In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

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In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

My Dear Friend,
I know you expect some rare potions and artifacts, but I have no good news for you this time. Over the past few weeks, some unpleasant things have happened in the Keep. It turns out, that the person who should not be mentioned got caught in very mysterious circumstances. You always knew what I thought of it. Unfortunatery, this should have happened sooner or latter. They have become too predictable and carefree. No one really knows what happened. But there were some whispers around here. People are becoming more and more wary and suspected about each other. And I'm afraid that it will only get worse. I will write to you again if I have more news,
With love,
My Friend,
I hasten to inform you, I have more news about the situation, which I mentioned in my last letter. I heard from a friend of a friend of my friend some rumors about a powerful mysterious potion. I have no doubt that something like this catched the interest of our mutual acquaintance. You know how they feel about this things. Curiosity killed the cat, as most Magies would say. There is no much more information about this, but it seems that all this leads to Synara City. It may be impotant, so I think I should check it out. Wish me luck,
Your NN.
P.S. Please take care of my Potootoes, when you return to the Keep, you know how hectic they are at this time of year.
From unsent
(The letter is written on a half torn and half burnt list of paper)
My Dearest Friend,
I feel so stupid. All this was just gossip. I have no doubt that you would laugh if you saw me now. You would say not to be so naive, not to believe some silly rumors. And I know, I know all this. But I'm afraid I became too arrogant. I blame all the detective stories you recomindeted me to read. I forgot that real life is more complicated than some novel. I will be back to the Keep as soo...
My Dear,
You will not believe me. I was almost desperate to find something here and was ready to go home when I met this girl. She said she saw two shadowed figures with a snake in one of the dark alleys a month or two ago. She was very cryptic, and I think she was afraid of something. But it gave me new hint. I carefully asked around, and it turned out that one of the guards saw someone very similar who came to Synara City from the north. I know you would say that this is stupid, and I'm going to chase another loose end. But I hope this will shed some light on the situation. I will write back when I can,
Wish you all the best,
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Re: In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

From lost journal
(Pages seem a bit damp but still readable)
Feb 22, Friday.
It was already dark when I arrived to Synara City in the late evening. The inn where I stayed was welcoming warm and full of customers. The best place to find out the latest local news and rumors. And that was what I did. I attentively listened to the other people's conversations and carefully questioned some of them. But it seems no one heard anything about an unknown potion that interested me. Maybe it was my luck or lack of it. But it was getting too late and I needed a rest after my trip. I decided to continue my search tomorrow morning.
Feb 23, Saturday.
My investigation led me nowhere. I visited every tavern and inn, every shop and market that I could find in the city. I met some of my old friends and even talked with one particular enemy of mine, but no one knew anything useful for my cause. Well, I heard some interesting rumors about Lady Alua's experimental potions. But this was nothing new, these rumors were going around as long as I can remember. I began to lose hope of finding here any truth.
Feb 24, Sunday.
Apparently, I became too careless in my desperate search. Someone, she asked not to mention her name in any notes or talks, found me in the inn when I was ready to leave the city. She knew about my investigation and the reasons of it and was willing to share important information for a few gold coins. Some time ago, A. was spotted around the city in the company of one of his old friends. She didn't say anything else, and I didn't insist, even if I was sure that she had more details about it. But she seemed frightened and looked around with suspicious eyes, as if someone was chasing her. Later, I discovered that one of the city guards had seen similar men come to Synara City from the north. They didn't stay here for long and left the city on the same day, each in the opposite direction. It was not a big clue, but it was a start.
Feb 25, Monday.
Starting my journey to the north, I left Synara City in great hurry. And very quickly I found out that I was completely unprepared for a long trip. Especially not with the current weather. The cold piercing wind and sleet fast enough cooled my enthusiasm. But I was lucky to meet a caravan from Arkene on the way, whose merchants were glad to sell me all supplies I needed. So, with the bags filled and with my wallet became thousands of gold coins lighter, I was ready to continue my research.
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Re: In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

My Friend,
Unfortunately, my travel to the north began with a small hiccup. The weather here is much worse than I expected, and, of course, it turned out that I was completely unprepared for this. Now that I think about it, this probably shouldn't be such a big surprise. It may be the end of winter, but still cold enough, especially so far north of the Keep. But you know how sometimes I can be too focused on one thing and absolutely forget about everything else. However, please don't worry. On the way, I met some kind people who were happy to help with supplies and showed me the best road to Arkene. With all my love,
Your NN.
My Dear Friend,
I would be glad to tell you about my journey, but, to be honest, there is nothing to talk about here. It's basically snow and snow over and over again as far as your eyes can see. I suppose that you can imagine how quickly it became boring and dull. At least I have plenty of time to think about my searching. With their chosen profession, our mutual friend has a large number of enemies, each of whom would be happy to set a trap for them. But I know only a few who are enough skilled in potions to create something as interesting as rumors assume. With your passion for potions, I'm guess you know them all, too. I hope I find out the truth soon. I will write when I have more news,
With love,
My Dear,
I think Fortune favors me again. I arrived to the nearest village of Arkene, right in time for one of their big wandering fairs, which assemble people from all of this snowy frigid land. You can probably imagine the amount of gold that I gladly spent on the eggs of the rarest Arkenian creatures and other odd goods. I even got some souvenirs for you too. But sorry, my friend, I'm too distracted from the main news. Most importantly, I found the necessary information to continue my research. It wasn't even that difficult this time. A great number of people saw a black cobra at the last fair. You can guess how unusual and remarkable this event is for such a cold place. I have no idea what kind of magic they used to keep their snake from freezing in the middle of winter in the north. But now I have enough clues to suggest who was their companion and where to find them. I will write again as soon as I can,
Your NN.
From unsigned note
(The note is written in a hurry on a torn piece of paper)
Someone started investigating your case. I'll try not to let them to find out too much. For a good fee, of course.
My Friend,
You can't imagine what relief I felt when I realized that my assumption was right. Until this moment, all this was nothing more than a leap of faith. But very soon I hope to learn the truth. However, I think you are more interested in where my adventurous journey led me this time. And I will tell you. To the Dark Lake. You probably would think it's insane to travel so far from the Keep. And I'll be honest, it wasn't the easiest trip, but I don't regret it. The view of the lake is amazing, and the person I was looking for is now here. I'm going to meet them in a few hours, and I hope that they will be able to shed light on what happened. Wish me all luck,
Your NN.
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Re: In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

From lost journal
(Pages look rumpled and heavily stained with mud, but some of them are still readable)
...I never thought that traveling could be so boring. Only snow is everywhere. I have no doubt that if I hadn't been advised to follow the snow hares migrating further north, I would have lost my way in this cold white wasteland days ago. I hope I'll get to my destination soon enough...
Mar 1, Friday.
After long, boring days, I eventually arrived at one of the small villages of Arkene. And I'm glad that at least this part of my journey is complete now. But I didn't expect this place to be so crowded. It seems I have chosen the best time to visit this region. One of the famous wandering Arkenian fairs will begin tomorrow. So the village is full, and I could barely find a room to stay. At the very least, the fair will attract people and merchants from the whole land, and someone should know something useful for my research. But now I need a warm dinner and a good rest, because I feel that tomorrow will be a frantic day.
Mar 2, Saturday.
Rumors didn't lie, wandering fairs are really as big and grandiose as people say about them. I spent most of the day walking from one trading tent or cart to another and meeting merchants from all over Arkene and from many other lands. I have seen many eggs of rare Arkenian creatures, strange artifacts, useful elixirs and other strange and curious things. And of course, I left here half of my wallet. But I didn't forget about my investigation too. I had no doubt that such an interesting event should have attracted the attention of A. And I was right. Many people saw him and his snake at the last fair. I think he met with one of his local friends and informants there. And I know only one person who fits the description of these people. And if he is not here, he is probably enjoying his time on the Dark Lake now.
...I continue to travel further and further north. And with my movement, the weather is getting worse every day. Now I'm glad that I traded my pegasus for an ice gryphon at the fair. But sometimes flying even on a gryphon becomes too dangerous. A strong wind is trying to blow me off his back with every gust...
...I lost my way. A terrible blizzard overtook me a few hours ago. I was very lucky that I found a place to hide from the snow and wind and give my gryphon a rest. But after the blizzard stopped, I discovered that I have no idea where I am right now. The landscape has become completely unrecognizable. At least, it's almost dusk, and now the sky is clear, so I can probably navigate by the stars...
Mar 7, Thursday.
After all my troubles, I finally got to the Dark Lake. This is really a great and beautiful place. Black ice covering the surface of the lake looks like a dark smooth mirror framed by white snow. Maybe I can try skating after completing my search here. Must be the best place to start. However, at first I think that I'm going to visit a nearby shrine to ask for a favor and good luck in my investigation. For this special occasion, I have a few vetus and phoenix feathers for offerings. But I know that the person I'm looking for is also here. I hope that he will be able to tell me what happened to A. or at least what he hunted this time. I feel that I have almost reached the truth.
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Re: In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

From lost journal
(Pages look heavily chewed and spattered with saliva, but few of them are still readable)
Mar 8, Friday.
Honestly, I'm not sure what to think right now. My meeting with A.'s friend went much better than I expected. He was glad to tell me everything he knows, after learning what happened to A. It seems that this suspicious situation has begun to bother him too. Some time ago, he heard through the grapevine about an interesting potion. Not quite legal, of course. But not all things of A. usually are entirely legal anyway. Later, they met with the seller and bought a bunch of this potion. And that was the last time he saw A. Except, there is something strange and dubious about the setup, and something very familiar about the potion. But no, I probably just overthink it. However, A. has a stash in the Jungle of Raza, where he hid the rest of the potions. On my way back to the Keep, I think check it out to find out more.
...I heard that the Jungle of Raza is beautiful, but not the most friendly place, especially at night. Therefore, I'm going to try to complete my search there as soon as possible. At least I have a map. I hope this helps to find A.'s stash. I really need to prove or dispel my doubts, otherwise it will bother me forever...
...I met A. while I was researching the jungle. It wasn't completely unexpected. Of course, someone would help him escape. Now he was going to get rid of the rest of the potions, because they had caused him so many problems. However, it seems that some of the jungle creatures found them first. I hope that this won't be a reason of environmental disaster. But I got a chance to learn the truth first-hand...
My Dear Friend,
After a long travel and all my problems, I have to admit that my research has come to its disappointing end. You probably think that it was a stupid escapade from the very start, and you are right. All I learned a bunch of distrustful rumors that led me to nowhere. But at least I visited many new places, made new friends and bought many interesting goods. So my journey wasn't as useless as it might seem at first glance. However, a trip to the Jungle of Raza was undoubtedly not the best of my ideas. I will see you soon,
With all my love,
Your NN.
P.S. I hope my creatures don't miss me too much. I have never left them alone for so long before.
From unsent
(The letter seems to be torn, but the pieces have been carefully put together)
My Friend,
I don't want to believe it, but all the evidence suggests otherwise. I spent so much time chasing the truth, that now when I learned it, I'm not sure if it was worth it. Or what to do with it. But you probably already know what I'm talking about. After all this research, you can't imagine my surprise when every piece of clue led me not only back to the Keep, but also directly to your doors. It was very smart to set a trap first, and than help them escape. I must say that I can understand your motives. It's very tempting to have such a person in your debt. And I'm certain that you have calculated all your risks, because if they ever learn this truth, you're going to find youself in a great trouble. But please don't worry, your secret is safe with me now. I just don't understand why you didn't trust me. I would be glad to assist you with this fraud. I will return to the Keep soon,
Your NN.
P.S. You probably should get rid of any mention of your potion. It is very remarkable.
From stolen journal
Mar 17, Sunday.
Unfortunately, I lost my previous travel journal in the jungle when I was attacked by some wild animal. Such a shame. I should be glad that I managed to escape, and my only loss was a journal, and not something more vital, like my head. But I still can't stop mourning this. There was so much important information in it. I hope I can rewrite it from memory later. On a more positive note, I found several new types of eggs. They look like some kinds of ammits. But I hope they are not. Ammits usually live much farther south of the Keep, and we don't need more of them.
But, like everything else, my journey comes to the end. It was an interesting experience, even if the result of it was so unpredictable. I can already see glimpses of the Keep from the height of the flight of my gryphon. And I'm glad to return home. I missed all my critters so much. On my way back, I had a lot of time to think about the situation, and I'm still not sure if I can speak honestly with my friend again. I decided not to write what I discovered in the letter, this may be too dangerous. However, I need to make my mind soon. I'm almost here. Maybe some things are better left unseen and untold. I hope that in the end I'm going to make the right choice.
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Re: In Search of Truth - Incredible Journey of NN.

Post by NelwNoll »

Hello! :wave: First, I must say that I'm sorry for my English, bad grammar and poor writing skills. I'm not a writer, and English isn't my first language. But it was interesting and funny, and I hope for you too. And honestly, I haven't written something so big since the uni. So this may not be the best work, but I tried. Thank you! <3

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