When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

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When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by rosemilly »

Hello Everyone

This is out OOC thread for our When Gods Need Some Help roleplay. This thread was created because the character section of the roleplay reached the max number of characters which is a first for me. I will move all of the characters' forms over here. Even with that being said, feel free to chat on here, ask any questions, and have fun!
Last edited by rosemilly on May 6th, 2017, 4:55:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
You can click them in the spoiler. They don't bite!
I currently have 8/25 gifts

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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by rosemilly »

(We currently have 7/7 gods)

Username: rosemilly
Name: Azrael
Gender: Male
God of: Love and Beauty
Appearance: Azrael, while he can change appearance, typically takes the appearance of an attractive, ruby red-haired male though some days he likes to mix his hair color up a bit. In terms of hair, his hair is layered and delicately frames his face. He has a slim, dainty figure, standing at about 5'6" on most days with soft curves that don't look too feminine or take away too much from his few masculine features. Azrael has a pale, almost porcelain colored, complexion, favoring big, light baby blue or light green eyes to go with his appearance. He has a very androgynous face with overall soft features and thin, defined eyebrows. Azrael has what seems to be a perfect, pure white smile that gives his features an overall cute charm.
When Azrael is at home or in the company of other gods and goddesses, he tends to dress in silk and other expensive materials adorned with small, intricate patterns and gems, and sometimes he even wears a little bit of makeup here and there. If able to, he prefers to walk around barefooted or in lightweight sandals. In public around humans, he wears more causal clothing like jeans and t-shirts, depending on the location in which his is going because he doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention.
Personality: Azrael is what most people would call a social butterfly, having this bright, bubbly personality, especially around his friends. While he is serious when need be, he can't help but wanting to get to know more people, seeing as he has been around for quite a long time, so he's already seen most of the world anyway and people are just so unique and interesting to him. Azrael, unlike some gods, with his heart of gold feels pity for unfortunate beings down on earth like the homeless, abandoned, and the starving, so he tries to do what he can to help them out as much as possible without upsetting the other gods too much. Just because he's usually as sweet as can be, doesn't mean he doesn't have his bad days where he mopes around or gets angry real easily.
Powers: While Azrael has many powers, one his favorite powers is the ability to change his appearance and gender at will, but after many years, he has determined his preferences in appearance and gender. Another he has are to create objects out of thin air which he usually just uses for romantic gestures, but seeing as he doesn't have a partner at the moment, he doesn't use it all that much. Some powers that he tries to not use is to help speed up two people falling in love, break them apart, or to mend a broken heart, but he believes that love will happen if it's going to happen and the same with heart break. Azrael also has an amazing and alluring singing voice, kind of like a siren, that could also be counted as a power. He also has the basic gods powers like using his aura to create a shield or to attack with and teleporting (which has its limits), but many of his powers have yet to be explored to their full potential.
Sexuality: Pansexual though he prefers the company of men
Crush: None at the moment
Other:Azrael currently has no known children even if he is the god of love.
Username: rosemilly
Name: Arius
Gender: Male
God of: Death, darkness, and the underworld
Appearance: Arius has the appearance of a masculine young man in his early to mid-twenties. His straight, dark, pitch black hair is usually left cascading down his back, contrasting much with his usually pale skin complexion from living down in the underworld. His diamond face shape is complimented with a refined nose, a prominent jawline, and slightly prominent cheekbones which suit his muscular frame quite well. His figure goes well with his height. standing about 6'1". His watchful, round eyes are hazel and darken when he is upset or angry, and his eyes are paired with thick, arched, eyebrows.
Living in the underworld most of the times has its advantages. Arius can dress however he wants in his realm without the other gods constantly judging him. In public, he dresses in a dress shirt, slacks, and dress pants which are typically of darker tones, leaving him looking dark and mysterious even though he truly isn't trying to aim for anything when it comes to his appearance.
Personality: Arius can seem like a stern, mean god on the outside when it comes to his communicating with other people though he can become a big softy on the inside towards those he is close with. He tends to be more laid back, not really having to worry about too much except making sure souls go where they need to go and keeping the creatures in his realm in check. He can get easily frustrated at times due to stress or with matters with other gods. Arius is usually lonely living in the underworld by himself though, longing for someone to keep him company even if he is able to go up to what he calls the surface world to do as he pleases.
Powers: Arius has many powers like talking to the dead with limits of those in his real, summoning and controlling creatures from his realm, and some other powers that have yet to be explored. He also has the basic powers like using his aura to create a shield or to attack with and teleporting.
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Crush: None at the moment
Username: Saria
Name: Caelestis
Gender: Male

God of: Space

For being the deity of space, it would be quite understandable to be disappointed at Caelestis' appearance. In fact, if someone had to guess what he was a god of just by going by his appearance, it'd be much more likely they'd guess something more earthy. Without knowledge of his identity though, he really doesn't look that special.

Typically Caelestis looks like a young man, approximately in his mid-twenties. He stands tall at roughly 6'6", but instead of being an imposing figure of power he just looks kind of awkward more often than not. He has quite a gangly figure, with long limbs that he looks more likely to trip over like a baby giraffe. However, despite the bumbling and klutzy movements he tends to display when feeling uncomfortable, Caelestis' movements are otherwise precise, calculated and almost graceful in a surefooted way, most easily noted if he's spotted performing some feats of free running. His build is somewhat in the middle, being neither a delicate wisp nor a heavyset powerhouse, and further highlights his tendency for high level activity through his athletic musculature. Which honestly can be pretty difficult to notice due to his clothing. His lanky limbs do tend to make him appear to have a bit of a thinner build than he actually has.

Normally, Caelestis' skin is fair with a slight tan from being out in the sun's rays, lending a soft kiss of gold to his complexion. These warm tones tie in with his hair - falling between short and medium in length, Caelestis' messy locks are a rich reddish brown, appearing to be a mahogany hue. In certain lighting, the red in his hair becomes much more pronounced, much like how the tones become more evident in polished mahogany wood. His style is typically somewhat windswept and tousled, akin to a casual bedhead caused more by unruly hair than any actual attempt at styling. His eyes are a hazel colour, containing equal parts of both soft green and nutty brown to the point it's hard to tell which is the base colour and which colour contributes to additional flecks. Shape-wise, his eyes are somewhat almond shape with a very slight upturn of the outer edges - it's hard to notice, but when alert it adds a slight mischievous air to his expression. Usually though, it's hard to notice because he more often than not looks utterly spaced out. Strangely, despite his reddish hair, the lashes that frame his eyes are very dark, seemingly drawing more from the darker brown aspects of his mahogany hair than the red hues. While quite thick, Caelestis' lashes are about medium in length.

In regards to face shape, Caelestis' face could be described as somewhat rectangular - it possesses defined angular shapes like a square face, but it slightly longer and narrower than could be classed as square. On the other hand, it doesn't quite meet the requirements for diamond, either, with his face and chin not being quite long enough to classify as that. Instead, it's somewhat in between the two. His strong, angular jaw and prominently sharp cheekbones can sometimes work against him in stark lighting, as they can cause shadows that seem to hollow his cheeks and throat to more gaunt appearances. In most lighting however, he doesn't look nearly as intimidating. His nose is long, narrow and possesses an ever so slightly snubbed tip, as well as being surprisingly straight. It would be expected to show some signs of previous breakages from either tripping over himself or being punched in the face enough, but hey, being a god does have some perks. Caelestis' lips are fairly average looking, medium thickness and a natural soft pink, though they sometimes appear darker if he has recently been habitually chewing them. Behind his lips lie his pearly white teeth, that can be flashed in a sunny smile or sometimes a more sinister, predatory grin, fairly dependent on if there's anything sinister going on with the rest of his appearance. His eyebrows are a darker hue of his hair colour, between medium and thick in a soft angle with a medium arch. Speaking of hair, a light dusting of reddish brown stubble also peppers his jaw.

Caelestis is certainly more a fan of casual wear when he's walking among humans. As in, casual to the point that there honestly looks to be nothing divine about him and is possibly frowned upon by other gods. He tends to favour outfits such as his black hoodie - a well worn item of clothing with a white star emblazoned on the chest and two horizontal white stripes banding across each sleeve around his upper arm. Whether or not he has the sleeves pushed up really depends on his mood. This is typically accompanied by black sweatpants with two white stripes running vertically along the outer side of each leg that are somewhat loose fitting, but not too loose as to risk snagging on things. He often wears a pair of flat black stud earrings and a pair of beat up and lightweight sneakers with good grip usually finish the look with a t-shirt under his hoodie. This coupled with his tousled nest of hair and his tendency to look utterly spaced out has led to quite a few humans shooing him away after a quick glance, assuming him to be something like a college drop out or stoner who's roughing it on the streets. A more scrutinising look makes it more obvious however that he clearly has the means to look after himself, and is fairly healthy. Of course, if he has to put on an appearance with other gods and reveal himself in a more divine state, he can do that. His clothing for such events typically reflects his domain, consisting of blues, purples, blacks, whites, silvers and golds, often patterned with constellations and other celestial bodies, as well as accessorised with jewellery of either gold or silver set with precious stones. Even his hair tends to be tamed, at least as much as it can be, and a celestial circlet worn to highlight his role among the gods. However, getting him to cooperate can be a difficult feat. Getting him to agree to formal wear and not look like he's just been dragged through eighty-six bushes backwards probably takes more effort than most are willing to spend on him. Hence why he tries to avoid such engagements, whether or not it "appears rude".

And really, there's not much else that can be said about him. Or at least, about his human form. Those who expect the god of space to be more ethereal looking are right, at least in a way. As underwhelming as his human form can be, that's all it is - a human form.

Caelestis' true form is otherworldly. An eldritch being, his upper half of his body is somewhat humanoid, at the very least. His torso and head are much like a human's, as are his arms. Except the fact he has six arms, arranged in three pairs with the uppermost pair being located in a similar way to a normal human's arms. Each arm has a sharp, almost blade-like projection at the elbow and a similar hand structure of four fingers and a thumb. However, each digit for him ends in a sharp claw. His eyes become more angled and completely black - sclera, iris, and an indistinguishable pupil - and glossy, like pools of ink. The angles of his face become sharper and more exaggerated, adding a sort of feral air that takes away from any likeness to humanity. Likewise, his sharper jaw holds no trace of the stubble he has in his human guise, meaning there is nothing to hide the razor sharp edges. His teeth become longer and sharper, forming vicious fangs that barely fit in his mouth to the point that it's not uncommon for his upper row of teeth to be seen poking out over his lower lip. While on the subject of his mouth, his tongue is a deep violet and much longer with a forked tip. His ears are pointed in an almost elven manner, and his hair that is a mahogany hue in his human form becomes a dark scarlet instead. It seems to be slightly more wild, slightly more windswept than his human form looks normally. Protruding from his hair are two horns - although whether they're technically horns or antlers is debatable. Like antlers, they are branched and mineralised, but like horns, he does not shed them. On the other hand, unlike horns, damaged branches can grow back. These horns (or antlers, depending on who's referring to them) seem to be made from something similar to bone, though it is much whiter than regular bone, as well as being much stronger, too. They also seem to be able to radiate a faint glow, either through choice or sometimes accidentally, depending on his emotions.

From the waist down in this form, Caelestis' body resembles the long, scaled tail of a serpent. Most of the scales are a deep black, much like the gaps between stars, while the scales on his underside are a clean white hue. Unlike a serpent on Earth however, his tail ends with a white fin that fans out from his serpentine tail. It's quite similar to a dorsal fin that runs from between the shoulder blades of his uppermost pair of arms, down his back and ending shortly before the fin on his tail begins. Unlike his caudal fin, his dorsal is supported by rigid spines that can cause the dorsal fin to be lowered flat against his back or raised. Both varieties of fin share the same base colour of pristine white, and both display a strange effect every so often where it seems like an aurora effect of light ripples down from the top of the dorsal fin and down to the tip of his tail fin, like a rainbow hued aurora.

Like his tail, his upper body has a dual colouration of black and white. The front of his torso, throat and face are all a clean white like the underside of his tail, while the rest of his skin (back, arms, sides, rest of his neck, ears, scalp) is pitch black like the rest of his scales. The divide between these colours is fairly even, though in some areas, the black extends in a symmetrical pattern. Just below his ribcage, on either side there are three black extensions of the pattern. They jut out horizontally before arching up at a distinct angle. These don't extend far, and seem to almost mimic the appearance of gill slits, even though he lacks them. Another intrusion of the black pigmentation can be found as another symmetrical pair, running from halfway between his shoulders and neck, down to slightly beyond his collar bones. These coloured scales and skin appear to interact differently with light - the white scales and areas of skin can softly radiate light at will, much like stars or how the moon looks when it reflects light. On the other hand, the black regions and scales appear to have the opposite effect, almost absorbing light like Vantablack and rendering them consistently as dark as the far reaches of space that hold no stars.

In his true form, from horn tips to tail tip, Caelestis has a length of approximately twenty-nine feet. His "standing" height equates to roughly eight feet tall, and the remaining length of his tail comes in at roughly twenty-one feet. It has been noted that certain traits from this form sometimes bleed through into his human form, most typically either accidentally while channelling his powers enough, or sometimes even deliberately as a scare tactic. These traits include things such as his skin becoming a lot paler with a faint glow, his eyes turning fully black, his teeth growing slightly sharper, his tongue getting slightly longer or more purple or developing a forked tip, or the angles of his face getting slightly sharper. Most of these changes are very short lived and can be waved off as a trick of the light in most situations by those who don't recognise him in his human guise, whether it be due to unfamiliarity with what he looks like or being thrown by the scrappy clothes and appearance. On the topic of clothes, in his true form he technically doesn't wear any. He doesn't see the purpose, being an inhuman serpentine being with nothing to show and also spends his time like this in either his own realm, or in the depths of space. Besides, who's really going to be brave enough to lecture a twenty-nine foot monstrous space god about applying human customs to his inhuman form?

Caelestis is quite an elusive entity, even by godly standards. It's probably to do with his domain being outside of what is found on Earth, making him by definition an outsider. Because of this, his social skills aren't necessarily the best. However, the Earth is such a unique planet, he can't help but be somewhat interested in it and its inhabitants. In particular, he's exceptionally curious about humanity, the dominant species. Because of this, despite his numerous trips to the depths of the universe, he still visits the planet from time to time. It's also part of what influences his human form to appear so scruffy - he's used to solitude and wants to observe humans interacting with each other normally, without the influence of them realising who he really is, nor paying him too much attention that he's not entirely sure how to respond to. In fact, there are quite a few things that Caelestis struggles with, mainly because he's a bit of a paradoxical being due to how many conflicting traits he possesses.

On one hand, Caelestis has a rather upbeat and cheerful personality. He tends to be particularly friendly towards gods who've not slighted him and humans, partially due to his overflowing curiosity towards their species. You'd think by now he'd have them figured out, but nope. They continue to bamboozle him on a regular basis. Even humans who mistake him for one of them and act aggressively towards him typically just receive amused behaviour in return, since he finds all their short lived bravado so entertaining. He's energetic and enthusiastic at times, kind of like an overgrown puppy and hardly how you'd picture an ancient deity to act around mortal humans. As such, he can come across as a bit childish and immature, particularly when he starts doing something that seems utterly ridiculous like chasing his tail and biting it before realising that yes, that is his own tail.

On the other hand, being the god of such a lifeless expanse as space makes Caelestis by nature prone to more reserved and lonesome behaviours, as if not exactly intended to be part of a social species like humans. It leads to him being rather introverted, in that as much as he enjoys the curious ways of humans, sooner or later he'll have to return to the solitude of space to gather his thoughts and recharge himself psychologically and emotionally. By spending extended amounts of time in space, it means he hasn't quite learned all the social do's and don't's of mankind, and as such can seem a bit on the socially inept side, resulting in acting in ways that may considered odd or downright rude to the human population or those more accustomed to their culture. Even though he usually doesn't mean anything by it, it can still rub some people the wrong way. Likewise his lack of understanding of social cues can make him seems a bit...off. Perhaps even a bit eerie, as he's much more feral in regards to following instincts than social norms. These more instinctive, almost animal-like tendencies can tie in with other gaps in his socialising behaviour. Being so accustomed to isolation and lack of company, he can struggle when it comes to dealing with the attentions of too many people at once. While it very much depends on how he's feeling at the time, if Caelestis starts feeling overwhelmed by too much social interaction, he sometimes falls back on instincts that function quite like a human's fight-or-flight reflex. Thankfully, he usually retains enough control to realise a god versus humans is rarely a fair fight, so he often falls back on the option of flight. Because of this, he tends to come across as being a tad skittish when overwhelmed and likely to bolt. It's only if he feels truly threatened that he may lash out. If at humans, he typically still keeps this weak and more intimidation than actual combat that could harm them.

Even though his enthusiasm and skittishness may make him seem like he would be in a near constant state of either excited or nervous energy, it isn't necessarily the case. Compared to the rest of space, lifecycles on Earth are much shorter and everything moves at a much more rapid pace than, say, the life cycle of stars scattered through galaxies. Being more accustomed to this much grander scale of time, Caelestis can actually come off as being particularly laid back. If he's not overly excited or on edge about something, his other state is the complete other end of the spectrum of being completely chilled out and content to watch the world go by. He habitually spaces out, staring into space and letting his mind wander, sometimes to nothing in particular or sometimes down strange avenues of thought that may have some questioning if he's quite alright. In fact, it's not too uncommon to see him spacing out to a degree that makes him seem more closely related to sloths than godkind. He just doesn't see the need to be as hectic as humans when he literally has an eternity. As such, he can be a bit prone to procrastinating when in one of his exceptionally laid back moods. He insists he'll get round to whatever he's meant to do eventually. Just give him five minutes. Or millennia. They both begin with the letter 'm', so same thing, right? Sometimes he can be so laid back that he basically doesn't react to things. Even threats or yelling. This can make him seem to be either utterly indifferent and unaffected by such things, or perhaps like a bit of a doormat who doesn't see the value in defending himself from such tirades. However, all that changes if the target isn't him. While Caelestis tends to be friendly towards most people and have a default opinion that edges towards more optimistically positive, once he becomes invested in someone and actually cares about them it becomes a whole new ballpark. He gets seriously protective over the people he decides he likes, to the point that it would take a lot for him to stop giving them second chances for wronging him. If the person in question also looks and/or acts younger than him, he has a strange habit of adopting people. But as younger siblings. He's not a particularly fatherly figure, but he certainly will big-brother you within an inch of your life. Even if the person is human and ages beyond his appearance and matures more than his typical behaviour, he will forever treat them like a little sibling. With his "younger siblings" he can be quite playful as well as very protective of their physical and emotional wellbeing, and can get fairly aggressive if someone upsets them. Caelestis' bad side is not something a lot of people would want to be on. Even though in his chill moods he can be quite like his domain in a serene way, his anger reflects space's less pleasant attributes - a cold and unfeeling disregard for life that will have no second thoughts about snuffing it out, or a burning explosion like a supernova. Unlike other gods who have reasons to be invested in the planet, Caelestis' domain of space means that, other than piquing his curiosity, humanity (and life in general) ultimately holds little value to him unless he has decided otherwise.

As some might consider his personality to be vibrant and somewhat strong at times, it wouldn't be too far fetched to expect Caelestis to be a loud individual. However, quite the opposite is true. Verbally, he tends to be remarkably quiet. This stems from several factors. Firstly, being usually solitary due to the lack of consistent life in space means conversation partners are not overly common unless he's visiting humanity or other gods. Secondly, space doesn't exactly carry sound well. While his realm is a different story, his actual domain doesn't lend itself well to sound regardless of what form he takes. Thirdly, his natural state doesn't have an appropriate mouth structure, tooth alignment or vocal chord configuration for human speech. Talking in the way humans do was originally a pretty foreign concept to him, and only possible if in his human form. As such, a lot of his communication tends to focus more on nonverbal cues or soft, non-descript sounds like a gentle hum of agreement. He will talk if he has to, but he tends to keep his sentences short and to the point. However, the more familiar and comfortable he is around someone, the easier he finds it to talk to them. Once he gets talking to someone, it becomes quite evident he's fond of making jokes and has a bit of a teasing streak, but rarely is it ever backed by any truly malicious intent.

Aside from the standard godly powerset of manipulating his own aura and teleporting to and from his realm, being the God of Space means Caeletis possesses a variety of additional powers relating to his domain. This mostly manifests in astronomical object manipulation, which he uses to carry out his role of maintaining the universe through the creation, manipulation, and - if necessary - destruction of celestial bodies. He is completely unable to create actual life or life-sustaining systems on planets, whether or not he formed them himself or he let them accrue over time by themselves in pre-existing gravitational fields. About as close as he can get to aiding life on planets is by ensuring a planet falls within a habitable zone, as well as protecting it from other astronomical objects, such as particularly large and threatening asteroids by redirecting their movement.

Other than the larger scale powers of creating things like stars and blackholes, he also has the ability to manipulate and use stardust. His main uses of this power can be categorised as creating stardust constructs and augmentation. The amount of energy it takes to form a construct - as well as the construct's stability - varies depending on its complexity, size and durability. For example, something like a simple platform isn't much of a bother, but something resembling a mechanical object would be too unstable to function. Augmentations on the other hand are applied to himself. The most commonly used one is for stardust powered flight. In the mortal world, this allows him to ignore the effects of gravity to levitate, float and fly around. In space, this allows him complete control of movement, despite the lack of gravity and air resistance generally leaving moving objects to the mercy of their own momentum, until they get caught in something else's gravitational field. It can also be used in the human world to a lesser degree to simply reduce the effects of forces on him, allowing him to make faster and more fluid movements. It's pretty easy to tell if Caelestis is using one of his stardust powers from how stardust seems to trail off him as he uses it, like little specks of light. The dust motes tend to fade out after a short while, meaning that there's typically a short but luminous trail following behind him, almost like he's shedding some mixture of light and glitter.

As well as these more noticeable powers, he possesses some more passive abilities. Most noticeably, the fact he can live quite happily in space. While in space, he can completely ignore the gravitational pulls of celestial bodies. He also seems utterly unaffected by the extreme temperatures - neither the frigid depths of space nor being next to a blazing star seems to get much of a reaction from him. He also apparently isn't bothered by the lack of air in space, and he doesn't have any issue with the variability of light intensity in space. But these passive abilities aren't entirely unique to him. Caelestis has the ability to seemingly cast enchantments, so people can temporarily be afforded protection from their surroundings in space. Of course, the protection they gain isn't quite on par with his own natural resistances, and the granted resistances are only temporary, but it's at least something he can do to prevent a human from immediately dying if he decides they need to visit outer space. Another passive ability he has is like a very basic form of telepathy. He cannot read minds, nor can he speak directly into one's mind. However, what he can do is essentially psychically projecting his thoughts. He is only capable of this in his natural form, as it solely facilitates communication due to how he is incapable of human speech, and not everyone can understand the more animalist sounds he can make. The only real differences between this and natural speaking it the fact there is an almost echoing quality to his voice, and his mouth doesn't physically move when talking this way. Likewise, he also has the ability to create wormholes through space, but due to the size of them, he can only really open them in his realm or in space itself. They're typically used to let him travel around from one end of the universe to the other in a flash.

One other rather obvious power is his ability to shift between his natural form and his human guise. Since his true form is a little bit different from what humans interact with on a daily basis, he doesn't like appearing that way in public. The drawback of using his human form instead is that some of his powers are weaker. This is partially to do with the fact some of his power is invested in maintaining his human form. His abilities get closer to their original strength if he's in his human form in space, but on the surface it's a different story. His astronomical object manipulation take the hardest hit, with anything he creates being much smaller and more controlled, meaning they are much less able to cause catastrophic accidental damages than if he created a regularly sized version at his full strength. This stops him from being a colossal risk by virtue of him just being a bit ditzy, possibly to the relief of other gods who have more invested in the planet. Likewise, his control over objects such as asteroids is also diminished. He can call upon small meteoroids that burn up in the atmosphere to create meteor showers from time to time, but in the case of something much larger (like an asteroid) heading for the planet, it takes a great toll on him to redirect it if he's on the planet and in his human form. To redirect an asteroid away in this state would be a complete last resort if he was somehow unable to return to space.

Servant/Experiment: TBD

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

Crush: Currently N/A

  • His name is pronounced like "Kay-less-tees". If he's familiar with an individual, he's usually fine with them calling him Cae (pronounced as "Kay") instead. The more comfortable he is around someone, the more he'll tolerate nicknames from them.
  • A few variations of his title (as used by humans) exists, but he doesn't really keep track of them.
  • Caelestis' realm is like a middle ground between Earth and space, in that it's not like any environment on the surface, but at least it has a fairly breathable atmosphere and some semblance of gravity. However, it's rather intricately linked with how he feels, meaning the landscape is highly variable and can shift right under your feet, seemingly defying any laws of physics that should exist.
  • Somewhat related to the previous point, the ever changing nature of his realm and learning how to navigate it even in his human form has taught Caelestis how to run and jump between different surfaces with skill. So when he found out humans have a similar hobby of free running, he was understandably delighted. As such, he sometimes can be found just running with a group of people who are none the wiser to his identity. It might be kind of considered cheating though since he's a god.
  • Surprisingly, Caelestis has better control over his glowing in his human form than his natural form. This is because as a human, his glowing trait only slips through when either he does it deliberately, or when he's using his powers a significant amount that results in the power maintaining his human form to weaken ever so slightly. His natural form on the other hand, while also glowing can be caused deliberately, it is also linked to his emotions, particularly strong ones.
  • Caelestis can hear people who wish on shooting stars. It's mostly just dull background noise he's barely aware of, but sometimes he does listen to them. While a lot of them are ignored, sometimes the sincerity of one will move him enough to try his best to grant their wish, even if it means pestering another deity if it is completely outside of his control. He's not always successful.
  • The K-T extinction event may or may not have been caused by a massive asteroid. Caelestis may or may not have had something to do with said asteroid. He regrets nothing.
Username: TangleLore
Name: Fómhar (fo-ver)
Gender: Female
God of: Major: Autumn, Spirits, Crows, witches, Curses
Appearance: Fomhar is hard to pin down but her most common form is that of a young human woman, her hair is rust red filled with a mess of uneven braids and fallen leaves as Fomhar does not care for keeping appearances. Her height varies from 5'4 to 6'5 depending on how her mood ranges, (the taller meaning the angrier she is) Her figure is spindly and awkward her pale skin completely covered in dark brown freckles she wears whatever is best suited for the situation she is in often blending into the environment so as not to raise suspicion. She has no need to carry any objects besides the feathers and leaves in her hair the best signs of her power.
Personality: Fomhar is much like her season, ever changing. By far she is perhaps mistakenly human with how well she feels for the races of man but do not take her lightly, she is just as alien as the spirits that roam her realm. She is often fickle with her power merely giving reward where she thinks it best and one to punish just as easily. She absolutely hates any creature that seeks immortality and often despises any race that eats the dead. Though she holds the cycle of life high she deems the worst punishments to be undeath and some cases of cursed immortality is fomhar. Fomhar is often jealous of Spring for it is the one thing she cannot touch as it is her one weakness and her total opposite. Fomhar often tries to help those creatures whom are dead and wishing to pass on towards death, she may not be the keeper but she considers herself the gate as the in-between winter and summer. Fomhar takes great pride in her protection of the dead and holds grave keepers or grave guardians in high esteem. Grave robbers on the other hand are her second most hated thing after cursed undead races. (may expand more as time goes on)
Fomhar can change her shape easily between a crow, a human female or witch and a swirl of leaves.
Any one who call's Fomhar's name she will know it.
Fomhar won't often leave her realm as her very presence slowly causes the realm to turn towards autumn, some races also call her the 'roaming goddess' for this reason as well as the seasons change she slowly roams the world spreading her influence winter not far behind.
Crows being her closest allies are capable of sharing what they see and hear to Fomhar but past that she will have to appear in the area to have any effect.
Fomhar can weave and break curses at a whim these are extremely potent and only can only be broken by another god/goddess related to her field, i.e. death, magic, curses or curse or otherwise anything of her opposite that being Spring.
Fomhar has many minor abilities that cannot be fully listed but all of her magic is easily dispelled by any sign of spring, she may not be the greatest goddess but during her twilight time and realm she is extremely dangerous.
Servant/Experiment: none so far
Sexuality: Demisexual
Crush: none so far
Other: Fomhar loves cats and owls she often wishes to have more in her realm and takes great care to treat them kindly along with young animals and races those being the closest thing to spring she can touch, the beginning of life.
Username: Kirorokat1132
Name: Faeyr (fah-air)
Gender: Neutral
God of: Vengeance

Appearance: Faeyr's human form remains pretty static. Their height is around 6'3" with mocha brown skin and honey-colored eyes. Their hair, a dark burgundy color, is for the most part a few inches long. Cut in roguishly choppy layers, it's swept to one side of Faeyr's head and softly spiked. Their bangs are a bit longer and likewise swept to one side, styled in a manner that frames their face. At the base of Faeyr's head is where their hair gets long; roughly 4" wide, it reaches their waist. Sometimes it's in a braid, others tied in a low pony, and others it's left loose. Their facial structure is somewhat long and narrow with sharp eyes, and while their body does have some curvature to it it's not to the extent that Azrael's might have in his typical form. Faeyr has pretty toned musculature, but it belies it's true strength in its willowy appearance.

As far as clothing goes, Faeyr prefers they be comfortable and typically wears more modern-styled garments. Their casual, everyday wear consists of either denim or cargo pants with either a tank top or long-sleeved shirt, depending on their mood or where they're going. If they feel the need to fancy up a bit, it's comfy black slacks with a cotton dress shirt. Faeyr wears both men's and women's cuts in clothing equally. If, for whatever reason, they've somehow been forced or coerced into something that requires straight-up formal wear -a very rare occasion indeed- they will wear a suit, with the absolute fugliest tie they can find just to spite the god that put them in the situation. Typical color schemes for Faeyr to wear are deep reds, black, dark greys, and browns.

Personality: Faeyr is a being that enjoys being around others just as much as having some quiet down time by themselves, but they're not really one to stand around talking all day. While they'll listen if it's a serious issue or problem, for the most part Faeyr would rather do things with others. However, sometimes convincing others to hang out with them can be difficult considering Faeyr's devil may care attitude toward just about anything, which consequently leads to activities going awry in risky or dangerous ways. They never mean any real harm in these instances, but Faeyr's version of "fun" often differs quite a bit from the standard definition. One of Faeyr's favorite pastimes is sparring, and they'll happily accept a challenge on any occasion, but given their ruthlessness in fighting, Faeyr pretty much doesn't challenge other gods unless they, like themself, are inherently predisposed to violence.

They don't particularly mind when someone invades their personal space unless that person is being extremely flirty and just not taking a hint. Otherwise, Faeyr is pretty much always up for a hug, bro hug, noogie, whatever. Faeyr has a particularly soft spot in their heart for animals and any beings they find cute, so if they don't receive any indicative signs that doing so would upset their target they'll suddenly become really clingy and will nuzzle and coo at the adorableness until -often through violence- dissuaded from doing so. They absolutely adore dogs in particular, and will often go to Earth to play with them.

Faeyr doesn't believe in picking on others weaker than them, and absolutely despises seeing others being taken advantage of or bullied and will intervene without hesitation if they think a situation is unfair. However, that said, Faeyr also believes in the whole "lying in the bed you make for yourself" thing, so if the person getting the short end of the stick in a situation brought it on themselves in Faeyr's eyes then they're SOL. After all, sometimes the only way a person will learn is if you let them make the mistake they've been told not to. Also, they can sometimes be unbearably stubborn in anything they do or do not want to do, and downright petty if they don't get their way. They also can be rather sassy and downright mischievous when they want to be, and seem to get some enjoyment out of ruffling people's feathers from time to time.

When Faeyr is pushed to the point of becoming truly angry, they're a truly fearsome force to recon with and nothing will stop them from exacting vengeance on anyone and everyone that put them in such a state, and at the end of it lives are always lost by their hand.

Powers: Faeyr is capable of picking up on and manipulating emotions from others who have been wronged somehow in order to spur them into action against whoever slighted them to make things even. Also, if someone happens to be carrying a grudge of some sort, Faeyr's presence will drudge those feelings up to the forefront of a person's mind (although, it should be noted that this doesn't seem to be a conscious effort on the deity's part).

When truly in a rage they're capable of influencing natural phenomena -remember Pompeii?- but they can't necessarily control them. They can't cause something to happen out of nowhere, but if they're extremely upset their aura tends to fly out of control, and if they happen to be near a fault line that's been building up pressure or a volcano waiting to blow, well... Accidents happen. (This is very rare, though.)

They can summon flames in their hands, but the fire tends to be somehow more explosive than it otherwise would be naturally. They can also summon an innumerable amount of things to their location, but only things that are within their own realm.

They are one of the more powerful and ruthless fighters amongst the gods. They can transform their hands into black, talon-like appendages with barbed claws that, so far, have proved indestructible. Consequently, while adept with many weapons, they prefer to fight barehanded.
Sexuality: Asexual
Crush: None
Other: Faeyr is not a god of war, despite the similarities the two might share. To anyone that might confuse the two, they explain it like this: "War is when two parties fight each other over something. Vengeance is when one party is getting screwed over by another and decides to make them pay for it."
Also, in terms of influencing humans, Faeyr's duties are typically on a smaller scale, because once vengeance against a large force like a government is called for it usually breaks out into a war, and in Faeyr's own words that's "not my department". Their influence is pretty much always limited to an area no bigger than a city or town. Also, Faeyr pretty much never spurs humans to kill or outright attack each other. Rather, they nudge them toward methods of vengeance that leave the targets living to have regretted their actions.
Torture is as close to direct combat as it gets, and even then that's rare.
Last edited by rosemilly on June 25th, 2017, 11:21:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by rosemilly »

Gods Continued

Username: Saria
Name: Kolya
Gender: Male

God of: Fire, War and Metalworking

Despite being a deity, Kolya is fairly normal looking. Appearing to be in his mid-twenties and 5'8", he is of average height...though just about. It's a bit of a sore subject with him, honestly. He has a mesomorphic body type, which coupled with his active lifestyle has given him a very athletic and compact form despite his base build being fairly slim - while still lean and light on his feet, he's not some willowy dancer and instead clearly packs some power. However like some other deities, he packs more power than he looks like he should. While not entirely what some would class as stocky due to being a little more lithe, he's definitely more on that end of the scale than some more willowy and fragile looking individuals. He usually carries himself in a manner that consists of a mix of some confidence as well as a general disinterest for most of the people around him. In a way, to some it can make him seem to be cloaked in a somewhat arrogant air, like someone who doesn't care for rules and sees themselves as not being bound by them.

With an appearance that by human standards would fit in with having a northern heritage, Kolya's skin looks like it could have originally been an ivory hue, though years in contact with the elements and out in the sun has deepened it to a light-to-medium colour consisting of a hue somewhere between fawn and tawny with undertones of warm gold. This makes any scars he has stand out in contrast with their silvery hues, though due to deities' healing abilities, they typically fade out quickly enough that he doesn't often have ones considered significant enough to his appearance. His hair is a medium to dark brown, a mix of a dark chocolate lightened by hidden strands of hickory and honey. Overall a short-medium in length, Kolya's hair is usually styled with a casual tousled appearance. While not too unruly, his hair naturally falls in loose waves, even at its current length. It just gets worse if he lets it get any longer. As is, its length prevents it from irritating him too much such as falling into his eyes. Often part of the tousling can be attributed to his habit of running a hand back through his hair, a habit of his when he feels stressed or caught off guard or the like.

Along with the loose terminology of "northern", Kolya's face could be described as looking more like that of a blueblood than the lower classes. Instead of a face that looks rough as if hewn from rock and weathered, he possesses features that are more refined, yet still decidedly masculine and strong. Overall, his face shape could be considered somewhere around diamond or kite due to his cheekbones, which are considered somewhat Slavic due their high and angled shape. Likewise his strongly angled jaw, usually covered in a layer of short to medium stubble, plays a key role in defining his face shape. His medium length nose ends with a somewhat rounded tip that almost seems ever so slightly upturned, almost half way between a snubbed and a celestial nose. Straight and of medium thickness, Kolya's eyebrows are the same dark chocolate hue as is found in his hair. Below these sit his almond shaped eyes, framed by dark midlength lashes. His eyes have a slight angle to them, not enough to really be significant, but enough to give his more neutral expressions a slight indifferent or haughty air according to some. Colour-wise, his irises in most lightings appear to be a deep chestnut brown. Certain lighting and/or very close scrutiny reveals a few more colours, namely tiny flecks of molten gold and deep red that are practically impossible to see at a quick glance.

When it comes to clothing, Kolya's style typically reflects his pragmatic nature with practical, no frills garb. When among humans, this usually translates to a few choices, depending on what he's getting up to. For things like shirts, he might be spotted sporting a loose casual shirt with the sleeves rolled back, untucked, and the top couple of buttons left undone. Other times, he might simply wear a t-shirt. Sometimes he'll also wear something warmer like a jacket or coat, despite not technically requiring the extra warmth - it's easier than enduring the strange looks from humans during the middle of winter. As for pants, he usually goes for things like jeans, though it typically depends on what he's doing. For example, if he's instead working on something, he may instead favour the likes of cargo or combat pants due to durability and the availability of pockets. In terms of footwear, he seems rather partial to boots, particularly the likes of military grade boots. In fact, this seems to be a bit of a trend with him. Some articles of clothing he possesses seem to be old military surplus, although in reality, chances are they're things he's held on to after actually serving in said military. Particularly the stuff usually considered "vintage" - time means nothing to him. He also will, on occasion, wear a set of old dog tags. While often the tags are old ones that belonged to him during one of the times he has posed as a regular human and enlisted through the usual channels for the sake of anonymity (and let's be real, partially for laughs), sometimes the tags he wears weren't originally his. Instead these tags belong to soldiers who he fought alongside and grew close to. While they may now be gone, he keeps their old tags as a sort of memory. His clothing choices when in the more divine realms differs from this, however. His style here is decidedly more old fashioned, yet comfortable. Typically this consists of things such as short tunics with a belt, simple cotton pants and soft leather boots.

Whether the people who meet him think of him as human or know he's a god, the general consensus remains the same: Kolya's a bit of a jerk. He often acts aloof, ignoring people and seeming to be utterly disinterested when in a passive state or more actively stand-offish at other times. Regardless, it's pretty clear he apparently doesn't even remotely care about anyone, deities and humans alike. If engaged in a passing interaction, he's likely to respond abrasively, often with sarcasm or other impolite remarks in order to dissuade further attempts at pestering him. If forced into a conversation that requires him to stay and deal with it, his responses tend to be a bit more on the blunt side and straight to the point. Doesn't matter if what he says is considered rude, if it's what he thinks, it's what he says. This general display of disrespect extends to most individuals he interacts with, and even those he doesn't. For example, he doesn't think humans' rules apply to him, nor do their governments hold any power over him. While some might consider this arrogant, others who assume him to be human might just take this as a sign of him possessing a rebellious nature.

Even without this, he's not exactly the most beloved god by humans. After all, he's not the god of overly pleasant areas and his personality tends to reflect his domains. As the deity of fire, he's often seen as volatile and dangerous, wild and untamed. Highly destructive, he can reduce things to ashes indiscriminately and rage out of control. People often warn that playing with fire will get you burned, and the sentiment also seems to apply to Kolya. Then there's the fact that he's also the god of war, which isn't exactly loved by most humans. After all, war is a time of great tragedy and loss, with lives and homes being torn apart. This makes the general consensus of Kolya by the humans to be callous and cruel, with no regard for life. They often blame him for the horrors of the crimes committed during times of war, particularly unnerved by how one being could take such pleasure in the middle of a battlefield. Which Kolya cannot deny. During times of war, a lot of his more sadistic traits tend to rise to the surface. He feels alive in the chaos, and when losing himself to a deep bloodlust, there's no denying the almost childish delight he seems to experience when lost in combat. He also tends to display his more fickle tendencies by how he picks and chooses sides. Sometimes he simply switches based on who's the underdog, particularly when he views both sides as being equal in terms of their reasons for war, while other times he may just simply stick to one faction. This can prove dangerous for the humans who try to summon him to their aid - sometimes he doesn't bother answering their call, but when he does, they better hope he hasn't already decided he's against them. If he has, he may pretend to mull over their proposition just to toy with them, before simply killing them.

Despite his attempts to remain distant, sometimes there's just no avoiding people, divine or not. As such it has been noted that he's a fairly aggressive individual, his temper being very nasty and volatile - sometimes irritating him can result in an explosive outburst, other times in a cold and quiet smouldering fury. If you manage to avoid irritating him and instead manage to intrigue him, there's a fair chance his amusement will lead to mocking smirks and a fair bit of teasing, particularly around mortals. There's just something entertaining to him about a mortal trying to pick a fight with him, then realising too late just who he is. Even if they have no idea who he is, he does tend to like the more ballsy humans. Well, like might be an overstatement. He's more interested by them at the very least, and sometimes when he's interested by something, he forgets to be quite as much of a jerk as usual, revealing other traits that normally remain hidden.

For example he's more likely to reveal that, despite contrary belief, he does actually have a sense of humour. It's a bit dry and prone to heavy use of sarcasm, and pretty much straddles two of the four main humour styles. While virtually no one should be surprised to hear him using an aggressive humour style such as insulting others, some people might find it utterly unexpected to discover he also uses a fair bit of self-defeating humour. Both styles correlate with a high level of neuroticism, a trait that Kolya tries to keep hidden, but isn't always successful at. While this makes sense due to how individuals like this are often moody and can display fair amounts of anger, it's often overlooked that they also tend to suffer other traits too. For example, despite his habit of masking it with bravado and a cocky, arrogant air, Kolya actually has cripplingly low self-esteem and takes many stressors quite hard.

As it turns out, a lot of his hostile behaviours are more like a defense mechanism to maintain his image. He often feels that because of what he rules over, he has to be strong, unbreakable and fearsome. Anything that he considers would make him look weaker, he covers up and tries to pretend it doesn't exist. He's pretty hard on himself, always fearing that he's just not strong enough, not good enough, not worthy of anything more than the humans' fear and distaste. Be called a monster enough times, after all, and eventually you can't help but wonder if it's true. Unfortunately, humans have very selective memories, and tend to remember the negative more than the positive. As such, most remember him being like his domains in the negative ways, but forget that he also reflects their more positive attributes.

Destruction isn't the only thing that can be associated with fire, nor is it the only trait Kolya shares with his domain. Much like a hearth fire, he tends to be a rather private individual acting quiet and unimposing, along with being capable of acting in a warm manner. While his now distant attitude makes this much rarer to see, he has a particularly caring streak that is reserved for those who manage to make it through his rough exterior. Of course, sometimes it can be hard to tell since he has a tendency to pretend that he doesn't care. He also doesn't just use his powers for pointless destruction - sure he creates wildfires, but often they are part of a vital cycle, clearing out the old to make way for the new. Along with fire making way for the new, fire is associated with creation too, and Kolya does indeed possess a creative streak, most often seen in his domain of metalworking. He was also the one who gave the gift of fire to early humans by teaching them how to create small, controlled flames even with their lack of divine powers, though many seem to have forgotten this fact by now.

As the deity associated with war, he even possesses positive traits from that - most notably, the traits of a soldier. As such, these often creep up on him if he's taking part in a war alongside the common soldiers, though other aspects can be seen to day to day behaviours too. While his tendency to be fickle about which side he supports may lead some to thinking him as being unreliable, it couldn't be more wrong. Kolya is a particularly tenacious individual and if serious about getting something done, he will get it done, especially if he gave his word - his word is his bond, so if he gives his word on something, he will do everything in his power to keep it. Likewise, he values truth and honour. He does not take issue with those who use their cunning to bring a plan into action, even if it involves some trickery. However, it's a different story when people are dishonest for reasons of greed or saving their own skin. He finds these behaviours to be selfish and cowardly, two traits that do not mix well in a military environment. Likewise, despite being often blamed for the occurrence of war crimes, his domain doesn't influence crimes and Kolya himself despises people do these types of things. In particular he has a special hatred for those who would harm individuals such as innocent civilians who are not combatants and therefore should not be harmed by battle. As such he can display a bit of a protective streak, even outside of war. Kolya also possesses a great deal of loyalty. Not to governments, politicians or regimes, but on a more individual level. His camaraderie is most often shown with soldiers he's fighting alongside should he get close to them, though others also qualify if he deems them worthy of his loyalty. He's the type of guy who would - especially in the context of a battlefield - take a bullet for someone (literally and metaphorically) and in some cases even be willing to die for someone. If he wasn't, y'know, immortal and all that. Once someone has his utter loyalty, it's hard for them to lose it. However, if they do, it's virtually impossible to ever gain even his basic trust again let alone his unwavering loyalty.

The fact that humans generally have a negative opinion of him has led to his prickly exterior - even towards the other gods. As well as leading him to potentially be a bit spiteful at times, one major modification it has caused to his behaviour is the fact that Kolya doesn't really know how to react to genuine positive attention anymore. If it's a passing comment he tries his best to wave it off as nothing, though people being more direct would have a much more prevalent effect on him. Not being particularly used to these sorts of things means Kolya is easily flustered by pretty much any positive attention. Even if he continues to try to be harsh and dismissive in return, it can often fluster him enough that it's painfully easy to see through his act with any sort of knowledge of body language. Sufficient attention can lead to him becoming quite confused by the individual in question, while too much can completely overwhelm him to the point of just finding some reason to leave. Sometimes not even actually bothering with the whole reason part. Of course if anyone asked him, he'd deny such things happen. Kolya is also not a tactile person, so he's not very good at physical contact, with a lot of varieties not being well received unless he feels completely comfortable with the person dishing it out. Another reason for him being so tense about physical contact - particularly if it's unexpected and from someone he's not comfortable around - is due to how much time he has spent on the battlefield. There, someone suddenly grabbing you could easily be an attack. When he's not in a fight, Kolya has a habit of frequently mistaking innocent gestures as being much more threatening than they really are. This and his frequent states of hypervigilance make it not an uncommon sight for him to flinch and react borderline aggressively for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

Beyond the shared powers common between the deities, Kolya possesses certain powers linked to each of the domains he rules over.

As the god of fire, Kolya is capable of controlling fire, as well as creating it. While this of course includes igniting fires that thrive on an obvious fuel source such as wood, some of the flames he conjures appear to lack a fuel source. Instead, they feed off his own energy, though the amount is negligible. That being said, if wearing his own strength thin, he tends to favour lighting flames that can feed off of physical fuel sources. Kolya is capable of summoning and controlling fire not just in very close proximity to himself, but also within a range of roughly ten feet around himself. He is capable of firing constructs such as fireballs further than this, but they must be summoned within five feet of himself for them to be stable enough to hold together when thrown. Regardless, Kolya typically prefers to conjure his flames close to his being, as this mean much less chance of him misjudging something and accidentally setting something on fire that is not supposed to be on fire. He usually uses his hands for his fire summoning due to the increased dexterity, though he can summon fire all over himself almost as if cloaking himself, or spontaneously combusting. As would be expected for such a deity, he is immune to the harmful effects of flames and does not even seem remotely phased by the burning temperatures of objects heated by fire. In a way, he can sort of extend this to other organisms. While he cannot make them fire proof as such, he can alter the flames so that they will not harm whatever they come into contact with, whether it be human or furniture. Flames altered in such a way are completely harmless and pleasantly warm to the touch. Kolya is also capable of combining his powers of fire with his divine aura to create constructs - the aura lends a kind of physicality that the fire lacks, while the fire may or may not be capable of burning things that come into contact with the construct. Unfortunately, with the volatile nature of fire and the volatile nature of Kolya, problems can arise. His fire-based abilities seem to have a certain reliance on his emotional state. And Kolya being Kolya, he doesn't always have a superb handle on that. That and the fact that, while he isn't flammable, sometime he forgets other people and things are a tad more flammable. As such, him getting riled up or startled can sometimes lead to some very fiery accidents.

He's also the god of war, so it should come as no surprise that he is a powerful fighter. Possessing strength, endurance and agility beyond the norms even for gods, he is not a figure to be taken lightly in a fight, as many humans have learnt the hard way. He is also highly skilled with techniques covering both unarmed and armed combat with virtually every weapon. While this is probably mostly due to the fact he's as old as existence itself and therefore is highly experienced, he tends to have an innate "feel" for weapons, even when they are first created. Though really most of his skill in fighting is from his sheer experience rather than any supernatural powers. Of course, being good at fighting isn't all he has from his war aspect. While capable of actively influencing humans to take to the battlefield (not directly, but instead through causing their leaders to make the call), he also has been known to accidentally influence the instigations of wars. Kolya's appearance itself doesn't necessarily act as a sure sign of coming war. In fact, he often takes to the Earth without causing large scale conflicts. However, if somewhere is already close to the edge of war, he sometimes feels a sort of pull to the region in question. In such an unstable region his influence isn't so easily blanked out, and so his appearance in a volatile region increases the likelihood of war erupting whether or not people recognise him. It's not a guarantee, but it is very likely in these cases for war to appear. Because of this, occasionally Kolya recognises the pull of conflict and, if it's really in everyone's best interests not to declare war, he has been known to seclude himself in his realm until the situation has calmed. As well as this, Kolya is capable of bestowing power upon humans, much like the enhanced attributes he himself displays. Of course, he cannot make a human as strong as he is, only being able to bestow a fraction of his power on them for a temporary time, and how large that fraction on varies. Usually, it is sufficient to stand above their peers on the field of battle. Kolya doesn't just give this power to anyone who asks though. While most of the pleas he ignores, sometimes he'll intervene. Most cases see him doing this when the mortal praying for strength is doing so with a sincere desire to protect, though occasionally Kolya can be known to make some seemingly suspect choices. Sometimes, if a person is merely wishing for his power for reasons of greed or simply by being power hungry, he might just bestow a little too much on for them to handle. This usually results in the person being lost to their own violent tendencies, either accidentally destroying things they hold dear in a rage, or completely losing their minds - permanently. However, there have been some cases of Kolya blessing people with a more permanent allotment of power. This is usually is a lot milder than his temporary gifts, and may only cover one area. This was always rare, and has only become more so since he picked up his more distant attitude, though when it happens there doesn't seem to be much of a reason behind it except being done on a whim.

Finally, his third domain is metalworking. Kolya has been long associated with forges, especially since he used to forge his own weapons and armour for when he would take part in the wars among humans. He has kept up with the routes humans have taken through production and is also just as good at modern metalworking as he is with the ways of the past. His power over fire works hand in hand with this, both for heating and in his passive ability of not suffering burns. Kolya's skill as a smith could be attributed to having countless lifetimes of experience, however there are some things he can do that are...a little out of the ordinary. For instance, he has a type of metal-sense. By touching a metal object, he can feel if there are faults in the structure, even if they lie hidden from sight. He can also envision the shape and size of the metal or any gaps within it. Kolya is also able to manipulate metal to a certain degree. He can only do it when the metal is in such a state that allows it to move more freely, such as when it has been heated. This coupled with his powers of fire means he can do quick and simple fixes to metallic objects, but to do anything complex or to properly fix things he needs to forge them properly. He's also capable of imbuing things he forges with simple enhancements. Tales of old weapons that never dulled or broke had to come from somewhere after all, though he rarely makes such items and has not done so for a long time.

Servant/Experiment: TBD
Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual
Crush: Currently N/A
  • Being the deity of fire, Kolya also has a higher body temperature than most, leading to him pretty much being a portable heater. If his aura is wearing thing though, his temperature will drop quite noticeably. If Kolya is cold to the touch, it's a sure sign he's been overexerting his powers.
  • After spending time among people, he's become quite interested in the likes or engineering and mechanical work, especially how it can fit in with his own metalworking. If posing as a regular human, he usually takes up a job in such areas. He's also custom built his own bike from scratch, simply to give him something to do. When he's not riding it, he's usually tinkering with it and upgrading it more for little reason other than he can.
  • He also picked up the hobbies of cooking and baking, particularly baking. He completely denies it though. He's a fearsome god, not a pastry chef. Or so he says.
  • From time to time he'll challenge human fighters, particularly those that boast at being the best at what they do. Considering he's a god, it's hardly that much of a fair fight, so he usually does it to knock them down a peg if they're too prideful. If they're modest enough, he might still challenge them to a spar just out of interest of their abilities. He never reveals his identity when he does this though.
  • Surprisingly there are a fair few photos of Kolya, though pretty much no one realises this. People never guess that in old grainy war time photos, that somewhat medium to short soldier messing around somewhere in the background is actually a god. He just looks too much like an ordinary soldier.
  • While they don't have any particularly adverse effects on him, Kolya has picked up the human habits of drinking and smoking.
  • He doesn't seem to be the fondest of immortality. Forever is a long time, after all.
Last edited by rosemilly on May 13th, 2017, 1:04:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by rosemilly »

(We have 4/7 Expermine/Servant Spots Filled)

Username: rosemilly
Name: Percival
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Human turned angel
Appearance: Percival is an attractive teenager even after going through many years of abuse that have left certain areas of his body scared. The part of his body that is scarred up the most is his back. He has wavy, platinum blonde hair that varies in length depending on the master he lives with though right now it is barely brushes his shoulders and ice blue almond-shaped eyes, and his heart-shaped face is quite boyish in looks with a softly rounded nose and plush lips. His lightly tanned body is slim yet athletic, and he's about 5'10" or so in height. Percival's angel wings are the stereotypical color of angel wings being white and all, but they're a bit small and continuing to grow as he gets older.
Percival typically just wears what he is given by his masters, quickly learning as a child that it is almost always best not to hope for anything new to wear. Typically he is given ripped up jeans and a scraggly shirt, and most of the clothing he wears is too big for his body anyway. His calloused feet tend to go bare wherever he goes.
Personality: Percival's been through a lot, not easily trusting new people too easily from everything that has happened to him. Even with that being said, he is obedient and soft spoken, doing whatever he is told to keep from getting hit. It is quite easy to make Percival wince in fear, fearing being hit when a hand is raised towards him, or he is yelled at for barely any reason at all. He just needs someone to open up to and trust so that he knows that he is safe and doesn't need to be afraid.
Background: Not long after Percival was born, he was kidnapped from the hospital from where he was born and donated to an experiment lab for money. The scientists there easily turned him into what seemed to be an angelic being after many different experiments, and once the lab was sure his feathery wings were fully functional, he was sold quite easily at a very profitable price. Over the years he was abused and neglected, being sold from owner to owner while dark memories of his life pooled in his head. He was always told how his parents never wanted him and how much of a mistake he was. Percival just hated it all so much, but he knew that he couldn't do anything but hope that someone, anyone would help him get out of the chain of abusive masters.
Sexuality: Questioning
Crush: None at the moment
Username: TangleLore
Name: Anna
Gender: Female
Appearance: As humans go Anna is relatively average in appearance and build, her hair is mouse brown with strands of white a bit too much stress has left its traces on her including a pale face and baggy eyes, her eyes are though a vivid green and look as if they could pierce right through any onlooker. Relatively thin Anna is built for quick action and strong hits as her arms and legs are moderately defined. Anna stands at around 5'5 her stride has some form of grace but walks with an odd overly lengthy step as if she's reaching across for another space. Her hands are calloused and fingers long she keeps the nails on her hands clipped or at least gently curved so as to not gouge her blades.
She wears what amounts as normal wear that being t-shirts and jeans though she prefers baggy sort of jeans for fencing. She carries with her everywhere a simple backpack that carries all of her basic needs and a sword case for her favorite saber.
Personality: Those whom describe Anna are one of two ways; either she is a very kind soul if not clumsy or she is a blunt tongued and stubborn minded individual who could do much more. She is prone to stubbornness and doesn't give up easily in whatever she has a mind too but at the same time she tries to think logically of her problems or curiosities. Anna is absolutely curious of every thing and see's no reason why anything 'couldn't' exist such as gods or supernatural creatures. Anna has a hard time making friends at times though she is considerably kind and easily talkative her thoughts and ideas aren't always what are considered the 'norm' and she often gets distracted by day dreams.
Background: Anna had no major events really in her life, by all accounts she is average, there was no prophecy spoken, secret inheritance or super power she could inherit. Her life was her own to do what she would there was nothing to hold her back or chose her destiny so she made of it what she could of her own will, she chose to fence like her father and gave pursuit to being a master fencer much like him, she succeeded in this chase and gained a nickname, that being 'Mirror' as she was a left handed fencer and mirrored her opponents often when fighting. But, as her time was mostly consumed by this pursuit she finds herself alone, yes she has a friend or two but really not much else, her life was devoted to this goal and she lost sight of much else. You could say Anna is now at a cross-road in her life, unsure where to go next now that she has met her goal, much like a child doesn't know what to do with the butterfly that its caught.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Crush: none
Other: Anna loves animals but doesn't know how to get them to like her and so can be quite awkward around them
Username: xSinder12x
Name: Gwenhwyfar (Gwen)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: Sterling gray eyes peered into the cracked mirror before thing, weary and hallow from the day's work. Beads of sweat rolled down fair, vanilla skin like melted candle wax and rested in a rounded point directly under her chin. While cracked the mirror was without fail in showing the true nature of the young woman, nor did it hide the ghosts whispering to her behind deep gray pools. Gwen shook her head, mindlessly forgetting about the dark brown, wavy bangs that had come loose from their crystal pins and were now dragged across her face in thick strands. The rest stayed behind her ears, wrapped up in a thick tri-braid that was strong enough to withstand the hard day's work. Her skin though was what she was more worried about. She didn't tan easy, and because of the bright sun she was likely going to be cooked like a chicken by tomorrow.

A gentle, callused hand reached up to brush the bangs back over the top of her head before running down to her neck. Her fingers loosely tugged at the tiny chain that was clinging to the sweat, plastered to her skin like glue. While it was so thin she never forgot the little memento was there, even if it were hidden mostly under her shirt. Perhaps wearing mostly black wasn't appropriate for her line of work, but she did enjoy the color over most others because of it's ability to make other colors stand out so vibrantly.

A soft sigh escaped her pink lips as she closed her eyes and started to turn from the mirror, using her toes to remove both socks from her feet. The clinging of her anklet reminded her that she hadn't lost it as well, and was going to need to was it along with her other treasure while she showered for the night. She continued to get ready for her shower, revealing equally vanilla colored arms and shoulders that were lined generously with both old and fresh scars. Most of them were tiny, but occasionally deeper ones could be spotted the closer one got to her and the most observant they were. Freckles kissed her shoulders, they were the only location on her body that the 'angel kisses', as her brother would claim they were, sat.

She ran one hand down her arm carefully, wincing somewhat as she felt the heat radiating off the surface. The most she worked outside lifting things the stronger she grew. The manager at her current job had almost turned her down because of just how fragile she looked. She wasn't short or anything, she stood at a height of 5'7" and didn't have any noticeable disabilities. No, the major problem laid in that she didn't look strong or able to take care of herself. She was thin, and didn't garnish the heavier build that her brother did. It didn't mean she wasn't strong of course, but one could easily look over her strength and push her around if they so wished. It had happened many a time before, but she was working on making herself look a little tougher and less 'girly'. She had no one to impress, therefore no make up or fancy clothes. She enjoyed the simple things and couldn't be bothered with dresses or overly expressing herself. Dark clothing kept her safe, kept her quiet. She wore boots that were durable, the only jewelry were the two treasures she kept from harm. No, she was rather simple it seemed. Simple and very dirty. "I reckon the shower is ready," she whispered to herself as she tugged out the braid in her hair.
Personality: She kept her head low as she shouldered through the crowd of people, all eager to go home for the night. While she was one for conversation she never outwardly made an effort to talk to someone unless she deemed it necessary. It had been years since she had a real conversation with someone other than her manager, who she knew thought the girl was strange, but even the talks with the older woman were short and lacked luster. She had friends sure, but none of them really knew what to say to her or how to treat her. Mood swings were occasional but not bad, sometimes she would be cheerful and the next she was aimlessly staring off into space as if someone were talking to her from another dimension. She was very friendly, but very shy so friends were scares as it was. She would need to make a better effort later on down the road in order to keep the ones she had.

Gwen glanced up as a man stepped in her way, a tall one nicely dressed and handsome. As he said his apologies she simply nodded and averted her gaze from him. Men made her nervous and overly careful. None had ever gotten close to her that anyone knew of other than her brother, and he was long gone. She could sit with the elderly and speak with them easily, but as soon as a man around her age or slightly older came up to her she melted into a mess of submission and fiddled with other things such as keys in her pockets. Things would be better when she got home, so she shouldered on and passed the man as he looked at her with a bemused expression.

Darkness was starting to settle in now, the sun kissing the horizon and stars were beginning to play hide and seek with her vision. This was probably the only time of the day in which she could be seen coming out of the shell she was in, counting the stars as they started to appear. She enjoyed talking to them, telling them stories and asking them questions. Stars never talked back to her, never pushed her around or looked at her distastefully. They were much more peaceful than people, and they listened a heck of a lot better too. They listened to her sing, to her muse on about the day and her laughter. Night time and darkness was her retreat, but it was also her biggest fear.

Shadows nipped at her heels when she wasn't careful, casting images in her head that would scare even the bravest soldier. Vivid imagination was a good thing in a lot of cases, but it would get in her trouble if she wasn't careful. Haunted buildings, stories and tales interested her deeply, but any sign of ghosts or spirits would likely send her into a panic attack. Even something seemingly close would set her in a frenzy, and she would sometimes even faint at the sight. Thankfully though her imagination was probably one of her only huge fears. Other than that it was little things, bugs, violence. The brunette hated violence, and would try to avoid it at any cost. Not to say she wouldn't stick up for someone who deserved it, but if she is put between a rock and a hard place she would try and find a chisels to form another path.

Her apartment was close thankfully. Gwen exhaled as the crowd started to settle and picked up her pace. As much as she adored the night and the coolness of the weather outside, she was in desperate need of sleep for the night.
Background: "Background info huh...?" The older woman reached up to scratch the back of head, silver hair shifting around as her fingers moved through it. "I am sorry I can't tell you too much," she continued. "Gwen came to me a few years ago, sobbing at my door. Pathetic thing, lost and knowing absolutely no one, covered in blood. It's my guest she stumbled into the wrong hands at some point and didn't know what to do with her life. All I have heard about her is that she lived out in the country with her older brother, mother and father. She didn't tell me a whole lot about any of them, and refuses to tell me exactly where they live or if they are still alive. All I know is that she keeps her brother very close to her heart."

The woman flipped through a work file, chewing on her lip slightly. "I suppose I should tell you though. She suffered an accident when she was a child. Sometimes she doesn't know where she is, it's almost as if her memory lapses and she goes into panic mode. Something obviously scared the crap out of her as a child. I noticed a large scar on the back of her head one day while she was sleeping. She didn't seem to know about it, but I didn't pry. Poor thing is so secretive about what she holds dear. Perhaps you will find out more the more you get to know her, she has opened up to me some, but I am afraid I am not good enough for that role. I must remind her too much of someone or something that pains her. All I can say is good luck."
God/master: None thus far
Sexuality: Demisexual
Crush: None thus far
Username: Kirorokat1132
Name: "Quetz"
Age: Thousands of years
Gender: Male
Species: Quetzalcoatl
Appearance: Quetz has been cursed by another Quetzalcoatl whose name he's long forgotten to take a humanoid form. He stands tall at roughly 6'7"and has a lean, sturdily muscled frame that is deeply tanned. He is also, interestingly, quite the contortionist, likely due to his snake-like original form. He has a mess of long blue and red feathers instead of hair that somewhat lay facing backwards, so he doesn't look like a colorful feather duster. His eyes are serpentine and gold, and if one were to pay attention they'd notice he blinks -occasionally- with a second set of eyelids found in reptiles. On each of his arms, starting at the outside of his wrist and running up to the elbow and then the shoulder, is a thin line of bright, forest green feathers. At the shoulders, these lines thicken and slope down, meeting at his spine between his shoulder blades and following it down to the tailbone. His facial structure is fairly square and his eyes are slightly larger than normal, and examination of Quetz's teeth would reveal two rows of wickedly sharp, serpentine fangs that faded into more human-like molars into the back, and like a snake he's capable of swallowing food whole, although he's unable to unhinge his jaw so if it won't fit in his mouth it's just not gonna go down.

He wears no shirt. The only thing adorning his upper torso is a gold chain, about half as wide as his pinky, from which hangs a gold medallion decorated with Mesoamerican glyphs. He wears black denim pants and hiking boots.
Personality: Despite his appearance, Quetz is one of the most passive beings you'll ever meet. He's also quite shy and not all that talkative, and due to his limited interactions with others he can come across as rude when really he just doesn't have a firm grasp on social norms. He's not unfriendly, per se, but large groups and new people tend to make him anxious, so he's prone to avoiding them. He's particularly curious by nature and tends to just walk up to whatever has captured his attention and observe it, whether it be a new creature or some strange human activity. Quetz otherwise isn't particularly emotional, and his default expression is alert but otherwise blank.

While in a pinch he can handle his own in a fight, Quetz is pretty pacifistic and will go out of his way to avoid conflict because most of the time he just doesn't believe it's worth his time. He is one who, when interested in something, becomes fixated on it completely until he feels he's learned all the cool little kinks of it. Unfortunately, this applies to people, too, and his fixations normally don't prompt him to actually talk to whoever caught his eye so like 9/10 times he comes across as a stalking creeper when he's genuinely probably just wondering why they're doing something.
Background: Given his rather peaceful nature, Quetz was radically different to most of the others of his species. At one point, this enraged one of the Quetzalcoatls that had grown strong off the worship and offerings from the humans and, unable to convince Quetz to change, managed to curse him to take the shape of the humans that fascinated him so much but he refused to devour. He was left still able to travel freely between the realms, but aside from that his powers have been restricted. Quetz quickly discovered that his appearance was not within the parameters of "normal" for humans, which disappointed him at first, but once he discovered that there were occasions where his looks could be passed of as a costume he felt a bit better.
God/master: None
Sexuality: Demisexual
Crush: none
Other: Interestingly enough, Quetz has picked up the hobby of cooking, and is quite skilled at it.
Consequently, he is rather picky about his food.

Being a member of a species, as mentioned earlier, Quetz is not a god, nor are the other Quetzalcoatls.
Rather, they're divine beings than can reveal themselves to humans, and can be influenced by humans' faith toward them if it's strong enough. They can become stronger to a certain degree from feeding off of the energy of the faith humans direct toward them, but they don't die if that faith disappears; they just go back to how they originally were.
Last edited by rosemilly on May 13th, 2017, 1:02:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Hey all! Just posting here to bookmark this.
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by xSinder12x »

Same here, just realized that you can't bookmark these threads like others.

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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

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That's strange... It allowed me to bookmark it just fine.
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by xSinder12x »

rosemilly wrote:That's strange... It allowed me to bookmark it just fine.
Darn I must have forgot where the button was. Just found it, I haven't used it in a while I thought maybe this section didn't have one. D:

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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by madusa »

Name: Riya
Gender: female
Age: 20
Species: A kind of Naga/nagin(a were-snake basically)
Appearance: She has a strong frame.Her arms are long and her fingers are rough and often ink- stained. She has a height of around 5'0".She has pierced ears. She has dark brown eyes that seem unreadable to people. She has black wavy hair, which she tends to be proud of. She loves wearing hoodies. Unless it is scorching hot (which is really hot because she can take high temperatures) she will always wear a hoodie. She does not like showing people her arms. She has a duffel bag.
Personality: Riya is pretty intelligent, especially in the fields of mythology. She is an introvert. She is fine talking to people one-on-one but can get lost in a crowd. She is pretty mischievous. She likes telling people exaggerated stories about her scars.However, she won't be cruel. She doesn't spread rumors about other people or withold important information just for fun. She knows of the stories and the gods. She wants to know more about them. There's a lot jotted down in her note book. Riya is very determined to know about her origins. She also wants to become a professor of history.
Background: She is actually a history student in college, a decision her family wasn't particularly happy about .Riya discovered that she could turn into a snake when she was 13. Her father never told her about it so she assumed it came from her mother's side.Her mother died when Riya was around 8 years old in an accident. Riya had seen the pictures. They weren't pretty.
God/master: None. Could be subject to change
Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush : None
Other: Her duffel bag has notebooks, pens and her phone. Also binoculars. There's lots of birds near her college. A lot of things are jotted down in her notebooks.
Forgive if I'm a bit bad at this. I'm rather new to it.And can I just ask a question: Where does this take place?
Last edited by madusa on June 27th, 2017, 5:09:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: When Gods Need Some Help (OOC)

Post by rosemilly »

It's fine; we all have to start somewhere don't we? I'm not sure if she would be technically classified as a naga, but I think it's close enough. If you don't mind, could you explain what she looks like when she turns into a snake? Maybe a specific species or just a description of a snake.

Also, from the first post, this world is in modern times, but we aren't in any particular country or town with how everyone is spread out. There are also the divine realms and the realm of the gods. Each god has their own realm which corresponds with the type of god they are, and the realm of the gods is like a neutral area where the gods come together. Does that answer your question well enough?
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