Magistream 10 year anniversary!

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Magistream 10 year anniversary!

Post by Rosehill »

The month of May has always been special for Magistream, mainly due to it being Magistream's birthday month. This year is no different in that regard, except it is, because Magistream turns 10!

10 years is quite a lot, so we're throwing a huge party for the whole month, and everyone's invited! This is what's going to happen for starters:

May 1st:
  • To celebrate 10 years, a new special shop appears! The Celebratory Shop features some of the most wanted and iconic creatures on the site. The shop is available up to and including May 31st EDT.
  • Eggslot amount will be raised by 2 some time during May 1st. You will be able to get 7 regular eggs, 9 if the last two of them are Donation Pet eggs. The raised eggslots are in effect up to and including May 31st EDT.
May 5th:
  • New creatures appear in the stream. They will flood the stream up to and including May 11th, after which they will appear in the stream (but not flood) up to and including May 31st EDT after which they will be gone.
  • Gifting will start. Sending gifts will be available up to and including May 18th EDT. Opening gifts will be possible starting from May 19th. For those new to the site or gifting events, here's a quick break-down as to what gifting means:
    • You can gift unfrozen eggs and hatchlings to other users.
    • In order to gift a creature, click on "Give" on the creature's page or next to the creature in your keep view, fill in the recipient's username, fill in a note if you want, and send it.
    • You can gift an unlimited amount of creatures, but only three creatures to any one person.
    • You can receive a maximum of 25 presents. In order to see how many presents you have, go to your Keep page and scroll to the bottom. If you see no mention of presents then you don't have any yet.
    • There will not be a gift-born creature but you will receive a badge for gifting.
  • Remy will start serving a new drink. The drink will be available up to and including May 31st EDT.
Other things will also happen during May to celebrate the 10 year anniversary, so stay tuned!

For questions, comments and reminiscing please use the Community Discussion thread: 8-community-discussion/223453-year-anniversary.html
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Re: Magistream 10 year anniversary!

Post by Rosehill »


Image <3 <3 <3 Image

(Roughly) On this day 10 years ago Magistream was born, so today marks the 10th anniversary of the site. To celebrate this specific day, a couple things happen!
  • Creature 1000 is released! See more info on the Creature Release News
  • 20 new achievements are available!
10 years is a feat, and we're not done celebrating yet, as the party goes on for the whole month, so stay tuned!
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Re: Magistream 10 year anniversary!

Post by Rosehill »

As the end of the month is drawing close, we're rolling out a few small things to close off the celebrations that we hope will make everyone's Magistream experience a little bit more enjoyable.

-A "Back to top" link is now available at the bottom right of every page. We hope this benefits especially those who have large amounts of creatures in a tab and want to get back up quickly after scrolling to the bottom.

-Drunken text is no longer in use in the Reindeer Games section. We hope this makes posting eggs a lot more stress-free for everyone.

-Achievements page now shows the progress of how close you are to achieving the locked ones.

-The Bestiary now shows on an individual species' page in which tabs you have that species.

We also have a lot of things planned for the future as well, and we wholeheartedly thank you all for sticking with us for 10 years, 5 years, a year, a day, for however long you've been here, and we hope you'll continue to explore and get excited about the site with us in the future as well! <3 <3

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