Come back, Alethin!

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Come back, Alethin!

Post by leica »

(It's a reenactment of an anonymous Magi)
(plus ps. It's just a tipster's guess. All situations can be fiction)

February 20th was the full moon, in this month.
As some of you know this full moon bring mystery shop.
But, this month, nothing happened. Nothing!

Originally, Black markets sell materials or creatures that are not sold in other shops.
So, Magi was looking forward to it.
Because Magi need new creature from Black market.
Magi looking for around, but don't see shop master Alethin.
Then Magi found the cart.
Alethin's black Raza Cobra, Adela slithering around with a slightly torn note around her neck.
"...Love Potions. Got caught. he thinks this is funny.
...knew they were illegal."
Adela is Alethin's friend, so Magi think Adela is know something it.
But Adela don't move, Magi don't get any information.

So, Magi decided to think based on the torn part.
Once thought of the torn part, Aleldin succeeded in developing a Love Potion.
He seems to have tried to sell it or further study it.
But someone called it illegal.
Magi remembered referring to the gunfire as if it were Alethin's past.
But Magi didn't know it was illegal, and the memo called it illegal.
Because Potion is not illegal, at least in the current Keep.
So it seems that Alethin was tracked by someone who could define Alethin's research as illegal.
Who's that kind of person?
Alethin traded rare creatures or materials for the black market. So someone might be jealous of Alethin. Or he would have hoped that his research would not proceed any further.
Magi thought this might be why Alethin disappeared.

Magi decided to look for Alethin because Magi had been helped with his research materials.
Magi went back to Keep to look for rumors, but the black market was not open, and only the hum of anxious people was heard.
Magi tried to get information, but he didn't earn much it.
Magi headed back to where the black market had opened, where Magi found a new clue.
"...planning my escape.
Someone must have figured out ... route.
...reaching out to all my ...
... may lay low for a while."
But some of the ink has been smudged off, Magi don't see all clue.

(to be continue...)
Last edited by leica on March 17th, 2019, 11:25:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Come back, Alethin!

Post by leica »

Then a petition began to come up here and there to release Alethin.
Someone call it 'Free Alethin'.
Someone risked gold, someone risked his own creatures.
Magi don't know who the customers of the black market, but Magi know that the black market is used by many customers.
As the customers were all trying, Magi thought everything would soon be in place.

But a new incident broke out, sneering at the idea.
It was a new hybrid that was recently discovered.
People's attention has been shifted to the new hybrid.
Magi thought this was strange.
Ridan said he heard a strange rumor about the hybrids.
Magi went to ask Ridan about the rumor.
Ridan said it.
Hello, everyone.
I've been hearing these strange rumors lately. From what I have gathered, there have been sightings of a green colored ammit wondering around. Some even said to have seen mist hovering around it, almost like a mist stalker.
Given the nature of ammits and mist stalkers, any hybrid produced by them would be considered extremely dangerous. Because of this, I felt the need to let you all know. I ask that, if any of you see any signs of the supposed ammit, please contact me straight away.
I now have to go and trim the trees on a few rekantums.They are starting to look unsightly.
He said that breeding was banned for a long time.
Why is it breeding now?
Magi had questioned and went to the shop to buy things for her trip.

Trading Post's master said it.
Oh, and don't mind those two cranky hooded figures in the corner. They keep babbling about a jet black snake slithering towards the Keep's gardens, but everybody knows black snakes only live in the South and never wander elsewhere.
And Artificer Shop's master said it.
You are searching for the wares for something to buy when you notice an empty slot in the shelves. Only a single black scale lies on the floor in front of it. You ask the shopkeeper what was in the slot and they tell you it was just some old prototype, a small snake like automaton that could, under certain conditions, turn into several keys.
Magi was surprised by the notice.
Because Magi was actually thinking the case was a profit fight between the shops.
Magi thinks of a quiet shop, Remy's Inn.
Remy is as sensitive to information as he has many products.
And Remy runs a pub, so he's probably heard a lot.
But, Remy is quiet.
Come to think of it, Remy was full of pride about the shop.
The finest ale in the land, as well as rare creatures from across the world
Remy always used this phrase to introduce the shop.
But what if someone started selling rarer creatures secretly?
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Re: Come back, Alethin!

Post by leica »

I've been running this little shack since the takeover of Synara
Remy was said it. So Magi decided to go to the Synara city.
Much to your amusement, they do. Of course many magis would doubtless find this blasphemy, but perhaps you simply won't tell them.
When Magi was exploring the Synara, Magi suddenly remembered Talyn.
He said "Alethin led me into Alveus and got me thrown in jail for bein' a magi!", Magi had forgotten.

Magi go to Alveus, and thought of the information Magi heard about Alveus.
A series of city-states make up civilization in the lake-filled region to the west. Each city state has its own ruler and trade between the city-states is generally friendly, though there are sometimes skirmishes that arise.The history of this region is fraught with conflict despite the easy peace currently. The flat expanse of land between lakes made it easy for the biggest battles of past wars to be fought here, and the mage wars especially are well remembered in the region. As a result, people tend to distrust mages and magical creatures, and those with magical abilities are tolerated as oddities at best if they are helpful, and driven out at worst.
If Alethin was successful here?
Then it is of course illegal.
Magi felt like she had found a small clue.

And Talyn also said it.
What was I doin' in Synara? Nothing, really.
But before, I've been all over! Boreus, Tetzcoatl, even over and under the oceans! Did you know there are underwater ice caverns in the ice near Boreus? Someone should really explore them! I just gotta figure out how to deal with the cold, and, you know, the no air.
What? Eureka!
The Dark Lake!
Water from Boreus is sourced from Dark Lake.
Alethin will be in the Dark Lake!

Come to think of it, Alveus is a market that Remy wants to pioneer.
If Alveus and Remy have partnership?
Then Alethin couldn't have escaped.
It's not illegal here, but it's illegal there, so it's understandable.
emy would be a boon to get rid of a strong competitor.

So Magi go to Dark Lake.
And called Glacial koi. Because they have useful magic.
Glacial koi fish enables the master to breathe under water for short periods of time.
As the magi slowly reached the bottom of the pond, there was an incarcerated Alethin.
Breaking up the prison surrounding Alethin and arriving on the surface with Glacial Koi.
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Re: Come back, Alethin!

Post by leica »


Vetus picked us up and flew to keep.
Alethin woke up and asked what had happened.
But Alethin seemed very shocked, and didn't want to mention the incident.
Magi wondered if his guess was right, but he decided to be satisfied because he had saved Alethin.
Alethin could not use his magic, so he was kidnapped.
Magi thought it might be the mysterious power of Alveus.
While he was being kidnapped, he said he saw black and green fur.
Magi speculated that it would be Mist and Telvian Ammits.
And Magi seemed to know why Mist and Telvian Ammits suddenly appeared.
It was a hybrid to move the Alethin.
Their darkness and fog would have helped.
Alethin decided to open the black market again as soon as he got his head back on.
Remy is still silent.
Magi decided to remain anonymous because someone might have been more involved.

Magi is looking at Alethin leaving.
Magi hopes to see Alethin again this month's full moon.


-Thank you for reading!
-I use Google Translator and English dictionary, so something wrong sentence... T_T

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