Borean Snowcat (Svetku Lynx x Arkenian Sunbeast)

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Borean Snowcat (Svetku Lynx x Arkenian Sunbeast)

Post by Namyre »

This velvety egg has a golden horn poking out of it.
When Borean Snowcats are cubs, they have dark markings, but these pale slightly with age. Their kleptic tendencies can rival that of the smaller dragon hatchlings around the keep. Like any kitten, they practice their hunting on anything that moves, which includes their magi's toes moving beneath the bedsheets. While their magic develops, they have been known to create tiny flurries of snowflakes and chase the ice crystals as they float away on the breeze.
Adult Borean Snowcats prefer to be left alone, making them unsuitable for many a magi. However, they will remain at the Keep as long as their magi is there, but they will watch the proceedings at a distance rather than actively participating. Those with the closest of relationships to these cats have been known to find that they have been hit with a surprise snowball, and upon turning around, their Snowcat appears to be completely disinterested as they lick their feet. This seems to happen most often during the height of summer, those magi say.
Borean Snowcats can be found around the northern tip of the continent, and your best chance of spotting one would be on top of the High Tor. They are elusive cats, standing to half the height of a man, and spend their days catching the meager sun as they nap, and hunt at night. They are sly hunters, using their snow-conjuring Magic to create the illusion of a snow bank over top of them and lying in wait for their prey to come too close. They have exceptional eyesight, being cats, and can spot the twitch of a martin's nose from a league away, if not farther. Their golden claws are terribly sharp, and those at the Keep have been seen scraping them on the stone walls in order to sharpen them further.
Last edited by Namyre on March 2nd, 2017, 8:40:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Borean Snowcat (Svetku Lynx x Arkenian Sunbeast)

Post by GemstoneChampion »

Omg, I love this!!! It's so cool and awesome! I'm hoping Magistream will make something exactly/like this!!! :woo:
she/her ❀ libra ❀ pms are always open!
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Re: Borean Snowcat (Svetku Lynx x Arkenian Sunbeast)

Post by skitties »

I would army these. So cute!
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Re: Borean Snowcat (Svetku Lynx x Arkenian Sunbeast)

Post by Aliac01 »

Very nice, I love the art for this concept creature
Please help them grow!
I am also selling lots of critters, so check if there are any you would like to buy!

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