Magi Master(magistream)

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Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

disclaimer: there is no guarantee this will be a complete story, it will depend largely on muse and time so if you want to read it please don't be too angry if it dies for a period of time(or forever). that said thank you for any and all critique and suggestions you may have after reading.

this is a story following Talyon Shore; a young magi who gets wrapped up in a war. many things in this story of things I've thought up without reading anything on magi stream so how the keep and magi work are likely to be different then official works.

thank you for reading.

color guides: in this story robes and sashes determine a magis proficient magic and year. a magi starts typically at age 13.

Fire: red robes
Air: white robes
Earth: green robes
Water: blue robes
Dark: black robes
light: gold robes

13: first year: brown sash
14: second year: yellow sash
15: third year: green sash
16: fourth year: blue sash
17: fifth year: red sash
18: sixth year: purple sash
Last edited by mystic96 on June 12th, 2018, 2:26:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

Talyons heart hammered in his chest, standing in an orderly line with other 13 year olds; they were much like him, albeit less anxious judging from their faces; about to receive the first tour and brown colored sash that would officially make them first year students.

Thankfully before Talyons anxiousness could blur his mind a young woman stepped in front of them, upon seeing her Talyon immediately glanced at her outfit, a white robe and purple sash; like all children he’d studied the magi, reading about them and dreaming of one day joining them so he was well versed in the knowledge that the white robe signified she was a light magic user and her purple sash tied around her waist meant she was a sixth year so she was in her final year of school.

Talyons anxiousness was eased somewhat by the older magis friendly greeting, on her shoulder a sleepy Tropical Tarsier blinked at them as she started leading them on a tour, winding through the gardens and halls, Talyon knew the keep was big but this was too much, it didn’t help he kept getting distracted by the magi and creatures milling around.

Their final stop was to a beautiful stream with grass and green trees dotting its banks, immediately all the first years started murmuring and chatting, there was no mistaking it that they were at the banks of the stream, even from here they saw the brief flashes of color from the eggs gently rolling down stream.
The sixth year stopped in front of them, gesturing behind her

“This is arguably the most important part of the keep; the stream. It’s from here you’ll choose your first creature partner. Now it is true that all your future creatures will be important but it’s my belief that your first partner is special in a way that no one can really explain, Teddy here is my first partner, and we’re almost never apart”

She reached up to scratch the tarsier on her shoulder, it was clear that he was teddy.

“Last but not least it’s incredibly important that you understand that your time at the keep is what you make of it, if you desire nothing but raising creatures or studying in the library you are free to do so, so long as you follow the rules of the keep.”

Finally the sixth year led them back inside were several masters stood to welcome their new class, exchanging their name for a brown rode and sash, it announced to all magi and visitor that they were first years and didn’t yet know their proficiency.

Magic was not a one way path, all magi can do all magic with enough practice but each magi had proficiencies; Fire, air, earth, water, dark, light, a magi will often find one type of magic easier and one harder to use, when they discovered their magic they would switch to the appropriate colored robe and choose how to study their magic, do they focus on what they’re good at or try to work on their weak points?

Finally they were led to their rooms, students often slept in two or three person rooms for the first few years, special cases were given their own room, Talyon was happy that he got a two person room. His roommate was very much the opposite in appearance from Talyon.

Talyon had short blond hair and green eyes while his roommate had longer black hair and slate grey eyes; his more naturally tanned skin was a stark difference to the near ghostly pale of Talyon. He was taller than Talyon who had always been short for his age.

It turned out his roommate was friendlier then Talyon as well, immediately sticking his hand out with a grin “Jomis Garza” he greeted, Talyon stumbled before grabbing the offered hand “Talyon Shore” he managed to get out, dropping his roommates hand as Jomis entered the room.

The room wasn’t very furnished, it had a bed and dressers, a desk for each of them and more floor and wall space for them to fill with the coming years, Jomis looked back at Talyon “any objection to me choosing this bed?” he asked. The beds were situated opposite one another, mirroring each other with the door between them so Talyon shook his head; they both shared the large window looking out over the keep.

Their day ended with a large dinner and Talyon settling in more with Jomis who proved himself to be funny and charming, his confidence much higher than Talyon who just sat and watched Jomis recount a story from his home town, complete with sound effects and arm movements they threatened to unseat their drinks.

That night Talyon was in bed, he stared at the stone ceiling as his ears listened to the night sounds, he was dismayed to find Jomis snored but under that he heard the various hoots and howls of creatures flying or running past, it was a lullaby as Talyon started to drift off to sleep, exhausted from his first day as a magi.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

Talyon was starting to regret his first positive view of Jomis, only three weeks into their magi training and already Jomis was hanging upside down from a tree, his sash had been tied to both his foot and the branch, the fabric doing its best to hold its owner up, Talyon just stared dumbfounded up at him.

“Jo?” he asked, his roommate just glared down at him, pointing evilly at him

“Not one word Tal” he grumbled, but Talyon just smiled, holding in laughter as he started climbing the tree to help his friend down, once Jomis was free and on solid ground Talyon realized what happened

“The air magi?” he questioned, Jomis’s already dark skin darkened with a blush, he grumbled noncommittal as he left Talyon following him still grinning. Jomis considered himself a ‘girl magnet’ but so far only managed to garner the wrath of several of the girls in their year and one or two upper classmen.

As they walked they fell to talking before stopping at the stream, crouching over it they watched the eggs going past, their classmates were already starting to choose their first eggs, excitedly showing them off and trying hard to identify what they had. But Talyon and Jomis hadn’t chosen yet. It was so simple, just reach in and grab an egg a child could do it.

But the boys just sat by the water, feet dipping in as they watched the activity around them. They were distracted so they didn’t realize anybody had walked up behind them, but were surprised when two feet pressed into their backs forcing them forward into the stream, luckily the stream was only waist deep on them so they could just stand, spitting out water as they looked to see who had kicked them in.

Standing on the bank was an older boy flanked by two other students, a girl and another boy, he wore a green sash and red robes so Talyon was immediately weary as Jomis spoke up

“What was that? You could have hurt us!” he shouted, wiping his soaked hair out of his eyes as they both climbed out onto the bank. The older boy sneered “which one of you was messing with my girl?” he asked, Talyon immediately glanced at Jomis who had paled but the older boy noticed this stepping closer to grip Jomis’s soaked brown robe

“Consider this your first and last warning, you mess with my girl again and I’ll feed you to my panther” he threatened, tossing Jomis back into Talyon as he turned to leave, but Jomis was never one to leave well enough alone so he called to the retreating students

“She never said she was with you, makes you wonder why she neglected to mention you had any importance to her” he taunted, this made the boy stop, the cold glare he sent to them made Talyon wonder if his magic was ice instead of fire.

Before either of them could move the older boy was in their faces, a fist slammed into Jomis’s face, knocking him back, it was a shock to Talyon but not to Jomis who reacted, catching himself and throwing his own punch, catching the older boy’s cheek.

Talyon had never been in a fight before, being raised in Synara City he never had the chance and the keep was peaceful but he also knew he couldn’t just stand here, so he threw himself forward, his own fist connecting with the older boys’ lackey who stumbled back before lunging forward.

The fight was short but violent as Talyon was hit with a backhand, dizzying him and making him stumble back into the stream again, he hit the stream bed with a heavy thump as his head went under, it was only for a few moments but his struggles raised his head up, something brushes against his hand and he instinctually grabbed it, holding it tight.

With Talyon out the fight didn’t last long, Jomis on the ground as the boys wiped their mouths growled at them “last warning, stay away” he snarled finally leaving.

The stream was quiet once again, Jomis on the ground and Talyon still half in the flowing water. Talyon must have hit his head since he didn’t want to move; it was only when a figure stood over him he recognized anything. He could figure out a fluffy mane as strong teeth gripped his robes, pulling him up out of the water and next to Jomis who was also pulled into the shade of a tree.

Talyon blinked, trying to clear his eyes of water as he tried to make out the silhouette above him.
“You guys are idiots, fighting near the stream? What would happen if you crushed an egg?” Talyon blinked again, struggling to sit up

“not my fault, Jo’s the one who picked a fight” he murmured, something cold was pressed to his face so he automatically took it, holding it against his face, an identical cold bag was dropped on Jomis’s face who mumbled and twisted around before settling.

How with his headache receding Talyon could see the girl in front of him. She was taller than him, with green robes and green sash, her long brown hair was tied behind her. Her furious and annoyed look was matched only by the glare of her Lion Ammit behind her, vaguely he registered that must have been what pulled him out.

After a moment Talyon spoke again “sorry, I’m Talyon” he introduced himself, holding out his free hand, the girl sighed but took it “Adeliza” suddenly she looked down, Talyon followed her eye to an egg resting right next to him, confused he picked it up, feeling incredible warmth and a strong throb of a heartbeat, taking his other hand he felt over the soft scaled tail and wing coming from it.

Adeliza looked surprised “huh, you chose your first partner half unconscious in the stream….huh” Talyon looked up “what?” he asked. Adeliza pointed to the egg “you picked up that egg from the stream; it’s your first partner, congratulations” she said as Talyon just smiled a bit, he had his first egg.

Once Jomis woke up and met Adeliza they started explaining their situation before their conversation wandered to Adeliza’s Ammit and finally they headed back to the keep to report Talyons new egg.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

Talyon was leaning back in his chair, on his legs was a potions book, and in his hands was his note book, he was copying down some recipes, his Manticore egg in its makeshift nest on top of the stack of books. He liked spending time in the library, flipping through ancient books while copying down useful notes, it helped that he needed theses recipes for a test with Master Leon.

Talyons studies were interrupted by Jomis running in; a crazed look on his face, Talyon immediately lowered his chair back to all four legs on the ground but before he could ask what was wrong Jomis was shoving something in his face, grabbing it Talyon made out a smooth warm shell and a fluffy tail, looking down he saw the dark egg in his lap and his mouth fell open

“your partner” he exclaimed, Jomis was just as amazed as he took back the egg, spinning in place Talyon standing with him. Talyon didn’t realize they were being loud until they were interrupted by a cough, they turned to see Adeliza glaring at them.

After she helped them at the stream they fell into a strange friendship/mentorship, they looked to her for guidance which she gave and sometimes they hung out together, but now her look was demanding they explain themselves to which Jomis just held out the egg.

As soon as her eyes lit on the egg Adeliza lost her cold demeanor, taking the egg carefully
“Figures your first partner would be a Tenabre Fox, birds of a feather” she laughed, the younger boys looked confused so she rolled her eyes “bestiary, number 347; and free advice? You might want to invest in a belled collar” she said.

Immediately Jomis went to find a copy of the bestiary while Talyon just lifted out his own copy from his bag calling out to Jomis who came back eagerly, flipping through pages with lightning speed they found the page, they read it together as Adeliza just slipped away, silently giggling at the two friends antics.

By time they noticed Adeliza was gone they had finished reading over the pages, looking at the black egg nested right next to Talyons Manticore egg. Jomis blinked

“So it’s a trickster creature….I’m in so much trouble” he sighed, Talyon just shrugged
“You reap what you sow Jo” Talyon laughed, Jomis just gave him an offended look and picked up his egg, sticking his nose up

“Well if you’re going to act like that me and Jomis jr will be leaving” he said, Talyon just laughed “Jomis jr? You’re supposed to name your child that not your creature”, Jomis just replaced his egg and sat down.

“well what are you going to call your partner? You better pick a powerful name for a manticore; can you imagine? A huge killing machine that can rip your flesh off named Bubbles? Or Fluffy? Super lame” he said, Talyon just shrugged

“Don’t know, but I do know it’ll be better than anything you come up with” he challenged, Jomis looked offended

“Talyon; I will accept that bet right here and now, my creatures name with be far greater than anything your Synara muddled brain could come up with” he boasted, Talyon just held out his hand and they shook on it.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

Today was the big day; all the first years were lined up in front of a large table set up in a room, the majority were all shuffling excitedly, many of them had already claimed their eggs and now carried then constantly, making sure their eggs were in tip top shape, the masters even started saying that some would start hatching soon.

But now wasn’t time to focus on their partners, today was all about magic, more specifically it was time to find out their proficiencies. From what Talyon had heard from Adeliza and other upper classmen that the test would be simple, they would attempt to cast one level one spell from each type of magic, and they would base your proficiency on how strong or clear the spell was.

The long table was split into 6 spaces; they would start at one end and finish at the other. The line moved fairly quickly, the class wasn’t that big so they only took half the day. The tables went fire, air, earth, water, dark, and light.

Talyons first table was fire, just a simple spell to light a wick which Talyon managed and even made the fire stronger, burning half the candle before it was extinguished. The air test was a simple gust spell which Talyon did fine on.

Earth was a spell to make a clump of solid rock moldable like clay which again Talyon did fine on, his real trouble came with the water test, and he was supposed to cause water to appear in a goblet but couldn’t manage more than a couple drops.

The dark test was a surprise, he was supposed to shroud the table in shadow but much like the fire went overboard, covering the table, him and the masters in a thick sheet of darkness. After that was dispelled the light test was to shed light in a shadowed box but Talyon could only flick the light in his hands a few times before moving on.

About an hour after the test the first years were lined up again, this time they were handed their results and ordered to report to the tailor for their new robes. Talyon made sure to find Jomis so they could open their folded papers together, Jomis was a dark magic user but they were surprised to find two results dark and fire, when he asked Master Leon the older master just smiled

“You have duel proficiencies young Shore, but beware, two advantages also means two disadvantages” he warned as Talyon looked again, his disadvantages were both water and light.

So the pair went off together to acquire their new robes, Jomis’s were just the normal black robes but Talyons was black with red accents or red with black accents, denoting his duel nature, Talyon remembered seeing several robes like these around but he’d assumed they were just graduated students.

The pair then went to find Adeliza to tell her the news wearing their new robes, a new found pride as they crossed the gardens.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

Night had long fallen over the keep, Talyon was undressed and curled under his blankets, he’d learned in the first month how to drown out Jomis’s snores and sleep talking so the noise that woke him wasn’t that, confused and blurry eyed Talyon waited, listening was it his imagination? Had a keep rat snuck by? Or some other small creature prowling the night?

A few moments passed with no other sound so Talyon convinced himself he was hearing things and was going to fall back asleep before the sound rang out in the relatively quiet night again, a sort of squeak and a thump. Now Talyon sat up peering around the dark room, that wasn’t his in his head this time.

Finally his eyes zeroed in on his egg, it was nestled right next to Jomis’s on self heated rocks and soft blankets to ward away the night chill. The egg was thumping! In a mix of excitement and confusion Talyon threw off his covers, ignoring the cold chill of stone floors on his bare feet as he crossed over to the side table acting as a nest.

Sure enough the little Manticore egg was moving, thumping, the wing and tail sticking out were twitching as if trying to break out, lost in his excitement Talyon raced over to Jomis, shaking him

“Jo! Get up, its hatching, it’s really hatching!” he all but shouted, Jomis woke up with a jerk, drool on his mouth and mumbling nonsense as he tried to wake up

“What?” he asked, Talyon just slapped him on the arm and ran back over to the table

“My egg Jo! My Manticore’s hatching!” this seemed to register so Jomis stood, stumbling a bit before following Talyon, looking at the egg. It was still dark so Talyon whispered a quick lighting spell to the candle on the table, giving them more light to see the dark cracks expanding on the egg.

The actual hatching wasn’t that long, just what sounded like a grunt before strong dark legs kicked the shell, breaking it in two and letting the small cub flop out, Talyon felt his breath catch in his throat as the young cub stood, fur still wet as he blinked impossibly green eyes up at him and Jomis. Still amazed Talyon reached forward to pick up the cub that wiggled before settling down; its roar was merely a little click as he reached up to pat at his face.

It was peaceful and quite amazing to Talyon, this was his first creature, his first partner and it was beautiful. They spent the next few hours cleaning it and playing a bit before the cub fell asleep in Talyons lap, that was the moment they realized they needed to sleep so ever so carefully Talyon put his Manticore back in the nest and the two boys went to bed, they could tell master Leon tomorrow before classes.

They managed to sleep until the sun was just peeking up but this time it was Jomis who woke up to a strange sound, tired he looked over to check on Talyons Manticore where he saw it was awake and staring intently at his egg and before Jomis could wonder why he saw the egg move, the Manticore pawed it as Jomis stood, realizing what was up as he shook Talyon much like he had done earlier that night.

“Tal! Tal! The egg…my egg!” he stumbled over his words, the movement attracted the young Manticore who took a flying leap from the desk to the edge of Talyons bed where it missed but climbed up, leaving pulled threads in the blanket in an effort to get to its magi.

By now Talyon was awake so much like earlier that night he tossed the covers up, scooped his Manticore into his arms and walked over to the nest where the egg was starting to roll around, the black tail thrashing, Talyon had to hold on tight to his cub just to avoid its natural behavior.

Finally the egg let out an indignant squeak, a bony head smashed through the shell, a slim dark body following afterwards. The two friends froze as the black shape tried to stand, looking between the two of them with a hiss before it vanished.

The two stared at the now empty nest, even the Manticore cub stopped its wiggling to look. After a moment Jomis reached out, the spot was empty but he pulled back with a hiss of pain, his pointer finger was bleeding from a set of tiny teeth marks, it was then the hatchling reappeared seemingly laughing before jumping at Jomis, the surprise cause him to flinch back and fall, grabbing the sleek kit while Talyon laughed.

The next few days were nothing but activity, the adjustment of two new young creatures wiped the two boys out, Talyon had named his new partner Shina, so it was not rare for him to hiss out her name every once in a while every time she attacked his papers or his feet from under the bed, but it paled in comparison to Jomis, he never had to tell anyone his partners name because he never stopped yelling it out. Everyone knew the little fox named Kit with his blue collar and twin bells.
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Re: Magi Master(magistream)

Post by mystic96 »

It was getting cold outside, every morning students doubled up their clothes under their robes, young creatures nestled closer with their magi as they crossed the frozen ground. The keep despite its stone walls and large size was surprisingly warm, likely from the various fire creatures sharing their natural heat, even master Leon had a phoenix napping above their heads in his class.

By now the first year students were offered elemental classes, they could pick and choose whose they wanted to take, though it was strongly recommended to take at least one strength class and one weakness class, Talyon had chosen three classes; fire, darkness, and water. Jomis had taken on less only Darkness and light which gave him ample time to work with Kit to at least try to behave.

Master Vincent was a water magi and the teacher of Talyons water class, he was a strict master towards non-water magic users but was one of the best teachers. Master Vincent wasn’t shy about his preference for water but even Talyon had trouble with him, something between the two just rubbed the wrong way.

It was one such class that Talyon was actually starting to get frustrated with, they were attempting to freeze a bowl of water but couldn’t swing it, at his feet Shina was playing with a parchment ball he’d crumpled up to give her. His frustration and lack of focus was just exemplified every time Master Vincent looked over his desk with a silent look of disappointment.

By now Talyon was seriously considering just dumping the bowl and walking out but a shout behind him caught his attention, turning around he saw a very familiar young Manticore standing in an empty bowl growling at a little grey seal, her body was crouched in play.

At the indignant shouts Talyon shot up, rushing over to grab Shina, apologies already on his tongue when a slap echoed, the seal pup had smacked Shina across the muzzle, stumbling the young cub and encouraging her to run to Talyon, taking a flying leap into his chest.

Holding the cub Talyon turned to the first year girl gathering her seal pup, a wave of her hand filled the large bowl again and she deposited her pup.

“You’re lucky Ilia can handle herself, or else I would have frozen your cub solid” she claimed, Talyon frowned

“She was just playing, Shina wouldn’t dare actually harm anyone” he argued, a throat clear behind them caused them turn to face Master Vincent

“Mister Shore and Miss Kota, since you have decided to have a conversation I suppose we can pair you two together, perhaps with Miss Kota’s help Mister Shore; you can actually do something in this class”

He set them to the same table, a bowl of water each and Shina now curled up on Talyons lap sleeping, the two worked side by side, although Talyon wasn’t doing much as he still could only create a little float of ice instead of the entire bowl, his frustrations were once again reaching the boiling point until a hand stopped his, Talyon looked over to see the girl from before; her brown eyes were filled with annoyance as she tucked her shoulder length brown hair behind her ear.

“You’re not focusing correctly” she said, Talyon just looked confused so she rolled her eyes and spoke again, shifting a bit closer

“You’re focusing too much on the end result, water isn’t like fire, it can’t jump from spot to spot, and it needs to flow so you need to focus on the flow, in the middle of the spell” she explained, pointing back to the bowl.

It took several more tries but each time Talyon froze more and more of the water; unfortunately he wasn’t able to completely freeze the bowl before time was up so while he was gathering his things he turned to the seal girl and coughed

“Thank you, for your help, my names Talyon Shore” he offered his hand which the girl looked at suspiciously before taking it

“Aura Kota, and don’t thank me, it got boring to watch you struggle” she said, Talyon frowned, gathering Shina in his arms

“And I’m sorry Shina scared your seal, it’s really hard to watch her sometimes” he relented, Aura sighed
“It’s okay; she didn’t mean any harm, in fact it was Ilia who actually hit her, so...Sorry about that” she apologized, Talyon smiled as they started walking out

“Though that was a nice hit, I didn’t think Korez Seals could pack a punch like that” he joked, Aura laughed

“She’s a pretty headstrong little girl, I caught her chasing Koi twice her size around the shallows” she laughed, Talyon grinned, pointing to the Manticore currently tucked under his robes

“that sound better then what Shina did, she thought it would be a great idea to pick a fight with my friends Tenabre Fox, the little fox ran her into multiple walls and once my carefully ordered stack of papers I was going to turn in”

They swapped creature stories all the way to their next classes, laughing as the learned more about each other’s partners.

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