Site Downtime, January 2019

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Site Downtime, January 2019

Post by Rosehill »

As I'm sure you've noticed, the site has been acting finicky for the past few days. We've been working on fixing the issues as quickly as possible, and still continue to do so and we thank you for your continued patience. <3

There are a lot of separate small issues contributing to the downtime:
- The first blackout was caused by a wire accident which caused the server's connection to the internet to be disrupted. Once that had been fixed we thought we were in the clear. No.
- Most likely the said wire accident also caused a power wire inside the server to loosen, which then caused additional blackouts.
- Then there was a snow storm that most likely affected the server getting power causing yet more downtime... :headdesk:
- And another loose power cord inside the server was found and fixed a couple hours ago and now everything seems to be okay again.

We still aren't completely sure that the loose power cord was the final culprit and that the downtime won't occur again, so we are still monitoring the situation, though.

No data was lost during the down times. We are aware that some threads seem to be missing and are looking into that. This is most likely due to the database checking its own integrity every time the server comes back to life, which it has done several times during the past few days. Magistream's database has a lot of data, so the checks also take time, and some things may get overlooked by the automated checks.

We will try to keep you as posted as we can. In case the site goes down we have a Twitter page: and a Facebook page: which we use to keep you posted. We update the twitter page more frequently, as facebook tends to not show the posts to the page's followers on all occasions, and our access to the Magistream facebook page is a bit more limited than access to the twitter account.

All in all: We hope the server issues are now fixed, will keep an eye on the matter, and will keep you people as posted as we can. D:

The Black Market will also most likely be extended by a day.

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