Magistream's new and shiny era

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Magistream's new and shiny era

Post by Rosehill »

As I'm sure many of you noticed, the site had a planned downtime from the evening of September 19th to the early hours of September 20th.

We want to tell you a little more about that and what it means for the site.

The site has been running on a good old server fondly called Willow, for several years. As is customary for technology, it gets outdated pretty fast. Yet Willow has been keeping us all going and the site running mostly without an incident.

At some point the actual physical server needed to be moved out from where it was previously located. The new location proved to be satisfactory for a while, though the server was at a greater risk of being cut off from electricity or network connection. This risk got magnified, and the site kept experiencing more and more internet connection and power outage problems causing the site to go down more frequently during spring and summer 2019.

So, some measures were taken during September and the whole site was moved to a cloud based system. Madd did all the heavy lifting, and now we have the same old, but a lot nicer, smoother and shinier Magistream! This means that the speed of the site should be improved. It means that the stability of the site should be improved. In theory the site should never go down again. It means we're also hopeful the site can now handle the load of the site events much better!

The site now also uses https instead of http which means the data traffic to and from the site is encrypted.

Some of other the stuff under the hood also got an update, and with a site as old as Magistream, that caused some incompatibility issues, which you all encountered once the site came back up. Almost everything should be fixed, or being worked on at the moment, but as we may have still missed something, if you encounter any more trouble, please let us know in the Report site errors here thread.

Our creative team of advisors, mods and artists have many a thing planned for future, both in terms of improvements to the user experience and event wise, and we're excited to see what possibilities we can explore!

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