what book(s) have you read recently.

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what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by bookrage »

Hello all,

as one would expect from a guy who calls himself "Bookrage" I am crazy about books. I thought we could get a bit of fun by talking a bit about books that we've read recently.

If you want to post, just say what book you've read recently and a bit about what it is about, and of course, if you like, what you thought of it.

I'll start.

I read a lot of classics and I just recently finished reading the play "Oedipus rex" which is a tragedy written in Ancient Greece.

Oedipus is the child of the King of Thebes but a prophecy says that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. A series of events goes int affect that we learn about to prevent the horrible events that were predicted, but it turns out all the preventative methods cause the prophecy to come true rather than stopping it, leading to the horrible Revelation Oedipus discovers at the end of the play.

The play is meant to show that fate works in unusual ways and one cannot fight against it. as all the methods used to prevent the prophecy lead to it coming true.

It's not a long play, and it's an easy read. All the action happens off-stage so despite the mariage to the mother thing, there's no weird scenes you have to worry about.
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by AnbuAnimagus »

I'm working on the Maze Runner series, currently on book three. It's a post-apocalyptic world with a group of people trying to save it. Most of them are only teenagers. Kind of a bizarre read what with the real-life pandemic, but a good one none-the-less!
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by bookrage »

I've heard of the Maze Runner series, though I haven't picked it up or even seen the movies based on it. It comes up on the jeopardy game I play a lot on my Echo though so I figure I need to learn more about it.

Just a few minutes ago I finished reading "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith. This book is pretty much where the idea of free market captialism comes from. While some of his ideas like having little government oversight at all over business or leaving business completely alone will cause it to work itself out, it has a lot of good and sensical insight, with mathematical demonstrations that aren't too hard to get as long as you can do percentages and division, the explain his theory.

An interesting thing though that Smith argues that a lot of people who support things in that book seem to forget is that he says it is a good idea to treat your employees and workers well, to pay employees of your companies well, and to make sure they can easily get the necessaries of life without difficulty or hardship as such behavior is better for the economy in the long run.
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by lemonissourUwU »

oh i remember adam smith from my history class. i am still confused by what he wrote lol

ive been waiting for a while for the next wings of fire book to come out, but that isnt avaliable until like a month later. uh. honestly ive only been reaidng fanfics since qurantine started so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by Dragonstar526 »

I have been reading a lot of books recently (Like always lol.)!
1. Warrior cats! I'm just waiting for the new books to come out! :hooray:
2. Jinxed and Unleashed! Great books for people who like robots and animals! <3
3. Hello, Universe. I have not finished it yet, but its a good book so-far! :derr:

I would recommend all of these books to everyone!

Note: Warrior Cats is a large series!
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by Raptus »

American Gods - I recieved it for Christmas, but it took a while to get to it.
Also, the Agent Pendergast novels - now to wait for another book in the series.
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by Challenger007 »

I recently read books by Gerald Brom, started reading Catch Me If You Can. There are plans to read Bernard Weber and Frederick Buckman.
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by bookrage »

recently I read "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection," By Charles Darwin. Even if you don't believe in evolution, you should look at it and see his reasons for his belief in that theory (he didn't invent it and it even was thought about in ancient Greece.) What I like about the book is it is a very learned book, but Darwin is very clear about things that he does not know and does not have the knowledge to answer. He also treats objections to the theory very fairly.

It is quite the interesting read, though some of the scientific racism of the time is in there. Also in interests of full disclosure, I am a believer in evolution.
From out of the depths of the public domain, comes a man, well-read with a book under his arm at all times

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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by Leafwing »

currently reading the whole 7 (8?) series of Warrior Cats as well as the Warrior Cat super editions and comic books. wish me luck! plan to be done in like a year.
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Re: what book(s) have you read recently.

Post by Siruka »

I've recently read the "God's End" trilogy by Michael McBride.
What first feels like realistic fiction turns into a somewhat disturbing horror fantasy novel real quickly. God is testing humanity's ability to survive by unleashing the four horsemen of apocalypse onto earth, bringing scourges upon humanity. Life on earth is decimated and the last humans find themselves facing an adversary stronger than they would've ever imagined.

I loved reading the books but sadly you won't find them in any bookstores as the trilogy is no longer printed. But if you find them on amazon or other marketplaces go grab it, it's absolutely worth it in my opinion! :woo:

After that I started reading the divergent trilogy now to relax a bit. I read gods end in english (not my mother tongue) and now divergent in german again because reading in another language can be quite exhausting yet really fun.
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