellhound. They molt their dark purple smooth coat and shed it for a much darker blue, almost black, scaly one when they reach adulthood. But their vicious and tyrannical natures still remain. Arcanum Hellhounds have unique power to control the arcane or dark arts magic, making them invaluable to those who wish to study such arts. Arcanum Hellhound adults still keep their distance from other creatures, including their own species, only coming together to mate once a season. Adults prefer much warmer weather, traveling many miles to the Etain Desert and to Voltar during mating seasons. Though once pups hatch the males leave the area to find solitude once again, leaving the females to do the raising. While you still have to keep a very close eye on them, they don't go destroying the keep as they once did has hatchlings. Instead, they pick a spot and remain there, almost as if guarding it, only venturing out to find food. If anyone or thing comes too close to them or provokes them they lash out with a vicious anger, releasing an air of toxins that leaves the victim petrified and then incapacitated. They still need a lot effort and continuous training, but they can become fiercely loyal companions.

General Description
As a hybrid between Hellhounds and Arcanum Serpaens, they inherited traits from both. They inherit the aggressive loyalty with which the Serpaens are known for. It also inherits the ferocity that the Hellhound is known for. Like both species though, it despises cold or damp weather, often shrieking when it comes into contact with any less then warm. If a magi trains an Arcanum Hellhound to stay within the castle walls, they often find a place with sunlight to bask and guard. While Arcanum Hellhounds can not control flames like the Hellhound, it can produce a small, almost black flame, with which it can heat it's food. These creatures are strictly carnivores, catching prey both smaller and bigger then themselves. Because of it's overly aggressive and violent nature, they will always need constant and continuous training. With time and effort, these creatures can become very powerful and very loyal companions.
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Arcanum Hellhound

Post by Aliac01 »

I love the concept and art. It very well thought out, and I think it would take a lot of imagination to come up with something like that :)
Please help them grow!
I am also selling lots of critters, so check if there are any you would like to buy!
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Re: Arcanum Hellhound

Post by Greirat »

Thank you!
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Re: Arcanum Hellhound

Post by MidniteScy »

Sounds and looks cool! :D
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Re: Arcanum Hellhound

Post by Greirat »

Thank you!
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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