The Crybaby Hybrid, The Tarvor (Tarsier x Ashevor)

A Damaged Beastiary
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The Crybaby Hybrid, The Tarvor (Tarsier x Ashevor)

Post by eventide16 »

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Tarsiers are well-regarded among royalty and spies for their gift of foresight, and Ashevors are capable of seeking out plats with magical properties. One magi wanted to see if perhaps a hybrid could combine these useful abilities. They certainly got a combined sixth sense, but the Tarvor also combined the appetites and noise of both as well.

Egg: Striped black, yellow and green, otherwise smooth and nondescript.

Hatchling: Mostly resembling a tarsier with a squat body, teensy growing limbs, and with a small beak that is perpetually open a la a baby bird. Their large eyes remain closed, and thus blind, until adulthood, and they are covered in covered in colorful down feathers, meaning it is resistant against the elements, but must be protected from everything else. It requires attention in the form of food, and will certainly make you aware if you have forgotten to feed it recently, by loud and indignant squawks.

Adult: The Tarvor retains its squat body, but has grown in stubby clawed arms and legs, with a serpentine tail about the same length as its body . They have the Tarsier's large, intense eyes, with males having bright green, and females having bright yellow. They are striped black, green and yellow, with a small black beak. Unable to climb very well, with its rather useless limbs, the Tarvor relies on its tail anchoring it to a branch, so it doesn't plummet straight to the ground.

The Tarvor does not outgrow a hatchlings voracious appetite, and in fact must feed every two hours
from a range of plants and insects. (Must is a bit of a misnomer, they won't die if they don't eat that often or that much, but they'll certainly act like they will). If they do not receive enough food, the Tarvor promptly begins to cry, very loudly.

They have the gift of sensing out the most potent of plants and insects, both in magical ability and those that are able to be combined or best mixed together. They have a longer sense of range then the Ashevor, but one must be careful not to hold the Tarvor too close, lest it devour all of the ingredients, and also carry back up food, for a Tarvor denied food is a pathetic, wailing thing.

A Tarvor can foresee potential danger, which causes it to also wail in alarm, which sounds exactly like its wailing of hunger, which either doesn't help at all, or instead hastens the danger by allowing predators to see exactly where the darned thing is.

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